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Short-term tidal and diel variations of autumn fish assemblage in a Zostera marina bed were investigated using 3 h interval samplings for 24 h in both spring and neap tide using a small beam trawl. A total of 1 346 fishes belonging to 19 species were collected at spring tide, whereas 1 115 fishes belonging to 17 species were at neap tide. The common fish species were Nuchequula nuchalis, Acanthogobius flavimanus, Takifugu niphobles, Acentrogobius pflaumii, and Pholis nebulosa with the former three species dominating at spring tide, while the latter two species being abundant at neap tide. Diel variation in abundance was significant with higher abundance at night than day, but there were no significant differences between spring and neap tides, and between ebb and flood tides (three-way ANOVAs). Diel variation in the abundance of fishes may be influenced by tidal range and cycle, and day-night differences of food availability and behaviors of fishes indirectly. Non-metric multidimensional scaling (nMDS) ordination and analysis of similarity (ANOSIM) results revealed significant differences in species compositions both between day and night, and between spring and neap tide. Eelgrass beds are highly productive marine ecosystem, and thus, our results will contribute to conservation of seagrass ecosystem in the study area.  相似文献   
Much attention has been focused on investigating the effects of precipitation and temperature changes on runoff; however, the influence of wind speed, relative humidity and total solar radiation on hydrological components needs to be studied further. Hydrological responses to climate variations in a minimally disturbed mountainous watershed in the period 1971–2012 are identified and evaluated by statistical analysis and hydrological simulation. The results indicate that the impact of climate component changes on the hydrological process cannot be discounted. The temperature and relative humidity exhibit significant upward trends, while the wind speed exhibits a clear downward trend. The potential and actual evapotranspiration dramatically increased, but the observed pan evaporation substantially decreased. The surface water, soil water, baseflow and water yield are positively correlated with precipitation and relative humidity but negatively correlated with the temperature, wind speed and solar radiation.  相似文献   
Daily changes in phytoplankton abundance and species composition were monitored from July to September 2003 (n=47) to understand which factors control the abundance at a station in Jangmok Bay. During the study, the phytoplankton community was mainly composed of small cell diatoms and dinoflagellates, and the dominant genera wereChaetoceros,Nitzschia, Skeletonema andThalassionema. Phytoplankton abundance varied significantly from 6.40x104 to 1.22x107 cells/l. The initially high level of phytoplankton abundance was dominated by diatoms, but replacement by dinoflagellates started when the N/P ratio decreased to < 5.0. On the basis of the N/P and Si/N ratios, the sampling period could be divided into two: an inorganic silicate limitation period (ISLP, 14th July-12th of August) and an inorganic nitrogen limitation period (INLP, 13th of August - the end of the study). Phosphate might not limit the growth of phytoplankton assemblages in the bay during the study period. This study suggests that phytoplankton abundance and species composition might be affected by the concentrations of inorganic nutrients (N and Si), and provides baseline information for further studies on plankton dynamics in Jangmok Bay.  相似文献   
The detection of tonals embedded in noise is an important sonar function and the traditional power spectrum analysis method has been widely used for this purpose. Wagstaff et al. (1997) proposed the WISPR (Wagstaff's Integration Silencing PRocessor) family processors, which perform a nonlinear integration or combination of the power spectrum observations. In this paper, we analyze the statistical property of the power spectrum observations and develop novel tonal detectors by optimally integrating the spectrum observations. The optimal detectors are derived by using the method of maximum likelihood hypothesis test. The results from simulations and real sea trial data have shown that the proposed detectors are promising in detecting tonals  相似文献   
We have constructed synthetic solar spectra for the 2302-4800 cm−1 (2.08-4.34 μm) range, a spectral range where planetary objects mainly emit reflected sunlight, using ATMOS (Atmospheric Trace Molecule Spectroscopy)/Spacelab-3 and Atlas-3 spectra, of which resolution is 0.01 cm−1. We adopted Voigt line profiles for the modeling of line shapes based on an atlas of line identifications compiled by Geller [Geller, M., 1992. Key to Identification of Solar Features. A High-Resolution Atlas of the Infrared Spectrum of the Sun and the Earth Atmosphere from Space. NASA Reference Publ. 1224, vol. III. NASA, Washington, DC, pp. 1-22], who derived solar line positions and intensities from contaminated high-resolution solar spectra obtained by ATMOS/Spacelab-3. Because the ATMOS spectra in these wavelength ranges are compromised by absorption lines of molecules existing in Earth's high-altitude atmosphere and in the compartment of the spacecraft, the direct use of these high-resolution solar spectra has been inconvenient for the data reductions of planetary spectra. We compared the synthetic solar spectra with the ATMOS spectra, and obtained satisfactory fits for the majority of the solar lines with the exception of abnormal lines, which do not fit with Voigt line profiles. From the model fits, we were able to determine Voigt line parameters for the majority of solar lines; and we made a list of the abnormal lines. We also constructed telluric-line-free solar spectra by manually eliminating telluric lines from the ATMOS spectra and filling the gaps with adjacent continua. These synthetic solar spectra will be useful to eliminate solar continua from spectra of planetary objects to extract their own intrinsic spectral features.  相似文献   
A high level of confidence in resource data is a key prerequisite for conducting a reliable economic feasibility study in deep water seafloor mining. However, the acquisition of accurate resource data is difficult when employing traditional point-sampling methods to assess the resource potential of polymetallic nodules, given the vast size of the survey area and high spatial variability in nodule distribution. In this study, we analyzed high-resolution acoustic backscatter intensity images to estimate nodule abundance and increase confidence levels in nodule abundance data. We operated a 120 kHz deep-towed sidescan sonar (DSL-120) system (1×1 m resolution) across a 75 km2 representative area in the Korean Exploration Area for polymetallic nodules in the Northeastern Equatorial Pacific. A deep-towed camera system was also run along two tracks in the same area to estimate the abundance of polymetallic nodules on the seafloor. Backscatter data were classified into four facies based on intensity. The facies with the weakest and strongest backscatter intensities occurred in areas of high slope gradient and basement outcrops, respectively. The backscatter intensities of the two other facies correlated well with the nodule abundances estimated from still-camera images. A linear fit between backscatter intensity and mean nodule abundance for 10 zones in the study area yielded an excellent correlation (r2 = 0.97). This allowed us to compile a map of polymetallic nodule abundance that shows greater resolution than a map derived from the extrapolation of point-sampling data. Our preliminary analyses indicate that it is possible to greatly increase the confidence level of nodule resource data if the relationship between backscatter intensity and nodule abundance is reliably established. This approach has another key advantage over point sampling and image analyses in that detailed maps of mining obstacles along the seafloor are produced when acquiring data on the abundance of polymetallic nodules. The key limitation of this work is a poor correlation between nodule coverage, as observed from photographs, and nodule abundance. Significant additional ground truth sampling using well located box cores should be completed to determine whether or not there is a real correlation between the backscatter and abundance.  相似文献   
We present a nitrogen cycle model for pre-industrial times based on an extensive literature database. The model consists of 18 reservoirs in the domains of the atmosphere, land, and ocean. The biotic reservoirs on land and in the ocean (N-fixing plants, non-N-fixing plants, and marine biota) interact with atmospheric N2 and dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN, consisting of N2, NO3 ?, and NH4 +) in the ocean and soil waters. Marine DIN is taken up by marine biota and transformed from ocean particulate organic matter to dissolved organic nitrogen and the ocean sediment. The atmosphere, the largest nitrogen reservoir, supplies N2 to the system by N fixation, deposition, and dissolution, and these input fluxes are balanced by denitrification and volatilization back to the atmosphere. The land and ocean domains are linked by river transport, which carries both dissolved and particulate nitrogen to the oceanic coastal zone. The isotope–mass balances of the N reservoirs are calculated from the isotopic composition of the reservoirs and the fractionation factors accompanying the fluxes between the reservoirs based on reported values from different natural conditions. The model sensitivity was tested for different biouptake rates and was run with various human perturbations, including fertilization, nitrous oxide emissions, population-related sewage disposal, land-use changes, and temperature-dependent rate kinetics. The new N mass–isotope cycle model provides the basis for assessment of the impact of artificial fertilization between 1700 and 2050. The perturbation experiments in this study suggest that land-use change is the key factor altering the N mass cycle since industrialization.  相似文献   
The spatiotemporal distribution of Cretaceous–Paleogene granitic rocks in southwestern Japan is investigated to understand the origin of the granitic batholith belt and to reconstruct the tectonic setting of emplacement. New U–Pb zircon ages for 92 samples collected from a region measuring 50 km (E–W) by 200 km (N–S) reveals a stepwise northward younging of granitic rocks aged between 95 and 30 Ma with an age‐data gap between 60 and 48 Ma. Based on the spatiotemporal distribution of granite ages, we examine two plausible models to explain the pattern of magmatic activity: (i) subduction of a segmented spreading ridge and subsequent slab melting (ridge‐subduction model), and (ii) subduction with a temporally variable subduction angle and corresponding spatial distribution of normal arc magmatism (subduction angle model). We optimize the model parameters to fit the observed magmatism in time and space, and compare the best‐fit models. As to ridge subduction model, the best‐fit solution indicates that the spreading ridge started to subduct at approximately 100 Ma, and involved a 45‐km‐wide section of the ridge segment, a subduction obliquity of 30°, and a slow migration velocity (~1.6 cm/y) of the ridge. These values are within the ranges of velocities observed for present‐day ridge subduction at the Chile trench. On the other hand, the best‐fit solution of subduction angle model indicates that the subduction angle decreases stepwise from 37° at 95 Ma, 32° at 87 Ma, 22° at 72 Ma, to 20° at 65 Ma, shifting magmatic region towards the continental side. These results and comparison, together with constraints on the geometry of the tectonic setting provided by previous studies, suggest that the ridge subduction model better explains the limited duration of magmatism, although both models broadly fit the data and cannot be ruled out.  相似文献   
Yu  Jihyun  Kang  Min Joo  Kim  Yun Jae  Park  Mi-Jeong  Lim  Jae Kyu  Noh  Choong Hwan  Kang  Sung Gyun  Lee  Hyun Sook  Lee  Jung-Hyun  Kwon  Kae Kyoung 《Ocean Science Journal》2021,56(3):297-306
Ocean Science Journal - The Korean rockfish, Sebastes schlegeli, is most commonly farmed in sea cages along the coast of Korea; however, detailed information on intestinal microbiota regarding this...  相似文献   
Jeong  Joo Bong  Jung  Hoi-Soo  Lee  Jun-Ho  Park  Kyung Kyu  Kim  Seok Yun  Woo  Han Jun 《Ocean Science Journal》2022,57(3):451-466
Ocean Science Journal - Dadae Beach located in the Nakdong River estuary has been continuously evolving as the result of natural and anthropogenetic activities. Due to the geographic...  相似文献   
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