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Conventional finite-difference modelling algorithms for seismic forward modelling are based on a time-stepping scheme with a constant (global) time step. Large contrasts in the velocity model or in the spatial sampling rate cause oversampling in time for some regions of the model. The use of locally adjustable time steps can save large amounts of computation time for certain modelling configurations. The computation of spatial derivatives across the transition zone between regions of the model with different temporal sampling requires the definition of the wavefield at corresponding time levels on both sides of the transition zone. This condition can be obtained by extrapolation in time, which is inaccurate, or by multiple time integration in the transition zone. The error in the latter solution is of the same order as the conventional time-stepping scheme because both methods are based on the same iteration formula. The technique of multiple time integration simply requires the use of different sizes of time step. It is applicable only for certain factors of variation of the time step.  相似文献   
Sediments of 13 piston cores from opposite continental slopes of the South China Sea, off southern China and Sabah (northern Borneo), were analyzed by sedimentological methods and dated by oxygen isotope stratigraphy. Sediments mostly consist of hemipelagic clay with 20% carbonate off Sabah and 40% off China. We calculated terrigenous and carbonate accumulation rates for up to 11 time-slices from the Holocene to oxygen-isotope stage 6. Terrigenous accumulation rates generally increase with water depth and reach a maximum at the middle slope off Sabah and at the lower continental slope off China. During glacial and interglacial times this distribution pattern did not markedly change, despite an increase of accumulation rates for glacial periods by a factor of 2 to 5 compared to interglacial periods. Rates are negatively correlated with positions of sea level, which controls the partition of fluviatile terrigenous material for deposition on shelf, slope, and abyssal plain. Carbonate accumulation rates are higher off China by a factor of 2 compared to Sabah, probably indicating higher calcareous plankton productivity.  相似文献   
We present a method to transform the governing equations of multispecies reactive transport in porous media. The reformulation leads to a smaller problem size by decoupling of equations and by elimination of unknowns, which increases the efficiency of numerical simulations. The reformulation presented here is a generalization of earlier works. In fact, a whole class of transformations is now presented. This class is parametrized by the choice of certain transformation matrices. For specific choices, some known formulations of reactive transport can be retrieved. Hence, the software based on the presented transformation can be used to obtain efficiency comparisons of different solution approaches. For our efficiency tests, we use the MoMaS benchmark problem on reactive transport.  相似文献   
Big Data Analytics for Earth Sciences: the EarthServer approach   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Big Data Analytics is an emerging field since massive storage and computing capabilities have been made available by advanced e-infrastructures. Earth and Environmental sciences are likely to benefit from Big Data Analytics techniques supporting the processing of the large number of Earth Observation datasets currently acquired and generated through observations and simulations. However, Earth Science data and applications present specificities in terms of relevance of the geospatial information, wide heterogeneity of data models and formats, and complexity of processing. Therefore, Big Earth Data Analytics requires specifically tailored techniques and tools. The EarthServer Big Earth Data Analytics engine offers a solution for coverage-type datasets, built around a high performance array database technology, and the adoption and enhancement of standards for service interaction (OGC WCS and WCPS). The EarthServer solution, led by the collection of requirements from scientific communities and international initiatives, provides a holistic approach that ranges from query languages and scalability up to mobile access and visualization. The result is demonstrated and validated through the development of lighthouse applications in the Marine, Geology, Atmospheric, Planetary and Cryospheric science domains.  相似文献   
Emission of nitrous oxide from temperate forest soils into the atmosphere   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
N2O emission rates were measured during a 13-month period from July 1981 till August 1982 with a frequency of once every two weeks at six different forest sites in the vicinity of Mainz, Germany. The sites were selected on the basis of soil types typical for many of the Central European forest ecosystems. The individual N2O emission rates showed a high degree of temporal and spatial variabilities which, however, were not significantly correlated to variabilities in soil moisture content or soil temperatures. However, the N2O emission rates followed a general seasonal trend with relatively high values during spring and fall. These maxima coincided with relatively high soil moisture contents, but may also have been influenced by the leaf fall in autumn. In addition, there was a brief episode of relatively high N2O emission rates immediately after thawing of the winter snow. The individual N2O emission rates measured during the whole season ranged between 1 and 92 g N2O-N m–2 h–1. The average values were in the range of 3–11 g N2O-N m–2 h–1 and those with a 50% probability were in the range of 2–8 g N2O-N m–2 h–1. The total source strength of temperate forest soils for atmospheric N2O may be in the range of 0.7–1.5 Tg N yr–1.  相似文献   
Calcite precipitation in spring 1988 in Lake Constance was studied by measuring physical, chemical and biological parameters in daily intervals. Algae triggering calcite precipitation in spring after an induction period of 1 day wereStephanodiscus hantzschii andChlorella spp. whereas no time lag concerning maximum saturation index was observed. Number and size distribution of crystals were determined by microscopical methods. Simple equations were given for estimation of the precipitated mass of calcite by approximating the volume of calcite crystals by simple geometric bodies and multiplying by crystal numbers. Particulate calcium was analysed after dissolving suspended matter and amounted to 90% of inorganic dry weight. Crystals were observed for the first time after dissolved phosphorus was no more detectable.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Sowohl in Arabien, ne-Afrika und auf den den Atlantik umgebenden kontinentalen Tafeln können große, epirogene Wellenwürfe ausgemacht werden. All diese Undulation-Systeme sind im Streichen parallel zu benachbarten Riftsystemen ausgerichtet, und ihre Wellenlänge nimmt mit Abstand vom Rifttrog zu. Die Untersuchungen am arabischen Beispiel zu den Zusammenhängen zwischen Bildung ozeanischer Kruste einerseits und deren tektonischen Auswirkungen auf kontinentale Tafeln, wie Magmatismus, Orogenese und besonders in intra-platten dynamischer Hinsicht andererseits, scheinen neue Gesichtspunkte zur Paläogeographie zu eröffnen, und zum Verstehen der Ursachen und Evolution der Schildwellungen beizutragen. Sie zeigen, daß die Schildwellungen nicht im vollen morphologischen Ausmaß mit Beginn des Rifting einsetzen, sondern die Schildbereiche allmählich von der Riftseite her durchdringen (± 40 m. a.) und etwa 80 m. a. zur Vollentwicklung brauchen. Rift-parallele Becken und Schwellen sind in Rift-Nähe am ältesten und werden mit Abstand von letzeren jünger. Über die paläogeographischen Entwicklungen kann ferner gezeigt werden, daß der Wellungs-Prozeß nicht kontinuierlich, sondern in Schüben verläuft.Blattverschiebungen im Rahmen diagonal angelegter Scherung sind eine konjugate Reaktion zur kompressionellen Wellung oder Faltung. Große und kleinere Störungen oder Störungssysteme dieser Kategorie sind im Bereich der Schildwellungen fast immer vorhanden. Schildwellung, die in dieser Arbeit absichtlich etwas überbetont wird, scheint auf alten, auf tiefe Stockwerke erodierten und stark konsilidierten Kratonen gegenüber Scherung zu überwiegen (z. B. Arabischer Schild), während Scherung und Bruchschollen-Tektonik im Sedimentmantel jüngerer, wenig tief erodierter und wohl möglich weniger konsolidierter, kratonisierter Areale ausgeprägter ist (z. B. Europäisches Schollenmosaik).Es wird abgeleitet, daß die Schildwellungen wie die Scherungstektonik von horizontalen, kompressioneilen Verspannungen ausgelöst werden und letztere mit der Bildung und Ausbreitung ozeanischer Kruste (Mantel-Diapirismus, Ocean-Floor Spreading) in ursächlichem Zusammenhang stehen. Die aus tektonischen Gründen vermutete kompressionelle Verspanung kontinentaler Tafeln und deren Symmetriebindung an das world rift system scheint sich nunmehr durch direkte Messungen zu bestätigen, jedenfalls passen sowohl seismo-tektonische Herdmechanismen-Analysen, wie in situ-Druckmessungen in Europa ausgezeichnet zum tektonischen Modell.Arabien wird als Modell-Beispiel für Schildwellungen im Rahmen geodynamischer Beanspruchungen angesehen.
Large and gentle warping sets are recognizable in Arabia, ne-Africa and on the continents, which surround the n-Atlantic rifts (former Laurasia). All these undulation systems are aligned parallel to neighbouring rift-systems and their wavelength increases with the distance from the rifts. In Arabia studies of the geodynamic interrelations of generation of new oceanic crust, on the one side, and its structural effects on the shield area, like magmatism, orogeny and especially intra-plate dynamics, on the other side, seem to provide new aspects and a better understanding for the causes and evolution of these warping structures. These studies imply that warping sets are not developed to their full morphological extend with the beginning of continental rifting, they seem to penetrate the shield areas slowly (± 40 m. a.) and grow gradually (± 80 m. a.), i. e. they are oldest next to the oceanic rift troughs and become younger with distance from them. It also can be stated that rift-parallel basins and uplifts are developed sporadically during episodes of increased tectonic activity.Lateral movements along diagonally arranged shear zones are a conjugate reaction to compressional shield folding; major faults or fault systems of this category are usually recognizable in warped areas. Shield warping, which is purposely overemphasised in this article, seems to be predominant on old, deeply eroded and strongly consolidated cratons, while shearing and block-tilting seem to prevail on younger, less deeply eroded and consolidated, cratonised areas.Continental warping as well as shearing is thought to be due to horizontal, compressional stresses caused by the injection and spreading of mantle derived, new oceanic crust (mantle diapirism, ocean-floor spreading). The postulated, horizontally compressional stress environment on continental plates and its symmetry relation to spreading-ridges seem now confirmed by two independant means, i. e. fault-plane solutions and in situstress measurements, especially in Europe.Arabia is considered as the model-example for crustal-warping and its causal relations to geodynamic processes.

Résumé En Arabie comme aussi dans le NE de l'Afrique et tout autour de l'Atlantique, les plaques continentales sont affectées d'ondulations épirogéniques. Celles-ci ont une direction parallèle à celle du rift voisin et leur longueur d'ondes croît avec la distance au rift. Les recherches en Arabie sur les rapports entre la formation de la croûte océanique et le dynamisme interne des plaques continentales ont favorisé de nouvelles idées sur la paléogéographie et contribué à la compréhension du principe de l'ondulation des boucliers: elles montrent que l'ondulation des plaques ne commence qu'avec une faible dimension morphologique et qu'elle pénètre le bouclier successivement du côté du rift (+ou –40 m.a.). Le développement final est atteint après 80 m.a. environ. Les bassins proches du rift sont donc les plus vieux, tandis qu à plus grande distance sont les plus jeunes. Le développement paléogéographique montre en outre que l'ondulation se produit de façon discontinue et plutôt sporadique. Le décrochement latéral dans le système du cisaillement diagonal est une réaction équivalente à l'ondulation compressive ou du plissement.Des failles plus ou moins grandes ou des familles de failles de ce type existent presque toujours en association avec les ondulations des boucliers. Cette ondulation des boucliers semble l'emporter sur le cisaillement dans des cratons bien consolidés et profondément érodés, tandis que le cisaillement et la tectonique de microplaques caractérisent les couches sédimentaires des socles (peut-être cratonisés) moins profondément érodés.Il faut donc admettre que l'ondulation des bouckliers aussi bien que la tectonique de cisaillement se développe à cause de la compression latérale. La compression est en rapport avec la genèse et le développement de la croûte océanique (ocean-floor spreading, diapirs du manteau). On peut constater que la compression des plaques (supposée par la tectonique) et leur rapport avec le world rifting system est confirmé par des mesures directes. En tout cas, les analyses sismotectoniques et les mesures de pression in situ sont bien conformes au modèle tectonique. L'Arabie est prise comme modèle pour l'ondulation des boucliers et ses rapports avec la contrainte géodynamique.

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Prof. R.Brinkmann zum 83. Geburtstag gewidmet

Kurzfassung zu Vorträgen gehalten am 19. und 20. 2. 1968 auf der 58. Jahresversammlung der Geologischen Vereinigung in Göttingen und am 27.2. 1975 auf der 65. Jahresversammlung in Karlsruhe.  相似文献   
煤系岩石物理力学参数与声波速度之间的关系   总被引:22,自引:4,他引:22       下载免费PDF全文
通过超声-时间动态测试方法系统地分析了煤系沉积岩石纵波和横波速度,计算了煤系岩石动弹性力学参数,同步测试了煤系岩石的静态力学参数,建立了煤系沉积岩石动弹性力学参数与静弹性力学参数之间和煤系岩石物理力学参数与其声波速度之间的定性定量关系.研究结果表明,煤系岩石的动弹性模量与岩石的纵波或横波速度具有很好的正相关关系,而与泊松比不具有这种正相关关系.煤系岩石的动弹性模量要大于其静弹性模量,而动泊松比要小于其静泊松比,它们之间呈线性相关关系.煤系岩石密度、单轴抗压和抗拉强度与其纵波或横波速度之间也呈正相关关系,它们分别服从二次函数、指数函数和线性函数分布.  相似文献   
Seismic wave field fluctuations below Lanzhou Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty Organization seismic array are determined and interpreted to describe the scattering characteristics of the crust beneath the northeastern margin of Qinghai–Tibet plateau in China. The frequency-dependent intensities of the mean and fluctuation wave fields are analyzed for 21 deep (206–632 km depth) teleseismic events. The observed wave field fluctuations in the frequency range 0.5–2.5 Hz can be explained by the scattering of the teleseismic P wave front at random media-type structures. The stable and narrow range of the fluctuation parameters from these teleseismic events indicates evidence for scattered seismic phases which are generated inside the crust. The reasonable structural models contain heterogeneities with 1–3% velocity fluctuations and 2.4–8.2 km correlation lengths in the crust with 53 km thickness.  相似文献   
The Spessart district (SW Germany), located at the southwestern margin of the Permian Kupferschiefer basin in Central Europe, hosts abundant stratabound and structurally controlled base metal mineralization. The mineralization styles identified are (1) stratabound Cu-Pb-Zn-(Ag) ores in Zechstein sedimentary rocks, (2) structurally controlled Cu-As-(Ag) ores in Zechstein sedimentary rocks, (3) crosscutting Co-Ni-(Bi)-As and Cu-Fe-As veins, (4) stratabound metasomatic Fe-Mn carbonate ores in Zechstein dolomite, (5) barren barite veins, and (6) Fe-Mn-As veins in Permian rhyolites. Building on previous work that involved mineralogical, textural, and chemical characterization of the major mineralization types, we have performed a comprehensive sulfur isotope study that applied both conventional and novel laser-ablation multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry techniques. The δ34S values of sulfide minerals from the different ore types are consistently negative and highly variable, in the range between −44.5‰ and −3.9‰, whereas the δ34S values of barite are all positive in the range between 4.7‰ and 18.9‰. Remarkably, stratabound and structurally controlled mineralization in Zechstein sedimentary rocks has the least negative δ34S values, whereas vein-type deposits have consistently more negative δ34S values. The observed pattern of sulfide δ34S values can be best interpreted in terms of fluid mixing at the basement-cover interface. Hydrothermal fluids originating from the crystalline basement migrated upward along subvertical fault zones and were periodically injected into groundwaters that were flowing in the post-Variscan sedimentary cover. These groundwaters had interacted with the Zechstein sedimentary rocks, resulting in fluids characterized by elevated concentrations of reduced sulfur (with negative δ34S values) and alkaline pH. Repeated mixing between both chemically contrasting fluids caused rapid and efficient precipitation of sulfide ore minerals in hydrothermal veins with highly variable but distinctly negative δ34S values.  相似文献   
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