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Young Sound is a deep-sill fjord in NE Greenland (74°N). Sea ice usually begins to form in late September and gains a thickness of 1.5 m topped with 0–40 cm of snow before breaking up in mid-July the following year. Primary production starts in spring when sea ice algae begin to flourish at the ice–water interface. Most biomass accumulation occurs in the lower parts of the sea ice, but sea ice algae are observed throughout the sea ice matrix. However, sea ice algal primary production in the fjord is low and often contributes only a few percent of the annual phytoplankton production. Following the break-up of ice, the immediate increase in light penetration to the water column causes a steep increase in pelagic primary production. Usually, the bloom lasts until August–September when nutrients begin to limit production in surface waters and sea ice starts to form. The grazer community, dominated by copepods, soon takes advantage of the increased phytoplankton production, and on an annual basis their carbon demand (7–11 g C m−2) is similar to phytoplankton production (6–10 g C m−2). Furthermore, the carbon demand of pelagic bacteria amounts to 7–12 g C m−2 yr−1. Thus, the carbon demand of the heterotrophic plankton is approximately twice the estimated pelagic primary production, illustrating the importance of advected carbon from the Greenland Sea and from land in fuelling the ecosystem.In the shallow parts of the fjord (<40 m) benthic primary producers dominate primary production. As a minimum estimate, a total of 41 g C m−2 yr−1 is fixed by primary production, of which phytoplankton contributes 15%, sea ice algae <1%, benthic macrophytes 62% and benthic microphytes 22%. A high and diverse benthic infauna dominated by polychaetes and bivalves exists in these shallow-water sediments (<40 m), which are colonized by benthic primary producers and in direct contact with the pelagic phytoplankton bloom. The annual benthic mineralization is 32 g C m−2 yr−1 of which megafauna accounts for 17%. In deeper waters benthic mineralization is 40% lower than in shallow waters and megafauna, primarily brittle stars, accounts for 27% of the benthic mineralization. The carbon that escapes degradation is permanently accumulated in the sediment, and for the locality investigated a rate of 7 g C m−2 yr−1 was determined.A group of walruses (up to 50 adult males) feed in the area in shallow waters (<40 m) during the short, productive, ice-free period, and they have been shown to be able to consume <3% of the standing stock of bivalves (Hiatella arctica, Mya truncata and Serripes Groenlandicus), or half of the annual bivalve somatic production. Feeding at greater depths is negligible in comparison with their feeding in the bivalve-rich shallow waters.  相似文献   
Building upon our previous work, in which we analyzed smoothed and subsampled velocity data from the Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), we extend our analysis to unsmoothed, full-resolution MDI data. We also present results from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI), in both full resolution and processed to be a proxy for the low-resolution MDI data. We find that the systematic errors that we saw previously, namely peaks in both the high-latitude rotation rate and the normalized residuals of odd \(a\)-coefficients, are almost entirely absent in the two full-resolution analyses. Furthermore, we find that both systematic errors seem to depend almost entirely on how the input images are apodized, rather than on resolution or smoothing. Using the full-resolution HMI data, we confirm our previous findings regarding the effect of using asymmetric profiles on mode parameters, and also find that they occasionally result in more stable fits. We also confirm our previous findings regarding discrepancies between 360-day and 72-day analyses. We further investigate a six-month period previously seen in \(f\)-mode frequency shifts using the low-resolution datasets, this time accounting for solar-cycle dependence using magnetic-field data. Both HMI and MDI saw prominent six-month signals in the frequency shifts, but we were surprised to discover that the strongest signal at that frequency occurred in the mode coverage for the low-resolution proxy. Finally, a comparison of mode parameters from HMI and MDI shows that the frequencies and \(a\)-coefficients agree closely, encouraging the concatenation of the two datasets.  相似文献   
This paper analyses the extent to which specialisation gains can be achieved by liberalising access to fishing quotas within the European Union (EU). Fishing quotas are today exchanged between EU member states at a rate of 4% of total turnover in EU fisheries. Germany, Belgium, Denmark and the Netherlands are the most active. Only one fourth of these exchanges are permanent. With the management systems in EU fisheries differing among countries, comparative advantages in fisheries exist in member states with the best management practices. Hence, although positive but small specialisation gains exist in EU fisheries today, these gains might potentially be increased by liberalising access to fishing quotas and allowing transferability of quotas between individuals from different countries on a permanent basis. Increasing the gains might, however, affect relative stability.  相似文献   
The Arctic is more vulnerable to climate change than are mid latitudes. Therefore, palaeolimnological studies from the High Arctic are important in providing insights into the dynamics of the climate system. Here we present a multi‐proxy study from one of the world's northernmost lakes: Bliss Lake, Peary Land, Greenland. The early Holocene (10 850–10 480 cal. a BP) is characterized by increased erosion and gradually more marine conditions. Full marine conditions developed from 10 480 cal. a BP until the lake was isolated at 7220 cal. a BP. From its marine isolation at 7220 cal. a BP Bliss Lake becomes a lacustrine environment. Evidence from geochemical proxies (δ13C and total organic carbon) suggests that warmer conditions prevailed between 7220 and 6500 cal. a BP, corresponding to the Holocene thermal maximum, and from 3300 until 910 cal. a BP. From 850 to 500 cal. a BP colder climate conditions persisted. The transition from warmer to colder climate conditions taking place around 850 cal. a BP may be associated with the transition from the Medieval Warm Period to the Little Ice Age. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
An updated model for pyroxene-melt equilibria at 1 atm has been developed and calibrated using new and existing experimental data in order to refine calculations of liquid lines of descent, which simulate the effect of igneous differentiation processes. We combine the Davidson and Lindsley (1985) model for activities of components in clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene solid solutions, a i p , where i represents a quadrilateral endmember, with the Nielsen and Drake (1979) expressions for component activities in the melt, a i L (two-lattice melt model). The chemical potential differences for pyroxene-melt equilibria are expressed in the form: $$\Delta \mu _{\iota } = 0 = In \left( {{{a_i^p } \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{a_i^p } {a_i^L }}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} {a_i^L }}} \right) + A_i + {{B_i } \mathord{\left/{\vphantom {{B_i } T}} \right.\kern-\nulldelimiterspace} T}$$ Pyroxene compositions were projected to quadrilateral compositions with the method of Lindsley and Anderson (1983). The regression constants A i and B i were calculated from experimental data that consists of 282 pyroxene-melt pairs, including 83 orthopyroxene-melt pairs. These experiments were all performed at 1 atm and represent compositions ranging from basalts (alkali to lunar) to dacites (42–66 wt% SiO2). The model is calibrated for 1000相似文献   
Products and mechanisms for the gas-phase reactions of NO3 radicals with CH2=CHCl, CH2=CCl2, CHCl=CCl2,cis-CHCl=CHCl andtrans-CHCl=CHCl in air have been studied. The experiments were carried out at 295±2 K and 740±5 Torr in a 480-L Teflon-coated reaction chamber and at 295±2 K and 760±5 Torr in a 250-L stainless steel reactor. NO3 was generated by the thermal dissociation of N2O5. Experiments with15NO3 and CD2CDCl have also been performed. The initially formed nitrate peroxynitrates decay into carbonyl compounds, nitrates, HCl and ClNO2. In adidtion, there are indications of nitrooxy acid chlorides being produced. The reactions with CH2=CCl2 and CHCl=CCl2 are more complex due to release of chlorine atoms which eventually lead to formation of chloroacid chlorides.A general reaction mechanism is proposed and the observed concentration-time profiles of reactants and products are simulated for each compound. The rate constants for the initial step of NO3 addition to the chloroethenes are determined as: (2.6±0.5, 9.4±0.9, 2.0±0.4 and 1.4±0.4) × 10–16 cm3 molecule–1 s–1 for CH2=CHCl, CH2=CCl2, CHCl=CCl2 andcis-CHCl=CHCl, respectively.  相似文献   
The resistance of a soil to horizontal harmonic vibration of a vertical, end bearing pile with circular cross-section is theoretically investigated. The soil is considered to be a continuum with material damping of the hysteretic type. The motions of the soil and pile are expressed as series, and a resistance coefficient on each term in the series of the pile motion is found. The resistance is found to depend on the excitation frequency, the pile slenderness and on the material properties of the soil. Finally a study of the influence of the parameters is carried out.  相似文献   
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology - Low pressure phase equilibria for natural mafic systems may be calculated utilizing empirically derived single component distribution coefficients and...  相似文献   
Summary At the Climate and Water Balance Station of the Danish Hydrotechnical Laboratory near Copenhagen incoming radiation has been recorded continuously since 1954 by means of Moll thermopiles in Kipp & Zonen solarimeters and further, since 1955, reflected radiation, too. Since 1956 also net radiation and net long-wave radiation has been recorded by means of thermopiles in heat flow transducers from Beckman & Whitley used as radiometers.Mean daily values are given for incoming radiation as well as monthly mean values for reflected radiation, net long-wave radiation and net radiation. Recorded and calculated values of net long-wave radiation are given and discussed.
Zusammenfassung An der Klima- und Wasserhaushaltsstation des Dänischen Hydrotechnischen Laboratoriums bei Kopenhagen wurde seit 1954 dauernd die Einstrahlung mittels Moll-Thermosäulen in Kipp & Zonen-Solarimetern registriert und außerdem seit 1955 die Albedo. Seit 1956 wurden auch die Strahlungsbilanz und die effektive Ausstrahlung mittels Thermosäulen in Beckman & Whitley-Wärmestrommessern, die als Strahlungsmesser verwendet wurden, registriert.In einigen Tabellen werden tägliche Mittelwerte der Einstrahlung mitgeteilt wie auch Monatsmittelwerte der Reflexstrahlung, der effektiven Ausstrahlung und der Strahlungsbilanz. Ferner werden beobachtete und berechnete Werte der langwelligen Strahlungsbilanz angeführt und diskutiert.

Résumé On a effectué des enregistrements du rayonnement incident depuis 1954 et de l'albédo depuis 1955 à la Station d'économie climatologique et hydrologique du laboratoire danois d'hydrotechnique près de Copenhague. Le bilan radiatif fut également mesuré depuis 1956 ainsi que le rayonnement émis effectif.Les auteurs donnent ici des tableaux de valeurs journalières moyennes du rayonnement incident, des moyennes mensuelles de l'albédo, du rayonnement effectif et du bilan radiatif. Enfin des valeurs enregistrés et calculés du rayonnement effectif, sont présentés et discutés.

With 5 Figures  相似文献   
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