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We investigated responses of shallow-water benthic foraminifera to changes in climate and ocean conditions, using sediment core ASC2 from Aso-kai lagoon, central Japan. Six AMS 14C dates reveal that the studied interval corresponds to sediments deposited from ~AD 700 to 1600. Sulfur content of the bulk sediment and multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) axis 1 of fossil benthic foraminifera indicate that the composition of the benthic foraminifera community was closely related to dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration in the hypolimnion. The sulfur content and MDS axis 1 also revealed two shifts over the 900-year interval. In the first phase (~AD 700–1250), the Shannon–Wiener Index (H′), E (S200), evenness and rank abundance curve (RAC) kurtosis indicate a gradual deterioration in structure of the benthic foraminifera community. In that period, there are statistically significant correlations between the faunal composition (MDS axis 1) and faunal structure [Shannon–Wiener (H′), E (S200), evenness and RAC kurtosis]. In the second phase (~AD 1250–1600), however, faunal composition and structure show no marked correspondence. Instead, abundance of benthic foraminifera fluctuated on a scale of ~200 years. Thus, a shift in the biotic response of benthic foraminifera in Aso-kai lagoon occurred in ca. AD 1250. Gradual deterioration of benthic foraminifera, with taxonomic losses, is consistent with declining DO in the first phase, possibly associated with the increasing influence of the Tsushima Warm Current. The possibility that closure of Aso-kai lagoon and development of the sand bar affected benthic foraminifera cannot, however, be ruled out. No corresponding response was observed in the second phase, during which there was no distinct taxonomic loss. Large variations in abundance, however, were a consequence of strength of the East Asian summer and winter monsoons. The shift in the biotic response of benthic foraminifera in Aso-kai lagoon during the period AD 700–1600 was apparently a result of changes in climate and ocean conditions on the East Asian continental margin.  相似文献   
Trigonioides goshourensis n. sp. and Trigonioides amakusensis Kikuchi and Tashiro occur in the late Albian Eboshi Formation of the Goshoura Group in Kyushu, Japan. These Albian species are characterized by three radial pseudocardinal teeth on the thick and wide hinge plate, and are probably ancestors of Cenomanian species of Trigonioides (Kumamotoa) with four radial pseudocardinal teeth. This chronological relation may be important for the correlation of non-marine Cretaceous strata in East Asia. In addition, the habitat of T. amakusensis is interpreted as estuarine tidal flats under brackish water conditions, although Trigonioides is generally a freshwater bivalve genus.  相似文献   
Abstract The temporal variation of seismic velocity near the Nojima Fault, which ruptured during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake), was detected using an accurately controlled routine-operated seismic source (ACROSS). The source generates elastic waves by a centrifugal force of an eccentric mass rotating around an axis. The mass is driven with an AC servomotor whose angular position is accurately controlled with reference to a very accurate global positioning system (GPS) clock. The error of the mass' position is less than 0.002 radian and does not accumulate. As a result, the source generates sinusoidal waves of very narrow spectral peaks enabling their detection with an excellent signal-to-noise ratio. Although the stability of the rotation is quite excellent, a large daily variation was found, which seems to be caused by changes in atmospheric temperature. The daily variation was 10% in amplitude and 0.1 radian in phase of the signal observed at the 800 m borehole seismometer. A significant variation was found to be due to that of coupling between the rotational source and the foundation made of reinforced concrete in which the source was situated. In order to make a correction on the signal of the 800 m borehole seismometer, the vibration of the foundation was measured and modeled assuming a rigid body movement. The correction successfully reduced the daily variation by approximately 90%, resulting in a variation of 1% in amplitude and 0.01 radian in phase. The phase variation of 0.01 radian corresponds to 100 μs and less than 0.1% in velocity over 1000 m between the source and the receiver.  相似文献   
The point at issue: The Kurosegawa Terrane is composed of continental fragments transecting Mesozoic terranes of accretionary complex in Southwest Japan (Fig. 1). It is an attenuated tectonic sliver and considered to be allochthonous with respect to the main part of Southwest Japan. The problem of which continental block in the East Asian continental margin is the source of the Kurosegawa Terrane has puzzled Japanese geologists for many years. Firstly, we try to approach this issue based on the analysis of fusulinacean assemblage in accreted terranes composed of subduction complex in the Pacific Rim. Secondly, by applying the result of this analysis we try to locate the source of the continental fragments of the Kurosegawa Terrane. Thirdly, we try to prove its validity with a new paleomagnetic study.  相似文献   
NOAA/AVHRR Global Vegetation Index (GVI) data of Asia in 1983 and 1987 were used to evaluate their usefulness for global land cover monitoring. Color composite images of monthly GVI data and color composite images of principal components from 12 successive monthly GVI data were found to be useful for visual interpretation of seasonal vegetation dynamics. The results of cluster analysis applied to monthly GVI data for a one‐year period, indicate that unsupervised classification method is useful for global or continental land cover classification without ground truth. In order to detect land cover changes, the difference between the 1983 and 1987 12‐month GVI data was calculated. The results show that it is difficult to detect land cover changes due to cloud contamination in monthly GVI data and poor registration of GVI products.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Mit Hilfe von ca. 1500 radiometrischen Zeitmessungen wird eine Synthese der prÄkambrischen Entwicklung Südamerikas aufgestellt. In Abb. 1 wird versucht, die Lage der spÄtprÄkambrischen orogenen Gürtel sowie ihre Plattformen darzustellen.Der grö\te alte Kern des Kontinents umfa\t den Guyana-Schild, das Basement des Amazonas-Sedimentbeckens und den Guaporé-Kraton im Süden, einen Raum von ungefÄhr 4,5 Mio. qkm. Die meisten Gesteine wurden von dem transamazonischen orogenen Zyklus erfa\t, dessen radiometrisches Alter etwa 2000 M. J. betrÄgt. Der etwa gleichaltrige SÃo-Francisco-Kraton in Ostbrasilien umfa\t ungefÄhr 1 Mio. qkm. Kleinere Kerne, die ebenfalls die Ereignisse des transamazonischen Zyklus' widerspiegeln, wurden nahe der Atlantikküste, östlich der Mündung des Amazonasflusses (SÃo-Luis-Kraton-Gebiet) und in der Umgebung des La-Plata-Flusses (Rio de la Plata-Kraton-Gebiet) gefunden.Die Kratone sind getrennt durch metamorphe Gürtel, die zum brasilianischen orogenen Zyklus spÄtprÄkambrischen Alters gehören. Der Caririan-Gürtel und die Sergipe-Geosynklinale liegen in der Nordostecke von Brasilien, und der Ribeira-Gürtel erstreckt sich entlang der Atlantikküste im Süden. Zwei symmetrische geosynklinale Einheiten wurden im zentralen Teil des Kontinents erkannt: der Brasilia- und der Paraguay-Araguaia-Gürtel.In den brasilianischen orogenen Gürteln treten an vielen Stellen transamazonische oder sogar Ältere Serien auf, Anzeichen für aufgearbeitetes altes Basement. Dies scheint zu zeigen, da\ die Sialkruste des südamerikanischen Kontinents vor 2000 M. J. schon eine rÄumliche Ausdehnung von mehr als 10 Mio. qkm hatte.
A general synthesis of the precambrian evolution of South America has been made with the aid of about 1500 radiometric age determinations. In Fig. 1, the position of the late precambrian orogenic belts, as well as their platforms, is tentatively outlined.The largest ancient core of the continent includes the Guyana Shield, the basement of the Amazon sedimentary basin, and the Guaporé craton, to the south, covering an area of about 4.5 million square kilometers. Most of the rocks were affected by the Trans-Amazonian orogenic cycle, whose radiometric ages are close to 2000 m. y. The SÃo Francisco craton of similar age outcrops over an area of about one million square kilometers, in eastern Brazil. Smaller ancient nucleii, also reflecting the events of the Tranz-Amazonian cycle, were found near the Atlantic coast, east of the mouth of the Amazon river (SÃo Luis cratonic area), and surrounding the La Plata river (Rio de la Plata cratonic area).The old cratonic areas are separated from each other by metamorphic belts which belong to the Brazilian orogenic cycle of late precambrian age. The Caririan belt, and the Sergipe geosyncline, occur at the northeastern corner of Brazil, and the Ribeira belt along the Atlantic coast, to the south. Two symmetrical geosynclinal units were recognized in the central part of the continent: the Brasilia and the Paraguay-Araguaia belts.Within the areas of the Brazilian orogenic belts, in many places Trans-Amazonian or even older ages occur, indicating remobilized ancient basement. This seems to demonstrate that the sialic crust of the South American continent, 2000 m. y. ago, already exhibited an areal extent of more than 10 million square kilometers.

Résumé Une synthèse générale de l'évolution précambrienne de l'Amérique du Sud a été faite à l'aide de 1500 déterminations d'âge radiométrique. La fig. 1 présente un essai sur la répartition des zones orogéniques du Précambrien supérieur et de leurs platesformes.Le noyau ancien du continent, qui est le plus vaste, comprend le bouclier de la Guyane, le socle du bassin sédimentaire de l'Amazone et le Craton de Guaporé, au Sud, couvrant une aire d'environ 4,5 millions de Km2. La plupart des roches ont été affectées par le cycle orogénique Trans-Amazonien dont l'âge radiométrique est d'environ 2000 millions. Le craton de SÃo Francisco d'âge semblable, affleure sur une étendue d'environ 1 million de Km2, dans l'Est du Brésil. Des noyaux anciens plus petits, affectés également par le cycle Trans-Amazonien, ont été trouvés près de la cÔte Atlantique, à l'Est de l'embouchure de l'Amazone (région cratonique de SÃo Luis), et aux environs du fleuve la Plata (région cratonique du Rio de la Plata).Les régions cratoniques anciennes sont séparées les unes des autres par des zones métamorphiques appartenant au cycle orogénique brésilien, d'âge Précambrien supérieur. La zone caririenne et le géosynclinal de Sergipe affleurent dans l'extrémité NE du Brésil, et la zone de Ribeira, le long de la cÔte Atlantique au S. Deux unités géosynclinales symétriques ont été reconnues dans la partie centrale du continent: les zones de Brasilia et de Paraguay-Araguaia.Dans les régions occupées par les ceintures orogéniques Brésiliennes, il existe en beaucoup d'endroits des roches d'âge Trans-Amazonien et mÊme plus ancien, indices d'un socle ancien remobilisé. Ceci semble démontrer que la croûte sialique du continent Sud Américain montrait déjà, il y a environ 2000 millions d'années, une étendue de plus de 10 millions de Km2.

1500 . . 1 , , . , Guaporé , . . 4,5 . , 2000 . Sao Francisco 1 . . , , , ( Sao Luis) la Plata ( (Rio de la Plata). , . Caririan Sergipe , Paraiba . : Brasilia Paraguay-Araguaia. , . , , , - , 10 . 2000 .
Abstract: The Kanamaru pegmatite is one of the two largest pegmatite deposits in Japan and is rich in K–feldspar, which is maximum microcline. The mica minerals and microcline from this ore deposit were studied for K-Ar ages and δ18O ratios. Biotite gives K-Ar age of 78. 5 Ma, but microcline is much younger in age of 66. 0 and 58. 3 Ma. Oxygen isotopic equilibrium temperature of the biotite-quartz pair is 625°C. Using closure temperature of the K-Ar system for biotite and microcline, cooling rate of the pegmatite is calculated to be 88°C/m. y. at the beginning but 12°C/m. y. in the later period of the cooling history. The microcline is slightly depleted in 18O, yielding apparent equilibrium temperatures of 230°C and 155°C on quartz-microcline pairs. It is suggested that the fluid phase, magmatic and partly meteoric in origin, contained in the solidifying pegmatite, was interacted with the original orthoclase and converted it to microcline during the subsolidus stage.  相似文献   
Koji Matsuo 《Icarus》2009,202(1):90-578
The martian atmosphere seasonally exchanges CO2 with the surface by repeating condensation and sublimation, causing seasonal growth and decay of the polar CO2 snowcaps. These processes leave two kinds of geodetic signatures, i.e. seasonal changes of the martian gravity field and of surface elevation of the snow-covered regions. Here we study gradual increase of the volume density of the martian snow due to compaction, by combining these two data sets during 1999-2001 covering three martian winters. We found that light fresh snow of slowly becomes denser reaching or more immediately before it thaws. The maximum snow density varies slightly from year to year, and between hemispheres. In the second southern winter, the density became as high as . This might have been caused by a dust storm activity, e.g. increased mixing of silicate particles and/or enhancement of sintering.  相似文献   
The horizontal distribution of the epipelagic zooplankton communities in the western Arctic Ocean was studied during August–October 2008. Zooplankton abundance and biomass were higher in the Chukchi Sea, and ranged from 3,000 to 274,000 ind. m?2 and 5–678 g WM m?2, respectively. Copepods were the most dominant taxa and comprised 37?94% of zooplankton abundance. For calanoid copepods, 30 species belonging to 20 genera were identified. Based on the copepod abundance, their communities were classified into three groups using a cluster analysis. The horizontal distribution of each group was well synchronized with depth zones, defined here as Shelf, Slope and Basin. Neritic Pacific copepods were the dominant species in the Shelf zone. Arctic copepods were substantially greater in the Slope zone than the other regions. Mesopelagic copepods were greater in the Basin zone than the other regions. Stage compositions of large-sized Arctic copepods (Calanus glacialis and Metridia longa) were characterized by the dominance of late copepodid stages in the Basin. Both the abundance and stage compositions of large copepods corresponded well with Chl. a concentrations in each region, with high Chl. a in the Shelf and Slope supporting reproduction of copepods resulting in high abundance dominated by early copepodid stages.  相似文献   
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