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Radio noise observations at frequencies of 0·700 Mc and 2·200 Mc were made at altitudes between 3000 and 11,000 km from a Blue Scout Jr. high-altitude rocket probe on 30 July 1963. A steady background flux of (7·5−3+6) × 10−19 W m−2)(c/s)−1 at 0·700 Mc and (1·8+1.0−0.5 × 10−19 W m−2 (c/s)−1 at 2·200 Mc was observed. Assuming a galactic origin of the observed fluxes at both frequencies, the averaged sky brightnesses are b(0·700 Mc) = (6−3+5) × 10−20 W m−2 (c/s)−1 sr−1b(2·200 Mc) = (1.4+1.0−0.5 × 10−20 W m−2 (c/s)−1 sr−1 The observed brightness at 2·200 Mc is in reasonable agreement with the results of other observers. The apparent brightness at 0·700 Mc is, however, greater than was expected from previous observations. An alternative source of the 0·700 Mc flux in the terrestrial exosphere, as well as characteristics of several noise bursts observed during the flight, is briefly discussed.  相似文献   
Summary The geometry of the principal Upper High (near the Indian Occean) in the 300–100 mb layer appears to account for the Southern Oscillation (S.O.), and models of its behaviour are presented. Significant features of these models include the equatorial points of upper convergence (C) and divergence (D), a pressure discontinuity (CNDS) forming «arcs» and an «enclosure» around the high, and, lastly, encircling «crescents» both outside and inside the enclosure. The geography of the seasonal sucession can thus—in a qualitative manner—be interpreted in the light of known wind and contour patterns near the tropopause. With a few general principles, the established empirical rules of long-range forecasting then follow by deduction. The models and the terminology are useful likewise in the interpretation of solar-terrestrial relations and of climatic fluctuations.  相似文献   
Summary Simultaneous measurements of wind, air temperature, and humidity profiles as well as of evaporation, presented byTakahashi (1958), were compared with relevant formulae suggested by turbulence theory. Satisfactory agreement could be achieved if, near the sea surface, the influence of molecular diffusion and, at higher levels, the effect of thermal stratification on the profiles were taken into account in addition to a suitable reduction of the value of evaporation obtained by means of a floating pan.The chief results of this report have been presented on 27th April 1962 to the Tenth Yearly Meeting of theSocietà Italiana di Geofisica e Meteorologia (Genova: 26–28 April 1962).  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Der Tagesgang von Temperatur und Luftfeuchtigkeit in San Salvador zeigt deutliche jahreszeitliche Verschiedenheiten, die wesentlich durch Strahlungsgenuss, Sonnenauf- und Untergangszeiten und ein tageszeitliches mittelräumiges Windsystem bestimmt ist.
Summary The daily variation of air temperature and humidity shows clear seasonal differences, which are essentially determined by incoming radiation, sunrise and sunset and a diurnal meso-scale wind system.

Resumen El transcurso diurno de la temperatura y de la humedad del ambiente en San Salvador demuestra netamente diferencias segun la estación del año, las cuales se deben a las condiciones de radiación, salida y puesta del sol y un sistema diurno de viento.
Summary Making use of a 500 mb numerical forecast some problems of atmospheric large-scale diffusion are investigated. The expansion of various sets of clusters of particles is compared with the predictions based on the similarity theory of homogeneous turbulence. The spreading rates were in the beginning of the period of the forecast in a good agreement with the theoretical prediction, but later on they fell to the values considerable smaller than the predicted ones. The reasons of such behaviour are discussed. Furthermore the difference in zonal and meridional expansion of the clusters is demonstrated, the zonal expansion rates being more than one order of magnitude greater than the meridional ones.This work is part of the research on atmospheric macroturbulence, which has been sponsored partly by the Cambridge Research Laboratories, O.A.R. through the European Office, Aerospace Research, USAF.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Nach der Profilaufnahme sind die Sedimente der Tongrube der Ziegelei von Willershausen in zwei Gruppen einzuteilen : A. Die unteren hellen Schichten, B. die oberen dunklen Schichten.Die unteren hellen Schichten bestehen aus Sandsteinen, Sanden, tonigen Sanden und Grobtonen, welche Quarz, Feldspäte und Glimmer als Hauptminerale und in geringeren Mengen Illit, Chlorit und manchmal Montmorillonit füren. Als Schwerminerale dieser Sande und Sandsteine treten der Häufigkeit nach Apatit, Zirkon, Granat, Anatas, Rutil, Turmalin und Opakminerale auf.Die oberen dunklen Schichten bestehen hauptsächlich aus mm-rhythmisch geschichteten Tonen mit Einschaltung einzelner Mergelbänke und toniger Sandschichten. Dioktaedrischer Illit ist das häufigste Tonmineral, dann folgen Chlorit und in geringeren Mengen in feinen Fraktionen Montmorillonit. Die Chlorit-Reflexe verschwinden bereits bei Erhitzung auf 450° C. Chemisch handelt es sich um die dem Pennin naheliegenden Diabantite.Die Unterschiede in Beschaffenheit und Menge der Quarze, Feldspäte und Glimmer, die unterschiedliche Verteilung der Schwerminerale sprechen dafür, daß die hellen Schichten wahrscheinlich zum Mesozoikum, vielleicht zum Buntsandstein gehören.Von der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Georg-August-Universität zu Göttingen genehmigte Dissertation.  相似文献   
A suite of schists—one from the garnet zone, 19 from thestaurolite zone, 2 from the kyanite isograd, and one from thekyanite zone—were separated into their constituent minerals.Chemical analyses of one chlorite and of 23 sets of coexistingbiotites and garnets were carried out by photometric and titrametricprocedures. Plots of garnet-biotite tie-lines from divariantassemblages on appropriate phase diagrams result in intersectingtie-lines which cannot be ascribed to experimental error. Theoreticalconsiderations argue that at equilibrium, at the same pressureand temperature or at constant pressure and varying temperature,tie-lines of divariant assemblages should not intersect. Possibleexplanations require that diffusion equilibrium of Fe and Mgbe restricted to volumes smaller than that of a hand specimenor that P as well as T varies considerably. Emission spectrographicdeterminations of Fe and Mg in biotite indicate that the Fe/Mgratio varies among biotites little more than a centimeter apart.Such a variation would argue more in favor of a lack of diffusionequilibrium.  相似文献   
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