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The natural gas from the Triassic Feixianguan Formation of Northeast Sichuan Basin contains high H2S whereas relatively low CO2 concentrations and the CO2 display high δ13C values (ranging from -5.81‰ to 3.3‰ (PDB)). This seems to contradict the conventional wisdom that TSR should be a primary source of CO2 in natural gas from the Feixianguan Formation. In contrast, many authigenic calcite samples from these sites display very low δ13C values (ranging from -18.4‰ to -10.3‰ (PDB)). This suggests that the carbon from TSR source dominated the formation of calcite whereas the carbon from inorganic source came into CO2 in natural gas. In order to assess the origin of CO2 from these H2S-rich sites, we have calculated the relative contributions of organic and inorganic carbon sources to the CO2 and authigenic calcite. The organic carbon source possibly originated from TSR, whereas the inorganic one might be generated from marine carbonates dissolution. This calculation is based on the carbon isotopic compositions of CO2 and authigenic calcite as well as an isotopic mass balance. The results show that the contribution of organic carbon source to the CO2 is only 2%, whereas that to authigenic calcite is as high as 43% on average. Such results combined with thermodynamic evidence indicate that the isotopically light CO2 produced by TSR process may contribute to authigenic calcite precipitation during burial diagenesis. Distinguishable from Ordovician reservoir of Tarim Basin, Feixianguan reservoir of Northeast Sichuan Basin experienced rapid tectonic uplift due to Yanshanian movement after TSR occurred. Such tectonic event could induce temperature decrease and further promote carbonates dissolution. During these processes, secondary porosity has developed in Feixianguan carbonate reservoirs. Therefore, much attention should be paid to the structural highs in search of high quality carbonate reservoirs.  相似文献   
本文提出一种将地质、地震、地球化学分析相结合的方法,以研究海区天然气水合物的成藏条件,首先用物源、构造、沉积和地温等资料进行地质分析,确定海区天然气水合物成藏的地质条件;然后根据对水合物的地震属性(BSR,AVO,BZ等)分析和正演模拟研究,预测水合物及其游离气的存在,结合地质条件,圈定出水合物成藏的有利区带;最后结合对水合物主要成分(甲烷及烃类等)的地球化学异常分析,对研究区天然气水合物成藏的远景作出评价.野外实践结果表明,这种综合研究方法是有效可行的,为海区天然气水合物勘探提供了一种新的研究途径.  相似文献   
Second-Order Wave Diffraction Around 3-D Bodies by A Time-Domain Method   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
BAI  Wei 《中国海洋工程》2001,(1):73-84
A time-domain method is applied to simulate nonlinear wave diffraction around a surface piercing 3-D arbitrary body. The method involves the application of Taylor series expansions and the use of perturbation procedure to establish the corresponding boundary value problems with respect to a time-independent fluid domain. A boundary element method based on B-spline expansion is used to calculate the wave field at each time step, and the free surface boundary condition is satisfied to the second order of wave steepness by a numerical integration in time. An artificial damping layer is adopted on the free surface for the removal of wave reflection from the outer boundary. As an illustration, the method is used to compute the second-order wave forces and run-up on a surface-piercing circular cylinder. The present method is found to be accurate, computationally efficient, and numerically stable.  相似文献   
Based on the 2nd order cnoidal wave theory, the characters of shallow water standing waves and their action on vertical walls are studied in this paper. The theoretical expressions of the wave surface elevation in front of and the wave pressure on the vertical wall are obtained. In order to verify the theoretical results, model tests were made in the State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering at DUT. For the wave surface elevation in front of the wall and the wave forces on the wall at the moment when the wave surface at the wall surface goes down to the bottom of the wave trough, the calculated results coincide quite well with the experimental results. For the wave forces on the wall at the moment when the wave surface at the wall surface goes up to the top of the wave crest, the theoretical expressions are modified by the experimental results. For the convenience of practical use, calculations are made for the wave conditions which usually occur in enginering practice by use of the inves  相似文献   
1 IntroductionFromitsoriginalformulationin 1 990 ,theInternationalTrans AntarcticScientificExpedition (ITASE)hashadasitsprimaryaimthecollectionandinterpretationofacon tinental widearrayofenvironmentalparametersassembledthroughthecoordinatedeffortsofscientistsfromseveralnations(Mayewskietal.1 996) .AsaconsequenceITASEhasbeenfocusedtoaddresstwokeyscientificobjectives:1 )Todeterminethespatialvariabil ityofAntarcticclimate (eg.accumulation,airtemperature,atmosphericcirculation)overthelast2…  相似文献   
塔河地区加里东中期古岩溶作用及分布模式   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
张涛  蔡希源 《地质学报》2007,81(8):1125-1134
地震资料解释、地层古生物、钻井地质及地球化学等方面的证据证实塔北地区存在加里东期运动及该期岩溶作用。本文探讨了原岩性质、断裂裂缝发育程度、古地貌形态、古气候等岩溶发育的控制因素,从岩石学、锶同位素、包裹体特征等方面建立了识别加里东期大气水作用的标志,指出早期断裂及伴生裂缝发育程度是加里东中期岩溶作用的主控因素,总结了该期岩溶具有以下特征:①层控性:岩溶发育具有发育面积广,深度浅,在不整合面以下0~35m发育;②断控性:较大溶洞发育在断裂附近;③有效储层具较强非均质性。由此预测该储层发育区位于古风化壳剥蚀区和加里东期断裂发育区的叠合部位,主要位于阿克库勒凸起的轴部倾没端和塔河西南部、东南部的北东向、近南北向断裂发育区。该期岩溶的存在与发现,对塔河油田南部的油气勘探具有重要意义。  相似文献   
刘劲鸿 《地质论评》2001,47(4):420-424
和龙岩体赋存于新太古代夹皮沟—金城洞花岗绿岩带中,与围岩发生同变形变质。岩体具有典型的科马提岩冷凝结构分层和鬣刺结构、冷凝多面体节理。上述特征是作者1990年发现确认的。该科马提岩的矿物学特征:玻璃质脱玻形成铁皂石等矿物;斜方辉石和橄榄石鬣刺呈中空骸晶状,大部被滑石、铁白云石、绿泥石、磁铁矿等取代,但仍保留完好的长柱状假像;堆积带中橄榄石呈微细粒、新鲜,仅发生网状蛇纹石化。岩石化学特征富MgO,CaO/Al_2O_3=1.04,用科马提岩分类图判别为超镁铁质科马提岩。  相似文献   
对比分析了太平洋(Site 806)、大西洋(Site 664)和加勒比海地区(Site 999)末次冰期最盛期和全新世钻孔顶部不同尺寸大小的浮游有孔虫Globigerinoides sacculifer(500~600μm和300~355μm)和Globi-gerinoides ruber(300~355μm和250~300μm)的硼同位素组分变化,发现个体相对较小的有孔虫样品由于受到样品量以及样品前处理过程的影响,其硼同位素在末次冰期最盛期出现异常,浮游有孔虫硼同位素分析,尤其是冰期-间冰期时间尺度上的硼同位素分析,适合用个体相对较大的有孔虫。末次冰期最盛期太平洋和加勒比海地区溶解作用可能加强,其G.sacculifer的硼同位素偏低,但G.ruber的硼同位素不受溶解作用的影响,能够反映末次冰期海水pH值的变化。三个钻孔末次冰期最盛期G.ruber的硼同位素比全新世的硼同位素平均高(1.3±1.2)‰(2s.e.),与理论预测值1.6‰一致。  相似文献   
2001年昆仑山口西MS8.1地震地表同震位移分布特征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
沿长约 4 2 6km的 2 0 0 1年昆仑山口西MS8 1地震地表破裂带共获得 2 91个点的地表同震水平左旋位移数据 ,并在其中 1 1 1个点获得了垂直位移数据。该地震总体以左旋水平位移为主 ,兼具一定的垂直位移。最大地表左旋水平位移值可达 6 4m ,平均水平位移约为 2 7m ,绝大多数测点的垂直位移均 <1m。地表水平位移沿主破裂带走向位移梯度变化于 1 0 - 1~ 1 0 - 4之间 ,这一起伏变化可能起因于野外测量误差、沿主破裂带岩性或松散沉积物厚度的变化、地表破裂带几何结构的不均匀性、地表破裂走向的变化、不同破裂段在昆仑山口西 8 1级地震之前的地震中滑动量的起伏变化 ,以及大量非脆性变形、次级破裂的存在等。水平位移沿主破裂带的长波长 (数十公里至数百公里 )起伏变化较有规律 ,在布喀达坂峰以东表现为分别以 5个水平位移峰值为中心而有规律地起伏变化。这5个位移峰值分别对应于不同的次级地震地表破裂段。各破裂段水平位移峰值均向阶区或拐点逐渐衰减 ,不同地表破裂段位移峰值向两侧衰减的速率是不同的 ,这种位移梯度的不对称分布可能指示了地震破裂的扩展方向。上述位移分布特征真实地反映了地表可见脆  相似文献   
佛子岭岩群中的晋宁期深成岩带及其构造含意   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
在北淮阳带东段,原卢镇关岩群小溪河组火山—深成杂岩是最主要的岩浆活动带。作者们在追索北秦岭加里东期岛弧东延的过程中,对该火山—深成岩带北部四个侵入佛子岭岩群的变形花岗岩测定了单颗粒锆石U-Pb年龄,所得结果为744±9Ma和665±39Ma,属震旦纪,讨论了由此测定结果产生的佛子岭岩群的时代和对比、大别地块的构造归属以及晋宁期的构造环境和演化顺序等问题。  相似文献   
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