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Earth-reservoirs are increasingly exploited today with the extraction of resources, such as heat and hydrocarbons, and the large-scale emplacement of waste, such as CO2 sequestration. The characterization, site investigation, predictive modeling and long-term monitoring are dependent on the processes being investigated and modeled. In most cases complex coupled processes have to be addressed in a geologically complex rock mass system. In this paper we present a conceptual holistic framework known as geomechanical facies linking all the scales of investigation, characterization and reservoir development methods. We demonstrate this concept on the work undertaken during the design and development of the enhanced geothermal systems (EGS) systems at the forefront of European Hot-Dry-Rock (HDR) technology, Soultz-sous-Forêts (France) and Spa Urach (Germany). Soultz-sous-Forêts is situated within granitic rocks and an active tectonic graben system in the central part of the Rhine Graben. It presents conditions of lithology, temperature, stress, hydraulics and geochemistry that are very different from those at Spa Urach, located in a very dense gneiss formation in the South German crystalline complex. Spa Urach exhibits more elastic behavior and is set tectonically within an almost inactive strike-slip stress field described in more detail in Sects. “Drill core analysis” and “Hydraulic stimulation at Spa Urach”. This paper compares the exploration and field development methods used at these two sites against the back drop of the geomechanical facies concept. Issues addressed include the key parameters for flow and heat transport properties, coupled hydro-mechanical process identification, the success of the HDR reservoir as a heat exchanger and exploration techniques applicable to the different facies. Identification of the key geomechanical facies gives an indication as to which technologies will prove more efficient in the application of HDR technology. The results of this study will hopefully help in developing heat recovery schemes for the long-term economical operation of future HDR plants and EGS as well as assist in the understanding of engineered geosystems.  相似文献   
Ground water from springs and public supply wells was investigated for hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes of 3H, 18O and D in Jeju volcanic island, Korea. The wells are completed in a basaltic aquifer and the upper part of hydrovolcanic sedimentary formation. Nitrate contamination is conspicuous in the coastal area where most of the samples have nitrate concentrations well above 1 mg NO3 N/l. Agricultural land use seems to have a strong influence on the distribution of nitrate in ground water. Comparison of stable isotopic compositions of precipitation and ground water show that ground water mostly originates from rainy season precipitation without significant secondary modification and that local recharge is dominant. 3H concentration of ground water ranged from nearly zero to 5 TU and is poorly correlated with vertical location of well screens. The occurrence of the 3H‐free, old ground water is due to the presence of low permeability layers near the boundary of the basaltic aquifer and the hydrovolcanic sedimentary formation, which significantly limits ground water flow from the upper basaltic aquifer. The old ground water exhibited background‐level nitrate concentrations despite high nitrate loadings, whereas young ground water had considerably higher nitrate concentrations. This correlation of 3H and nitrate concentration may be ascribed to the history of fertilizer use that has increased dramatically since the early 1960s in the island. This suggests that 3H can be used as a qualitative indicator for aquifer vulnerability to nitrate contamination. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Using simple dimensional arguments for both spiral and elliptical galaxies, we present formulae to derive an estimate of the halo spin parameter λ for any real galaxy, in terms of common observational parameters. This allows a rough estimate of λ, which we apply to a large volume-limited sample of galaxies taken from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey data base. The large numbers involved (11 597) allow the derivation of reliable λ distributions, as signal adds up significantly in spite of the errors in the inferences for particular galaxies. We find that if the observed distribution of λ is modelled with a lognormal function, as often done for this distribution in dark matter haloes that appear in cosmological simulations, we obtain parameters  λ0= 0.04 ± 0.005  and  σλ= 0.51 ± 0.05  , interestingly consistent with values derived from simulations. For spirals, we find a good correlation between empirical values of λ and visually assigned Hubble types, highlighting the potential of this physical parameter as an objective classification tool.  相似文献   
Development of a probabilistic approach for rock wedge failure   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
For rock slope engineering, uncertainty and variability are inherent in data collected on orientation and strength of discontinuities, yielding a range of results. Unfortunately, conventional deterministic analysis based on the factor of safety concept, requires a fixed representative value for each parameter without regard to the degree of uncertainty involved. Therefore, the deterministic analysis fails to properly represent uncertainty and variability, so common in engineering geology studies. To overcome this shortcoming, the probabilistic analysis method was proposed and used for more than a decade in rock slope stability analysis. However, most probabilistic analyses included a deterministic model as part of the analysis procedure causing subsequent problems, which went uncorrected. The objectives of this paper are to develop a solution for these difficulties in probabilistic analyses and to propose an appropriate simulation procedure for the probabilistic analysis of rock wedge failures. As part of the solution, probability of kinematic instability and probability of kinetic instability are evaluated separately to provide a proper, combined evaluation for failure probability. To evaluate the feasibility of this new probabilistic approach, the procedure is applied to a practical example, a major, highway rock cut in North Carolina, USA. Results of the probabilistic approach are compared to those of the deterministic analysis; findings are significantly different, indicating that the deterministic analysis does not depict rock slope variations, particularly where significant scatter in parameter data occurs.  相似文献   
The plane of polarization of the solar coronal emission on August 11, 1999   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A two-dimensional polarization image of the inner regions of the solar corona (R≤1.5R ?) during the total solar eclipse of August 11, 1999 is presented. This image clearly exhibits both small-and large-scale structure in the distribution of deviations of the plane of polarization from its theoretical direction for coronal emission in the near infrared (570–800 nm). An accuracy for the deviation angles of ≤1° was achieved by reducing the instrumental scattered light in the telescope, installing a continuously rotating polaroid near the image plane of the entrance pupil (i.e., the Lyot stop plane), and developing a special algorithm for constructing the polarization images based on the IDL software, in which the properties of the light are described in terms of the Stokes parameters. This algorithm was used to process 24 digitized polarization images of the corona, corresponding to one complete rotation of the polaroid. Analysis of the polarization image for angles of 0°–5° indicates the existence of significant deviations in the inner corona. The polar and equatorial coronal regions are characterized by diffuse and almost uniform structure of the deviation angles, 0.5° ± 0.5°, corresponding to Thomson scattering of the photospheric radiation by free electrons. Four large-scale structures over the NE, SE, NW, and SW limbs covering about 60° in position angle have deviations of 1°–3°. Numerous small-scale structures with dimensions up to 30″ and deviation angles of 3°–5° tracing strongly curved coronal streamers were detected in active coronal regions, especially over the NE limb. Interpretation of these deviations in terms of flows of moving electrons implies tangential velocities of up to 2.5×104 km/s, i.e., electron energies of up to 2×103 eV.  相似文献   
Résumé Les échantillons étudiés proviennent du gîte stratiforme de Boukdema (Algérie), où l'on observe notamment l'association dolomite-quartz-talcsphalérite. L'étude des inclusions fluides primaires des quartz contemporains, selon toute vraisemblance, de la dissolution partielle du talc, montre que ceux-ci se sont développés dans des solutions de salinités très variables (entre 4 et 28% en équivalent pondéral NaCl). L'hypothèse d'une ébullition des solutions (par suite d'une chute brutale de pression) rend compte de ce fait inhabituel. Dans le cadre d'un tel modèle, les corrections dues à la pression sont nulles et l'on peut en déduire à partir des mesures de températures d'homogénéïsation que la croissance du quartz s'est amorcée vers 250 °C. Compte tenu de cette indication thermométrique, on discute enfin du rôle relatif des facteurs physiques et chimiques (T, fCO 2, aMg/aCa) sur la stabilité du talc dans le contexte minéralogique du gîte de Boukdema.
The samples studied were collected in the Boukdema stratabound deposit (Algeria), where the association dolomite-quartz-talc-sphalerite occurs. Cryoscopic investigations of fluid inclusions in quartz indicate a wide salinity range in mineral forming fluids (4 to 28 weight % NaCl eq). Boiling of hydrothermal fluids possibly explains this unusual characteristic. In this hypothesis thermometric data need no pressure corrections and one may conclude that quartz growth (and simultaneously talc dissolution) occurred in the 250°–200 °C range. On the basis of this last indication, the relative role of T, fCO 2, aMg/aCa, on talc stability is discussed in the mineralogical environment of Boukdema.
Ore beds with fluorite and sphalerite occur in the Cave-In-Rock fluorite district, Illinois in the upper part of the Mississippian System; in the upper parts of the Fredonia and Joppa Members of the Ste. Genevieve Formation and in the upper part of the Downeys Bluff Formation. Sedimentary structures within the upper two horizons are described and discussed. Primary cut-and-fill channels usually contain broken pieces of dolomite, limestone, shale, sandstone, fluorite and sphalerite. Some of the channels show geopetal features. Horizontal stylolitic seams bend downward and their thicknesses increase while their amplitudes decrease near and along the channel slopes. Another geopetal feature consists of clastic shale fragments which have mechanically filled from above into an open crack formed in the hydroplastic carbonate mud below. A number of features known as collapsed structures prove to be cut-and-fill structures of primary origin. During the compaction, carbonate beds were reduced in thickness by at least 37% through styloitization. The relationships between primary sedimentary channels and fluorite-sphalerite ore rocks suggest that the latter may have been deposited during or after the formation of such sedimentary structures, i. e., during various stages of diagenesis.
Zusammenfassung Die Fluorit-Zinkblende-Vorkommen des Cave-In-Rock Distrikts von Illinois treten stratigraphisch in den oberen Partien des Mississippian System, speziell in der Fredonia und Joppa Serie der Ste. Genevieve Formation und in der Downeys Bluff Formation auf. Einige sedimentäre Strukturen in diesen beiden oberen Horizonten werden beschrieben und diskutiert. Primäre cut-and-fill channels enthalten im allgemeinen Bruchstücke von Dolomit, Kalk- und Sandstein, Schieferton, Fluorit und Zinkblende. Einige channels zeigen geopetale Gefüge, d. h. horizontale stylolithische Lagen sind mit zunehmender Mächtigkeit und abnehmender Amplitude der Fältelung in der Nähe oder entlang der Flanken der channel Strukturen nach unten durchgebogen. Ein weiteres geopetales Gefüge besteht aus Schieferton-Fragmenten, die mechanisch in eine offene Spalte des darunterliegenden hydroplastischen Karbonatschlammes eingesunken sind. Eine Anzahl von Gefügen, bekannt als collapsed structures scheinen cut-and-fill und slump Strukturen von primär subaquatischer Herkunft zu sein. Während der Diagenese wurden Karbonatbänke durch Stylolithbildung um mindestens 37% der ursprünglichen Mächtigkeit reduziert. Die Beziehungen zwischen den primären sedimentären channels und dem Fluorit-Zinkblende-Erz deuten darauf hin, daß das letztere während oder nach der Bildung der sedimentären Strukturen abgelagert wurde, d. h., während verschiedener Perioden der Diagenese.
Thermal demagnetization and chemical leaching experiments show that, in some Hopewell Group sediments, both detrital (DRM) and chemical (CRM) remanent magnetizations are present. The CRM was acquired in two phases (CRMA, CRMB), one before and one after a field reversal. Field evidence indicates that all three magnetizations were probably acquired in less than 35 my. The magnetization process occurred over a period of time long enough to span one or more field reversals. The CRMB and then the CRMA can be successively removed by progressively longer immersion times in hydrochloric acid so that the DRM is uncovered. The oppositely directed CRMA and DRM cannot be thermally separated so that accurate field directions cannot be determined from thermal demagnetization alone. It is suggested that field reversals occurringduring magnetization may have a bearing on different paleomagnetic problems. The two techniques of thermal demagnetization and chemical leaching complement each other and together they can provide new information about the behaviour of the earth's field in the past.  相似文献   
A technique for modeling transient wave propagation in unbounded media is extended and applied to seismic soil–structure interaction analysis in the time domain. The technique, based on the discontinuous Galerkin method, requires lower computational cost and less storage than the boundary element method, and the time‐stepping scheme resulting from Newmark's method in conjunction with the technique is unconditionally stable, allowing for efficient and robust time‐domain computations. To extend the technique to cases characterized by seismic excitation, the free‐field motion is used to compute effective forces, which are introduced on the boundary of the computational domain containing the structure and the soil in the vicinity of the structure. A numerical example on a dam–foundation system subjected to seismic excitation demonstrates the performance of the method. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
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