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In many areas of engineering practice, applied loads are not uniformly distributed but often concentrated towards the centre of a foundation. Thus, loads are more realistically depicted as distributed as linearly varying or as parabola of revolution. Solutions for stresses in a transversely isotropic half‐space caused by concave and convex parabolic loads that act on a rectangle have not been derived. This work proposes analytical solutions for stresses in a transversely isotropic half‐space, induced by three‐dimensional, buried, linearly varying/uniform/parabolic rectangular loads. Load types include an upwardly and a downwardly linearly varying load, a uniform load, a concave and a convex parabolic load, all distributed over a rectangular area. These solutions are obtained by integrating the point load solutions in a Cartesian co‐ordinate system for a transversely isotropic half‐space. The buried depth, the dimensions of the loaded area, the type and degree of material anisotropy and the loading type for transversely isotropic half‐spaces influence the proposed solutions. An illustrative example is presented to elucidate the effect of the dimensions of the loaded area, the type and degree of rock anisotropy, and the type of loading on the vertical stress in the isotropic/transversely isotropic rocks subjected to a linearly varying/uniform/parabolic rectangular load. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The alkalinity plays an important role in phosphorus removal using coagulant. The dosage of coagulant in the low alkalinity wastewater is limited due to rapid pH changes. In the present study, a series of jar test was conducted using low alkalinity wastewater (50 mg/L) to evaluate the optimum pH, dosage and performance parameters (slow mixing and settling time) for the common coagulant alum. From the experiment, it was found that the dosage of coagulant and removal of phosphorus depend upon the pH of the wastewater after adding coagulant. The final optimum pH for efficient P removal was found to be within the range of 5.7–5.9. This range acts as an indicator and it is the maximum tolerable pH range for phosphorus removal for low alkalinity wastewater. The optimum time for slow mix and settling was found to be 20 min. The optimum mole ratio of alum to remove one mole of phosphorous was found to be 2.3. The alum coagulation at pH 7 produced effluent with the total residual phosphorus and reactive phosphorus content of 0.3 and 0.9 mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   
Land cover classification using satellite imagery is commonly based on spectral information in the individual pixels. The information in neighbouring pixels is ignored. Spatial filtering techniques using information present in neighbouring pixels may however, contribute significantly to an improvement of the classification. In this study different methods of spatial filtering are applied to a part of a TM‐scene of Kenya to assess their relative reliability. The study area is characterized by extended, relatively homogeneous areas of eucalyptus forests and tea estates and by fragmentated areas of agricultural land use. Spectral information was combined with the results of different spatial filtering methods and then classified. The spatial filtering techniques applied were texture calculation by means of variance, “median minus original” filtering and fractal dimension computations using several sizes of templates. The obtained classification accuracy of several image combinations is compared using the percentage correctly classified and using an overall accuracy measure: the Kappa coefficient. It is concluded that in this case the spatial filtering techniques only slightly improve the classification. From the applied filtering methods texture calculation by means of variance yielded the best results.  相似文献   
Laboratory measurements of seismic wave velocities and electrical properties of Apollo lunar samples and similar material of terrestrial origin are discussed in this paper. Measurements of the electrical properties show that in the frequency range above a few hundred Hz the outer region of the Moon may be considered as a low loss dielectric. This observation supports a longstanding speculation that dry, powdered rocks in which the dielectric loss tangent is frequency-independent over a wide range of frequency are present in the uppermost lunar surface layers. The surface layers of the Moon are likely to have an extremely low electrical conductivity. Thus future electromagnetic probing of the Moon to a few hundred kilometer depth is possible in the few kHz frequency range. Based on ultrasonic experiments with pressure as a variable, we next present the elastic constants and equations of state of lunar materials and characteristic dispersion of seismic wave velocities of the Moon. We find thatP andS wave velocities increase sharply within the first 30 km depth and then level off gradually. Combining this observation with lunar seismic and geophone data, we believe that the first 30 km of the Moon may be interpreted as a scattering region. If H2O exists on the Moon, H2O may occur at some shallow depth beneath the outermost surface layer in solid ice interlocking cracks and pores and mineral grains. The rocks in this permafrost state have relatively low seismic velocity and highQ. If permafrost does exist, we would expect a wide range of electrical conductivity and dielectric constant. Future electromagnetic probing of the Moon should yield very usefull information on the physical state of the lunar interior; when this electrical information is combined with the seismic information, we should learn much more about the internal constitution and the state of the Moon than is known today.  相似文献   
This study evaluates the factors contributing to carbon emissions in China between 2002 and 2021, considering the impact of GDP growth, shocks in oil prices, trade liberalization and energy use. Using the dynamic simulated ARDL (SARDL) model, we indicate a long-term link between trade liberalization, oil prices (WTI) shocks, GDP growth, energy use and CO2. The novel SARDL revealed a direct relationship between trade liberalization and CO2 in China in the long term. However, the results show a negative impact of WTI shocks on CO2 emissions. The study suggests that renewable energy (RE) significantly and negatively affects China's CO2 emissions. In addition, the findings conclude that, in the case of China, GDP has an insignificant long-run relationship with CO2 emissions. The outcomes provide valuable insights for policymakers, researchers and industry stakeholders to enhance RE and promote sustainable energy practices.  相似文献   
The problem of Arsenic source in groundwater has yet been addressed thoroughly. From the results of the analysis of samples, this article gives the statement that the Arsenic in groundwater of Quaternary sediments in Hanoi has mainly natural source, with the impact of man-made factors (industrial waste water, use of crop protection products, etc.). The article also explains the formation of Arsenic in groundwater in Hanoi area is closely related to the reduction by two main mechanisms, reducing mechanism of oxyhydroxit (Fe3 + OHAs) As liberation by microorganisms and reducing mechanism of As adsorbed on iron oxide or oxyhydroxit replaced by bicarbonate. The process of oxidation of minerals containing As is needed to be researched more.  相似文献   
We identified a total of 101 species and two subspecies of radiolarians belonging to 56 genera from 95 samples collected from the Hagjeon and Duho Formations in the Pohang Basin of the southeastern Korean Peninsula. On the basis of the biostratigraphic range of Cyrtocapsella cornuta and Theocorys redondoensis, the depositional period of the upper Hagjeon and lowest Duho Formations was determined to be early to late Middle Miocene. The occurrence of deep-dwelling radiolarians indicates that the paleobathymetry seems to become gradually progressing toward an upper bathyal environment in the middle part of the Hagjeon Formation. However, we prefer to accept another interpretation for the occurrence of deep-sea indicators in the Hagjeon and the lowest part of the Duho Formations, and consider the presence of a region of upwelling cold water that might have simulated a deep-water environment in relatively shallow water. This interpretation is based on the present upwelling of a cold-water mass off the southeast coast of Korea, the occurrence of upwelling microfossils from the Pohang Basin, and the effect of the closing of the Korea Strait approximately 15 Ma. We also considered that the uppermost part of the studied section represents a shallow-water environment.  相似文献   
根据2013年4月10~12日在北京召开的第六届全国地质灾害与防治学术会议的特邀报告、主题报告以及论文集所报道的目前国内地质灾害机理与防治技术现状,分别从地质灾害成灾机理与减灾对策、地质灾害监测预警、地质灾害防治技术与应急处置、区域地质灾害风险管理与评价等4个方面进行简要介绍和分析。这些方面的研究成果代表了目前国内地质灾害机理与防治技术研究的现状和发展方向,对促进我国今后的地质灾害机理与防治技术研究有一定的积极作用。  相似文献   
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