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新疆和中亚五国山河相连,都是"一带一路"建设的重要支点,但也是滑坡、泥石流等斜坡灾害的高发区,且两地的地质灾害发育有着明显的共性.本文对新疆和中亚地区的斜坡灾害研究现状进行综述,分析了两地斜坡灾害形成机理、发育规律,即中高山地分布集中,受降雨和冰雪融水影响很大,黄土滑坡发育.新疆的斜坡灾害研究多围绕公路、水利等工程设施...  相似文献   
鹤岗煤田深部煤炭资源潜力分析研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据矿区已有地质资料,从构造、沉积古地理环境分析,认为鹤岗煤田深部与煤田现生产区属同一个沉积环境,其古构造条件、沉积体系及成煤环境相同,煤田深部预测区是生产区的延深。依据钻探、物探对深部构造及煤层的控制,证实煤田深部煤层发育较稳定,具有一定的煤炭资源潜力,值得进一步勘查和开发利用。  相似文献   
Li  Shi-min  Cui  Pu  Zhang  Shuai  Liu  Wen-tao  Peng  Yu-xiang 《中国海洋工程》2020,34(6):828-839
China Ocean Engineering - This study is concerned with the dynamic characteristics of bubbles near two connected walls (one horizontal and the other inclined with an obtuse angle from the...  相似文献   
Based on data obtained from field investigations, this paper aims to analyze the influence of the river overflow on the desert riparian vegetation and discuss the function of the river overflow on the vegetation restoration at the lower Tarim River. The results show that (1) there are only 17 species, 13 genera and 9 families in the study areas before river overflow, while there are 34 species, 26 genera and 12 families after the overflowing in which 18 species emerged newly; (2) judging by the biodiversity indices, the species diversity and species richness in the river overflowed area increase more significantly than those in the un-overflow area; (3) judging by the importance of different species after years of river overflowing, the annual herbs germinate quickly at first, while the perennial herbs with deep roots or root clones become dominant in the plant community; (4) after several times of river overflowing, some arbors and shrubs such as Populus euphratica and Tamarix ramosissima germinate easily and can dominate gradually in the plant community. The results indicate that the river overflowing restores the severely degraded ecosystem in the lower Tarim River and the function is connected with restoration of eco-hydrological processes in the study areas. The results suggest that experimental overflowing has initiated a process of restoring ecosystem function within the riparian forest.  相似文献   
吉林省东南部通化地区广泛出露早前寒武纪花岗质片麻岩类,其岩石组成、形成时代和成因对深化认识华北克拉通东北缘早期地壳形成演化历史具有重要意义。本文系统的岩石学、锆石U-Pb年代学、元素和Lu-Hf同位素地球化学等研究结果表明,这些花岗质片麻岩类按照SiO2质量分数总体可划分为高硅和低硅两组:前者主要由二长花岗质片麻岩、奥长花岗质片麻岩及英云闪长质片麻岩组成,其原岩形成于2 549~2 557 Ma;而后者由石英二长闪长质片麻岩及花岗闪长岩质片麻岩组成,其原岩形成于2 534~2 552 Ma;并且两组岩石都含有约2 600 Ma的捕获锆石,共同遭受了约2 500 Ma变质作用的影响。地球化学分析结果显示,低硅岩组具有较高的MgO、CaO、Na2O质量分数,属于高钾—中钾钙碱性系列,并且富集LREE、亏损HREE和HFSE;与之相比,高硅岩组则具有较低的MgO和CaO质量分数,显示更强烈的轻、重稀土元素分馏以及Nb、Ta、P、Ti等亏损的特征;但两者均具有较弱的正或负Eu异常。结合区域最新研究成果,认为研究区低硅和高硅两组岩石应具有相同的源区,其形成可能与大洋板片俯冲、岩浆底侵引起的地壳部分熔融作用有关。此外,两组岩石具有相似的εHft)值(2.72~7.95)和模式年龄(2.86~2.55 Ga),暗示区域主要存在新太古代晚期地壳生长事件;结合区域内变质火山岩的研究进展,认为吉林省东南部通化地区花岗质片麻岩类可能形成于活动大陆边缘的构造背景。  相似文献   
The magma evolution of Tianchi volcano, Changbaishan   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The Changbaishan Tianchi volcano is composed of the basaltic rocks at the shield-forming stage, the trachyte and pantellerite at the cone-forming stage and modern eruption. Studies on their REE, incompatible elements and Sr, Nd, Pb isotopes suggest that rocks at different stages have a common magma genesis and close evolution relationship with differentiation crystallization playing the key role. The co-eruption of basaltic trachyandesite magma and pantellerite magma indicates that there exist both crustal magma chamber and mantle magma reservoir beneath the Tianchi volcano. Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 49672109).  相似文献   
Glass-etched micromodel and visualization technology were used to research the removal mechanisms of residual light non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPLs) droplets at pore scale. In this research, n-hexadecane was selected as the LNAPL model substance. During the injection of de-ionized water into the pore channel, residual n-hexadecane droplet was removed quickly at first, then gradually became slow and finally remained nearly invariable; the droplet size after a definite time depends on its initial value. The relationship between total volume of residual n-hexadecane and time can be described by a logarithmic equation: V = V 0 − 0.0152lnt + 0.0360 (0 < t < 9,420, R 2 = 0.9621). Based on percolation theory, the relationship between fluid percolation velocity in pores and time was determined through the analysis of residual n-hexadecane droplet size and the flowing characteristics of injected fluid. Gaussian model was used to fit the cumulated dissolved n-hexadecane, the correlation coefficient R 2 = 0.97269. The removal process of n-hexadecane in network model experiment is similar to that of the sand column flushing experiment, which indicates that the mass transfer micro-mechanism of network model experiment could be used to interpret the results of column flushing experiment.  相似文献   
周莉蓉 《四川测绘》2001,24(3):122-124
在目前流行的计算机制图中,必须面对如何解决使用不同投影的地图资料的问题,本文从实际应用的角度出发,介绍并讨论解决方法及应用手段。  相似文献   
Reinforced concrete structure may exhibit significant inelastic hysteretic behavior when subject to strong earthquake excitation. To investigate such an inelastic behavior, in this study, a new system identification technique is applied by using the deteriorating distributed element (DDE) model to simulate the hysteretic behavior of a degrading structure. Through the advanced signal processing technique, the multiple singular spectrum analysis (SSA) and the nonlinear SSA, the recorded inelastic restoring force of a deteriorating structure can be decomposed into several independent additive components in its sequentially degrading order and with decreasing weight. With each decomposed hysteresis loop, the model parameters of the DDE model are identified. The evolutionary properties of the progressive stiffness degradation behavior of reinforced concrete structure can be observed from the identified model parameters. Finally, comparison on the physical properties of the identified DDE model with respect to the seismic response data of the deteriorating structure is also discussed. The result shows that the proposed identification technique can have a good estimation on the seismic behavior of the degrading structure. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
矿产预测实质上就是对成矿系统演化过程精确性表达的探索,现代信息科学的发展为理解成矿系统的非线性特性以及信息运动过程提供了必要的理论基础。通过信息与成矿信息、虚拟现实技术与成矿预测可视化和信息模型与成矿系统三个方面探讨信息科学的发展与矿产预测之间的紧密联系,预测未来成矿预测将向定量化、精细化的方向发展,对矿的定位预测从以分析为主向分析与综合相结合方向发展。  相似文献   
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