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全球深水油气勘探简论   总被引:5,自引:6,他引:5  
全球深水油气资源非常丰富,估计全球深水区最终潜在石油储量有可能超过1000×108bbl。随着深水油气勘探开发的不断深入,深水油气探明储量和产量不断增加,所占比重越来越大。预测至2015年世界海洋石油的25%将来自深水区。巴西近海、美国墨西哥湾和西非沿海是当前世界三大深水勘探热点地区,这里集中了世界84%的深水钻探活动,其储量占据了全球深水储量的88%。近几年全球不断取得深水油气重大发现,对全球新增探明储量和提高产量起到了主要作用。深水油气勘探与浅海及陆上油气勘探相比,技术要求高、资金风险高、作业难度高,施工工艺也有很大区别。高科技在深水油气勘探开发中的广泛应用不仅提高了深水油气勘探开发的成功率,促进了深水勘探的发展,反过来又带动了一大批学科专业的快速发展。  相似文献   
为了研究太阳黑子的周期性变化规律,采用SIDC提供的1700—2012年逐年与1987—2012年逐日的太阳黑子数据,利用小波功率谱分别从长周期和短周期两个方面研究太阳黑子的周期,分析结果表明,太阳黑子存在3个显著性周期:0.075 a(27 d)、11.04 a和111.6 a,除此之外,还有55 a的局部显著周期。对太阳黑子数与太阳F10.7射电流量进行交叉小波变换,分析结果发现两者在10.1~12.3 a的尺度上有着显著的共振性。利用最小二乘谱分析方法得到太阳黑子时间序列各个周期的振幅和趋势信息,结果显示各个周期的振幅与其小波功率谱成正比关系,11.04 a的振幅最大,0.075 a最小,同时在1700—2012年间,太阳黑子呈现逐年递增的趋势,每年约增长0.08个单位。  相似文献   
青藏高原湖泊水位是反映生态环境变化的重要指标,为了使用多源卫星测高数据构建高精度、长时序的湖泊水位时间序列,本文提出了一种基于大气路径延迟校正、波形重定、异常值检测、卫星间偏差调整的高精度湖泊水位序列构建策略.以拉昂错为研究对象,利用本文方法对TOPEX/Poseidon、Jason-1/2/3高度计数据进行处理,构建...  相似文献   
根据天文大地测量原理,并集成GNSS和CCD技术,垂线偏差自动测量系统能够实现垂线偏差的快速高精度测量。该测量系统后端主要任务是对CCD星像进行处理,作为CCD星像处理的前提,图像噪声处理可为此后星象搜索准确率与定位精度等工作提供保障。本文通过峰值信噪比的计算,对中值滤波、均值滤波、Butterworth低通滤波及组合去噪方法在仿真CCD星像去噪中的效果进行了比较。试验结果表明,采用3×3模板的中值滤波方法对CCD星像的去噪效果优于其他方法。基于去噪前后成对实测CCD星像,分别计算测站点垂线偏差及其标准差,比较结果表明3×3模板的中值滤波方法对CCD星像去噪能有效改善垂线偏差的精度。  相似文献   
使用IGS发布的GIM数据,利用奇异谱(singular spectrum analysis, SSA)和四分位距法(inter quartile range, IQR)对2016-12-25智利MW7.6地震进行震前电离层异常探测。 研究表明,2种方法探测到的电离层主要异常特征基本一致,在震前4 d和震前7 d分别探测到明显的正异常和负异常,电离层异常自东向西移动,峰值点出现在震中附近,且震前4 d共轭区域出现明显的电离层正异常变化。相较于IQR探测,SSA探测突出了电离层主要的异常时间段和空间异常特征,但幅度和范围偏小,两者互为补充,可以探测出更加明显的地震电离层异常效应特征。由于距发震时间较短,在排除外界环境干扰因素后,认为此次电离层异常可能由智利地震引起。
多源、多类、多时态非线性数据处理的整体降维解算   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对当今各国十分关注、大力倡导的“数字地球”、“数字国家”、“数字矿山”等科学工程构建中的多源,多维、多类型,多时态,多糖度并具有非线性特征的数据处理,及其函数模型中同时包含有非随机参数和随机参数,而随机参数又常常是随时间动态变化的情况,如仍采用经典的最小二乘处理方法或一般的非线性最小二乘数据处理方法,是不准确、不科学的。为此,提出了一种新的数据处理方法,即广州非线性动态最小二乘数据处理方法。针对广州非线最小二乘问题维数高的特殊结构,在已研究提出的分离迭代求解模型的基础上,提出了另一种新的整体降维解算的模型和算法,使原问题庞大的高维方程组的解算得以简化,将待求参数分离求解,大大减少了计算工作量,为多源,多维,多类型,多时态,多精度的非线性数据处理开辟了另一新途径。  相似文献   
超高压变质岩中微粒金刚石的发现及其动力学意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王强  焦述强 《世界地质》1997,16(1):23-29
概述了目前仅有的几个发现微粒金刚石的地区如哈萨克斯坦,挪威西部和我国中等部地的超高压变质岩的最新研究成果,并指出这些变质岩中微粒金刚石为变质成因,变质流体对微粒金刚石的形成具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   
Ecological network analysis of an urban energy metabolic system   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Analysis of the structure and function of urban energy metabolic systems is an important tool to facilitate compliance with China’s current energy-conservation policy. In this study, we used network throughflow analysis and network utility analysis to analyze the structure of an urban energy metabolic system and the complex relationships among its components. Using weight distributions in the network flow matrix, we determined the system structure; using the sign distribution in the network utility matrix, we determined the relationships between pairs of components. We then developed an ecological network model using Beijing in 1995, 2000, 2005, and 2007 as an example of how the model can be used to understand the system’s structure and function. The model’s components were the energy exploitation, transformation, consumption, and recovery sectors. Network throughflow analysis revealed that the energy transformation and consumption sectors had high weights (34–45%) in all 4 years, whereas the energy recovery sector had small weights (<5%) and the energy exploitation had low to intermediate weights (which decreased from 23% in 1995 to 11% in 2007). Network utility analysis revealed that the ecological relationships between the energy transformation and exploitation sectors, the energy consumption and transformation sectors, and the energy consumption and exploitation sectors did not change, but that the ecological relationships between the energy recovery sector and other sectors changed greatly. Our analysis of Beijing’s urban energy metabolic system provided guidance for optimizing the system’s structure and adjusting the relationships among the sectors.  相似文献   
利用加权一阶局域法对TEC时间序列进行预测时,提出利用夹角余弦对相似相点进行选择。结果表明,在5维相空间中,该方法除在第4分向量略不及欧氏距离外,其余4个分向量均优于后者。利用夹角余弦选择的相似相点进行一阶局域预测时,该方法得到的STD(0.660 1TECU)和RMS(0.670 0TECU)均小于欧氏距离得到的STD和RMS,说明夹角余弦可以准确地搜索到与基准点相关性更强的相似相点,因此,预测精度更高。  相似文献   
On precise orbit determination of HY-2 with space geodetic techniques   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
As the first radar altimetric satellite of China, HY-2 requires the precise orbit determination with a higher accuracy than that of other satellites. In order to achieve the designed radial orbit with the accuracy better than 10 cm for HY-2, the methods of precise orbit determination for HY-2 with the centimeter-level accuracy based on space geodetic techniques (DORIS, SLR, and satellite-borne GPS) are studied in this paper. Perturbations on HY-2 orbit are analyzed, in particular those due to the non-spherical gravitation of the earth, ocean tide, solid earth tide, solar and earth radiation, and atmospheric drag. Space geodetic data of HY-2 are simulated with the designed HY-2 orbit parameters based on the orbit dynamics theory to optimize the approaches and strategies of precise orbit determination of HY-2 with the dynamic and reduced-dynamic methods, respectively. Different methods based on different techniques are analyzed and compared. The experiment results show that the nonspherical perturbation modeled by GGM02C causes a maximum perturbation, and errors caused by the imperfect modeling of atmospheric drag have an increasing trend on T direction, but errors are relatively stable on the other two directions; besides, the methods with three space geodetic techniques achieve the radial orbit with the precision better than 10 cm.  相似文献   
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