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Pure cultures of Chlorella sp. catalyzed the oxidation of soluble Mn(II) to particulate, extracellular, manganic oxides. Manganese oxidation was dependent on photosynthetic activity: no oxidation was observed in the dark when cells were grown heterotrophically on glucose, or in the light when photosystem II was inhibited by the addition of DCMU. Manganates were not formed when media were buffered below pH 8.0, suggesting that an important driving force for manganese oxidation was the high pH resulting from photosynthesis. Field studies with minielectrodes in Oneida Lake, New York, demonstrated steep gradients of O2 and pH and the presence of particulate manganic oxides associated with pelagic aggregates of the cyanobacterium Microcystis sp. The manganese oxidation reaction apparently occurs only when photosynthesizing algae are present as dense populations that can generate microenvironments of high (>9.0) pH, either as aggregates in the pelagic zone or concentrated cell cultures in the laboratory. A large-scale transition from soluble to particulate manganese was measured in the surface waters of Oneida Lake throughout summer 1986. Removal of Mn(II) was correlated with the presence of aggregate-forming cyanobacteria that oxidize Mn(II) by the mechanism described above.  相似文献   
Methods are described for continuous monitoring of signals required for precise analyses of 13C, 18O, and 15N in gas streams containing varying quantities of CO2 and N2. The quantitative resolution (i.e. maximum performance in the absence of random errors) of these methods is adequate for determination of isotope ratios with an uncertainty of one part in 10(5); the precision actually obtained is often better than one part in 10(4). This report describes data-processing operations including definition of beginning and ending points of chromatographic peaks and quantitation of background levels, allowance for effects of chromatographic separation of isotopically substituted species, integration of signals related to specific masses, correction for effects of mass discrimination, recognition of drifts in mass spectrometer performance, and calculation of isotopic delta values. Characteristics of a system allowing off-line revision of parameters used in data reduction are described and an algorithm for identification of background levels in complex chromatograms is outlined. Effects of imperfect chromatographic resolution are demonstrated and discussed and an approach to deconvolution of signals from coeluting substances described.  相似文献   
现代开发俄罗斯北极海陆架矿产的计划,要求了解这个广阔空间的自然条件。在北极区内,永冻区(冰岩带)实质性地加重了任何工作的难度。永久冻结的经常含大量冰块的岩石构成了北极海的大部分海底及其海岸。大部分研究者认为,在大约18~20ka前深度海退(后退)时期的寒冷时代,在陆上形  相似文献   
世界洋底制图计划(GOMaP)是一个在采用多道回声化测深的基础上,准备和绘制详细水深图的大规模操作过程。与单道回声不同的是,它们能获得海底宽达185m地带的信息。据1999年美国海军的计算,如果只利用多道回声仪来完成深度超过500m的洋底制图计划,需耗资80~160亿美元和20-30a的时间。  相似文献   
阿尔发海岭位于北冰洋中 ,其地理座标为北纬85°30′,西经120°。它隆起在洋底之上1200m(深度2000m) ,实际上一直位于被冰层密封的海区。自从它被美国浮冰站发现之后的近40年间 ,从未对它进行过研究 ,因为无法通向这个海岭。正是因为这一点 ,阿尔发海岭被选择为德国科研破冰船“极地”号和俄罗斯核动力破冰船“北极”号共同进行的“北极—98”极地优先目标之一。1998年7月4日 ,破冰船开始进入预定的目的地。在某一瞬间似乎冰层在这一次也不让它们通过 ,但运用卫星冰情勘测资料 ,在7月14日破冰船终于到达了…  相似文献   
在整个地球上仅知3个在水中聚集了大量可溶性气体的湖泊。这就是喀麦隆的尼奥斯湖和莫奴湖以及扎伊尔的基武湖。当这些具有火山成因的湖泊中气体的压力剧烈升高时 ,任何水层理的大破坏都会引起它爆炸性地向空中喷发。这个过程类似于打开香槟酒瓶盖时所发生的那样 :剧烈的降压导致生成含有原先溶解于液体中的气体的气泡。湖中只要出现这样的气泡并快速升至湖面 ,同时带走深部的水 ,就会引起类似于连锁反应的越来越强烈的气体喷发。这种事件对周边的居民孕育着死亡的危险。研究工作表明 ,在尼奥斯湖和莫奴湖底存在着大量在某个时候火山强烈暴…  相似文献   
作为形成于特提斯和东部亚特提斯海盆上的世界最大的内陆咸水湖里海 ,多年来已引起研究工作者极大的兴趣。里海东南部的海湾是研究最差的海区 ,对它的研究进行得最不正规和最不系统。对这个海湾产生兴趣是因为没有河流注入的这些海湾最完整地反映了里海盆地的海平面升降机制。本文对土库曼湾的沉积条件进行了研究 ,并在原有方法的基础上利用古生态资料 ,试图确定近百年来底栖生物群落的变化。沉积层的测年是在里海—亚速海盆外来种群剖面分布基础上进行的 ,而它们的进入时间为已知。对深达0.45m的表层沉积物采用了肉眼和镜下研究 ,然后…  相似文献   
在黑海西北部流经沿岸工业区的多瑙河、德涅斯特河和第聂伯河等主要河流的河口区 ,输入了大量的有机质 ,而在其烃类的成分中既有天然的也有技术成因的。在不同的周围环境客体中 ,在石油及其加工产品中 ,在不同地质成熟度的底质中烃类成分的特殊性使我们能够查明沉积物有机质的来源和成岩作用特点 ,存在的污染物以及原始生物质微生物改造的深度。脂肪族烃类 ,其中包括烷烃 ,主要由来自天然异地和原生源的物质(植物蜡 ,动物 ,细菌 ,显微和大型海藻) ,此外还有来自最近具有重要意义的石油污染物组成。多环芳香族烃类具有特殊的意义 ,因为它具…  相似文献   
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