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简要地阐述了河南省西部铝土矿形成的地质背景、矿体特征、地球物理特性;探讨利用大功率电法勘查铝土矿的方法技术;举例说明大功率电法的找矿效果,客观地指出了目前存在的问题,对今后工作提出了自己的看法。  相似文献   
袁虎强  孙豪 《测绘科学》2021,46(9):130-135,167
针对原理相似,但空间邻域类型、相似性准则不同导致的基于区域生长的点云分割方法对同一数据具有不同分割效果的问题,该文介绍了现有的5种基于区域生长的点云分割方法的基本原理.5种方法可以归纳为两种分割过程,即逐点生长和表面生长.所采用的分割准则包括法线向量夹角、点到拟合平面距离和曲率等.另外,不同的分割方法采用不同的分割策略,即使在使用相同的生长准则情况下,仍然会得到有显著差别的分割结果.实验结果表明,区域生长过程中采用RANSAC优化的邻域与法线向量的方法可以有效解决平面相交区域次优分割、过分割问题,而且该方法仅使用法线向量夹角生长准则即可得到较好的分割效果.  相似文献   
频率在3~30 kHz的甚低频(VLF,Very Low Frequency)波具有较小的传播损耗和较高的趋肤深度,可以在地球-低电离层波导中实现长距离传输,广泛应用于航海导航、对潜通信等领域,且在电离层遥测方面具有十分重要的意义.基于武汉大学自主研发的VLF接收机在武汉接收的NWC(North West Cape)台站信号,本文通过分析2018年4月23日—2020年7月22日的观测数据研究了日出期间NWC信号的幅度响应及其特点和规律.结果表明NWC信号日出期间的幅度响应主要包括两种极小值结构:2个幅度极小值(SR1、SR2)的Type I结构和3个幅度极小值(SR1、SR2、SR3)的Type II结构.在以SR1出现时间为时间零点进行时序叠加分析后发现,Type I结构比Type II具有更强的规律性和稳定性.在Type I结构下,SR2出现时间的波动范围、平均值、标准差分别为43~65 min、54.2 min、4.4 min,而在Type II结构下,SR2和SR3出现时间的波动范围分别为48~93 min、80~120 min,平均值分别为64.7 min、96.4 min,标准差分别为10.2 min、11.7 min.在27个月的观测期内,3—7月份Type I结构的出现概率100%,未出现Type II结构,而在1—2月和8—12月Type I结构出现的概率明显下降,最低降至1月份的20.7%,而Type II在1月、2月、11月的出现概率均高于70%.按春秋分交替变化(周期1和周期2)的统计结果,在周期1内Type I和Type II结构出现的概率分别为91.5%、8.5%,而在周期2内Type I结构出现的概率降至41.9%,Type II结构出现概率则升至58.1%,这表示观测期间内Type II结构主要出现在秋冬季,春夏季发生概率较低.  相似文献   
新疆东天山地区白山钼矿床的成因分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
白山钼矿床位于东天山觉罗塔格构造带的东部,赋矿围岩为下石炭统干墩组的黑云母长英质角岩,矿化石英网脉发育.文章测得含矿石英脉中的石英流体包裹体δ18OSMOW值为9.1%O~10.0‰,平均9.425‰,与石英相平衡的水δ18OH2O值为3.357‰~4.257‰,平均为3.682‰;δDSMOW值为-105‰~- 69%,平均-89.25‰.氢氧同位素组成显示白山钼矿床的成矿流体是岩浆水与发生了水-岩作用的大气降水的混合热液,含矿流体以岩浆水为主,演化大气降水的加入是成矿物质沉淀的重要因素.测得辉钼矿的Re-Os等时线年龄为(227.7±4.3)Ma(MSWD=0.32),指示白山钼矿床形成于中三叠世.矿床地质特征和地球化学特征指示白山钼矿床是斑岩型矿床,推测成矿物质主要来自于矿体下部的矿化花岗(斑)岩体.此外,作者还探讨了白山钼矿床的成矿背景,认为矿床形成于挤压的构造环境,是受到同时代古特提斯洋闭合的陆内远程效应影响而产生的成岩成矿作用.  相似文献   
Contamination levels and profiles of 7 polychlorinated-p-dioxins, 10 polychlorinated furans (PCDD/Fs) and 12 dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were investigated in juvenile European flounder (Platichthys flesus) captured in different nursery areas in the northeastern Atlantic coast across its geographical distribution range. The toxic equivalent concentrations (WHO-TEQfish) were also determined in order to evaluate which P. flesus population was more exposed to dioxin-like toxicity. Juveniles caught in the Sørfjord (Norway) showed the lowest WHO-TEQfish concentration (0.052 pg WHO-TEQfish g−1 wet weight) whereas the highest value was observed in fish from the Wadden Sea (The Netherlands; 0.291 pg WHO-TEQfish g−1 ww), mainly due to the greater contribution of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin, the most toxic congener. Nonetheless, when comparing the results with existent tissue residue-based toxicity benchmarks, no adverse effects resulting from PCDD/Fs and dl-PCBs are expected to occur in flounder from the studied systems.  相似文献   
海洋涡旋数量大、分布广、含能高、裹挟强,是研究物质循环、能量级联和圈层耦合的理想载体。对涡旋的全生命周期追踪观测成为21世纪以来海洋遥感领域最重要的进展之一,并引发了新一轮涡旋研究的热潮。本文从涡旋的温度异常、物质示踪、旋转流场和闭合拓扑等特征出发,简述了红外辐射计、可见光扫描仪、微波高度计、合成孔径雷达等遥感技术在涡旋观测中的机理和方法,重点阐述了卫星高度计涡旋识别与追踪算法及其在涡旋形态学、运动学和动力学中的应用。基于虚拟星座下的多参数遥感,介绍了涡旋在海洋、大气、生态等交叉学科领域的前沿应用和最新进展。指出当前涡旋遥感发展面临的亚中尺度、垂直结构、跨学科研究等3大挑战,展望了新一代遥感技术在未来海洋科学特别是涡旋海洋学研究中的应用前景。  相似文献   
精灵4 RTK无人机搭载的相机配备1英寸2000万像素,支持0—90°俯仰角拍摄,可满足地理国情遥感解译样本拍摄要求.基于精灵4 RTK无人机拍摄遥感解译样本,不但可以解决不可到达区域样本拍摄问题,而且能自定义飞行拍摄模式,实现了遥感解译样本拍摄自动化、智能化,丰富了遥感解译样本数据的获取手段,大大提高了遥感解译样本采集效率.本文基于无人机拍摄技术,结合遥感解译样本数据采集中的应用场景,提出了一种便携、智能的遥感解译样本采集方法,可为地理国情监测遥感解译样本采集提供技术支撑.  相似文献   
黄土微结构图像处理的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本介绍了对黄土微结构电镜图像进行图像处理的常用方法。这些方法可以去除图像噪声,提高图像的对比度,使得图像便于进行人工解译或借助软件的图像分析。  相似文献   
为提高网络在线教学效果,适应疫情期间线上教学需求,本文基于Moodle开源在线教育平台构建了广泛适应的变形监测网络在线课程资源库。简述了Moodle在线课程建设的过程、方法及应注意的问题,重点讨论了试题库、案例库及线上线下交流模块的开发步骤。根据双一流建设与工程认证的OBE教学理念,对变形监测技术网络课程教学建设应遵循的基本原则、问题及毕业要求达成值评价方法进行了探讨。研究表明,网络在线课程的应用,促进了教学资源的共享和师生交流,降低了教师上课的劳动强度,提高了学生学习的积极性。通过合理制定课程目标,有效评价毕业要求的达成情况和持续改进教学手段,对提高变形监测技术课程教学效果有积极意义。  相似文献   
The seasonal cycle in coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We examine the seasonal cycle of near-surface air temperature simulated by 17 coupled ocean-atmosphere general circulation models participating in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP). Nine of the models use ad hoc “flux adjustment” at the ocean surface to bring model simulations close to observations of the present-day climate. We group flux-adjusted and non-flux-adjusted models separately and examine the behavior of each class. When averaged over all of the flux-adjusted model simulations, near-surface air temperature falls within 2?K of observed values over the oceans. The corresponding average over non-flux-adjusted models shows errors up to ~6?K in extensive ocean areas. Flux adjustments are not directly applied over land, and near-surface land temperature errors are substantial in the average over flux-adjusted models, which systematically underestimates (by ~5?K) temperature in areas of elevated terrain. The corresponding average over non-flux-adjusted models forms a similar error pattern (with somewhat increased amplitude) over land. We use the temperature difference between July and January to measure seasonal cycle amplitude. Zonal means of this quantity from the individual flux-adjusted models form a fairly tight cluster (all within ~30% of the mean) centered on the observed values. The non-flux-adjusted models perform nearly as well at most latitudes. In Southern Ocean mid-latitudes, however, the non-flux-adjusted models overestimate the magnitude of January-minus-July temperature differences by ~5?K due to an overestimate of summer (January) near-surface temperature. This error is common to five of the eight non-flux-adjusted models. Also, over Northern Hemisphere mid-latitude land areas, zonal mean differences between July and January temperatures simulated by the non-flux-adjusted models show a greater spread (positive and negative) about observed values than results from the flux-adjusted models. Elsewhere, differences between the two classes of models are less obvious. At no latitude is the zonal mean difference between averages over the two classes of models greater than the standard deviation over models. The ability of coupled GCMs to simulate a reasonable seasonal cycle is a necessary condition for confidence in their prediction of long-term climatic changes (such as global warming), but it is not a sufficient condition unless the seasonal cycle and long-term changes involve similar climatic processes. To test this possible connection, we compare seasonal cycle amplitude with equilibrium warming under doubled atmospheric carbon dioxide for the models in our data base. A small but positive correlation exists between these two quantities. This result is predicted by a simple conceptual model of the climate system, and it is consistent with other modeling experience, which indicates that the seasonal cycle depends only weakly on climate sensitivity.  相似文献   
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