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竺可桢同志1965年在中国科学院地理工作会议上所作的报告,全面分析了我国地理工作的现状和任务,阐明了分工和实现这些任务的措施。竺可桢同志的报告虽然已经过去了近二十年,但现在看起来,仍然有很大的指导意义,本刊特予以刊登,供大家学习参考。虽然报告中有些提法是针对当时情况的,地理研究机构和名称也有调整和变动,但为了保持这个历史性文件的完整,本刊未加更动。  相似文献   
为改变以单个监测点为研究对象分析大坝变形规律的方法,提出位移强度概念,并以此作为分类标准,借鉴决策树算法,根据大坝所有监测点的坐标建立模型,计算并分析大坝在某一方向上的整体变形规律。  相似文献   
地理要素的空间关系在GIS空间数据建模、空间分析、地图自动综合等方面起着重要的作用,研究如何快速判断要素间空间关系是否发生变化,从而有效维护空间关系具有重要的科学意义.本文对目前现有的有关地理空间关系描述及其集成推理的研究成果进行了综合分析与分类,分析了它们的适应性与特点,并就本研究方向存在的问题和今后需要解决的问题提出了一些看法和思路.  相似文献   
笔者自行培育的美国红鱼苗体长25~30mm.1996年6月上、中旬到当年12月中旬.其个体的平均重量分别达到了750g和800g,生长速度优于我国其他养殖鱼种。  相似文献   
对徐海—石头岗花岗闪长岩体围岩中黑云母及有机质变质程度的研究发现:距岩体580m范围内的接触带岩石皆具有角岩化现象。黑云母含量受原岩成分影响,其鳞片粒径与岩体距离密切有关。围岩中镜质组反射率,(R_(mas))值与岩体距离之间有十分明显的规律。  相似文献   
海洋细菌抑菌活性菌株的筛选   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:16  
从不同海区的海洋底质,生物样,水样中分离到480株海洋细菌,其中包括150株芽孢细菌和108株粪大肠杆菌,利用纸片法对其抑菌活性进行检测,结果表明:117株海洋细菌具有抑菌活性,占总分离菌株的24.4%;一般细菌,芽孢细菌,粪大肠杆菌的抑菌活性菌株分别占各供测菌株的17.1%,27.3%,35.2%;抑菌活性菌株的比例与样品来源密切相关,且各类海洋细菌的抗菌谱有很大的不同。  相似文献   
ABSTRACT The depositional organization and architecture of the middle–late Devonian Yangdi rimmed carbonate platform margin in the Guilin area of South China were related to oblique, extensional faulting in a strike‐slip setting. The platform margin shows two main stages of construction in the late Givetian to Frasnian, with a bioconstructed margin evolving into a sand‐shoal system. In the late Givetian, the platform margin was rimmed with microbial buildups composed mainly of cyanobacterial colonies (mostly Renalcis and Epiphyton). These grew upwards and produced an aggradational (locally slightly retrogradational) architecture with steep foreslope clinoforms. Three depositional sequences (S3–S5) are recognized in the upper Givetian strata, which are dominated by extensive microbialites. Metre‐scale depositional cyclicity occurs in most facies associations, except in the platform‐margin buildups and upper foreslope facies. In the latest Givetian (at the top of sequence S5), relative platform uplift (± subaerial exposure) and associated rapid basin subsidence (probably a block‐tilting effect) caused large‐scale platform collapse and slope erosion to give local scalloped embayments along the platform margin and the synchronous demise of microbial buildups. Subsequently, sand shoals and banks composed of ooids and peloids and, a little later, stromatoporoid buildups on the palaeohighs, developed along the platform margin, from which abundant loose sediment was transported downslope to form gravity‐flow deposits. Another strong tectonic episode caused further platform collapse in the early Frasnian (at the top of sequence S6), leading to large‐scale breccia release and the death of the stromatoporoid buildups. Siliceous facies (banded cherts and siliceous shales) were then deposited extensively in the basin centre as a result of the influx of hydrothermal fluids. The platform‐margin sand‐shoal/bank system, possibly with gullies on the slope, persisted into the latest Frasnian until the restoration of microbial buildups. Four sequences (S6–S9), characterized by abundant sand‐shoal deposits on the margin and gravity‐flow and hemipelagic deposits on the slope, are distinguished in the Frasnian strata. Smaller‐scale depositional cyclicity is evident in all facies associations across the platform–slope–basin transect. The distinctive depositional architecture and evolution of this Yangdi Platform are interpreted as having been controlled mainly by regional tectonics with contributions from eustasy, environmental factors, oceanographic setting, biotic and sedimentary fabrics.  相似文献   
水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向电极系的工作原理,利用多电场叠加方式进行电场合成,采用三维有限元方法模拟仿真各个分电场的场分布,进而利用电场线性叠加原理得到阵列侧向测井响应。在基于计算机仿真的基础上,得到阵列侧向五条测井曲线的径向探测深度,阵列侧向径向探测深度要小于深侧向探测深度。考察了三维地层模型下井斜和侵入深度变化对阵列侧向测井响应的影响,分析了水平井和大斜度井中阵列侧向测井响应特征。模拟结果表明,在井斜小于15°时,阵列侧向测井响应受井斜影响小,可以不进行井斜校正;井斜超过60°的大斜度井以及水平井中,阵列侧向测井响应视地层厚度逐渐增大,测井响应值与直井条件下响应值差别较大,必须进行井斜校正。  相似文献   
从深部矿地球化学勘查实际需求出发,根据近年来20余个矿床研究结果,总结提出了热液成因有色金属矿床矿致异常规律--多维异常体系。多维异常体系是指产出在特定成矿地质时期地质体中,空间有序共存、形成机理各异、成矿指向递进的多属性地球化学异常体系,将在斑岩型、矽卡岩型、热液型以及沉积改造型等与热液作用有关的有色金属矿产深部矿预测和评价中发挥重要作用。以安徽马头斑岩型钼铜矿为例,对该矿床多维异常体系进行了探讨。结果表明: 在该矿床中,存在着以Na2O为代表的负异常体系、以S为代表的矿化剂元素异常体系、矿化剂元素S与Fe和成矿元素间协同平衡体系、成矿及其伴生元素异常体系等,这些异常体系对成矿的指示作用是递进的,从而证实了多维异常体系的存在。对应用多维异常体系思路预测和评价深部矿进行了说明。  相似文献   
中国金银矿产资源现状成矿环境及开发前景   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国金银矿产具有类型齐全的共同特点,其资源和开发前景表现为金矿优于银矿。金矿成矿环境有利,成矿时代及资源分布广泛。但是,储量在100吨以上的超大型矿床不多,富矿少,资源利用程度高,且浪费严重,存在重开发、轻勘查等问题。银矿虽然是世界上资源丰富的国家之一,但仍然是我国资源保证程度较低的矿种之一,也存在特大型矿床少、探明储量不足的问题。  相似文献   
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