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The second order adjoint analysis: Theory and applications   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary The adjoint method application in variational data assimilation provides a way of obtaining the exact gradient of the cost functionj with respect to the control variables. Additional information may be obtained by using second order information. This paper presents a second order adjoint model (SOA) for a shallow-water equation model on a limited-area domain. One integration of such a model yields a value of the Hessian (the matrix of second partial derivatives, 2 J) multiplied by a vector or a column of the Hessian of the cost function with respect to the initial conditions. The SOA model was then used to conduct a sensitivity analysis of the cost function with respect to distributed observations and to study the evolution of the condition number (the ratio of the largest to smallest eigenvalues) of the Hessian during the course of the minimization. The condition number is strongly related to the convergence rate of the minimization. It is proved that the Hessian is positive definite during the process of the minimization, which in turn proves the uniqueness of the optimal solution for the test problem. Numerical results show that the sensitivity of the response increases with time and that the sensitivity to the geopotential field is larger by an order of magnitude than that to theu andv components of the velocity field. Experiments using data from an ECMWF analysis of the First Global Geophysical Experiment (FGGE) show that the cost functionJ is more sensitive to observations at points where meteorologically intensive events occur. Using the second order adjoint shows that most changes in the value of the condition number of the Hessian occur during the first few iterations of the minimization and are strongly correlated to major large-scale changes in the reconstructed initial conditions fields.With 17 Figures  相似文献   
An E- turbulence model is used to study air-sea interaction characteristics and turbulence structure using a coupled model for air-sea boundary layers. The E- turbulence model consists of equations for the turbulent kinetic energy, the energy-dissipation, and for the turbulent exchange coefficient expressed in terms of turbulent kinetic energy and energy-dissipation. The energy-dissipation equations for the air-sea interface are solved analytically to obtain boundary conditions for energy-dissipation at the interface. The air-sea interaction and turbulence characteristics of the E- model are compared with those of the mixing-length model and with available observations.The simulations demonstrate that the air-sea interaction parameters obtained by the E- model agree well with observations. The numerical studies also show that the E- turbulence model with appropriate constants can give good results in modeling coupled air-sea boundary-layer flows.  相似文献   
CO2激光辐射谱线的大气衰减特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我们于1986年8月在成都市实地测量了CO_2激光辐射00°l—10°0和00°1—02°0振动带内40条谱线在大气中的衰减。文中给出了各谱线衰减系数的一般值并描述了衰减特征。在八月份成都地区的特定条件下,水蒸汽的吸收和气溶胶粒子的吸收与散射构成了衰减的主要部分。测得的各谱线的衰减系数可为CO_2激光的大气应用提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
The Strait of Georgia is a large, semi-enclosed body of water between Vancouver Island and the mainland of British Columbia connected to the Pacific Ocean via Juan de Fuca Strait at the south and Johnstone Strait at the north. During the winter months, coastal communities along the Strait of Georgia are at risk of flooding caused by storm surges, a natural hazard that can occur when a strong storm coincides with high tide. This investigation produces storm surge hindcasts using a three-dimensional numerical ocean model for the Strait of Georgia and the surrounding bodies of water (Juan de Fuca Strait, Puget Sound, and Johnstone Strait) collectively known as the Salish Sea. The numerical model employs the Nucleus for European Modelling of the Ocean architecture in a regional configuration. The model is evaluated through comparisons of tidal elevation harmonics and storm surge with observations. Important forcing factors contributing to storm surges are assessed. It is shown that surges entering the domain from the Pacific Ocean make the most significant contribution to surge amplitude within the Strait of Georgia. Comparisons between simulations and high-resolution and low-resolution atmospheric forcing further emphasize that remote forcing is the dominant factor in surge amplitudes in this region. In addition, local wind patterns caused a slight increase in surge amplitude on the mainland side of the Strait of Georgia compared with Vancouver Island coastal areas during a major wind storm on 15 December 2006. Generally, surge amplitudes are found to be greater within the Strait of Georgia than in Juan de Fuca Strait.  相似文献   
The simulated low-frequency variability patterns of the atmospheric circulation, ranging from interannual to interdecadal timescales, are studied in an area encompassing southern South America. The experiment is a transient simulation performed with the IPSL CCM2 coupled global model, in which the greenhouse forcing is continuously increasing. The main modes of low-frequency variability are found to remain stationary throughout the simulation, suggesting they depend more on the internal dynamics of the atmospheric flow than on its external forcing. Inspection of the circulation regimes that represent the more recurrent patterns at interannual and interdecadal timescales showed that climate change manifests itself as a change in regime population, suggesting that the negative phase of the Antarctic Oscillation-like pattern becomes more frequented in a climate change scenario. Changes of regime occurrence are superimposed to a positive trend whose spatial pattern is reminiscent of the structure of the Antarctic Oscillation-mode of variability. Moreover, it resembles the spatial patterns of those regimes that show a significant change in population. The change in regime frequencies of the circulation patterns of low-frequency variability are in opposite phase with respect to the trend, thus, the behaviour of these patterns of variability, superimposed to a changing mean state, modulates the climate change signal. The analysis of the high frequencies, in terms of recurrent patterns representing intraseasonal and synoptic-scale of variability, shows no significant changes in regime characteristics, concerning both spatial and temporal behaviour.  相似文献   
席乐  闵锦忠  王仕奇 《气象科学》2018,38(6):739-748
利用WRF中尺度模式对2014年3月30—31日发生在华南的一次强飑线过程进行数值模拟。本次飑线过程受高空槽和低涡切变线影响,水汽条件充足,低层垂直风切变较强。模拟结果表明:发展阶段,后方入流缺口开始出现,飑线逐渐呈弓形结构;成熟阶段,飑线后方入流逐渐下沉到地面并延伸至对流区前沿,冷池完全移入残留冷区并加强,配合九连山下坡过程,飑线得以加强。后方入流对本次飑线过程的发展和维持十分重要。后方入流受环境风及中层负压力扰动作用开始形成,随后受对流区后侧中低层涡旋对的影响迅速发展增强而进入发展阶段,反气旋式涡旋的北侧风场促进了后方入流的形成和发展;成熟阶段,气旋式涡旋的南侧风场使后方入流迅速增强。气旋式涡旋区域主要受涡管拉伸作用增长,反气旋式涡旋区主要受涡度倾斜增长作用。涡旋对垂直涡度主要是由低层水平涡度向上倾斜引起,而水平涡度则是由斜压作用产生。  相似文献   
新疆巴里坤矿区唯一含煤地层为下侏罗统八道湾组(J1b),根据煤层赋存状态可分为西区、中区与东区,通过对矿区大量钻孔数据和生产矿井实测资料的综合分析,基本查明矿区煤层气赋存状态为水平方向上从西到东呈阶梯状增长、垂直方向上随煤层埋深呈线性增长的赋存规律。矿区煤层气赋存受多种控气地质因素共同作用:稳定的沉积环境有利于成煤聚煤,为煤层气的生成提供了原始条件;后期的构造运动导致西部矿区煤层抬升露头,中东部矿区逆冲、压扭性断层发育,断层面的封闭性与构造煤的透气性共同导致煤层气在近断层处的应力集中带聚集形成气顶;地下水对游离态煤层气形成有效封堵,且随着煤层埋深煤层含气量有显著增大的趋势。上述控气地质因素共同造成巴里坤矿区煤层气赋存呈现西部逸散、中东部富集形成水力封堵-断层型煤层气藏。  相似文献   
取三江平原沼泽湿地漂筏苔草(Carexpseudocuraica)无性系种群在生长季(5~9月)进行桶栽实验,设计了6个水分梯度,即持续干旱(土壤含水量S1和S2分别为20%和50%)和持续淹水(S3、S4、S5、和S6的淹水深度分别为0cm、10cm、30cm和50cm)6个水分处理水平,研究了漂筏苔草株高生长变化规律。结果表明:在6月末以前,各水分处理(S1~S6)下株高呈单峰曲线变化,高峰值分别出现在S3、S4和S5处理下。从7月份开始直到生长季末,随着生长时期的延续、土壤湿度的增大和水位的加深株高值不断增加,即株高在S6处理下最大,S1处理下最小。到8月末以后,深水处理S6的株高远远高于其它处理。生长季各水分处理下(S1~S5)的株高增长量均呈单峰曲线变化;在S6状态下株高增长量呈双峰曲线变化。处理S1、S2、S3和S4的植株高度绝对增长速率(HAGR)随着植物生长呈逐渐降低趋势;S5和S6状态下HAGR呈单峰曲线变化。随着水分含量的增加和水位的提高(6~9月),植株高度相对增长速率(HRGR)不断增加,S1处理下最小,S6处理下最大;5月份的HRGR值呈单峰曲线变化。随着植物的生长各水分处理下植株HRGR5月时最大,6~9月依次减小。综合分析认为,漂筏苔草对水分条件的适应性较强,无论是缺水(土壤20%含水量)或淹水环境下均可生长,淹水50cm时更有利于株高的增长,不同水分条件下株高及增长速率变化幅度较大。  相似文献   
Arsenic release from aquifers can be a major issue for aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) schemes and understanding the processes that release and attenuate As during ASR is the first step towards managing this issue. This study utilised the first and fourth cycles of a full scale field trial to examine the fate of As within the injectant plume during all stages of the ASR cycle, and the resultant water quality. The average recovered As concentration was greater than the source concentration; by 0.19 μmol/L (14 μg As/L) in cycle 1 and by 0.34 μmol/L (25 μg As/L) in cycle 4, indicating that As was being released from the aquifer sediments during ASR and the extent of As mobilisation did not decline with subsequent cycles. In the injection phase, As mobilisation due to oxidation of reduced minerals was limited to an oxic zone in close proximity to the ASR well, while desorption from Fe oxyhydroxide or oxide surfaces by injected P occurred further in the near well zone (0–4 m from the ASR well). With further aquifer passage during injection and greater availability of sorption sites there was evidence of attenuation via adsorption to Fe oxyhydroxides which reduced concentrations on the outer fringes of the injectant plume. During the period of aquifer storage, microbial activity resulting from the injection of organic matter resulted in increased As mobility due to reductive Fe oxyhydroxide dissolution and the subsequent loss of sorption sites and partial reduction of As(V) to the more mobile As(III). A reduced zone directly around the ASR well produced the greatest As concentration and illustrated the importance of Fe oxyhydroxides for controlling As concentrations. Given the small spatial extent of this zone, this process had little effect on the overall recovered water quality.  相似文献   
黑龙江铜山铜矿床系多宝山铜矿田的重要组成部分,它和多宝山矿床同是中亚造山带东段最古老的斑岩铜矿床(奥陶纪)。铜山断裂为铜山斑岩铜矿床内最为重要的一条成矿后断裂,它截切矿体和蚀变带,因而导致矿化中心、深部找矿方向不明。现阶段的研究对其运动学特征还存有较大争议,缺乏对该带变形特征与性质的细致观察与鉴别。据此,本文开展详细地野外及室内研究工作,取得如下新认识:1)铜山断裂为近东西走向的压扭性断裂,最典型的构造几何学特征为发育北东-北东东走向劈理、构造透镜体、以及岩脉及热液脉扭曲现象。2)断裂带内石英、黄铜矿、黄铁矿、闪锌矿的镜下变形特征和石英C轴组构特征显示低温变形条件,依据矿物和岩石变形特点判断铜山断裂主体为脆性断裂。3)构造解析表明铜山断裂运动学特征为:上盘由南东向北西方向斜向逆冲。综合断裂上、下盘地质体界线、蚀变和脉系分布特征等,判断上盘相对下盘大致沿NW320°方向水平移动距离700~800m,垂向抬升550~700m,错开蚀变外带(青磐岩化带、石英-绢云母-伊利石-绿泥石化带)和矿化带。4)铜山断裂的次级断裂截切了中晚三叠世白云母花岗岩,推测铜山断裂活动时限晚于中晚三叠世。5)复原铜山断裂上盘和下盘的空间位置至铜山断层活动前,重建铜山铜矿床蚀变带-矿化体,初步判断铜山断裂活动前铜山矿床为纺锤形态。根据重建后矿化和蚀变的分布规律推断下盘Ⅲ号矿体的南侧位置应有尚未发现的成矿斑岩和矿体,为深部找矿提供了依据。  相似文献   
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