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The inorganic chemical investigation added in August 1972 to the Viking Lander scientific package will utilize an energy-dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectrometer in which four sealed, gas-filled proportional counters will detect X-rays emitted from samples of the Martian surface materials irradiated by X-rays from radioisotope sources (55Fe and 109Cd). The output of the proportional counters will be subjected to pulse-height analysis by an on-board step-scanning single-channel analyzer with adjustable counting periods. The data will be returned to Earth, via the Viking Orbiter relay system, and the spectra constructed, calibrated, and interpreted here. The instrument is inside the Lander body, and samples are to be delivered to it by the Viking Lander Surface Sampler. Calibration standards are an integral part of the instrument.The results of the investigation will characterize the surface materials of Mars as to elemental composition with accuracies ranging from a few tens of parts per million (at the trace-element level) to a few percent (for major elements) depending on the element in question. Elements of atomic number 11 or less are determined only as a group, though useful estimates of their individual abundances maybe achieved by indirect means. The expected radiation environment will not seriously hamper the measurements. Based on the results, inferences can be drawn regarding (1) the surface mineralogy and lithology; (2) the nature of weathering processes, past and present, and the question of equilibrium between the atmosphere and the surface; and (3) the extent and type of differentiation that the planet has undergone.The Inorganic Chemical Investigation supports and is supported by most other Viking Science investigations.  相似文献   
Relationships between stream chemistry and elevation, area, Anakeesta geology, soil properties, and dominant vegetation were evaluated to identify the influence of basin characteristics on baseflow and stormflow chemistry in eight streams of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. Statistical analyses were employed to determine differences between baseflow and stormflow chemistry, and relate basin‐scale factors governing local chemical processes to stream chemistry. Following precipitation events, stream pH was reduced and aluminium concentrations increased, while the response of acid neutralizing capacity (ANC), nitrate, sulfate, and base cations varied. Several basin characteristics were highly correlated with each other, demonstrating the interrelatedness of topographical, geological, soil, and vegetative parameters. These interrelated basin factors uniquely influenced acidification response in these streams. Streams in higher‐elevation basins (>975 m) had significantly lower pH, ANC, sodium, and silicon and higher nitrate concentrations (p < 0.05). Streams in smaller basins (<10 km2) had significantly lower nitrate, sodium, magnesium, silicon, and base cation concentrations. In stormflow, streams in basins with Anakeesta geology (>10%) had significantly lower pH and sodium concentrations, and higher aluminium concentrations. Chemical and physical soil characteristics and dominant overstory vegetation in basins were more strongly correlated with baseflow and stormflow chemical constituents than topographical and geological basin factors. Saturated hydraulic conductivity, of all the soil parameters, was most related to concentrations of stormflow constituents. Basins with higher average hydraulic conductivities were associated with lower stream pH, ANC, and base cation concentrations, and higher nitrate and sulfate concentrations. These results emphasize the importance of soil and geological properties influencing stream chemistry and promote the prioritization of management strategies for aquatic resources. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
We report and describe an L6 ordinary chondrite fall that occurred in Ardón, León province, Spain (longitude 5.5605°W, latitude 42.4364°N) on July 9th, 1931. The 5.5 g single stone was kept hidden for 83 yr by Rosa González Pérez, at the time an 11 yr old who had observed the fall and had recovered the meteorite. According to various newspaper reports, the event was widely observed in Northern Spain. Ardón is a very well‐preserved, fresh, strongly metamorphosed (petrologic type 6), and weakly shocked (S3) ordinary chondrite with well‐equilibrated and recrystallized minerals. The mineral compositions (olivine Fa23.7±0.3, low‐Ca pyroxene Fs20.4±0.2Wo1.5±0.2, plagioclase An10.3±0.5Ab84.3±1.2), magnetic susceptibility (log χ = 4.95 ± 0.05 × 10?9 mkg?1), bulk density (3.49 ± 0.05 g   cm?3), grain density (3.58 ± 0.05 g   cm?3), and porosity (2.5 vol%) are typical for L6 chondrites. Short‐lived radionuclides confirm that the meteorite constitutes a recent fall. The 21Ne and 38Ar cosmic ray exposure ages are both about 20–30 Ma, similar to values for many other L chondrites. The cosmogenic 22Ne/21Ne ratio indicates that preatmospheric Ardón was a relatively large body. The fact that the meteorite was hidden in private hands for 83 yr makes one wonder if other meteorite falls may have experienced the same fate, thus possibly explaining the anomalously low number of falls reported in continental Spain in the 20th century.  相似文献   
Rock 14318 is a complex microbreccia consisting of lithic fragments, chondrules, glass spherules, and glass and mineral fragments that are embedded into a fine-grained, partly glassy matrix. Rock fragmenta, chondrules, and glasses are tightly welded to the matrix and partly recrystallized, indicating a relatively high-temperature agglomeration history. Few lithic fragments have igneous textures; most are miorobreccias that have suffered various degrees of recrystallization before they were embedded into rock 14318. Compositions of lithic fragments, glasses and chondrules, in terms of compositional rock and rock suite equivalents, represent members of the ANT (anorthositic-noritic-troctolite) suite; the alkalic high-alumina basalt (KREEP) group; high-alkali quartz basalt; basalt; and dunite. The polymict nature of many lithic fragments suggests that rook 14318 require at least two, and probably more, impact episodes for its formation. Final agglomeration took place while part of the material was hot, as is indicated by the welded texture, suggesting that the final impact event was a large one, producing a fiery cloud similar to a nuée ardente. The close similarity in texture of lunar rock 14318 to certain polymict-brecciated meteorites such as Siena suggests that meteorites of this type were also formed by complex and successive impact events on the surface of the meteorite parent body, rather than during agglomeration of the parent body.  相似文献   
We have launched into near-Earth orbit a solar mass-ejection imager (SMEI) that is capable of measuring sunlight Thomson-scattered from heliospheric electrons from elongations to as close as 18 to greater than 90 from the Sun. SMEI is designed to observe time-varying heliospheric brightness of objects such as coronal mass ejections, co-rotating structures and shock waves. The instrument evolved from the heliospheric imaging capability demonstrated by the zodiacal light photometers of the Helios spacecraft. A near-Earth imager can provide up to three days warning of the arrival of a mass ejection from the Sun. In combination with other imaging instruments in deep space, or alone by making some simple assumptions about the outward flow of the solar wind, SMEI can provide a three-dimensional reconstruction of the surrounding heliospheric density structures.  相似文献   
In the Piancaldoli LL3 chondrite, we found a mm-sized clast containing ~100 chondrules 0.2–64 μm in apparent diameter (much smaller than any previously reported) that are all of the same textural type (radial pyroxene; FS1–17). This clast, like other type 3 chondrites, has a fine-grained Ferich opaque silicate matrix, sharply defined chondrules, abundant low-Ca clinopyroxene and minor troilite and Si- and Cr-bearing metallic Fe,Ni. However, the very high modal matrix abundance (63 ± 8 vol. %), unique characteristics of the chondrules, and absence of microscopically-observable olivine indicate that the clast is a new kind of type 3 chondrite. Most chondrules have FeO-rich edges, and chondrule size is inversely correlated with chondrule-core FeO concentration (the first reported correlation of chondrule size and composition). Chondrules acquired Fe by diffusion from Fe-rich matrix material during mild metamorphism, possibly before final consolidation of the rock. Microchondrules (those chondrules ? 100 μm in diameter) are also abundant in another new kind of type 3 chondrite clast in the Rio Negro L chondrite regolith breccia. In other type 3 chondrite groups, microchondrule abundance appears to be anticorrelated with mean chondrule size, viz. 0.02–0.04 vol. % in H and CO chondrites and ?0.006 vol. % in L, LL, and CV chondrites.Microchondrules probably formed by the same process that formed normal-sized droplet chondrules: melting of pre-existing dustballs. Because most compound chondrules in the clast and other type 3 chondrites formed by collisions between chondrules of the same textural type, we suggest that dust grains were mineralogically sorted in the nebula before aggregating into dustballs. The sizes of compound chondrules and chondrule craters, which resulted from collisions of similarly-sized chondrules while they were plastic, indicate that size-sorting (of dustballs) occurred before chondrule formation, probably by aerodynamic processes in the nebula. We predict that other kinds of type 3 chondrites exist which contain chondrule abundances, size-ranges and proportions of textural types different from known chondrite groups.  相似文献   
Abstract— We have studied the CB carbonaceous chondrites Queen Alexandra Range (QUE) 94411, Hammadah al Hamra (HH) 237, and Bencubbin with an emphasis on the petrographical and mineralogical effects of the shock processing that these meteorite assemblages have undergone. Iron‐nickel metal and chondrule silicates are the main components in these meteorites. These high‐temperature components are held together by shock melts consisting of droplets of dendritically intergrown Fe,Ni‐metal/sulfide embedded in silicate glass, which is substantially more FeO‐rich (30–40 wt%) than the chondrule silicates (FeO <5 wt%). Fine‐grained matrix material, which is a major component in most other chondrite classes, is extremely scarce in QUE 94411 and HH 237, and has not been observed in Bencubbin. This material occurs as rare, hydrated matrix lumps with major and minor element abundances roughly similar to the ferrous silicate shock melts (and CI). We infer that hydrated, fine‐grained material, compositionally similar to these matrix lumps, was originally present between the Fe,Ni‐metal grains and chondrules, but was preferentially shock melted. Other shock‐related features in QUE 94411, HH 237, and Bencubbin include an alignment and occasionally strong plastic deformation of metal and chondrule fragments. The existence of chemically zoned and metastable Fe,Ni‐metal condensates in direct contact with shock melts indicates that the shock did not substantially increase the average temperature of the rock. Because porphyritic olivine‐pyroxene chondrules are absent in QUE 94411, HH 237, and Bencubbin, it is difficult to determine the precise shock stage of these meteorites, but the shock was probably relatively light (S2–S3), consistent with a bulk temperature increase of the assemblages of less than ?300 °C. The apparently similar shock processing of Bencubbin, Weatherford, Gujba (CBa) and QUE 94411/HH 237 (CBb) supports the idea of a common asteroidal parent body for these meteorites.  相似文献   
Abstract— The meteorite Northwest Africa 773 (NWA 773) is a lunar sample with implications for the evolution of mafic magmas on the moon. A combination of key parameters including whole‐rock oxygen isotopic composition, Fe/Mn ratios in mafic silicates, noble gas concentrations, a KREEP‐like rare earth element pattern, and the presence of regolith agglutinate fragments indicate a lunar origin for NWA 773. Partial maskelynitization of feldspar and occasional twinning of pyroxene are attributed to shock deformation. Terrestrial weathering has caused fracturing and precipitation of Carich carbonates and sulfates in the fractures, but lunar minerals appear fresh and unoxidized. The meteorite is composed of two distinct lithologies: a two‐pyroxene olivine gabbro with cumulate texture, and a polymict, fragmental regolith breccia. The olivine gabbro is dominated by cumulate olivine with pigeonite, augite, and interstitial plagioclase feldspar. The breccia consists of several types of clasts but is dominated by clasts from the gabbro and more FeO‐rich derivatives. Variations in clast mineral assemblage and pyroxene Mg/(Mg + Fe) and Ti/(Ti + Cr) record an igneous Fe‐enrichment trend that culminated in crystallization of fayalite + silica + hedenbergite‐bearing symplectites. The Fe‐enrichment trend and cumulate textures observed in NWA 773 are similar to features of terrestrial ponded lava flows and shallow‐level mafic intrusives, indicating that NWA 773 may be from a layered mafic intrusion or a thick, differentiated lava flow. NWA 773 and several other mafic lunar meteorites have LREE‐enriched patters distinct from Apollo and Luna mare basalts, which tend to be LREE‐depleted. This is somewhat surprising in light of remote sensing data that indicates that the Apollo and Luna missions sampled a portion of the moon that was enriched in incompatible heatproducing elements.  相似文献   
Abstract— Anorthite‐rich chondrules in CR and CH carbonaceous chondrites consist of magnesian low‐Ca pyroxene and forsterite phenocrysts, FeNi‐metal nodules, interstitial anorthite, Al‐Ti‐Cr‐rich low‐Ca and high‐Ca pyroxenes, and crystalline mesostasis composed of silica, anorthite and high‐Ca pyroxene. Three anorthite‐rich chondrules contain relic calcium‐aluminum‐rich inclusions (CAIs) composed of anorthite, spinel, ±Al‐diopside, and ± forsterite. A few chondrules contain regions which are texturally and mineralogically similar to magnesian (type I) chondrules and consist of forsterite, low‐Ca pyroxene and abundant FeNi‐metal nodules. Anorthite‐rich chondrules in CR and CH chondrites are mineralogically similar to those in CV and CO carbonaceous chondrites, but contain no secondary nepheline, sodalite or ferrosilite. Relatively high abundances of moderately‐volatile elements such as Cr, Mn and Si in the anorthite‐rich chondrules suggest that these chondrules could not have been produced by volatilization of the ferromagnesian chondrule precursors or by melting of the refractory materials only. We infer instead that anorthite‐rich chondrules in carbonaceous chondrites formed by melting of the reduced chondrule precursors (olivine, pyroxenes, FeNi‐metal) mixed with the refractory materials, including relic CAIs, composed of anorthite, spinel, high‐Ca pyroxene and forsterite. The observed mineralogical and textural similarities of the anorthite‐rich chondrules in several carbonaceous chondrite groups (CV, CO, CH, CR) may indicate that these chondrules formed in the region(s) intermediate between the regions where CAIs and ferromagnesian chondrules originated. This may explain the relative enrichment of anorthite‐rich chondrules in 16O compared to typical ferromagnesian chondrules (Russell et al., 2000).  相似文献   
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