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Saturation‐excess runoff is the major runoff mechanism in humid well‐vegetated areas where infiltration rates often exceed rainfall intensity. Although the Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is one of the most widely used models, it predicts runoff based mainly on soil and land use characteristics, and is implicitly an infiltration‐excess runoff type of model. Previous attempts to incorporate the saturation‐excess runoff mechanism in SWAT fell short due to the inability to distribute water from one hydrological response unit to another. This paper introduces a modified version of SWAT, referred to as SWAT‐Hillslope (SWAT‐HS). This modification improves the simulation of saturation‐excess runoff by redefining hydrological response units based on wetness classes and by introducing a surface aquifer with the ability to route interflow from “drier” to “wetter” wetness classes. Mathematically, the surface aquifer is a nonlinear reservoir that generates rapid subsurface stormflow as the water table in the surface aquifer rises. The SWAT‐HS model was tested in the Town Brook watershed in the upper reaches of the West Branch Delaware River in the Catskill region of New York, USA. SWAT‐HS predicted discharge well with a Nash‐Sutcliffe Efficiency of 0.68 and 0.87 for daily and monthly time steps. Compared to the original SWAT model, SWAT‐HS predicted less surface runoff and groundwater flow and more lateral flow. The saturated areas predicted by SWAT‐HS were concentrated in locations with a high topographic index and were in agreement with field observations. With the incorporation of topographic characteristics and the addition of the surface aquifer, SWAT‐HS improved streamflow simulation and gave a good representation of saturated areas on the dates that measurements were available. SWAT‐HS is expected to improve water quality model predictions where the location of the surface runoff matters.  相似文献   
A detailed study of the foraminiferal assemblages from the 229.1-m-deep core 81/34 in the central North Sea has been combined with a series of measurements of the isoleucine epimerisation of foraminiferal tests. A total of 17 foraminiferal zones have been established and both the faunal compositions and the amino-acid values suggest that a major part of the sequence represents deposits of early and middle Pleistocene age. Only the uppermost zone is referred to the late Pleistocene. The sequence mainly comprises a series of marine zones from cold periods, but with some barren, possibly non-marine intervals in between. Only two of the foraminiferal zones can be referred to interglacial periods. The oldest one of these, defined here as the Devils Hole Interglacial, may belong to the latter part of the Cromerian Complex, while the upper warm interval is correlated with the Holsteinian of northwest Europe on the basis of its amino-acid values. A detailed stratigraphical correlation between core 81/34 and the neighbouring core 81/29 is suggested on the basis of their foraminiferal content, palaeomagnetic evidence and amino-acid measurements from both cores. A characteristic feature of both sequences is that most of the Quaternary record is missing. Similar episodic patterns of deposition and erosion have been reported previously from the North Sea area.  相似文献   
Assemblages of foraminifers, ostracods and molluscs from temperate Ipswichian Stage (last temperate stage) sediments and overlying cold Devensian Stage (last cold stage) sediments at Somersham in the southern Fenland of Cambridgeshire have been analysed. The Ipswichian sediments contain faunas consistent with temperate brackish water conditions under tidal influence. The Devensian assemblages were recovered from a series of sands and gravels laterally accreting in a channel cutting into Ipswichian sediments. In contrast to the Ipswichian faunas, the faunas of particular Devensian samples show a complex mixture of temperate freshwater, brackish and marine taxa. The molluscs are mainly freshwater, with few land snails; they occur together with foraminifers and ostracods. Freshwater, brackish water and marine ostracods are present with foraminifers. A sample of Devensian fine laminated sediment in the channel was analysed for pollen; only abundant pre-Quaternary spores were present, with abundant foraminifers in the same sample. The taphonomy of the assemblages and the difficulties of their interpretation in environmental terms are discussed. The importance of taphonomy in assessing environments, climate, range of taxa and dating is stressed.  相似文献   
Commonly, geological studies compare mean values of two or more compositional data suites in order to determine if, how, and by how much they differ. Simple approaches for evaluating and statistically testing differences in mean values for open data fail for compositional (closed) data. A new parameter, an f-value, therefore has been developed, which correctly quantifies the differences among compositional mean values and allows testing those differences for statistical significance. In general, this parameter quantifies only therelative factor by which compositional variables differ across data suites; however for situations where, arguably, at least one component has neither increased nor decreased, anabsolute f-value can be computed. In situations where the compositional variables have undergone many perturbations, arguments based upon thef-values and the central limit theorem indicate that logratios of compositional variables should be normally distributed.  相似文献   
Geochemical processes during five years of aquifer storage recovery   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A key factor in the long-term viability of aquifer storage recovery (ASR) is the extent of mineral solution interaction between two dissimilar water types and consequent impact on water quality and aquifer stability. We collected geochemical and isotopic data from three observation wells located 25, 65, and 325 m from an injection well at an experimental ASR site located in a karstic, confined carbonate aquifer in South Australia. The experiment involved five major injection cycles of a total of 2.5 x 10(5) m3 of storm water (total dissolved solids [TDS] approximately 150 mg/L) into the brackish (TDS approximately 2400 mg/L) aquifer. Approximately 60% of the mixture was pumped out during the fifth year of the experiment. The major effect on water quality within a 25 m radius of the injection well following injection of storm water was carbonate dissolution (35 +/- 6 g of CaCO3 dissolved/m3 of aquifer) and sulfide mineral oxidation (50 +/- 10 g as FeS2/m3 after one injection). < 0.005% of the total aquifer carbonate matrix was dissolved during each injection event, and approximately 0.2% of the total reduced sulfur. Increasing amounts of ambient ground water was entrained into the injected mixture during each of the storage periods. High 14C(DIC) activities and slightly more negative delta13C(DIC) values measured immediately after injection events show that substantial CO2(aq) is produced by oxidation of organic matter associated with injectant. There were no detectable geochemical reactions while pumping during the recovery phase in the fifth year of the experiment.  相似文献   
Backfills of dredged sediments onto a former sand and gravel mine site in Charles City County, VA may have the potential to contaminate local groundwater. To evaluate the mobility of trace elements and to identify the potential contaminants from the dredged sediments, a sequential extraction scheme was used to partition trace elements associated with the sediments from the local aquifer and the dredged sediments into five fractions: exchangeable, acidic, reducible, oxidizable, and residual phases. Sequential extractions indicate that, for most of the trace elements examined, the residual phases account for the largest proportion of the total concentrations, and their total extractable fractions are mainly from reducible and oxidizable phases. Only Cd, Pb, and Zn have an appreciable extractable proportion from the acidic phase in the filled dredged sediments. Our groundwater monitoring data suggest that the dredged sediments are mainly subject to a decrease in pH and a series of oxidation reactions, when exposed to the atmosphere. Because the trace elements released by carbonate dissolution and the oxidation (e.g., organic matter degradation, iron sulfide and, ammonia oxidation) are subsequently immobilized by sorption to iron, manganese, and aluminum oxides, no potential contaminants to local groundwater are expected by addition of the dredged sediments to this site.  相似文献   
Periplatform surface sediments were studied for carbonate mineralogy in conjunction with analyses of the water column for carbonate chemistry on the eastern Northern Nicaragua Rise (NNR) in the Caribbean Sea. The results show a strong correspondence between variations and disappearance, with increasing water depth, of metastable carbonate minerals (fine aragonite and magnesian calcite) and their respective saturation levels in the overlying waters. Similar correspondence between variations in sediment proportions of fine aragonite and magnesian calcite and their respective saturation levels has previously been established in the Bahamas. There are, however, significant differences between the two areas. The sharp decrease in aragonite content and the measured aragonite saturation level occur at 4000 m in the Bahamas, compared to 1800 m on the eastern NNR. In both areas, magnesian calcite minima correspond to the in situ PCO2 maxima in the water column. The magnesian calcite minimum, however, is at 950 m in the Bahamas and 750 m on the eastern NNR. Magnesian calcite disappears in the Bahamas at 3800 m and at 2000 m on the eastern NNR. These results demonstrate the importance of the influence of overlying water chemistry on the preservation of metastable carbonate minerals in off-bank periplatform sediments, and they clearly demonstrate the difference in terms of carbonate preservation between the poorly ventilated waters of the Caribbean Sea and the well-oxygenated waters of the adjacent Atlantic Ocean. They also open the possibility of obtaining paleoceanographic information on the depth of the CO2 maximum (O2 minimum) and its separation from the aragonite saturation depth in at least some areas.  相似文献   
PROWQM, a 1-D depth resolving model which couples physical and microbiological processes in the water column with sedimentation/resuspension and benthic mineralisation processes, has been used to simulate seasonal changes of chlorophyll, nutrients and oxygen at the PROVESS north site (59°20′N 1°00′E) in the North Sea. PROWQM is derived from the 3-D model COHERENS, and improves COHEREN's benthic and pelagic biology.The physical sub-model of PROWQM implicitly solves turbulence closure equations forced by climatological, or realistic high-frequency, meteorological and tidal data. The pelagic biological sub-model 2MPPD includes a ‘diatomy’ microplankton (mp1) and a ‘flagellatey’ (or microbial loop) microplankton (mp2), the cycling of silicon and nitrogen, slow-sinking detritus, and fast-sinking phytodetritus. Phytodetritus is formed by shear-driven aggregation of particulate material, using a simple algorithm for bulk processes that is derived by considering the interactions of single cells. The microplankton compartments include heterotrophic bacteria and protozoa as well as phytoplankton, and most microplankton rates are specified with the aid of a ‘heterotroph fraction’ parameter, which was 0.125 for mp1 and 0.6 for mp2. The microbiological system is closed by mesozooplankton grazing pressures imposed as time varying series determined from observed zooplankton abundance. The benthic boundary sub-model includes a superficial fluff layer and a nutrient element reservoir in the consolidated sediment. Particulate material in the fluff layer can be resuspended (in response to bed stress by near-bed flows), mineralised or carried by bioturbation into the underlying, consolidated, sediment, where it is mineralised and its nutrients returned to the water-column at rates mainly dependent on (implicit) macrobenthic pumping. Benthic denitrification can occur when mineralisation rates exceed oxygen supply.Verification of the PROWQM numerical implementation used test cases and checks for nutrient element conservation. Simulations with realistic forcing, for a range of parameter values, were compared with historic observations in the NOWESP data set and during FLEX76, and with those made during the PROVESS cruises in autumn 1998. PROWQM provided a good simulation of the seasonal succession from a diatom-dominated spring bloom to summer dominance by small flagellates. The simulations included sedimentation of organic matter from the spring bloom, and qualitatively realistic behaviour of the fluff layer, but decay rates were too slow and there was almost no denitrification. The simulated surface mixed layer was too shallow during the summer. Simulated annual net microplankton primary production was in between 59 and 91 g C m−2 y−1. A large proportion of mineralisation, 28–47% of nitrogen and 40–67% of silicon mineralisation, took place as a result of the decay of sinking and resuspended detritus whilst in the water column.PROWQM is discussed in relation to other models that have been used to simulate this part of the North Sea, in particular the simpler ECOHAM1 and the more complex ERSEM, and in relation to PROWQM's evolution from COHERENS.  相似文献   
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