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The flow law determined experimentally for solid CO2 establishes that a hypothesis of glacial flow of CO2 at the Martian poles is not physically unrealistic. Compression experiments carried out under 1 atm pressure and constant strain rate demonstrate that the strength of CO2 near its sublimation point is considerably less than the strength of water ice near its melting point. The data fit a power law “creep” equation of the form
?? = (4 × 106) σ3.9exp(?12 200RT)
, where ? is compressive strain rate (sec?1), σ is compressive stress (bars), R is the gas constant in calories per mole, and T is absolute temperature. The exponent of σ of 3.9 contrasts with a value near 3.1 for water ice, and indicates that the strain rate is somewhat more sensitive to stress for CO2 than for water. Likewise, the low activation energy for creep, 12 200 cal mole?1, illustrates that CO2 is not highly sensitive to temperature and is thus likely to flow over a broad range of temperatures below its melting point. Strength values for CO2 are of the order of one-tenth to one-third the strength of ice under equivalent conditions.A plausible glacial model for the Martian polar caps can be constructed and is helpful in explaining the unique character of the polar regions. CO2-rich layers deposited near the pole would have flowed outward laterally to relieve high internal shear stresses. The topography of the polar caps, the uniform layering of the layered deposits, and the general extent of the polar “sediments” could all be explained using this model. Flow of CO2 rather than water ice greatly reduces the problems with Martian glaciation. Nevertheless, problems do remain, in particular the large amounts of CO2 necessary, the need to increase vapor pressure and temperature with depth in the polar deposits, and the lack of good observational evidence of flor features. Within the limits of the present knowledge of surface conditions of Mars, CO2 glaciation appears to be a realistic alternate working hypothesis for the origin of the polar features.  相似文献   
The July 12, 1973, occultation of Europa by Io was observed in 30 wavelength channels in the spectral region λλ3200-11, 000 Å with the 200-inch Hale telescope and a multichannel spectrometer. The data are presented in absolute units above the Earth's atmosphere. The data are analyzed to obtain the spectral reflectivity of seven localized areas on the disk of Europa centered on 324°W longitude. The equatorial material is confirmed to be darker than the eastward-skewed bright north polar cap and a hint is evident that the darker material as well may be somewhat redder than the cap material.  相似文献   
From filament observations at centimeter and millimeter wavelengths it is shown that the transition layer between the dense, cool filamentary material and the ambient hot, rarified corona is rather thin, of the order of some hundred kilometers. Hence, the difference in the sizes of filaments in the radio and optical domains is of the order of 1000 km or 2, thus not detectable by the instruments so far used for observations of filaments.NASINRC Resident Research Associate at NASA-GSFC.  相似文献   
The active region McMath 10433 was the source of several flares and radio outbursts during the early part of July 1974. This region was tracked continuously, for several periods during the month at 22.2 GHz using a telescope with a 4 beam. Comparison with the results obtained simultaneously with a normal 7 GHz solar patrol instrument indicate that there is important burst activity occurring at levels below the detection limit of normal solar patrol instruments. The time-development morphology of these bursts is similar to those normally observed and has enabled the simple events to be re-interpreted. A completely new type of event - the fast absorption - has also been recognized. The correlation of the microwave events with SPA events observed on VLF propagation is also discussed.Spending a sabbatical year at CRAAM, São Paulo, Brazil.  相似文献   
We present examples of umbral oscillations observed on Big Bear H filtergram movies and investigate the relation between umbral oscillations and running penumbral waves occurring in the same sunspot. Umbral oscillations near the center of the umbra are probably physically independent of the penumbral waves because the period of these umbral oscillations (150 s) is shorter than the penumbral wave period (270 s) but not a harmonic. We also report dark puffs which emerge from the edge of the umbra and move outward across the penumbra, and which have the same period as the running penumbral waves. We interpret these dark puffs to be the extension of chromospheric umbral oscillations at the edge of the umbra. It is suggested that the dark puffs and the running penumbral waves have a common source: photospheric oscillations just inside the umbra.  相似文献   
A model is presented which describes the 3-dimensional non-radial solar wind expansion between the Sun and the Earth in a specified magnetic field configuration subject to synoptically observed plasma properties at the coronal base. In this paper, the field is taken to be potential in the inner corona based upon the Mt. Wilson magnetograph observations and radial beyond a certain chosen surface. For plasma boundary conditions at the Sun, we use deconvoluted density profiles obtained from synopticK-coronameter brightness observations. The temperature is taken to be 2 × 106 K at the base of closed field lines and 1.6 x 106K at the base of open field lines. For a sample calculation, we employ data taken during the period of the 12 November 1966 eclipse. Although qualitative agreement with observations at 1 AU is obtained, important discrepancies emerge which are not apparent from spherically symmetric models or those models which do not incorporate actual observations in the lower corona. These discrepancies appear to be due to two primary difficulties - the rapid geometric divergence of the open field lines in the inner corona as well as the breakdown in the validity of the Spitzer heat conduction formula even closer to the Sun than predicted by radial flow models. These two effects combine to produce conductively dominated solutions and lower velocities, densities, and field strengths at the Earth than those observed. The traditional difficulty in solar wind theory in that unrealistically small densities must be assumed at the coronal base in order to obtain observed densities at 1 AU is more than compensated for here by the rapid divergence of field lines in the inner corona. For these base conditions, the value ofβ(ratio of gas pressure to magnetic pressure) is shown to be significantly greater than one over most of the lower corona - suggesting that, for the coronal boundary conditions used here, the use of a potential or force-free magnetic field configuration may not be justified. The calculations of this paper point to the directions where future research on solar-interplanetary modelling should receive priority:
  1. better models for the coronal magnetic field structure
  2. improved understanding of the thermal conductivity relevant for the solar wind plasma.
The origin of the material which is ejected during a white light coronal transient has not been determined heretofore. Study of a disturbance on 26 and 27 August 1973, during which a slowly ascending prominence and a more rapid accompanying coronal transient were simultaneously observed, helps to resolve this question. Prominence images obtained in Hα 6563 Å and in He II 304 Å are nearly identical. The mass ejection transient observed in white light (3700–7000 Å) appeared to be a loop about 1 R higher than the top of the ascending prominence; it accelerated away from the prominence below it. These observations imply: (1) the bulk of the ejected material did not originate in the ascending prominence; (2) therefore, most of the material must have come from the low corona above the prominence, (and was at coronal temperatures during its outward passage); and (3) the total event - ascending prominence accompanied by coronal mass ejection - was far larger, more energetic, and longer lasting than would be inferred from the prominence observations alone. The transient of 26–27 August was slow and of atypical shape compared to other mass ejection transients, but we believe that these three conclusions apply to most, if not all, of the more than 60 loop-shaped coronal transients observed by the High Altitude Observatory's coronagraph during the nine-month flight of Skylab.  相似文献   
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