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以广播星历为起算轨道的北斗卫星实时滤波精密定轨往往需要较长收敛时间,针对此,提出利用超快速精密星历约束的实时精密定轨方法。通过MGEX跟踪网全球分布的51个测站连续7 d的实测数据,利用平方根信息滤波对北斗卫星实时精密轨道进行确定,并以3 d解事后轨道作为参考,评估北斗卫星实时滤波轨道精度。结果表明,利用广播星历作起算轨道时,北斗实时滤波轨道平均需要经过15 h收敛才能达到稳定,而新方法在这段时间内轨道变化较为平稳,未出现明显的收敛现象,并且7 d时间内GEO卫星在切向、法向和径向上RMS分别优于2.5 m、20 cm和30 cm,IGSO和MEO卫星在3个方向上分别优于30 cm、15 cm和10 cm。
利用磁静日时序叠加方法和FFT频谱分析方法对红池坝地电场观测资料进行逐月处理,并与巫山建坪台地磁观测资料进行对比,分析红池坝地电场静日变化特征;计算红池坝台站磁暴期间产生的感应电场,与地电场观测数据对比,分析地电暴的特征。结果表明,静日随着月份的变化,相位发生变化,与巫山建坪地磁Sq变化一致;1月、2月、11月、12月的地电场日变幅明显小于其他月份;地电场显著周期成分与磁静日地磁场相同,并且通过周期成分的逐月对比分析得到,地电场与地磁D分量的不同周期成分的频谱值随时间的变化基本一致;某一方向的地电暴与该垂直方向的磁暴和该地区的电性结构有关;地电暴观测值与地磁感应电流计算值呈线性关系;地电暴变化与K值呈指数关系。  相似文献   
国家资源环境安全要素的综合评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
资源环境安全问题始终是世界各国持续发展的核心任务和基本需求。考虑到单要素和整体两大分析方法的不足 ,作者提出了一种具有针对性的要素综合分析方法。根据世界 10个人口 1亿以上国家的抽样分析表明 ,土地、水资源、矿产及生态环境的整体状态是决定国家资源环境安全的基本要素群体。与此同时 ,为了改善国家 ,特别是发展中国家的资源环境脆弱状态和提高其稳定程度 ,第一是严格控制人口增长 ;第二是努力推进本国资源环境开发的国际化进程 ;第三是增大智力投入以提高资源深化加工程度 ;第四是加大本国生态环境保护力度。  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION In southern high latitudes, recent observations have shown a standing mode of ACW (Antarctic Circumpolar Wave) with eastward propagation across the Southern Ocean of the Antarctic in co- varying SST (sea surface temperature) and SLP (sea le…  相似文献   
IntroductionSpatial index is the data structure between spatialoperation algorithms and spatial data objects, and itis usually used to improve the efficiency of spatialdata operations. Spatial index is one of the funda-ment techniques to manage the spatia…  相似文献   
During the last decade, the widely distributed shrublands in northern China have shown significant signs of recovery from desertification, the result of widespread conservation practices. However, to support the current efforts in conservation, more knowledge is needed on surface energy partitioning and its biophysical controls. Using eddy‐covariance measurements made over a semi‐arid shrubland in northwest China in 2012, we examined how surface energy‐balance components vary on diurnal and seasonal scales, and how biophysical factors control bulk surface parameters and energy exchange. Sensible heat flux (H) exceeded latent heat flux (λE) during most of the year, resulting in an annual Bowen ratio (β, i.e. H/λE) of 2.0. λE exceeded H only in mid‐summer when frequent rainfall co‐occurred with the seasonal peak in leaf area index (LAI). Evapotranspiration reached a daily maximum of 3.3 mm day?1, and summed to 283 mm yr?1. The evaporative fraction (EF, i.e. λE/Rn), Priestley–Taylor coefficient (α), surface conductance (gs) and decoupling coefficient (Ω) were all positively correlated with soil water content (SWC) and LAI. The direct enhancement of λE by high vapour pressure deficit (VPD) was buffered by a concurrent suppression of gs. The gs played a direct role in controlling EF and α by mediating the effects of LAI, SWC and VPD. Our results highlight the importance of adaptive plant responses to water scarcity in regulating ecosystem energy partitioning, and suggest an important role for revegetation in the reversal of desertification in semi‐arid areas. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
鲁东古近纪煤田含煤地层特征及找煤方向分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
昌乐五图煤田和黄县煤田是鲁东地区发现的两个古近纪煤田,含煤地层时代属于中始新世,均为富含褐煤和油页岩的沉积建造。煤系中部均发育一段厚度20~30m的紫红色砂砾岩夹泥岩(或粘土岩),将煤系分为上下两部分;煤系底部为厚层杂色砂砾岩、砾岩和角砾岩等粗碎屑岩,具有很好的可比性。推断在黄县煤田向西到羊角沟沿海一带,五图煤田以东的潍坊—昌邑一带和以西的昌乐、临朐、益都等地,可能有同层位煤系赋存,建议将这些地区作为找煤重点区域。  相似文献   
固体矿产储量估算系统的研究与实现   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对固体矿产储量估算过程的详细调研,对储量估算过程中的单工程圈定算法、矿体剖面连接以及传统的储量估算方法中的平行剖面法和地质块段法做了详细研究,并针对储量计算的可视化及交互技术进行了研究,实现了一种基于Windows操作系统、MapGIS地理信息系统平台的固体矿产储量估算原型系统,实现了对固体矿产勘查数据的有效存储、管理、可视化分析及评价。  相似文献   

扬子板块西北缘碧口微地块华严寺地区碧口群之上发育一套含砾沉积地层,其确切沉积时限对研究该区域的沉积—构造演化具有重要意义。本文对该套地层中的2件砂岩样品进行了碎屑锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb测年分析,结果显示,锆石晶型较好,无色透明,磨圆度较差,具典型岩浆生长振荡环带和韵律结构,Th/U比值为0.28~3.6,锆石U-Pb年龄介于706~2489 Ma之间。存在3个主要的年龄组:新元古代年龄组(706~951 Ma),占92.9%,显著峰值为850 Ma和843 Ma;中元古代年龄组(1017~1080 Ma),占2.6%;古元古代年龄组(1628~2489 Ma),占4.5%。最小年龄组为706~715 Ma(峰值为711 Ma),结合区域地质和研究资料,华严寺地区沉积地层时代应属于南华纪,沉积时限约为720~635 Ma,物源区主要包括扬子板块西北缘碧口微地块以及南东侧的后龙门山构造带和汉南—米仓山微地块。新元古代晚期碧口微地块及扬子板块西北缘后碰撞—裂解阶段,华严寺地区南华纪沉积为碧口微地块及邻区新元古代岩浆岩在边缘裂谷环境中快速堆积形成。

China has suffered from severe earthquake disasters in recent years. In order to explore the impact of severe earthquakes on public risk perception on different time scales, four surveys were conducted twice each after the severe Wenchuan and Yushu earthquakes. t tests were performed between two consecutive surveys to explore the change of public risk attitudes. The results demonstrated that after the two severe earthquakes, the public seismic risk acceptance has increased over time, and the comparison between pre- and post-Yushu earthquake illustrated that the severe disaster had more impact on vulnerable population such as females, children and low-income people. Moreover, linear regression models were employed to find the determining factors of public acceptance towards earthquake risks. It was discovered that the public perceived earthquake effect had significant negative relationship with seismic risk acceptance, and public trust towards local government had positive relationship with the risk acceptance. This study could help government to gain better understanding of public mental status and take more effective disaster preparedness measures when preventing and responding to a severe earthquake.  相似文献   
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