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从砂岩成分探讨吐哈盆地构造演化   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
陆源碎屑岩是陆相沉积盆地的主要充填物,其成分主要受物源区母岩成分控制。通过系统分析碎屑岩成分特点可以再造沉积盆地的构造演化历史。对吐哈盆地分别采用岩矿和地球化学分析手段进行系统分析,结果显示两种分析所得结构吻合性极好,反映盆地的构造演化分为二叠纪、三叠纪-侏罗纪以及白垩纪-第三纪3个演化阶段,在各阶段地层成分出现较大差异,是盆地及相邻地区遭受构造运动改造的结果。  相似文献   
An extensive ( 25 km2) landslide complex covers a large area on the west side of the Williams Fork Mountains in central Colorado. The complex is deeply weathered and incised, and in most places geomorphic evidence of sliding (breakaways, hummocky topography, transverse ridges, and lobate distal zones) are no longer visible, indicating that the main mass of the slide has long been inactive. However, localized Holocene reactivation of the landslide deposits is common above the timberline (at about 3300 m) and locally at lower elevations. Clasts within the complex, as long as several tens of meters, are entirely of crystalline basement (Proterozoic gneiss and granitic rocks) from the hanging wall of the Laramide (Late Cretaceous to Early Tertiary), west-directed Williams Range thrust, which forms the western structural boundary of the Colorado Front Range. Late Cretaceous shale and sandstone compose most footwall rocks. The crystalline hanging-wall rocks are pervasively fractured or shattered, and alteration to clay minerals is locally well developed. Sackung structures (trenches or small-scale grabens and upslope-facing scarps) are common near the rounded crest of the range, suggesting gravitational spreading of the fractured rocks and oversteepening of the mountain flanks. Late Tertiary and Quaternary incision of the Blue River Valley, just west of the Williams Fork Mountains, contributed to the oversteepening. Major landslide movement is suspected during periods of deglaciation when abundant meltwater increased pore-water pressure in bedrock fractures.A fault-flexure model for the development of the widespread fracturing and weakening of the Proterozoic basement proposes that the surface of the Williams Range thrust contains a concave-downward flexure, the axis of which coincides approximately with the contact in the footwall between Proterozoic basement and mostly Cretaceous rocks. Movement of brittle, hanging-wall rocks through the flexure during Laramide deformation pervasively fractured the hanging-wall rocks.  相似文献   
The Puna of NW-Argentina is divided into a Paleozoic basement complex and a late Mesozoic-Cenozoic sedimentary cover. The sedimentary cover was affected by late fracture tectonics and, from middle Tertiary to Quaternary times, invaded by various volcanics.These volcanics can be subdivided into two groups. A stratigraphically older group of volcanic rocks which belongs to the typical calc-alkaline rock series that is also found in the adjacent parts of the Andes.A younger group of volcanics which is similar to the alkaline rock series and possibly of upper mantle origin. The rocks of this group form small isolated occurrences connected to late fracture zones.Comments are made on the relations between these continental basalt-like rocks and the quasi-cratonic structure of the Puna.
Zusammenfassung Die Puna NW-Argentiniens ist strukturell in ein palÄozoisches Grundgebirge und ein jungmesozoisch-kÄnozoisches Deckgebirge gegliedert. Das Deckgebirge ist besonders durch junge Bruchtektonik geprÄgt und wurde vom mittleren TertiÄr bis in das QuartÄr von verschiedenen Vulkaniten durchsetzt.Diese Vulkanite lassen sich in zwei Gruppen einteilen: Eine stratigraphisch Ältere Generation besteht aus typischen Kalkalkali-Serien, wie sie auch in den benachbarten Andenabschnitten vorkommen. Dagegen zeigen die jüngsten Vulkanite eine Verwandtschaft zu Alkali-Serien und dürften aus dem oberen Mantel stammen. Es sind kleine, isolierte Vorkommen, die an junge Bruchstrukturen gebunden sind.Auf den Zusammenhang zwischen diesen kontinentalbasalt-Ähnlichen Gesteinen und der quasi-kratonischen Struktur der Puna wird hingewiesen.

Résumé La Puna de l'Argentine Nord-Ouest est, du point de vue structural, constituée d'un socle paléozoÏque et d'une couverture faite de roches sédimentaires du MésozoÏque supérieur et du CénozoÏque. La couverture est surtout affectée par une tectonique cassante récente et fut recoupée, du Tertiaire moyen jusqu'au Quaternaire, par des roches volcaniques diverses.Ces roches volcaniques peuvent Être divisées en deux groupes: Une génération stratigraphiquement plus ancienne est composée de séries typiquement calcalcalines comme celles qu'on trouve aussi dans les parties voisines des Andes. Par contre les roches volcaniques plus récentes montrent une parenté avec les séries alcalines et auraient leur origine dans le manteau supérieur. Ce sont des venues isolées et de faible extension liées aux fractures récentes.L'accent est mis sur la liaison existant entre ces roches, semblables au basalte continental, et la structure quasi-cratonique de la Puna.

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The distribution and rates of accumulation of Mo in marine deposits have been determined and compared with the same parameters for U and Mn. High concentrations of Mo are associated both with oxidizing environments represented by the presence of ferro-manganese oxide-rich sediments (where Mo/U ~- 3) and with reducing environments (where Mo/U is about unity). The supply of Mo by streams is more than adequate to balance the measured removal rate in normal deep-sea deposits and no submarine volcanic ‘emanations’ need be involved. On an ocean-wide basis, 4 · 3 μg Mo/cm2/1000 yr is supplied in solution by streams. Of this, 2·0 μg Mo/cm2/1000 yr is removed in deep-sea sediments and manganese nodules. The remaining 2·3 μg Mo/cm2/1000 yr is probably removed in primarily (but not exclusively) near-shore reducing sediments. The average Mo accumulation rate in these environments is about 1000 μg Mo/cm2/1000 yr; thus only 0·23 per cent of the world ocean area need be such reducing sites.  相似文献   
Ohne Zusammenfassung Vorgelegt der Internationalen Assoziation für Geod?sie anl?sslich der 11. Generalversammlung der UGGI in Toronto, September 1957 im Juli 1957.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Für ein in der Abhandlung von K. Brocks [1955] abgeleitetes Verfahren der Berechnung von Brechungsindex-Profilen unmittelbar über dem Meer werden weitere Hilfsmittel angegeben, insbesondere eine graphische Psychrometertafel (Tafel 8), aus der der Dampfdruck der Luft [in mb] als Funktion der Temperatur des feuchten und trockenen Thermometers entnommen werden kann, und ein Diagramm des Wasserdampfdrucks und des Sättigungsdampfdruckes der Luft sowie der relativen Luftfeuchtigkeit als Funktion der Lufttemperatur (Tafel 9).Es wird ferner ein Kurzverfahren mitgeteilt, das eine schnelle Berechnung des Brechungsindexprofils über dem Meer ermöglicht aus Messungen der Lufttemperatur, Luftfeuchtigkeit, Windgeschwindigkeit und Wassertemperatur. Hierfür wird ein Diagramm gegeben (Tafel 10), das den BrechungswertN=(n–1) 10–6 als Funktion der Temperatur des trockenen und des feuchten Thermometers bzw. der Wassertemperatur enthält.
On the gradient of the refractive index of electro-magnetic waves (centimetre-to metre-waves) in the maritime boundary layer of the atmosphere. 2nd article
Summary The present paper adds further aids to the method developed by K. Brocks [1955] for the computation of the curves of the refractive index occurring immediately above the sea surface. These aids, before all, consist in a graphical psychrometer plate (plate 8) and a diagramme (plate 9). Plate 8 permits to derive from it the vapour pressure of the air [in mb] as a function of temperature to be read from dry bulb and a wet bulb thermometres. Plate 9 represents the water vapour pressure and the saturation pressure of the air as well as relative humidity of the air as a function of air temperature.Besides, an abbreviated method is discussed permitting a time-saving computation of the curves of the refractive index above sea surface from measurements of air temperature, atmospheric moisture, wind velocity, and water temperature. This computation is carried out with the aid of a diagram (plate 10), giving the refractive valueN=(n–1) 10–6 as a function of the temperature, measured with a dry bulb and a wet bulb thermometre, or as a function of the water temperature, respectively.

Sur le gradient de l'indice de réfraction des ondes électromagnétiques (de 0,1 m à 1m), présentes dans la couche limite maritime de l'atmosphère. 2e article
Résumé Le travail actuel ajoute à la méthode développée par K. Brocks [1955] d'autres moyens pour le calcul des courbures du gradient de l'indice de réfraction se présentant immédiatement au-dessus de la surface de la mer. Ces moyens se composent surtout d'une représentation graphique des valeurs psychométriques (planche 8) et d'un diagramme (planche 9). La planche 8 permet d'en tirer la pression de vapeur de l'air [en mb] en fonction de températures indiquées sur de thermomètres mouillés ou sur de thermomètres secs. La planche 9 montre la pression de vapeur d'eau et la tension de vapeur saturante de l'air ainsi que l'humidité relative de l'air en fonction de la température de l'air.De plus, une méthode abbréviée est présentée qui permet de calculer, sans perdre beaucoup de temps, au moyen des mesures de la température de l'air et de l'eau, de l'humidité de l'air et de la vitesse du vent, la courbure de l'indice de réfraction au-dessus de la mer. Ce calcul se fait à l'aide d'un diagramme (planche 10) qui donne la valeur de réfractionN=(n}-1) 10–6 en fonction de la température du thermomètre sec et du thermomètre mouillé ou la représente respectivement en fonction de la température de l'eau.
Paleoclimatic field studies in and along the Qinling Shan (Central China)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent investigations in and along the mountains south of the Loess Plateau (Central China) give no evidence of Pleistocene glaciations below 2800 m asl. Reliable Late-Pleistocene glacial landforms and till only occur in the Qinling Shan (3767 m). The paleosnowline in altitudes of 3250–3300 m was more than 1000 m lower than at present. A Late-Pleistocene periglacial region has been descended to about 2300 m asl, resulting an increase of the sediment yield of the rivers and intensified sediment aggradation in the valleys in and along the Qinling Shan. The Late-Pleistocene descend of the coniferous forest was comparable to the snowline depression. A spruce-fir forest dominated along the northern flank of the mountain range during the time 30-20 ka BP. Towards the end of the Pleistocene glacial periods respectively at the beginning of the following interglacial phase, dissection of alluvial deposits and terracing began in the mountain valleys and in the northern foreland. The replacement of forest vegetation by a more steppe-like vegetation as well as the loess accumulation along the northern Qinling Shan indicates increasing aridity as the climate warmed at the end of the last glacial period and during the Early Holocene. The widespread occurrence of Mid-Holocene paleosols within the loess proves a more moist and warm interval, which is followed by a drier and cooler Late Holocene period.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Thiersee- und die Karwendelmulde in den Nördlichen Kalkalpen sind als zwei getrennte, E-W-verlaufende Synklinen entwickelt. Ihre Länge zwischen Kufstein und Mittenwald beträgt über 70 km.Systematische geologische Aufnahmen — Kartierung, Stratigraphie, Sedimentologie und Gefügekunde — ergaben, daß die Thierseemuide im Raum von Achenkirch nicht — wie früher vermutet wurde — in die Karwendelmulde umbiegt. Die Auswertung von mehr als 45 000 Gefügemessungen mit Hilfe eines EDV-Programms bewies vielmehr, daß Thierseemuide und Karwendelmulde zwei parallele, unabhängige Strukturen sind, die durch die komplizierte tektonische Zone von Achenkirch getrennt werden.Die paläogeographische Entwicklung und der Ablauf der Bewegungen werden im Überblick skizziert.
Systematic geological survey showed that the Thiersee and Karwendel synclines in the Northern Calcareous Alps are two parallel structures, separated by a slightly folded intersection. The synclines do not turn into each other, as was presumed by earlier workers.The tectonic situation in the area of Achenkirch was cleared by evaluation of more than 45,000 field texture data by a computer program. Mapping as well as stratigraphical and sedimentological analysis supports the tectonic model. The paleogeographic development and tectonic history are briefly described.

Résumé Les dépressions du «Thiersee» et du «Karwendel», dans les Alpes calcaires du Nord, sont deux synclinaux indépendants de direction Est-Ouest. Elles font 70 km de long entre Kufstein et Mittenwald.Des relevés géologiques systématiques — levés géologiques, stratigraphie, sédimentologie et structurologie — démontrèrent que, dans la région d'Achenkirch, la dépression du «Thiersee» ne contourne pas la dépression du «Karwendel» (comme on l'a longtemps supposé!). L'exploitation par ordinateur de plus de 45.000 mesures structurales révéla au contraire, que ces dépressions sont deux structures parallèles et indépendantes, séparées par la zone tectonique complexe d'Achenkirch.Le développement paléogéographique et le déroulement des mouvements font l'objet d'une vue d'ensemble.

, . 70 . , - , , — , , . EDV 45 000 , , . .
The recent acquisition of high-quality seismic refraction data in the Jordan—Dead Sea rift and adjacent areas has made possible the investigation of the dynamic properties of seismic P-waves refracted and reflected at the crust—upper mantle boundary.

These waves cause high-amplitude arrivals near the outer cusp of the travel-time curve which are followed by an abrupt decrease in amplitudes at increasing distances beyond the cusp.

It has been shown that such amplitude distributions can only be the result of a smooth rapid increase of velocity with depth. In the case of the Jordan—Dead Sea rift the amplitude distribution indicates the presence of a transition zone between the lower crust and upper mantle in which the velocity increases smoothly. The interpretation of seismic refraction data in the Rhinegraben indicates the existence of a similar transition zone. In both rifts the crust—mantle boundary outside the rift is represented by sharp velocity discontinuity.

The comparison of the velocity structure of the crust—upper mantle boundary suggests that a smooth transition zone at the base of the lower crust is a characteristic property of continental rifts which could be interpreted in terms of crust—mantle interaction.  相似文献   

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