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乌拉山地区位于大青山地区西侧,变泥砂质岩石大范围出露,并有一定数量变质岩浆侵入岩存在。本文对6个变质岩浆侵入岩进行了锆石SHRIMP U-Pb定年。片麻状闪长岩、片麻状英云闪长岩、片麻状花岗闪长岩和片麻状紫苏花岗岩等4个样品的锆石U-Pb数据点沿谐和线分散分布,n(~(207)Pb)/n(~(206)Pb)年龄从约2.5Ga到约1.8 Ga。变质辉长岩和眼球状石英二长岩锆石U-Pb数据点在谐和线上较集中分布,n(~(207)Pb)/n(~(206)Pb)年龄从约2.0Ga到约1.8 Ga。n(~(207)Pb)/n(~(206)Pb)年龄越小的锆石域通常显示越强烈的重结晶。结合已有研究和地球化学资料,可得出如下结论。(1)乌拉山地区存在新太古代晚期(约2.5 Ga)和古元古代中晚期(约2.0 Ga)岩浆侵入岩,后者形成于伸展构造环境。(2)乌拉山地区遭受新太古代晚期一古元古代早期和古元古代晚期两期构造热事件叠加改造。(3)乌拉山地区部分变泥砂质岩石形成于新太古代晚期,大青山地区原认为形成于古元古代早期的"大青山表壳岩"很可能也形成于新太古代晚期。(4)乌拉山地区和大青山具有类似或相同的早前寒武纪地质演化历史。  相似文献   
基于Rayleigh-Gans散射原理构造一个S波段双线偏振雷达模拟器。模拟器考虑了云冰、雪、雨和雹4种水凝物,以水凝物的混合比和数浓度以及水凝物粒子的轴比、相对介电常数、下落倾角为输入量,计算得到水平/垂直偏振反射率因子、差分反射率、比差分相位等偏振量。通过二维理想飑线模拟的试验结果表明,模拟器合理地再现了二维理想飑线系统成熟期的主要偏振特征:雹的反射率较高,差分反射率较低(又称Zdr洞);对流云区的Zdr柱;层云区的反射率和比差分相位的0℃层亮带特征;雨滴反射率与差分反射率因子的“雨线”统计特征。利用该模拟器建立了模式变量和偏振雷达观测的联系,有助于未来将偏振雷达观测资料应用于模式预报效果评估及对流尺度资料同化等方面的研究和应用。   相似文献   
为了对BDS实时精密单点定位性能进行评估,该文提出了一种适用于BDS系统的实时精密单点定位算法。采用无电离组合模型作为双频实时精密单点定位的数学模型,采用电离层残差法和Melbourne-Wübbena组合实时探测相位周跳,进而单历元实时估计坐标、模糊度等参数,实现了BDS双频实时精密单点定位算法。基于此算法,采用轨道钟差产品和采样间隔为1s的观测数据,模拟实时BDS双频精密单点定位算法,并评估其定位精度。实验结果表明:BDS双频实时定位的平面精度和三维精度均为0.2m左右。  相似文献   
黑龙江饶河枕状玄武岩地质、地球化学特征及其构造属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了确定饶河玄武岩的构造属性,在野外地质观察的基础上,对玄武岩进行岩石学研究和地球化学分析。玄武岩具有典型的枕状构造、淬冷边、中空骸晶和鬣刺结构等特征,反映其形成于海底喷发环境。化学分析样品具有高TiO_2、MgO和低Al_2O_3、CaO、P_2O_5、K_2O等特征,富集大离子亲石元素(Rb、Sr和Ba),微量元素蛛网图呈向上隆起形态,稀土元素配分曲线为右倾型(∑LREE/∑HREE为5.8~6.5),无δEu异常(0.92~0.97),表明样品具有洋岛玄武岩特征。主量和微量元素构造环境判别图指示了样品形成于洋岛或板内环境。样品与亚速尔型和夏威夷型洋岛玄武岩地球化学特征对比,表现出明显的夏威夷型洋岛玄武岩特征。岩石源区分析揭示出岩浆具有地幔热柱起源,并有先期交代地幔熔体的混入,岩浆源区还受壳幔循环的影响。研究表明,饶河枕状玄武岩为夏威夷型洋岛玄武岩,形成于洋壳消减阶段的洋中脊轴外板内喷发环境,为饶河地区存在成熟的洋盆提供直接证据。结合区域研究成果,认为饶河地区经历了古太平洋板块的扩张、洋中脊轴外板内地幔柱上涌、洋壳俯冲消减以及向佳木斯地块仰冲增生的构造演化过程。  相似文献   
敦密断裂带白垩纪两期重要的变形事件   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文报道了敦密断裂带糜棱岩中黑云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar定年结果和大规模走滑-逆冲断裂的几何学、运动学特征及其形成时代,以便揭示断裂带两期变形事件的构造属性。黑龙江省密山市花岗质糜棱岩中黑云母~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar加权平均年龄为132.2±1.2Ma,它是敦密断裂带经历伸展事件的冷却年龄,也是东北亚大陆边缘在早白垩世Hauterivian期-Albian期发生强烈区域伸展作用的产物。密山市至辽宁省清原县系列大型走滑-逆冲断层和断层相关褶皱揭示出在晚白垩世晚期-末期发生右旋走滑-逆冲事件,该事件规模大,影响范围广,导致整个断裂带遭受到强烈改造,形成对冲式断裂系统。将研究区走滑-逆冲断裂与山东省郯庐断裂带中段挤压构造对比,认为郯庐断裂带北段和中段在晚白垩世末期都发生了强烈的走滑-逆冲事件,它们具有相同的构造特征和构造属性。  相似文献   
Monthly fishery survey data of the small yellow croaker Larimichthys polyactis in the southern Yellow Sea from2003 and 2013 were employed to evaluate the variation in the resource distribution and biological characteristics(especially body length and sex ratio) in the population on a decadal scale.The results indicated that the small yellow croaker migrated from the Shawai fishing ground to the Dasha fishing ground in spring and was mainly distributed in the central and western parts of the Dasha fishing ground in April and May.Larimichthys polyactis in the Dasha fishing ground migrated eastward to offshore wintering grounds in autumn and reached the central Dasha fishing ground in October and November.The small yellow croaker entered the western waters of the Shawai fishing ground in winter.A large number of age 0+ fish occurred in the Shawai and Jiangwai fishing grounds in October of 2003 and 2013.The body lengths of the spawning stock and wintering stock in 2013 were larger than those in 2003,and the monthly sex ratios(female to male) were significantly less than 1 in both years.The monthly distribution of this fish in the southern Yellow Sea was consistent with a previous finding that "the stock migrated between the wintering grounds in the west of Jeju Island and the Lüsi spawning grounds" but tended to move more northward,with the spawning grounds extending outward.In the past decade,body length variation experienced a decline after an increase,rather than a steady decrease.The sex ratio in the single-stick stow net showed a tendency to increase over the decade,but was either less than or more than 1 depending on the fishing gear;therefore,further studies should be conducted to determine the sex structure.  相似文献   
This paper presents numerical simulations of viscous flow past a submarine model in steady turn by solving the Reynolds-Averaged Navier?Stokes Equations (RANSE) for incompressible, steady flows. The rotating coordinate system was adopted to deal with the rotation problem. The Coriolis force and centrifugal force due to the computation in a body-fixed rotating frame of reference were treated explicitly and added to momentum equations as source terms. Furthermore, velocities of entrances were coded to give the correct magnitude and direction needed. Two turbulence closure models (TCMs), the RNG model with wall functions and curvature correction and the Shear Stress Transport (SST) model without the use of wall functions, but with curvature correction and low-Re correction were introduced, respectively. Take DARPA SUBOFF model as the test case, a series of drift angle varying between 0° and 16° at a Reynolds number of 6.53×106 undergoing rotating arm test simulations were conducted. The computed forces and moment as a function of drift angle during the steady turn are mostly in close agreement with available experimental data. Though the difference between the pressure coefficients around the hull form was observed, they always show the same trend. It was demonstrated that using sufficiently fine grids and advanced turbulence models will lead to accurate prediction of the flow field as well as the forces and moments on the hull.  相似文献   
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