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Abstract— The sound production from the Morávka fireball has been examined in detail making use of infrasound and seismic data. A detailed analysis of the production and propagation of sonic waves during the atmospheric entry of the Morávka meteoroid demonstrates that the acoustic energy was produced both by the hypersonic flight of the meteoroid (producing a cylindrical blast wave) and by individual fragmentation events of the meteoroid, which acted as small explosions (producing quasispherical shock waves). The deviation of the ray normals for the fragmentation events was found to be as much as 30° beyond that expected from a purely cylindrical line source blast. The main fragmentation of the bolide was confined to heights above 30 km with a possible maximum in acoustic energy production near 38 km. Seismic stations recorded both the direct arrival of the airwaves (the strongest signal) as well as air‐coupled P‐waves and Rayleigh waves (earlier signals). In addition, deep underground stations detected the seismic signature of the fireball. The seismic data alone permit reconstruction of the fireball trajectory to a precision on the order of a few degrees. The velocity of the meteoroid is much less well‐determined by these seismic data. The more distant infrasonic station detected 3 distinct signals from the fireball, identified as a thermospheric return, a stratospheric return, and an unusual mode propagating through the stratosphere horizontally and then leaking to the receiver.  相似文献   
A new underground geoelectric method is presented for the determination of small tectonic disturbances and barrenings in coal seams. The distribution of the apparent resistivity can be mapped from the measured apparent resistance data by using a recently developed geoelectric imaging method. The applicability of the methods are proved by in situ measurements and by a model experiment.  相似文献   
Until the present time the ‘ rock-coal-rock’ layer sequence and offsets in coal-seams in underground coal mines have been detected with the aid of seismic waves and geoelectric measurements. In order to determine the geometrical and petrophysical parameters of the coal-seam situation, the data recorded using seismic and geoelectric methods have been inverted independently. In consequence, the inversion of partially inaccurate data resulted in a certain degree of ambiguity. This paper presents the first results of a joint inversion scheme to process underground vertical seismic profiling data, geolectric resistivity and resistance data. The joint inversion algorithm makes use of the damped least-squares method and its weighted version to solve the linearized set of equations for the seismic and geolectric unknowns. In order to estimate the accuracy and reliability of the derived geometrical and petrophysical layer parameters, both a model covariance matrix and a correlation matrix are calculated. The weighted least-squares algorithm is based on the method of most frequent values (MFV). The weight factors depend on the difference between measured data and those calculated by an iteration process. The joint inversion algorithm is tested by means of synthetic data. Compared to the damped least-squares algorithm, the MFV inversion leads to smaller estimation errors as well as lower sensitivities due to the choice of the initial model. It is shown that, compared to an independent inversion, the correlation between the model parameters is definitely reduced, while the accuracy of the parameter estimation is appreciably increased by the joint inversion process. Thus the ambiguity is significantly reduced. Finally, the joint inversion algorithm using the MFV method is applied to underground field data. The model parameters can be derived with a sufficient degree of accuracy, even in the case of noisy data.  相似文献   
A combined inorganic and organic geochemical study was carried out on marls and mudstones collected from the Lower Miocene Lopare Basin, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A total of 46 samples collected from two boreholes, Pot 1 (depth of 193 m) and Pot 3 (depth of 344 m), showed that element abundances like boron (B), lithium (Li), strontium (Sr), uranium (U), chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) are much higher than average than in the upper continental crust (UCC). Chemical composition indicates at least two sources: (i) Mesozoic ophiolites occurring in the north of the investigated area, and (ii) dacito-andesitic pyroclastics (Mesozoic to Cenozoic). Lopare Basin sedimentation was influenced by strong evaporation resulting in a partly hypersaline lake, which formed during a warm climatic period, probably during the Miocene Climatic Optimum. A brief episode of humid climate conditions resulted in the basin filling-up and deposition of felsic sediments enriched in thorium (Th). Organic geochemistry shows that the majority of studied sediments contains predominantly immature to marginally mature algal organic matter (OM). The biomarker patterns are generally in agreement with the geological history of the Lopare Basin and inorganic and mineralogical data. Conversely, the molecular distribution of n-alkanes as reliable climatic and δ-MTTC as paleosalinity indicators do not support this conclusion.  相似文献   
Until recently, vessel collisions with small cetaceans were presumed rare, mainly as a consequence of limited reporting. Observations on dolphin wound healing from propeller strike injuries also remain scarce. We present an extreme case of a bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with multiple propeller wounds, including a penetration to the bone, where survival was possible for at least 23 days post injury. We used photographic records in conjunction with field observations to describe wound progression in the absence of treatment. Considering the severity of the wounds, it was surprising that the injuries were not immediately fatal. A practical solution remains to be found for the problem of odontocete vessel collisions, in particular for small highly mobile species using neritic waters. In view of the ongoing problem in the Hauraki Gulf and, indeed, worldwide, we recommend continued evaluation of cases and reporting of incidents, in addition to investigations into mechanisms that may reduce the risk of occurrence of vessel collisions with cetaceans.  相似文献   
We developed habitat suitability curves (HSC) using generalised additive models (GAMs) for nine benthic macroinvertebrate taxa from a small New Zealand river for hydraulic-habitat modelling assessments of instream flow requirements. We included interaction terms between the primary variables (water depth, velocity, substrate) when significant, to address a longstanding criticism of univariate HSC. To date, only large-river univariate HSC have been available and these have been used in hydraulic-habitat applications on small rivers, despite doubt over the transferability of HSC between rivers of different size and type. We tested the outcome on the predicted abundance–flow relationship of applying the small-river habitat suitability GAMs versus large-river GAMs for two taxa on the same small river. We found the effects of flow allocation were overestimated by the large-river GAMs relative to the small-river GAMs. Further research to develop general HSC for categories of river size and type is needed to better inform hydraulic-habitat modelling applications.  相似文献   
Geohazards appear to be increasing in frequency globally. It is of necessity to actively manage these natural hazards to minimize loss of life and property. From an early warning perspective, this paper stresses the potential fatal flood hazard represented by the huge volume of water in Tianchi Lake, the unique geography of Changbai Mountain, and the limited flood control ability in the upstream of the Songhua River. Northeast Asian countries should keep a watchful eye on the Changbai volcano cooperatively,...  相似文献   
Bińka, K., Nitychoruk, J. & Dzier?ek, J. 2010: Climate stability during the Eemian – new pollen evidence from the Nidzica site, northern Poland. Boreas, 10.1111/j.1502‐3885.2010.00179.x. ISSN 0300‐9483 Interglacial sediments at Nidzica, northern Poland were investigated by means of pollen and isotope analysis. These deposits accumulated in an extensive basin through most of the Eemian and Early Weichselian, practically without stratigraphic gaps. Continuous subsidence of the basin floor has resulted in the accumulation of a great thickness of lacustrine sediments, consisting mostly of calcareous gyttja. The course of pollen and isotope curves in the interglacial interval does not indicate the abrupt climatic shifts reported from some other continental climatic archives. Particularly important has been the reconstruction of the final stages of the Eemian, a potential analogue for future climatic change in the late Holocene. At Nidzica, this period is registered as a gradual modification of forest composition, devoid of any pulsations in which temperate forest is followed by terminal, boreal pine–birch communities.  相似文献   
This high-resolution, multiproxy, palaeoenvironmental study of the Słowińskie Błota raised bog in N Poland, 10 km from the Baltic Sea, covering the last 1200 years reveals different aspects of environmental change in a range of spatial scales from local to regional. Testate amoebae allowed quantitative reconstruction of the local water table using a transfer function based on a training set from N and W Poland. Special attention is paid to the testate amoeba Arcella discoides , which responds to rapid water-table fluctuations more than to average surface wetness. Macrofossils supported by local pollen tracked the local vegetation dynamics caused by local human impact and disturbance, including nutrients. Regional pollen showed human-induced landscape change outside the bog. Tree rings of Pinus sylvestris reflected the history of tree establishment and desiccation of the bog. Strong correlations between DCA axes 1 of regional pollen, of macrofossils and of testate amoebae, and a testate-amoebae-based water-table reconstruction that excludes A. discoides , indicate that changes on all spatial scales are linked, which is explained by a strong hydrologic connection between bog and surroundings. The combination of proxies shows that groundwater levels were modified by both human impact and climate change.  相似文献   
Abstract— The properties and history of the parent meteoroid of the Morávka H5–6 ordinary chondrites have been studied by a combination of various methods. The pre‐atmospheric mass of the meteoroid was computed from fireball radiation, infrasound, seismic signal, and the content of noble gases in the meteorites. All methods gave consistent results. The best estimate of the pre‐atmospheric mass is 1500 ± 500 kg. The fireball integral bolometric luminous efficiency was 9%, and the acoustic efficiency was 0.14%. The meteoroid cosmic ray exposure age was determined to be (6.7 ± 1.0) × 106 yr. The meteorite shows a clear deficit of helium, both 3He and 4He. This deficit can be explained by solar heating. Numerical backward integration of the meteoroid orbit (determined in a previous paper from video records of the fireball) shows that the perihelion distance was probably lower than 0.5 AU and possibly as low as 0.1 AU 5 Ma ago. The collision which excavated Morávka probably occurred while the parent body was on a near‐Earth orbit, as opposed to being confined entirely to the main asteroid belt. An overview of meteorite macroscopic properties, petrology, mineralogy, and chemical composition is given. The meteorites show all mineralogical features of H chondrites. The shock level is S2. Minor deviations from other H chondrites in abundances of trace elements La, Ce, Cs, and Rb were found. The ablation crust is enriched with siderophile elements.  相似文献   
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