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Microbial D-amino acids and marine carbon storage   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In nature, there are two conformational types of amino acids: L- and D-isomers. The L-amino acids are the predominant form and are used mainly for protein synthesis, while the D-amino acids are few in quantity but more diverse in terms of their biological functions. D-amino acids are produced by many marine microbes, which are important players in carbon and energy cycles in the ocean. As the major constituent of the marine organic carbon pool, D-amino acids can persist in the water column for a long time before being further transformed by chemical or biological processes or transported through physical processes (such as absorption and aggregation). This article reviews the microbial synthesis of D-amino acids, their physiological function and metabolism in microbes, and the contribution of D-amino acids as a carbon source to the oceanic carbon reservoir.  相似文献   
渤海湾盆地辽河坳陷西部凹陷南段古近系沙河街组中发现了低产油气流和工业油气流,储集层具有低—特低孔隙度、特低—超低渗透率、低压的特征,属于典型的致密砂岩储集层。应用大量的薄片、扫描电镜、粒度分析、压汞和物性等测试资料,研究了致密砂岩的微观特征,探讨了致密砂岩的形成机理。研究结果表明,致密砂岩(孔隙度小于10.0%)大多发育在凹陷区;矿物成分、粒度、分选、磨圆等沉积学参数与致密砂岩的形成关系不大;致密砂岩的孔隙类型主要为次生孔隙,孔隙结构整体上具有中孔径、微细喉以及喉道分选不均匀等特征;机械压实作用和胶结作用导致了致密砂岩的形成,该致密砂岩属于次生型致密砂岩。  相似文献   

利用安徽省81站逐日降水量资料、NCEP 500 hPa再分析资料、ECMWF(以下简称EC)降水和500 hPa高度预报,基于暴雨中心和天气类型的客观判定,分类统计2012—2018年23个强降水过程降水中心的预报偏差。结果表明在西路强冷空气和东路冷空气天气类型下,当EC预报降水中心位于115°—120°E 584 dagpm线以北时,降水中心预报往往偏北,依据两者的纬度差和降水中心预报偏差建立了基于天气分类的主雨带位置订正方法;同时依据23个强降水过程最大降水区域降水量预报的日平均偏差,建立了暴雨的强度订正方法。将偏差订正方法应用于2020年安徽省梅汛期预报,结果发现无论位置还是强度订正都能使暴雨预报TS评分明显提高。同时进行位置和强度订正后,暴雨TS评分提高更加明显,尤其是对2020年两次最强降水过程订正效果显著。

The 8.0-magnitude Wenchuan earthquake in 2008 damaged the ecology of northwestern Sichuan, China. This study assessed ecological changes within a few years of the earthquake through satellite observations of vegetation dynamics in the earthquake area. As an ecological indicator, the fractional vegetation cover was extracted using the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index based on multi-year Landsat images and was validated using airborne images. We found that the entire mountainous disaster area had recovered by 68.45 % 3 years after the 2008 earthquake. After rapid recovery of vegetation in 2009, the recovery process slowed. The vegetation recovery rate (VRR) in the area heavily damaged by landslides was slightly lower but nearly that of the entire disaster area. In addition, because of differences in the proportions of soil and rock in the damaged areas, recovery of vegetation in the southwest portion of the study area was slower than in the northeast areas. Topographic analysis of vegetation recovery patterns indicated that damage to vegetation was closely related to slope, while recovery of vegetation was more sensitive to elevation. The landscape analysis showed that the recovery rate (65.21 %) of the excellent vegetation cover type was slower than the overall VRR. This study suggests that vegetation recovery is a slow ecological process and that ecological restoration should be implemented in mountainous regions affected by the earthquake.  相似文献   
化石数据是了解地球历史以及深时生命演化的重要信息来源。通过数百年的积累,古生物学家已经发表了海量的古生物学数据。过去三、四十年里,随着计算机、数据库和互联网技术的快速发展,国内外涌现出大量的古生物学数据库,彼此间的目标、体系架构、数据组织方式和服务对象通常存在显著差异,呈现百花齐放的特点。文章系统介绍了古生物学领域主要数据库的发展历史、数据表结构、数据特征和数据量等建设情况,对比分析了其数据整理方式、核心在线功能、数据共享特点和数据质量控制措施。同时,结合近年来数据驱动下的古生物学领域的科学研究实例,提出一站式全生态链数据平台的建设设想,为深时数字地球(DDE)建设多学科融合、数据开放与共享的大数据平台提供参考。  相似文献   
河北蔚县是我国华北地区最大的地下采煤区之一,该地区长期存在采矿塌陷灾害,不仅威胁采矿安全,而且严重破坏当地生态环境。本文基于合成孔径雷达干涉(InSAR)这一新型空间对地观测技术,采用61景Sentinel-1A/B干涉宽幅(Interferometric Wide swath,IW)模式数据进行矿区形变观测,获取整个矿区在2017—2018年间的地表形变空间分布特征,并对矿区地表的沉降量级及面积进行详细的统计分析。此外,采用融合多轨道SAR数据的多维形变时序估计方法,对西细庄矿数据进行东西向和垂向的二维形变分解,获取该矿的二维形变时间序列。结果表明:除南留庄井田外,其余三大井田在监测期间均存在不同程度的地面沉陷灾害;整个矿区年沉陷速率超过-10 cm/a的区域达到了2.16 km2;受成像几何影响,不同轨道数据获取的形变结果存在一定差异;西细庄矿以垂向形变为主,伴随明显的东西向水平形变。研究结果为蔚县矿区地面沉陷监测与煤矿安全开采提供数据参考。  相似文献   
以冈底斯中段曲水县西南方向卡热乡一带出露的辉长岩为研究对象,进行了LA-ICP-MS锆石UPb测年以及全岩地球化学的系统测定,据此讨论岩石的成因及其构造意义。该辉长岩主要由单斜辉石和斜长石组成,辉长岩具有低硅、贫碱、富铝,中等富集轻稀土,富集大离子亲石元素,亏损高场强元素的地球化学特征,与岛弧和大陆边缘地区产出的高铝玄武岩化学组成十分相似,表明辉长岩原生岩浆为被俯冲改造的岩石圈幔源岩浆,在演化过程中受到了上地壳物质的混染。锆石LA-ICP-MS U-Pb年龄为49.01±0.51Ma(MSWD=0.41),指示岩体形成时代为始新世。卡热辉长岩具有显著亏损的锆石Hf同位素组成,εHf(t)值均为正值,分布在+10.88~+13.71之间,综合分析表明卡热辉长质侵入体可能为近期遭受俯冲板片析出流体交代作用的亏损地幔部分熔融的产物。结合区域构造演化史认为该岩体在冈底斯南缘的始新世期间存在着强烈的岩浆底侵和壳幔岩浆混合作用。  相似文献   
针对南黄海盆地海相油气勘探的重大需求,在收集、整理下扬子苏、浙、皖地区地质和地化资料的基础上,依托科学钻探CSDP-2井岩心,系统对比了南黄海盆地与下扬子陆区早志留世古地理背景和沉积充填特征,进而利用一系列地化测试数据总结了南黄海盆地下志留统烃源岩特征并探讨其主控因素。研究结果表明:南黄海盆地大陆架科学钻探CSDP-2井目前已钻遇了坟头组和高家边组上部两套丰度很低的厚层、暗色(粉砂质)泥岩,其有机质类型主要为Ⅱ2型,热演化程度已整体进入过成熟阶段;受控于全球海侵事件和扬子板块构造活动的发展阶段,早志留世初期深水陆棚环境逐渐向后期的浅水陆棚环境演变,加之早期较高的初级生产力和良好的保存条件,使得下扬子区高家边组下部烃源岩的品质明显高于上部,并以底部黑色笔石页岩段有机质丰度最高。因此,南黄海盆地高家边组底部理应存在一套优质烃源岩层,可作为下一步页岩气勘探的重点层位。  相似文献   
测量不确定度作为当今矿石主要的评定方式,其评定是表征并赋予测量结果的分散性,为最终的测量结果附带参数,以此来客观衡量测量量的分散性。根据数值的特点分为两个度量,符合统计规律的数值,称为A类不确定度;不符合统计规律的数值称为B类不确定度。将不确定度的评定方法运用到铜精粉中铜含量的测定中,最终得出样品铜精粉中19.94%~20.34%的铜含量,同时对铜精粉中铜的测量实验及实验结果不确定度的评定进行了系统的研究,并将整个实验及结果不确定度的计算过程简述,这样不仅达到了测量的目的,还能对不确定度进一步认识,也给冶炼工业的发展提供了可参考的研究方法。  相似文献   
The Hong’an area (western Dabie Mountains) is the westernmost terrane in the Qinling-Dabie-Sulu orogen that preserves UHP eclogites. The ages of the UHP metamorphism have not been well constrained, and thus hinder our understanding of the tectonic evolution of this area. LA-ICPMS U–Pb age, trace element and Hf isotope compositions of zircons of a granitic gneiss and an eclogite from the Xinxian UHP unit in the Hong’an area were analyzed to constrain the age of the UHP metamorphism. Most zircons are unzoned or show sector zoning. They have low trace element concentrations, without significant negative Eu anomalies. These metamorphic zircons can be further subdivided into two groups according to their U–Pb ages, and trace element and Lu–Hf isotope compositions. One group with an average age of 239 ± 2 Ma show relatively high and variable HREE contents (527 ≥ LuN ≥ 14) and 176Lu/177Hf ratios (0.00008–0.000931), indicating their growth prior to a great deal of garnet growth in the late stage of continental subduction. The other group yields an average age of 227 ± 2 Ma, and shows consistent low HREE contents and 176Lu/177Hf ratios, suggesting their growth with concurrent garnet crystallization and/or recrystallization. These two groups of age are taken as recording the time of prograde HP to UHP and retrograde UHP–HP stages, respectively. A few cores have high Th/U ratios, high trace element contents, and a clear negative Eu anomaly. These features support a magmatic origin of these zircon cores. The upper intercept ages of 771 ± 86 and 752 ± 70 Ma for the granitic gneiss and eclogite, respectively, indicate that their protoliths probably formed as a bimodal suite in rifting zones in the northern margin of the Yangtze Block. Young Hf model ages (T DM1) of magmatic cores indicate juvenile (mantle-derived) materials were involved in their protolith formation. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
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