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Abstract— The properties and history of the parent meteoroid of the Morávka H5–6 ordinary chondrites have been studied by a combination of various methods. The pre‐atmospheric mass of the meteoroid was computed from fireball radiation, infrasound, seismic signal, and the content of noble gases in the meteorites. All methods gave consistent results. The best estimate of the pre‐atmospheric mass is 1500 ± 500 kg. The fireball integral bolometric luminous efficiency was 9%, and the acoustic efficiency was 0.14%. The meteoroid cosmic ray exposure age was determined to be (6.7 ± 1.0) × 106 yr. The meteorite shows a clear deficit of helium, both 3He and 4He. This deficit can be explained by solar heating. Numerical backward integration of the meteoroid orbit (determined in a previous paper from video records of the fireball) shows that the perihelion distance was probably lower than 0.5 AU and possibly as low as 0.1 AU 5 Ma ago. The collision which excavated Morávka probably occurred while the parent body was on a near‐Earth orbit, as opposed to being confined entirely to the main asteroid belt. An overview of meteorite macroscopic properties, petrology, mineralogy, and chemical composition is given. The meteorites show all mineralogical features of H chondrites. The shock level is S2. Minor deviations from other H chondrites in abundances of trace elements La, Ce, Cs, and Rb were found. The ablation crust is enriched with siderophile elements.  相似文献   
This high-resolution, multiproxy, palaeoenvironmental study of the Słowińskie Błota raised bog in N Poland, 10 km from the Baltic Sea, covering the last 1200 years reveals different aspects of environmental change in a range of spatial scales from local to regional. Testate amoebae allowed quantitative reconstruction of the local water table using a transfer function based on a training set from N and W Poland. Special attention is paid to the testate amoeba Arcella discoides , which responds to rapid water-table fluctuations more than to average surface wetness. Macrofossils supported by local pollen tracked the local vegetation dynamics caused by local human impact and disturbance, including nutrients. Regional pollen showed human-induced landscape change outside the bog. Tree rings of Pinus sylvestris reflected the history of tree establishment and desiccation of the bog. Strong correlations between DCA axes 1 of regional pollen, of macrofossils and of testate amoebae, and a testate-amoebae-based water-table reconstruction that excludes A. discoides , indicate that changes on all spatial scales are linked, which is explained by a strong hydrologic connection between bog and surroundings. The combination of proxies shows that groundwater levels were modified by both human impact and climate change.  相似文献   
Statistical detection of the mid-Pleistocene transition   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Using statistical methods we have shown quantitatively that the transition in mean and variance observed in 18O records during the middle of the Pleistocene was abrupt. By applying these methods to all of the available records spanning the entire Pleistocene it appears that this jump was global and primarily represents an increase in ice mass. At roughly the same time an abrupt decrease in sea surface temperature also occurred, indicative of sudden global cooling. This kind of evidence suggests a possible bifurcation of the climate system that must be accounted for in a complete explanation of the ice ages. Theoretical models including internal dynamics are capable of exhibiting this kind of rapid transition.  相似文献   
Abstract— The fall of the Puerto Lápice eucrite occurred on May 10, 2007, at 17 h 57 m 30 ± 30 s UTC. Its daylight fireball was witnessed by hundreds of people from Spain, and produced a meteorite fall associated with a large strewn field of fragments. There were no direct pictures of the fireball, but several pictures of the fireball's train were taken from different locations in Spain. Additional theodolite calibrations of visual records were made in order to find the most probable fireball trajectory based on the available data. The shape of the meteorite strewn field was considered as well. Although the orbit of the Puerto Lápice meteoroid could not be computed due to the absence of velocity data, we assumed a likely range of geocentric velocities and computed a range of possible orbits. All solutions show that the body was in an Apollo‐type orbit, with low inclination and perihelion distance just below 1 astronomical unit (AU). This is the first case that an orbit can be discussed for an HED meteorite fall.  相似文献   
Abstract— A new 40Ar/39Ar data set is presented for tektites from the Central European strewn field (moldavites). This is the only strewn field that is entirely situated in a continental environment and still characterized by scattered ages (14–15.3 Myr). The main objectives of the study were to define more precisely the moldavite formation age and provide a good calibration for a glass standard proposed for fission‐track dating. The laser total fusion ages obtained on chips from 7 individual specimens from the Southern Bohemian and Moravian subfields are restricted to a narrow interval of time, with an average of 14.34 ± 0.08 Myr relative to the 27.95 ± 0.09 Myr of the Fish Canyon Tuff biotite. This result gives a more precise age not only for the tektite field but also for its producing impact. If the genetic link between the moldavites and the Nördlinger Ries impact crater is maintained, then this new age has to be considered a reliable estimate for the Ries crater also. This new value places the formation of Central European tektites within the Lower Serravallian period in the latest geologic timescales. Evidence of their impact products, such as glass spherules or shocked minerals, can, therefore, be sought in sedimentary marine formations in a more precisely defined age interval.  相似文献   
Very low strengths of interplanetary meteoroids and small asteroids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract– We have assembled data on 13 cases of meteorite falls with accurate tracking data on atmospheric passage. In all cases, we estimate the bulk strength of the object corresponding to its earliest observed or inferred fragmentation in the high atmosphere, and can compare these values with measured strengths of meteorites in the taxonomic class for that fall. In all 13 cases, the strength corresponding to earliest observed or inferred fragmentation is much less than the compressive or tensile strength reported for that class of stony meteorites. Bulk strengths upon atmospheric entry of these bodies are shown to be very low, 0.1 to approximately 1 MPa on first breakup, and maximal strength on breakup as 1–10 MPa corresponding to weak and “crumbly” objects, whereas measured average tensile strength of the similar meteorite classes is about 30 MPa. We find a more random relation between bulk sample strength and sample mass than is suggested by a commonly used empirical power law. We estimate bulk strengths on entry being characteristically of the order of 10?1–10?2 times the tensile strengths of recovered samples. We conclude that pre‐entry, meter‐scale interplanetary meteoroids are typically highly fractured or in some cases rubbly in texture, presumably as a result of their parent bodies’ collisional history, and can break up under stresses of a few megapascals. The weakness of some carbonaceous objects may result from very porous primordial accretional structures, more than fractures. These conclusions have implications for future asteroid missions, sample extraction, and asteroid hazard mitigation.  相似文献   
Despite being endangered internationally and protected nationally, little consideration has been given to the occurrence of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in New Zealand. New Zealand lies on the southern boundary of the distributional range of green turtles in the southwestern Pacific, with individuals found within these waters historically considered to be occasional visitors or stragglers incidentally carried by ocean currents. However, the present work shows that green turtles are present year round in New Zealand’s northern waters (c. 34°–38° S). A review of sighting, stranding and incidental capture data collected between 1895 and 2013 illustrate New Zealand’s green turtle population comprises post-pelagic immature juveniles to large subadults. The female:male sex ratio of 1.7:1 is similar to those reported from warm temperate foraging grounds in eastern Australia. A subsample of new recruits indicates green turtles recruit to neritic habitats at approximately 40.8?cm curved carapace length. This study suggests that New Zealand’s neritic habitats constitute a transitional developmental ground for post-pelagic immature green turtles. We observed an exponential increase in the number of documented records over time, though whether this is due to increased numbers of turtles or increased reporting rates, or both, is unclear and warrants further investigation. More broadly, this work provides a baseline understanding of the ecology of green turtles at the edge of their range, providing opportunities to investigate regional niche modelling and connectivity of this highly mobile species, while also monitoring broad-scale effects of climate-induced environmental change.  相似文献   
We present the first fine-scale data relating to the occurrence and group characteristics for killer whales (Orcinus orca) in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand, as observed from a platform of opportunity (PoP). Group size and composition were examined in relation to water depth and sea surface temperature (SST). From 2000 to 2010, 119 orca encounters were recorded, involving 1 to 18 animals. The encounter rate varied seasonally, being highest in austral spring and lowest in summer. Water depth in which whales were observed was significantly affected by group composition. Sixty-seven percent of groups contained immature animals. Group size was highly skewed towards smaller groups comprising two animals. While this study illustrates that PoPs can be used to indicate the occurrence and group characteristics of highly mobile social species, biases clearly exist. Through identifying such inaccuracies, we present recommendations on how future data should be collected to minimise error and improve datasets for scientific use.  相似文献   
Abstract— Detailed analysis of the fragmentation of the Morávka meteoroid during the atmospheric entry is presented. The analysis is based on the measurement of trajectories and decelerations of fragments seen in a video and at the locations of energetic fragmentation events from seismic data obtained at several stations in the vicinity of the fireball trajectory. About 100 individual fragments are seen on video frames. Significant deceleration of the fireball at heights of ?45 km revealed that the meteoroid had already fragmented into ?10 pieces with masses of 100–200 kg, though the fireball still appeared as a single object. At heights of 37–29 km, all primary fragments broke‐up again under dynamic pressures up to 5 MPa. The cascade fragmentation then continued, even though smaller pieces breaking off from the larger masses were increasingly decelerated and the dynamic pressure acting upon them decreased. At each fragmentation, a significant part of the mass was lost in the form of dust or tiny particles. This was the dominant process of mass loss. The continuous ablation due to melting and evaporation of the meteoroid surface was less efficient with a corresponding ablation coefficient of only 0.003 s2 km‐2. During fragmentation, some pieces achieved lateral velocities up to 300 m/s, about an order of magnitude more than can be explained by aerodynamic loading. The fragmentation continued even after ablation ceased, as demonstrated by the incomplete fusion crust covering all recovered fragments. We estimate that several hundreds of meteorites of a total mass of ?100 kg landed, mostly in a mountainous area not suitable for systematic meteorite searches. Six meteorites with a total mass of 1.4 kg were recovered up to the end of May 2003. Their positions are consistent with the calculated strewn field.  相似文献   
Abstract– We report an analysis of instrumental observations of a very bright fireball which terminated with a meteorite fall near the town of Jesenice in Slovenia on April 9, 2009, at 0h59m46s UT. The fireball designated EN090409 was recorded photographically and photoelectrically by two southern stations of the Czech part of the European Fireball Network (EN). Simultaneously, a part of the luminous trajectory was also captured by two all‐sky CCD systems and one video camera of the Slovenian meteor network. In addition to these optical recordings, the sonic booms produced by the Jesenice fireball were detected at 16 seismic stations located within 150 km of the trajectory. From all these records, we reconstructed the fireball’s atmospheric trajectory, basic geophysical data, the possible impact area, and the original heliocentric orbit of the meteoroid. Using a detailed fireball light curve, we modeled the atmospheric fragmentation of the meteoroid. Both the atmospheric behavior and the heliocentric orbit proved to be quite normal in comparison with other observed meteorite falls. The Jesenice orbit is markedly different from the P?íbram and Neuschwanstein orbital meteorite pair, which fell on similar dates (April 7, 1959, and April 6, 2002, respectively). Three meteorites with a total weight of 3.6 kg (until April 2010) were found in a high mountain area near the town of Jesenice. They are classified as L6 ordinary chondrites ( Bischoff et al. 2010 ).  相似文献   
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