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The amount of penetration of a western boundary current into a marginal sea which is connected to an open ocean by two narrow straits is estimated from a linear, steady and barotropic theoretical model. In this model the western boundary current in the open ocean is driven by a wind stress imposed at the sea surface. The inflow of the water of the open ocean into the marginal sea is caused by the pressure difference between two straits produced by the wind-driven circulation in the open ocean.Main external parameters are combined into two non-dimensional parameters; and (the ratio of the depth of the marginal sea to that of the open ocean), whereb is the distance between north and south boundaries of the ocean,D 0 is the depth of the open ocean, is the latitudinal variation of the Coriolis parameter andR is the coefficient of friction. The friction is assumed to be proportional to the flow velocity.In the limit of infinite the volume transport into the marginal sea is not affected by the width of two straits and . It is mainly controlled by the wind stress and the positions of two straits. For finite values of , however, the volume transport depends considerably on and the width of the straits.Guided by both this model and physical considerations, we obtained a relation between the volume transport into the marginal sea and the external parameters. This relation predicts that about 2 % of the volume transport of the Kuroshio penetrates into the Japan Sea.  相似文献   
NWA 8785 is a remarkable EL3 chondrite with a high abundance (~34 vol%) of an Fe-rich matrix. This is the highest matrix abundance known among enstatite chondrites (ECs) and more similar to the matrix abundances in some carbonaceous and Rumuruti chondrites. X-ray diffraction and TEM data indicate that the fine-grained portion of the NWA 8785 matrix consists of nanoscale magnetite mixed with a noncrystalline silicate material and submicron-sized enstatite and plagioclase grains. This is the first report of magnetite nanoparticles in an EL3. The Si content of the metal (0.7 wt%), presence of ferroan alabandite, and its O isotopic composition indicate NWA 8785 is EL3-related. Having more abundant matrix than in other ECs, and that the matrix is rich in magnetite nanoparticles, which are not present in any other EC, suggest classification as an EL3 anomalous. Although we cannot completely exclude any of the mechanisms or environments for formation of the magnetite, we find a secondary origin to be the most compelling. We suggest that the magnetite formed due to hydrothermal activity in the meteorite parent body. Although ECs are relatively dry and likely formed within the nebular snow line, ices may have drifted inward from just beyond the snow line to the region where the EL chondrites were accreting, or more likely the snow line migrated inward during the early evolution of the solar system. This may have resulted in the condensation of ices and provided an ice-rich region for accretion of the EL3 parent body. Thus, the EL3 parent body may have had hydrothermal activity and if Earth formed near the EC accretion zone, similar bodies may have contributed to the Earth's water supply. NWA 8785 greatly extends the range of known characteristics of ECs and EC parent body processes.  相似文献   
Abstract Nekoma volcano forms part of the arc axis volcanic array of the North-eastern Honshu arc, Japan, which is commonly characterized by medium-K lava suites. However, Nekoma is exceptional because many of its lavas are low-K. This anomaly has been a matter of debate. Nekoma was active from 1.1 to 0.35 Ma. The volcano consists of thick andesite flows and domes associated with block and ash flow deposits produced during lava dome formation. A horseshoe-shaped collapse caldera was formed at the summit and small lava domes extruded into the caldera. Stratigraphy, published K–Ar ages, and tephrochronology define three stages of volcanic activity, about 1.1 Ma (Stage 1), 0.8–0.6 Ma (Stage 2) and 0.45–0.35 Ma (Stage 3; post caldera stage). Low-K andesites occur in all stages. Extremely low-K andesite was also associated in Stage 2 and medium-K andesite was dominant in Stage 3. In general, lavas changed from low-K to medium-K after caldera formation. Geochemical study of the Nekoma lavas shows that both low-K and medium-K lavas are isotopically similar and were derived from a common source. Adatara and Azuma volcanoes, which lie close to Nekoma, also have both low-K and medium-K andesites. However, Sr isotope ratios or temporal-spatial variations in K-level lava classification vary between the three centers. Comparisons of K suites and Sr isotope ratios with frontal arc volcanoes in North-east–Honshu suggest source heterogeneity existed in both medium- and low-K suites. The K contents of lavas and their Sr isotopes are not simply related. This requires re-examination of models for chemical variation of andesites in arcs.  相似文献   
Jun Kimura  Takashi Nakagawa 《Icarus》2009,202(1):216-224
Ganymede has an intrinsic magnetic field which is generally considered to originate from a self-excited dynamo in the metallic core. Driving of the dynamo depends critically on the satellite's thermal state and internal structure. However, the inferred structure based on gravity data alone has a large uncertainty, and this makes the possibility of dynamo activity unclear; variations in core size and composition significantly change the heat capacity and alter the cooling history of the core. The main objectives of this study is to explore the structural conditions for a currently active dynamo in Ganymede using numerical simulations of the thermal history, and to evaluate under which conditions Ganymede can maintain the dynamo activity at present. We have investigated the satellite's thermal history using various core sizes and compositions satisfying the mean density and moment of inertia of Ganymede, and evaluate the temperature and heat flux at the core-mantle boundary (CMB). Based on the following two conditions, we evaluate the possibility of dynamo activity, thereby reducing the uncertainty of the previously inferred interior structure. The first condition is that the temperature at the CMB must exceed the melting point of a metallic core, and the second is that the heat flux through the CMB must exceed the adiabatic temperature gradient. The mantle temperature starts to increase because of the decay of long-lived radiogenic elements in the rocky mantle. After a few Gyr, radiogenic elements are exhausted and temperature starts to decrease. As the rocky mantle cools, the heat flux at the CMB steadily increases. If the temperature and heat flux at the CMB satisfy these conditions simultaneously, we consider the case as capable of driving a dynamo. Finally, we identify the Dynamo Regime, which is the specific range of internal structures capable of driving the dynamo, based on the results of simulations with various structures. If Ganymede's self-sustained magnetic field were maintained by thermal convection, the satellite's metallic core would be relatively large and, in comparison to other terrestrial-type planetary cores, strongly enriched in sulfur. The dynamo activity and the generation of the magnetic field of Ganymede should start from a much later stage, possibly close to the present.  相似文献   
Abstract— The high‐pressure polymorphs of olivine, pyroxene, and plagioclase in or adjacent to shock melt veins (SMVs) in two L6 chondrites (Sahara 98222 and Yamato 74445) were investigated to clarify the related transformation mechanisms and to estimate the pressure‐temperature conditions of the shock events. Wadsleyite and jadeite were identified in Sahara 98222. Wadsleyite, ringwoodite, majorite, akimotoite, jadeite, and lingunite (NaAlSi3O8‐hollandite) were identified in Yamato 74445. Wadsleyite nucleated along the grain boundaries and fractures of original olivine. The nucleation and growth of ringwoodite occurred along the grain boundaries of original olivine, and as intracrystalline ringwoodite lamellae within original olivine. The nucleation and growth of majorite took place along the grain boundaries or fractures in original enstatite. Jadeite‐containing assemblages have complicated textures containing “particle‐like,” “stringer‐like,” and “polycrystalline‐like” phases. Coexistence of lingunite and jadeite‐containing assemblages shows a vein‐like texture. We discuss these transformation mechanisms based on our textural observations and chemical composition analyses. The shock pressure and temperature conditions in the SMVs of these meteorites were also estimated based on the mineral assemblages in the SMVs and in comparison with static high‐pressure experimental results as follows: 13–16 GPa, >1900 °C for Sahara 98222 and 17–24 GPa, >2100 °C for Yamato 74445.  相似文献   
New geochemical, isotopic, and geochronological data and interpretations are presented for late Neoproterozoic intrusive carbonates and related rocks of southern Sinai, Egypt (northernmost Arabian–Nubian Shield). The Tarr carbonates are coarsely crystalline and related to explosive emplacement of hypabyssal and volcanic albitite at 605 ± 13 Ma. The carbonates associated with the albitites are divisible into two types: primary dolomitite and secondary breunneritite (Fe-rich magnesite). The dolomitite was clearly intrusive but differs from classic igneous carbonatites, containing much lower abundances of incompatible elements, such as REE, U, Th, Rb, Nb, Y, P, Sr, Zr, Ba, and total alkalies. The breunneritite is a secondary replacement of dolomitite, probably marking the roots of a vigorous hydrothermal system. Albitites show pristine abundances of major and trace elements and were not subjected to a major metamorphic overprint. They are relatively more fractionated, alkaline and related to within-plate A-type magmas, were emplaced in an extensional or non-compressive tectonic regime in the cupola of high-level A-type granite. Tarr albitites may represent residual magma remaining after near-total crystallization of an A-type granite pluton at depth, forcibly emplaced into the roof above the cooling pluton. The intrusive dolomitite exsolved from highly differentiated albitite melt, in the apical regions of a still-buried alkaline “A-type” granite pluton that was rich in CO2; these volatiles migrated upwards and towards the cooler margins of the magma body. Late NNE-SSW extension allowed a shallow-level cupola to form, into which albitite melts and carbonate fluids migrated, culminating in explosive emplacement of albitite breccia and intrusive carbonate. Isotopic compositions of Tarr dolomitite and albitite indicate these are consanguineous and ultimately of mantle origin. Magmatic volatiles fenitized the wall rock, while submarine hydrothermal activity transformed some of the dolomitite into breunneritite. Recognition of Tarr-type should encourage similar hypabyssal complex intrusions to be sought for in association with A-type granitic plutons elsewhere.  相似文献   
Abstract— We report the first production of non‐mass‐dependently fractionated silicate smokes from the gas phase at room temperature from a stream of silane and/or pentacarbonyl iron in a molecular hydrogen (or helium) flow mixed with molecular oxygen (or nitrous oxide). The smokes were formed at the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) at total pressures of just under 100 Torr in an electrical discharge powered by a Tesla coil, were collected from the surfaces of the copper electrodes after each experiment and sent to the University of California at San Diego (UCSD) for oxygen isotopic analysis. Transmission electron microscopy studies of the smokes show that they grew in the gas phase rather than on the surfaces of the electrodes. We hypothesize at least two types of fractionation processes occurred during formation of the solids: a mass‐dependent process that made isotopically lighter oxides compared to our initial oxygen gas composition followed by a mass‐independent process that produced oxides enriched in 17O and 18O. The maximum Δ17O observed is + 4.7‰ for an iron oxide produced in flowing hydrogen, using O2 as the oxidant. More typical displacements are 1–2‰ above the equilibrium fractionation line. The chemical reaction mechanisms that yield these smokes are still under investigation.  相似文献   
The process of crystallization and the origin of chondrules are discussed, in terms of the phase relations of the minerals in chondrules in six ordinary chondrites of the Yamato-74 meteorites, especially the Yamato-74191 (L3).Chondrules are classified into six types. The bulk compositions of chondrules projected onto the MgO-FeO-SiO2 system show that the compositions of chondrules vary widely. Investigations by means of the MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 system indicate that porphyritic chondrules can be regarded as products of supercooling crystallization. The growth rates of crystals in porphyritic chondrules were fairly small. The difference between types of chondrules is interpreted in terms of the compositions of chondrules and the nucleation temperatures of the supercooled droplets.All these observations and estimations must be taken into account for discussing the origin of chondrules. The impact and dust fusion theories do not appear to be plausible. Molten droplets due to these mechanisms will be glassy spherules, or crystallize at equilibrium. Only a liquid condensation theory can well explain the characteristic features and the process of the crystallization of chondrules.  相似文献   
Cretaceous episodic growth of the Japanese Islands   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G. Kimura 《Island Arc》1997,6(1):52-68
Abstract The Japanese Islands formed rapidly in situ along the eastern Asian continental margin in the Cretaceous due to both tectonic and magmatic processes. In the Early Cretaceous, huge oceanic plateaus created by the mid-Panthalassa super plume accreted with the continental margin. This tectonic interaction of oceanic plateau with continental crust is one of the significant tectonic processes responsible for continental growth in subduction zones. In the Japanese Islands, Late Cretaceous-Early Paleogene continental growth is much more episodic and drastic. At this time the continental margin uplifted regionally, and intra-continent collision tectonics took place in the northern part of the Asian continent. The uplifting event appears to have been caused by the subduction of very young oceanic crust (i.e. the Izanagi-Kula Plate) along the continental margin. Magmatism was also very active, and melting of the young oceanic slab appears to have resulted in ubiquitous plutons in the continental margin. Regional uplift of the continental margin and intra-continent collision tectonics promoted erosion of the uplifted area, and a large amount of terrigenous sediment was abruptly supplied to the trench. As a result of the rapid supply of terrigenous detritus, the accretionary complexes (the Hidaka Belt in Hokkaido and the Shimanto Belt in Southwest Japan) grew rapidly in the subduction zone. The rapid growth of the accretionary complexes and the subduction of very young, buoyant oceanic crust caused the extrusion of a high-P/T metamorphic wedge from the deep levels of the subduction zone. Episodic growth of the Late Cretaceous Japanese Islands suggests that subduction of very young oceanic crust and/or ridge subduction are very significant for the formation of new continental crust in subduction zones.  相似文献   
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