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Coral reef terraces are one of the best recorders of relative sea-level changes during the last glacial cycle. Thus far, knowledge of relative sea-level record based on coral reefs during the marine Oxygen Isotope Stage (OIS) 3 has been limited to studies of the Huon Peninsula, Papua New Guinea. High-precision a α-spectrometric 230Th/234U dating demonstrated an offlapping sequence of five coral reef complexes, ages of which are 66, 64, 62, 55 and 52 ka, in the northern part of Kikai Island, central Ryukyus of Japan. Interstadial reefs, characterized by deepening-upward sequences of coral assemblages, recorded three hemicycles from transgression to highstand at 52, 62, and 66 ka, during which these reefs were drowned. These highstands in the relative sea-level record can be correlated with the eustatic record reconstructed from the Huon reef terraces and with the interstadials 14, 18, and 19 of the GISP 2 oxygen isotope record. This consistency confirms the Huon sea-level record of OIS 3 and implies that the eustatic sea level responded to the millennial-scale climate changes even during the glacial period of OIS 4.  相似文献   
Three vertical profiles of seawater concentration and isotopic composition of Nd were determined for the western to central North Pacific Ocean.In the subarctic oceanic region, at depths greater than 500 m, one vertical profile of Nd isotopic composition was indistinguishable from most previously reported profiles from here. The data indicate a rather homogeneous Nd isotopic composition in the subarctic oceanic region at middle to deep depths (>500 m). Two stations in the subtropical oceanic region exhibited similar Nd isotopic composition profiles to those previously reported. The maxima εNd values at depths of 800-1000 m (εNd = −3.4 to −2.7), which correspond to the North Pacific Intermediate Water (NPIW), are found at both subtropical stations. This implies a ubiquitous distribution of NPIW showing a radiogenic εNd value in the North Pacific. The subsurface minimum at a depth of ∼200 m, which indicates the penetration of the North Pacific Tropical Water (NPTW) with an unradiogenic Nd isotopic signal, was observed at one station in the western Pacific. This station had much lower εNd than the central station at depths around 5000 m, suggesting the greater prominence of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) in the western subtropical Pacific than in the central to eastern subtropical Pacific.Results of a model calculation assuming boundary exchange indicate that the Hawaiian Islands play an important role in supplying radiogenic Nd to the central Pacific, similar to some continental margins.We show that Nd isotopic composition is a versatile tracer for ocean circulation and the geochemical cycle of Nd in the North Pacific. Further studies on the distribution of Nd isotopic composition in the Pacific Ocean, including the Southern Pacific, will better elucidate the circulation and geochemical cycle of Nd in the Pacific.  相似文献   
In this talk, I review an analytic method for calculating gravitational radiation from a small mass particle orbiting a massive black hole. This method allows a systematic evalutation of the gravitational radiation to a very high order in post-Newtonian expansion, hence gives us useful information on the evolution of coalescing compact binary stars.  相似文献   
We focused on the potential contribution of fossorial rodents to recovery of degraded abandoned Mongolian croplands. From field observations and the literature, we determined that plant litter and soil crusting were the main factors preventing establishment or growth of the perennial grass Elymus chinensis (Poaceae) on these croplands. We hypothesized that small fossorial rodents such as Mongolian gerbils promote grass establishment and growth by clearing litter and destroying crusts. We designed a path model linking number of burrows to patch size and plant volume of E. chinensis. As we hypothesized, small rodents increased the patch size of E. chinensis through reduction of litter cover. However, unexpectedly, we could not find significant effects on E. chinensis via crust thickness. Our results suggest that litter removal by the rodents gave E. chinensis suitable space that was free of competitors; this allowed expansion of the E. chinensis patches. Any effect of soil crusting on plant volume could not be explained simply by the variables we used, probably because some other mechanism, such as temporal variation in the crust, was involved. We demonstrate that small rodents are key agents in the recovery of degraded grasslands.  相似文献   
The difference of spatial distributions between the O-type stars, supernovae and red giant stars found by Riekeet al. (1980) in the nuclear region of M82 can be interpreted if the star formation has been triggered by shock waves expanding from the nucleus with velocities of 100 km s–1 at 300 pc from the centre and if the explosions have recurrently occurred with time interval of about 2×106 yr. The recurrent formation of such giant compressed gas layer makes the formation rate of massive stars efficient.  相似文献   
Abstract— Based on recent progress in simulating space weathering on asteroids using pulse‐laser irradiation onto olivine and orthopyroxene samples, detailed analyses of two of the A and R type asteroid reflectance spectra have been performed using reflectance spectra of laser‐treated samples. The visible‐near‐infrared spectrum of olivine is more altered than that of pyroxene at the same pulse‐laser energy, suggesting that olivine weathers more rapidly than orthopyroxene in space. The same trend can be detected from reflectance spectra of the asteroids, where the more olivine an asteroid has, the redder its 1 μm band continuum can become. Comparison of the 1 μm band continuum slope and the 2/1 μm band area ratio between the asteroids and olivine and pyroxene samples (including the laser‐treated ones) suggests that asteroids may be limited in the degree of space weathering they can exhibit, possibly due to the short life of their surface regolith. Their pyroxenes may also have a limited chemical composition range. Fitting the visible continuum shape and other parts of the spectra (especially the 2μm part) has been impossible with any combination of common rock‐forming minerals such as silicates and metallic irons. However, this study shows, for the first time, excellent fits of reflectance spectra of an A asteroid (Aeternitas) and an R asteroid (Dembowska), including their visible spectral curves, band depths and shapes, and overall continuum shapes. Our results provide estimates that Aeternitas consists of 2% fresh olivine, 93% space‐weathered olivine, 1% space‐weathered orthopyroxene, and 4% chromite, and that Dembowska consists of 1% fresh olivine, 55% space‐weathered olivine, and 44% space‐weathered orthopyroxene. These results suggest that space weathering effects maybe important to the interpretation of asteroid reflectance spectra, even those with deep silicate absorption bands. Modified Gaussian model deconvolutions of the laser‐irradiated olivine samples show that their identity as olivine remained. The most recent submicroscopic mineralogical analyses have revealed that the laser‐irradiated olivine samples contain nanophase iron particles similar to those in space‐weathered lunar samples.  相似文献   
A cosmic dust detector for installation on a satellite is currently being developed using piezoelectric lead zirconate titanate (PZT), which can possess both functions of the collector and the transducer. The characteristics of the PZT detector have been studied by bombarding it with hypervelocity particles supplied by a Van de Graaff accelerator. The front surface of the detector used in this study was covered with a white paint to reduce any increase in the temperature due to the solar radiation. There was a linear relationship between the rise time of the signal produced by the detector and the particle's velocities, which were above 10 km/s on impact. This implies that individual particle velocities on impact can be inferred through the empirical formula derived from the data obtained from the PZT detector.  相似文献   
The structure and dynamics of water on muscovite mica (0 0 1) surfaces have been investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. X-ray reflectivity profiles highly reflecting the interfacial structure are directly calculated and compared with those of experiments. The direct comparison has validated the usefulness of MD simulations to understand the real interfacial structure of the mica−water system. We observed five distinguished peaks in the density profile of oxygen present in water, and these peaks are attributable to the water molecules directly adsorbed on mica, hydrated to the K+ ions on the mica surface, and ordered due to hydrogen bonds between hydrated K+ ions. The hydrated K+ ions make an inner-sphere complex and have an explicit first hydration shell with a radius of 3.6 Å and a hydration number of 2.9. The change of the viscosity of water located above 1 nm apart from the mica surface was not observed. This feature is in good agreement with a recent experimental study in which the shear measurement was conducted using a surface forces apparatus. The increase of the viscosity by a factor of ca. 2-3 relative to that of the bulk water was observed at water located within 1 nm from the isolated mica surface.  相似文献   
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