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Sedimentary core samples were collected from Mikawa Bay and analyzed for organic C, N and P, carbohydrate and protein including amino acids. Sedimentation rates for each of the core samples were found to lie in the range of 0.21–0.24 g cm–2yr–1 by the210Pb method. Degradation rate constants of organic C, N and P, carbohydrate and protein including amino acids had ranges of 3.8–5.5, 4.7–5.9, 6.3–7.4, 5.7–6.8 and 3.9–6.8×10–2yr–1, respectively. The rate of degradation of organic matter in the sediment was also calculated and is discussed in relation to the flux of particulate organic matter to the surface of the sediment.  相似文献   
Variation of mercury concentration in the oceans during the last several decades has been investigated by determining the mercury concentration in rock fishes caught recently andca. 20 years ago. From this result, it is concluded that there has been no variation of mercury concentration in the oceans during the last several decades.  相似文献   
We present paleomagnetic results of Paleocene welded tuffs of the 53–50 Ma Bogopol Group from the northern region (46°N, 137°E) of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt. Characteristic paleomagnetic directions with high unblocking temperature components above 560 °C were isolated from all the sites. A tilt-corrected mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region is D=345.8°, I=49.9°, α95=14.6° (N=9). The reliability of the magnetization is ascertained through the presence of normal and reversed polarities. The mean paleomagnetic direction from the northern region of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt reflects a counterclockwise rotation of 29° from the Paleocene mean paleomagnetic direction expected from its southern region. The counterclockwise rotation of 25° is suggested from the paleomagnetic data of the Kisin Group that underlies the Bogopol Group. These results establish that internal tectonic deformation occurred within the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt over the past 50 Ma. The northern region from 44.6° to 46.0°N in the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt was subjected to counterclockwise rotational motion through 29±17° with respect to the southern region. The tectonic rotation of the northern region is ascribable to relative motion between the Zhuravlevka terrane and the Olginsk–Taukhinsk terranes that compose the basements of the Sikhote Alin volcanic belt.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach dem Erdbeden von Nanka?do im Jahre 1946 hat man das Dreiecksnetz I. Ordnung in einem Gebiet von etwa 300 km Umkreis wiederbeobachtet, und zwar auf 47 Punkten insgeasamt 68 Winkel. Die letzte Triangulation fand in den Jahren 1885–96 statt.—Nach der Ausgleichung des Netzes wurden Punkverschiebungen bis zu 1,69 m festgestellt.
Resumen Después del temblor de tierra de 1946, en Nanka?do, se ha vuelto a observar la red de triangulación de 1H orden en un radio de 300 kilómetros aproximadamente. Los puntos de nuevo observados son 47 y los triángulos 68. La triangulaciín precedente se remontaba a los a?os 1885–96. Después de compensar la red, se han deducido los desplazamientos experimentados por los puntos sobre el terreno, que llegaron a ser de 1,69 metros.

Résumé Après le tremblement de tèrre de 1946 à Nankaido, on a réobservé le réseau de triangulation de premier ordre dans un rayon de 300 km environ. Les points réobservés sont au nombre de 47, et les triangles en nombre de 68. La triangtlation précédente remontait aux années 1885–96. La compensation du réseau effectuée, on en a déduit les déplacements subis par les points sur le terrain, qui importent jusqu’à 1,69 m.

Sommario Dopo il terremoto di Nankaido del 1946, è stata riosservata la rete di prim’ordine entro un raggio di circa 300 km. La precedente triangolazione risaliva agli anni 1885–96. Effettuata la compensazione, il confronto fra l’anticae la nuova triangolazione ha rivelato spostamenti nei vertici ammontanti fino a m 1,69.

Communication présentée à l’Assemblée Générale de Bruxelles en 1951  相似文献   
K–Ar ages of the Cenozoic basaltic rocks from the Far East region of Russia (comprising Sikhote-Alin and Sakhalin) are determined to obtain constraints on the tectono-magmatic evolution of the Eurasian margin by comparison with the Japanese Islands, Northeast China, and the formation of the back-arc basin. In the early Tertiary stage (54–26 Ma), the northwestward subduction of the Pacific Plate produced the active continental margin volcanism of Sikhote-Alin and Sakhalin, whereas the rift-type volcanism of Northeast China, inland part of the continent began to develop under a northeast–southwest-trending deep fault system. In the early Neogene (24–17 Ma), a large number of subduction-related volcanic rocks were erupted in connection with the Japan Sea opening. After an inactive interval of the volcanism ∼ 20–13 Ma ago, the late Neogene (12–5 Ma) volcanism of Sikhote-Alin and Sakhalin became distinct from those of the preceding stages and indicated within-plate geochemical features similar to those of Northeast China, in contrast to the Japan Arc which produces island arc volcanism. During the Japan Sea opening, the northeastern Eurasian margin detached and became a continental island arc system, and an integral part of continental eastern Asia comprising Sikhote-Alin, Sakhalin and Northeast China, and the Japan Arc with a back-arc basin. The convergence between the Eurasian Plate, the Pacific Plate and the Indian Plate may have contributed to the Cenozoic tectono-magmatism of the northeastern Eurasian continent.  相似文献   
Estimation of elastoplastic deformation around an underground opening induced by the excavation of it, especially displacement and strain field in plastic region, is presented in this paper, as well as the formulation for calculating the displacement and strain in the plastic region around the underground opening by the coupled Boundary Element Method - Characteristics Method (BEM-CM). In this method, the non-associated flow rule is adopted to calculate the displacement and strain field in the plastic region, which is determined by the integration of the displacement along characteristics lines under the boundary condition of the elastic displacement on an elastoplastic interface analysed. It is shown that this method is one of the accurate and effective methods for estimating not only the shape and extent of the plastic region but also the state of the displacement and strain in the plastic region around the underground opening, comparing the theoretical solution with numerical results by this method for a circular opening under hydrostatic initial stress condition. Furthermore, this method is applied to rectangular and horse-shoe shaped openings and the characteristics of the strain field in the plastic region are discussed. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The relationship between Cd and PO4 in the Kuroshio and Oyashio regions and the Okhotsk Sea was examined. The resultant equations are as follows: Cd (ng l–1)=37.0 PO4 (M)+2.6; Cd(ng l–1)=32.1 PO4 (M)+1.2 and Cd (ng l–1)=34.1 PO4 (M)+7.9, respectively. These results are in good agreement with previously reported studies, and indicate that during removal from surface waters to deeper waters by biological assimilation and regeneration in deeper waters Cd and PO4 maintain the same ratio in the open ocean. The relationship between Cd and PO4 in coastal waters, however, differed from that in the open ocean.  相似文献   
Besshi-type Cu deposits are strata-bound volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits usually associated with mafic volcanic rocks or their metamorphic equivalents. Although there are numerous Besshi-type deposits in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, Japan, their tectonic settings and depositional environments remain controversial because of a lack of depositional age constraints. We report Re-Os data for the Iimori deposit, one of the largest Besshi-type deposits in western Kii Peninsula, in order to examine the robustness of the Re-Os isotope system for dating sulfide minerals in the high-P/T metamorphic belt and to elucidate the primary depositional environment of the Iimori sulfide ores. An 11-point Re-Os isochron plot yields an age of 156.8 ± 3.6 Ma. As this Re-Os isochron age is significantly older than the timing of the Sanbagawa peak metamorphism (110-120 or ∼90 Ma) and a well-defined isochron was obtained, the Re-Os age determined here is most likely the primary depositional age. Despite high-grade metamorphism at up to 520 ± 25 °C and 8-9.5 kbar, the Re-Os isotope system of the Iimori sulfides was not disturbed. Hence, we consider that the whole-rock Re-Os closure temperature for the Iimori sulfide ores was probably higher than 500 °C. As the accretion age of the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt is considered to be 120-130 or 65-90 Ma on the basis of radiolarian and radiometric ages, we estimated the time from the Iimori sulfide deposition on the paleo-seafloor to its accretion at the convergent plate boundary to be greater than 25 Myr. Consequently, the depositional environment of the Iimori sulfide ores was not in the marginal sea, but was truly pelagic.  相似文献   
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