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Ophioleila elegans是一种非常少见的蛇尾。2014年大洋35航次中利用“蛟龙”号载人潜器在西北太平洋麦哲伦海山链的采薇平定海山水深1660m处采集到2株该种标本。该种首次发现于夏威夷海山相似的生境当中,本次采集到的样品是继首次发现之后的再次公开报道。本文中对该种的形态学特征,如腕部骨骼等,进行了更加详细的研究,同时基于COI序列进行系统发育分析。形态和系统发育分析的结果都表明,Ophioleila属与辐蛇尾科更加接近。  相似文献   
<正>Unconventional oil and gas step into a new area of global oil and gas exploration due to the success of the development of shale gas of America.Unconventional tight reservoir has huge differents with conventional reservoirs,including cell aggregation,migration patterns,source configuration storage,reservoir characteristics,flow mechanism and so on,which is  相似文献   
铜山岭铅锌多金属矿床位于扬子地块湘南-桂东北坳陷与华夏地块粤北坳陷的拼贴部位,是中国南岭多金属成矿区代表性矿床之一。为确定矿床成矿时代,挑选铜山岭铅锌多金属矿床中含矿矽卡岩的石榴子石进行Sm-Nd同位素定年,获得的等时线年龄为173±3Ma,指示成矿作用发生于燕山早期。对金属硫化物矿物进行了Pb同位素分析,其~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb、~(208)Pb/~(204)Pb平均值分别为18.602、15.701、38.729,表明成矿物质来源于相对富集铀铅、略微亏损钍铅的上地壳源区。从(~(207)Pb/~(204)Pb)i-(~(206)Pb/~(204)Pb)i铅同位素演化模式图可知,寄主花岗闪长岩是铜山岭铅锌多金属矿床的重要物质来源,且成矿物质中可能含有寄存在花岗闪长岩中的地幔组分。  相似文献   
在地震波速度和地震波 值层析成像中,对于非线性反演问题解的可靠性研究非常重要.为了讨论ART(AlgebraicReconstruction Technique)、SVD(Singular ValueDecomposition)、LSQW(LeastSuare)3种方法的算法稳定性以及反演效果,本研究将这3种算法用于求解非常病态问题和一般稳定问题,根据数值计算结果,分别给出了在非常病态问题和一般稳定问题中3种算法的相对误差及其算法稳定性评价.进而针对3种算法在同一地质模型上的速度成像结果进行了比较,为地震层析成像反演效果分析提供了定量参数.  相似文献   
风沙对黄河内蒙古河段河道泥沙淤积的影响   总被引:27,自引:5,他引:27  
通过对黄河内蒙古河段河道淤积泥沙打钻采样,以及黄河沿岸及支流产沙地层采样分析对比,暴雨、洪水等分析追踪河道淤积泥沙源地表明,黄河内蒙古河段河道泥沙淤积主要来源于乌兰布和沙漠及十大孔兑(沟谷)的库布齐沙漠和丘陵沟壑梁地。通过输沙平衡法计算该河段河道泥沙淤积量得知,1954-2000年该河段淤积泥沙总量约20.11亿t,其中大于0.1mm的粗沙为15.57亿t,占总量的77.424%;小于0.1mm的泥沙约4.54亿t,占总量的22.57%。风成沙入黄淤积量是:乌兰布和沙漠6.0552亿t;库布齐沙漠5.8499亿t;二者约占大于0.1mm粗泥沙总量的76.46%。  相似文献   
为更好地为安徽地区汛期的强对流预报服务,在大量历史个例的基础上,选取与强对流天气相关性好的温湿类、动力类、热力类等和业务使用较多的10个对流参数作为预报指示因子,利用2001~2009年逐日4次1°×1°NCEP FNL分析资料计算对流参数值,获得了历史各类强对流天气在汛期不同月份的对流参数特征平均值、气候值和历史排序。通过对各对流参数的分布特征进行对比分析,发现对流参数在不同月份同类强对流天气和不同类别强对流天气发生前表现出明显的差异性,其历史分布特征能反应出不同类别强对流天气出现概率的大小,因此业务预报中需综合考虑。  相似文献   
分析并综述了联邦滤波算法,以及该算法存在的问题.针对观测信息不足的情况下,结合抗差估计和自适应估计理论对联邦滤波算法进行了改进,给出了联邦滤波在局部传感器观测信息不足情况下的改进算法.由模拟计算结果可知,在局部传感器观测信息不足的情况下,改进的联邦滤波器能较好地抑制载体观测异常和状态扰动异常对动态系统参数估值的影响,具有很强的的抗差性和自适应性.  相似文献   
随着全球海平面的上升及极端气象的频发,全球海滩总体呈现出一定的退化现象,海滩保护成为海岸带生态修复的焦点问题之一。我国华南地区岬湾型海滩分布广泛,以深圳市大鹏湾官湖海滩为代表,基于2020—2021年实测海滩剖面高程数据,分析岬湾型海滩季节性变化特征。研究表明,官湖海滩剖面坡度夏秋缓冬春陡,夏秋侵蚀冬春淤积;海滩沉积物粒径季节性变化不明显。海滩剖面形态受风浪、平均潮位的季节性变化控制,以夏秋季为例,平均潮位逐渐升高,南向波浪强度较大,在二者的共同作用下,海滩后滨侵蚀明显,泥沙离岸输运,并在前滨淤积。补沙方案宜在夏秋季进行,且重点区域为官湖海滩东侧与观海湾海滩,防御方案应主要削弱南向波浪。  相似文献   
<正>The Huang Shui River,a main tributary of the Yellow River,crosses a series of tectonically subsided and uplifted areas that show different patterns of terrace formation.The distribution of fluvial terrace of the Huang Shui River is studied through topographic and sedimentologic terrace mapping.Three terraces in the Haiyan Basin,four terraces in the Huangyuan Basin,19 terraces in the Xi'ning Basin(the four high terraces may belong to another river),nine terraces in the Ping'an Basin, five terraces in the Ledu Basin and 12 terraces in the Minhe Basin are recognized.Sedimentology research shows that the geomorphologic and sedimentological pattern of the Huang Shui River,which is located at the margin of Tibet,are different from that of the rivers at other regions.The formation process of the terrace is more complicated at the Huang Shui catchment:both accumulation terrace and erosion terrace were formed in each basin and accumulation terraces were developed in some basins when erosion terraces were formed in other basins,indicating fluvial aggradation may occur in some basins simultaneously with river incision in other basins.A conceptual model of the formation process of these two kinds of fluvial terraces at Huang Shui catchment is brought forward in this paper.First,the equilibrium state of the river is broken because of climatic change and/or tectonic movement,and the river incises in all basins in the whole catchment until reaching a new equilibrium state.Then,the downstream basin subsides quickly and the equilibrium state is broken again,and the river incises at upstream basins while the river accumulates at the subsidence basin quickly until approaching a new equilibrium state again.Finally,the river incises in the whole catchment because of climatic change and/or tectonic movement and the accumulation terrace is formed at the subsidence basin while the erosion terrace is formed at other basins.The existence of the accumulation terrace implied the tectonic subsidence in the sub-basins in Huang Shui catchment.These tectonic subsidence movements gradually developed from the downstream Minhe Basin to the upstream Huangyuan Basin.Dating the terrace sequence has potential to uncover the relationship between the subsidence in the catchment and the regional tectonic at the northeastern Tibetan Plateau.  相似文献   
以中国东部近海海域(25~41°N,117~126°E)为研究区域,基于区域地震构造背景和地震活跃水平等资料划分地震构造单元,依次采用基于地震目录的圆形高斯光滑模型和断层导向性的椭圆光滑模型的地震活动参数评价方法,计算各网格点的地震发生率.并利用网格源的地震危险性概率评价方法,由不同输入地震目录得到该区域50年超越概率10%的加速度峰值区划结果.  相似文献   
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