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生物地理区系的形成与演化,是研究古板块位置,漂移方向和会聚过程的有效标志,但生物地理区系的划分又必须在严格的年代地层对比基础上进行。作者经数次的野外剖面测制,收集各类化石标本加以研究。同时广泛收集前人化石研究成果,经仔细核实研究,确定了臭牛沟组命名剖面上的生物化石分布实况。进一步证明臭牛沟组是一个跨统的岩石地层单位,上、下石炭统的界线在其上部通过。  相似文献   
太阳顶群是一套黑色含碳硅质碎屑岩系,化石贫乏。笔者1988年在拉尔玛地区该群拉尔玛组上部发现有CylindrochitesdaiznuangziensisLiu和HyoLithellusqingheesisLiu等微体小壳化石,分别相当于陕西宁强、湖北房县、四川峨嵋麦坪和云南昆明梅树村产的Hyolithessp。和Auabarites-Circotheca化石组合,是下寒武统底部梅树村阶的标准带。根据微体小壳化石组合和岩性特征,将原太阳顶群拉尔玛组的上部,以铁质条带硅质板岩风化壳为标志的沉积间断为底界,时代定为下寒武统。将拉尔玛组中下部以下地层,时代定为上震旦统。  相似文献   
Using the data set of about 1 Hz Lg amplitudes from 80 stations in the six eastern provinces of China, the ratios of horizontal to vertical amplitude of Lg waves,H/Z are determined. The mean lg(H/Z)-value is equal to 0.13. For the station bases of soft deposit,granite and sedimentary rock, lg(H/Z)-values average 0.55, 0.04 and 0.10, respectively. For the three kinds of station bases, the station terms of horizontal amplitude,C h average 0.65, −0.09 and 0.00; that of vertical amplitude,C z average 0.32, −0.04 and 0.00, respectively. There are the relations betweenC h ,C z and lg(H/Z):C h =0.01+2.10C z andC h =−0.15+1.46 lg(H/Z). The Chinese version of this paper appeared in the Chinese edition ofActa Seismologica Sinica,13, 281–286, 1991. Project sponsored by the Chinese Joint Seismological Science Foundation.  相似文献   
李通国 《甘肃地质》1995,4(2):32-43
岷礼东部-湘潭子一带蕴藏着甘肃省最大的金矿床和铅锌矿庆。主要控矿地层为中泥盆统,该套地层地球化学条件优越,断裂构造十分发育,岩浆活动非常强烈,是金及多金属矿床的有利成矿地段。区内矿床可划分为四大系列,6个类型。利用地球化学特征,分析主要控矿因素对成矿的控制作用;总结主要矿种的成矿规律;筛选出3个找矿远景区。  相似文献   
本区位于龙首山山系西部,属甘肃省重要的铜、镍金属矿远景成矿带。利用大比例尺航天、航空像片及计算机功能处理片对桃花拉山一带地质构造作了详细解译,首次圈出青龙山菱块构造和环形构造,结合已有地质、矿产、物化探成果进行综合研究,提出了桃花拉山,青龙山遥感找矿模式,为开展矿产普查工作提供了有效地质信息。  相似文献   
下扬子区中生代(231Ma)玄武质火山岩全岩εNd(t)值-8.62~1.92,87Sr/86Sr 值0.7074~0.7179,206Pb/204Pb值为17.786~18.323。岩石中含有前寒武纪捕虏晶锆石。研究表明玄武质岩石可能是由亏损地幔与元古宙地壳岩石混染作用的结果。  相似文献   
扬子地台周缘钾镁煌斑岩 Nd、Sr同位素特征介于南非Ⅰ、Ⅱ型金伯利岩和西澳与北美钾镁煌斑岩两种变化趋势之间,不同岩区间同位素组成差异反映地台周边构造性质不同,Pb同位素特征表明晚太古代地幔岩石圈具U亏损特征。  相似文献   
Based on the knowing geochemical characteristics of wall rock in the Mobin gold deposit and composition of fluid inclusion in ore,water-rock experiments were carried out,important achievements are acquired as following: Gold is mainly derived from the ore-bearing wall rock,i,e.,a series of epimetamorphic clastic gritstone,sandy slate,and tuffaceous slate in the Wuqiang Banxi Formation,Wuqiangxi Group.In thermal system with middle-low temperature chlorine gold may be derived form stable complex ions,so it is quite important in gold metallogenic process.Sulphur and chlorine perform as the major negative ions throughout the gold activation and migration movement.The concentration of sulphur and chlorine ions,pH value and temperature are of deciding significance for gold activation,migration and precipitation.  相似文献   
The topological structure of the electric topological current of the locally gauge invariant Maxwell-Chern-Simons Model and its bifurcation is studied. The electric topological charge is quantized in term of winding number. The Hopf indices and Brouwer degree labeled the local topological structure of the electric topological current. Using Φ-mapping method and implicit function theory, the electric topological current is found generating or annihilating at the limit points and splitting or merging at the bifurcate points. The total electric charge holds invariant during the evolution. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Geotechnical and Geological Engineering - A set of splitting cracks often occur in the high side wall of the deep underground hydropower station due to the excavation-induced unloading during the...  相似文献   
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