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Tick populations and tick‐borne diseases like Lyme borreliosis have been steadily increasing since the mid‐1990s. Realizing the threat that ticks pose to public health, two Dutch citizen science projects have collected tick bite reports since 2006. This unique volunteered geographical dataset, which currently has nearly 35,000 reports, was used to identify environmental and other circumstantial factors associated with tick bites. For this, we first enriched the tick bite reports with temperature, precipitation, vegetation and volunteered data associated with the location of the tick bite. Using this enriched dataset, we then derived a series of features to characterize the environmental and volunteer‐related conditions in which each tick bite occurred. Next, we discretized these features using the Jenks Natural Breaks algorithm and, after that, we mined frequent environmental patterns associated with tick bites using the AprioriClose algorithm. Finally, we checked that these patterns are specifically associated with the tick bites by comparing them with the frequent patterns mined from pseudo‐random locations. The frequent patterns were visualized using heat maps and ring maps and two representative patterns associated with tick bites were projected into geographic space to study their spatio‐temporal distribution. Our results show that factors linked to human activity are more relevant to model tick bites than seasonal accumulations of temperature, vegetation or precipitation. In particular, the number of warm and dry days per season are present in a significant number of patterns and the majority of tick bites are produced within a distance of half a kilometer of a forest, recreational or built‐up area. The study of patterns in the time‐series revealed that there are several persistent patterns consistently occurring each year and the validation process showed that the volunteer tick bites collection is capturing environmental conditions associated with tick bites, suggesting that these reports have a high scientific value. These results support the creation of a Dutch tick bite risk map that, in turn, will open the door to the design of public health interventions to reduce the incidence of Lyme disease.  相似文献   
High-resolution depth imaging with sparseness-constrained inversion   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An imaging technique is developed which exceeds the resolution limitation prescribed by conventional seismic imaging methods. The high‐resolution imaging is obtained by introducing a sparseness‐constrained least‐squares inversion into the imaging process of prestack depth migration. This is implemented by a proposed interference technique. In contrast to conventional depth migration, a decomposed signal or combined event, instead of the source wavelet, is needed in the proposed scheme. The proposed method aims to image a small local region with a higher resolution using the prestack data set. It should be applied following conventional depth imaging if a higher resolution is needed in a target zone rather than replacing the conventional depth imaging for the entire medium. Synthetic examples demonstrate the significant improvements in the resolution using the proposed scheme.  相似文献   
Strandings of oiled seabirds are used to signal the problem of chronic oil pollution. Species-specific oil rates reflect the risk for marine birds to become oiled at sea. High oil rates were characteristic for seabirds common in areas with frequent oil spills; low oil rates for birds wintering away from the busiest shipping lanes. Declining trends in oil-rates were found, reflecting a reduction in the amount of oil intentionally discharged over the past 50 years. Spatial patterns in the risk to become oiled could be identified, when the winter distribution patterns of the affected birds were incorporated in the analysis. Declines in oil rates were most pronounced in coastal birds. These trends were consistent with tendencies to police nearshore waters more effectively than offshore waters. While levels of chronic oil pollution are much reduced, future emphasis should be to reduce chronic oiling more effectively in offshore waters.  相似文献   
An approach is presented to determine the seasonal variations in travel time in a bank filtration system using a passive heat tracer test. The temperature in the aquifer varies seasonally because of temperature variations of the infiltrating surface water and at the soil surface. Temperature was measured with distributed temperature sensing along fiber optic cables that were inserted vertically into the aquifer with direct push equipment. The approach was applied to a bank filtration system consisting of a sequence of alternating, elongated recharge basins and rows of recovery wells. A SEAWAT model was developed to simulate coupled flow and heat transport. The model of a two‐dimensional vertical cross section is able to simulate the temperature of the water at the well and the measured vertical temperature profiles reasonably well. MODPATH was used to compute flowpaths and the travel time distribution. At the study site, temporal variation of the pumping discharge was the dominant factor influencing the travel time distribution. For an equivalent system with a constant pumping rate, variations in the travel time distribution are caused by variations in the temperature‐dependent viscosity. As a result, travel times increase in the winter, when a larger fraction of the water travels through the warmer, lower part of the aquifer, and decrease in the summer, when the upper part of the aquifer is warmer.  相似文献   
An analytic approach is presented for the simulation of variations in the groundwater level due to temporal variations of recharge in surficial aquifers. Such variations, called groundwater dynamics, are computed through convolution of the response function due to an impulse of recharge with a measured time series of recharge. It is proposed to approximate the impulse response function with an exponential function of time which has two parameters that are functions of space only. These parameters are computed by setting the zeroth and first temporal moments of the approximate impulse response function equal to the corresponding moments of the true impulse response function. The zeroth and first moments are modeled with the analytic element method. The zeroth moment may be modeled with existing analytic elements, while new analytic elements are derived for the modeling of the first moment. Moment matching may be applied in the same fashion with other approximate impulse response functions. It is shown that the proposed approach gives accurate results for a circular island through comparison with an exact solution; both a step recharge function and a measured series of 10 years of recharge were used. The presented approach is specifically useful for modeling groundwater dynamics in aquifers with shallow groundwater tables as is demonstrated in a practical application. The analytic element method is a gridless method that allows for the precise placement of ditches and streams that regulate groundwater levels in such aquifers; heads may be computed analytically at any point and at any time. The presented approach may be extended to simulate the effect of other transient stresses (such as fluctuating surface water levels or pumping rates), and to simulate transient effects in multi-aquifer systems.  相似文献   
We formulate the Kirchhoff‐Helmholtz representation theory for the combination of seismic interferometry signals synthesized by cross‐correlation and by cross‐convolution in acoustic media. The approach estimates the phase of the virtual reflections from the boundary encompassing a volume of interest and subtracts these virtual reflections from the total seismic‐interferometry wavefield. The reliability of the combination result, relevant for seismic exploration, depends on the stationary‐phase and local completeness in partial coverage regions. The analysis shows the differences in the phase of the corresponding seismic interferometry (by cross‐correlation) and virtual reflector (by cross‐convolution) signals obtained by 2D and 3D formulations, with synthetic examples performed to remove water layer multiples in ocean bottom seismic (OBS) acoustic data.  相似文献   
Sediment deposition is one of the key mechanisms to counteract the impact of sea level rise in tidal freshwater wetlands (TFWs). However, information about sediment deposition rates in TFWs is limited, especially for those located in the transition zone between the fluvially dominated and tidally dominated sections of a river delta where sedimentation rates are affected by the combined impact of river discharge, wind, and tides. Using a combined hydrodynamic–morphological model, we examined how hydrometeorological boundary conditions control sedimentation rates and patterns in a TFW located in the Rhine–Meuse estuary in the Netherlands. The modelling results show that net sedimentation rate increases with the magnitude of the river discharge, whereas stronger wind increasingly prevents sedimentation. Sediment trapping efficiency decreases for both increasing river discharge and wind magnitude. The impact of wind storms on the trapping efficiency becomes smaller for higher water discharge. The spatial sedimentation patterns are affected by all controls. Our study illustrates the importance of evaluating both the separate and the joint impact of discharge, wind, and tides when estimating sedimentation rates in a TFW affected by these controls. Such insights are relevant to design measures to reactivate the sedimentation process in these areas.  相似文献   
In recent years, a variety of Marchenko methods for the attenuation of internal multiples has been developed. These methods have been extensively tested on two-dimensional synthetic data and applied to two-dimensional field data, but only little is known about their behaviour on three-dimensional synthetic data and three-dimensional field data. Particularly, it is not known whether Marchenko methods are sufficiently robust for sparse acquisition geometries that are found in practice. Therefore, we start by performing a series of synthetic tests to identify the key acquisition parameters and limitations that affect the result of three-dimensional Marchenko internal multiple prediction and subtraction using an adaptive double-focusing method. Based on these tests, we define an interpolation strategy and use it for the field data application. Starting from a wide azimuth dense grid of sources and receivers, a series of decimation tests are performed until a narrow azimuth streamer geometry remains. We evaluate the effect of the removal of sail lines, near offsets, far offsets and outer cables on the result of the adaptive double-focusing method. These tests show that our method is most sensitive to the limited aperture in the crossline direction and the sail line spacing when applying it to synthetic narrow azimuth streamer data. The sail line spacing can be interpolated, but the aperture in the crossline direction is a limitation of the acquisition. Next, we apply the adaptive Marchenko double-focusing method to the narrow azimuth streamer field data from the Santos Basin, Brazil. Internal multiples are predicted and adaptively subtracted, thereby improving the geological interpretation of the target area. These results imply that our adaptive double-focusing method is sufficiently robust for the application to three-dimensional field data, although the key acquisition parameters and limitations will naturally differ in other geological settings and for other types of acquisition.  相似文献   
In the field of seismic interferometry, researchers have retrieved surface waves and body waves by cross‐correlating recordings of uncorrelated noise sources to extract useful subsurface information. The retrieved wavefields in most applications are between receivers. When the positions of the noise sources are known, inter‐source interferometry can be applied to retrieve the wavefields between sources, thus turning sources into virtual receivers. Previous applications of this form of interferometry assume impulsive point sources or transient sources with similar signatures. We investigate the requirements of applying inter‐source seismic interferometry using non‐transient noise sources with known positions to retrieve reflection responses at those positions and show the results using synthetic drilling noise as source. We show that, if pilot signals (estimates of the drill‐bit signals) are not available, it is required that the drill‐bit signals are the same and that the phases of the virtual reflections at drill‐bit positions can be retrieved by deconvolution interferometry or by cross‐coherence interferometry. Further, for this case, classic interferometry by cross‐correlation can be used if the source power spectrum can be estimated. If pilot signals are available, virtual reflection responses can be obtained by first using standard seismic‐while‐drilling processing techniques such as pilot cross‐correlation and pilot deconvolution to remove the drill‐bit signatures in the data and then applying cross‐correlation interferometry. Therefore, provided that pilot signals are reliable, drill‐bit data can be redatumed from surface to borehole depths using this inter‐source interferometry approach without any velocity information of the medium, and we show that a well‐positioned image below the borehole can be obtained using interferometrically redatumed reflection responses with just a simple velocity model. We discuss some of the practical hurdles that restrict the application of the proposed method offshore.  相似文献   
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