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We measured the brightness of the white light corona at the total solar eclipses on 1 August 2008 and 22 July 2009, when solar activity was at its lowest in one hundred years. After careful calibration, the brightness of the corona in both eclipses was evaluated to be approximately 0.4×10?6 of the total brightness of the Sun, which is the lowest level ever observed. Furthermore, the total brightness of the K+F-corona beyond 3R in both eclipses is lower than some of the previous measurements of the brightness of the F-corona only. Our accurate measurements of the coronal brightness provide not only the K-corona brightness during a period of very low solar activity but also a reliable upper limit of the brightness of the F-corona.  相似文献   
Kazuo Kiminami 《Island Arc》2010,19(3):530-545
This study examines the geology of low‐grade (chlorite zone) metamorphic rocks in the Sanbagawa belt and of a Jurassic accretionary complex in the Northern Chichibu belt, eastern Shikoku, Japan. The bulk chemistries of metasandstones and metapelites in the Sanbagawa belt of eastern Shikoku are examined in order to determine their parentage. The Sanbagawa belt can be divided into northern and southern parts based on lithology and geologic structure. Geochemical data indicate that metasediments in the northern and southern parts are the metamorphic equivalents of the KS‐II (Coniacian–Campanian) and KS‐I (late Albian–early Coniacian) units of the Shimanto belt, respectively. The depositional ages of the parent sediments of low‐grade metamorphic rocks found in the Sanbagawa belt and the Jurassic Northern Chichibu belt, indicate a north‐younging polarity. In contrast, sedimentological evidence indicates younging to the south. These observations suggest that a tectonic event has resulted in a change from a northerly to southerly dip direction for schistosity and bedding in the Sanbagawa and Northern Chichibu belts of eastern Shikoku. The younging polarity observed in the Sanbagawa and Northern Chichibu belts, together with previously reported data on vitrinite reflectance and geological structure, indicate that the Northern Chichibu belt was part of the overburden formerly lying on top of the Sanbagawa low‐grade metamorphic rocks.  相似文献   
The seasonal occurrence and microhabitat of the monogenean Udonella fugu that hyperparasitizes exclusively on adults of the caligid copepod Pseudocaligus fugu that infects the skin of the grass puffer Takifugu niphobles were investigated in the Seto Inland Sea, western Japan from November 2004 to December 2006. The udonellids occurred and bred mostly during the occurrence of P. fugu on the fish host. The average prevalence and intensity of U. fugu on P. fugu during the whole investigation were 29% and 3.6, respectively. The main attachment sites of U. fugu were the posterior side of leg 3 and the dorsal marginal side of the cephalothorax for feeding and copulation, while eggs were predominantly located on the ventral side of the urosome to avoid detachment. More attention should be paid to the ecology of U. fugu, due to recent high prevalence of P. fugu on cultured tiger puffer in western Japan.  相似文献   
This paper reports stick-slip behaviors of Indian gabbro as studied using a new large-scale biaxial friction apparatus, built in the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Prevention (NIED), Tsukuba, Japan. The apparatus consists of the existing shaking table as the shear-loading device up to 3, 600 kN, the main frame for holding two large rectangular prismatic specimens with a sliding area of 0.75 m2 and for applying normal stresses σn up to 1.33 MPa, and a reaction force unit holding the stationary specimen to the ground. The shaking table can produce loading rates v up to 1.0 m/s, accelerations up to 9.4 m/s2, and displacements d up to 0.44 m, using four servocontrolled actuators. We report results from eight preliminary experiments conducted with room humidity on the same gabbro specimens at v = 0.1-100 mm/s and σn = 0.66-1.33 MPa, and with d of about 0.39 m. The peak and steady-state friction coefficients were about 0.8 and 0.6, respectively, consistent with the Byerlee friction. The axial force drop or shear stress drop during an abrupt slip is linearly proportional to the amount of displacement, and the slope of this relationship determines the stiffness of the apparatus as 1.15×108 N/m or 153 MPa/m for the specimens we used. This low stiffness makes fault motion very unstable and the overshooting of shear stress to a negative value was recognized in some violent stick-slip events. An abrupt slip occurred in a constant rise time of 16-18 ms despite wide variation of the stress drop, and an average velocity during an abrupt slip is linearly proportional to the stress drop. The use of a large-scale shaking table has a great potential in increasing the slip rate and total displacement in biaxial friction experiments with large specimens.  相似文献   
The Reocín mine in northern Spain’s Basque–Cantabrian basin exploited a world-class Mississippi Valley-type Zn–Pb deposit. Its epigenetic mineralization is in Urgonian 116 ± 1 Ma dolomitized limestones of the Santillana syncline, which was formed by Oligocene and mid Miocene pulses of the Pyrenean orogeny. Paleomagnetic results (22 sites, 274 specimens) in mineralization isolated a stable remanence (ChRM) in pyrrhotite and minor magnetite inclusions in ore specimens, Zn concentrate, and tailings. A fold test shows that the ChRM is substantially post-folding. The mineralization’s paleopole lies on the European apparent polar wander path and indicates that the mineralization was formed at 15 ± 10 Ma. We postulate that brines originated in underlying Triassic and Lower Cretaceous sedimentary rocks and were driven upward into the host rocks by the hydraulic gradient created by the nearby Asturian massif.  相似文献   
The use of super-elevations that a forced vortex flow leaves on the valley walls of a curved flume is a plausible approach toward estimating debris flow velocities in earthquake-induced geo-hazard studies. The centrifugal force of a speeding flow is responsible for a higher flow depth on the outer bend. However, in reality, a flow is not steady, and only the highest flow-marks are left at the outer and inner bends of the flow, which can lead to an inaccurate estimation of the actual velocity. Seeing the real scenario of the field, a series of numerical flume tests using smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is conducted to validate the estimation of debris flow velocities from flow-marks. Velocities estimated from flow-marks are lower than real velocities near the source region, but they converge to real velocities as the distance to the source increases. Based on several simulations, a best-fit line is proposed for adjusting debris flow velocity from mud-marks, and it is used to estimate flow velocities of the well-documented debris event called “Shiraito river debris flow,” which happened near the rim of the Hakone Crater, Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan, ensuing from the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake.  相似文献   
Abstract: Crystallinity, chemical compositions and K-Ar ages of sericites in highly-sericitized granites and associated fissure-filling veins were examined to delineate the timing and duration of the hydrothermal activity in the Oligocene Hamada cauldron in the San-in district, SW Japan. Sericite separates (>2 μm) from the highly-sericitized granites consist mainly of 2M1 polytype having high crystallinity and low Kübler indices of 0.22–0.35, while those in the fissure-filling veins have lower 2M1/1Md ratios and crystallinity, and high Kübler indices of 0.29–0.35. This suggests that the sericites in highlysericitized granites were formed at a higher temperature than the vein sericites.
Sericites from the highly-sericitized granites of the Kumogi pluton give K-Ar ages of 30.0±0.7, 30.4±0.7, 30.6±0.7, 30.6±0.7, 32.1±0.7, 32.3±0.7 and 33.0±0.7 Ma (1), while those of the central plutons, 33.8±0.7 and 33.8±0.7 Ma. Sericites in the fissure-filling veins of the Kumogi granite give K-Ar ages of 31.0±0.7, 31.5±0.7, 31.6±0.7, 31.7±0.7 and 32.3±0.7 Ma. Biotite separates from the fresh Kumogi granite give K-Ar ages of 31.7±0.8, 32.0±0.8, 32.7±0.7 and 33.5±0.7 Ma. The K-Ar age data revealed that the hydrothermal alteration began at about 33 Ma and ended by about 30 Ma and that the period of sericite alteration was nearly synchronous with the cooling of the granite intrusions in the Hamada cauldron.
Despite intense hydrothermal alteration, the Oligocene granitoids have not accompanied with any economic base metal mineralization. The bulk chemical analyses of sericite separates in the veins indicate that the post-magmatic fluids were originally barren in heavy metals.  相似文献   
Long-term earthquake observations at different tunnel sites within a variety of alluvial soil deposits have clearly demonstrated that a tunnel, which exhibits rather flexible nature within its surrounding soil, follows closely the motion of the soil mass during an earthquake. Therefore, coating a tunnel with a soft material will be a possible measure for minimizing damage to tunnels. This paper provides a clear perspective on the feasibility of this measure by using simple solutions to idealized problems.  相似文献   
Vegetation restoration is one of the most common and effective ways to combat desertification and prevent adjacent areas from sand encroachment in many of the desertified regions of the world. However, vegetation restoration in desertified regions is very difficult because of low rainfall, the mobile ground surface, and cost. An effective, low-cost method of afforestation is urgently required. To determine such a method, a 10-year study was carried out in the Jilantai Salt Lake area. Five different afforestation areas were established: a ‘comparison area,’ a ‘land enclosure area,’ a ‘land enclosure + irrigation area,’ a ‘leveled-afforestation area’ (the dune areas were leveled and then planted with seedlings with added irrigation), and a ‘protected afforestation area’ (the dune areas were planted with seedlings, and the surviving natural vegetation was protected as much as possible). Vegetation-related parameters (survival rate, height, trunk diameter, coverage, canopy size, and density) and environment-related factors (relative humidity, wind velocity, and amount of sand encroachment) were measured by standard methods. Results show that the protected afforestation method had the following advantages: (1) the survival rate was higher for seedlings planted in the protected afforestation area than in the leveled afforestation area; (2) vigor (height, trunk diameter, coverage, and canopy size) was better in seedlings planted in the protected afforestation area than in the leveled afforestation area, especially in the beginning period of revegetation; (3) coverage (of individual species, of all planted vegetation, and of all vegetation) was larger in the protected afforestation area than in the leveled afforestation area; (4) density of naturally germinated plant species was higher in the protected afforestation area than in the other areas, showing that the protected afforestation method provided a suitable growing environment not only for planted species but also for naturally growing species; (5) in the protected vegetation area, relative humidity of air increased and wind velocity was greatly reduced; (6) after the establishment of vegetation by the protected afforestation method, sand encroachment into the salt lake area was significantly reduced. These results suggest that protected afforestation is an effective method of vegetation rehabilitation that has the potential not only to be applied to arid lands in China but also to desertified areas throughout the world; (7) cost-effective calculation shows that the leveled afforestation area costs much more than other areas.  相似文献   
The temporal attenuation characteristics of the frequency of aftershock activity for 32 earthquakes (M being more than or equal to 5) were quantitatively analyzed by using the maximum likelihood estimation for point process. The results indicated that the average value of the attenuation coefficient of aftershock activity (p-value in the modified Omori’s formula) of the East China and the North—South Seismic Belt of China (NSB) was 0.91, being less than thep value of the western China. Comparing thep values of aftershock activities in the continental part of China with those in the Japanese islands, it was found that thep value in the continental part of China was less than that in the Japanese islands. Wherewith thep value is not related to the magnitude of main shock.  相似文献   
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