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The oxygen isotopic composition of gem corundum was measured from 22 deposits and occurrences in Madagascar to provide a gemstone geological identification and characterization. Primary corundum deposits in Madagascar are hosted in magmatic (syenite and alkali basalt) and metamorphic rocks (gneiss, cordieritite, mafic and ultramafic rocks, marble, and calc-silicate rocks). In both domains the circulation of fluids, especially along shear zones for metamorphic deposits, provoked in situ transformation of the corundum host rocks with the formation of metasomatites such as phlogopite, sakenite, and corundumite. Secondary deposits (placers) are the most important economically and are contained in detrital basins and karsts. The oxygen isotopic ratios (18O/16O) of ruby and sapphire from primary deposits are a good indicator of their geological origin and reveal a wide range of δ18O (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) between 1.3 and 15.6‰. Metamorphic rubies are defined by two groups of δ18O values in the range of 1.7 to 2.9‰ (cordieritite) and 3.8 to 6.1‰ (amphibolite). “Magmatic” rubies from pyroxenitic xenoliths contained in the alkali basalt of Soamiakatra have δ18O values ranging between 1.3 and 4.7‰. Sapphires are classified into two main groups with δ18O in the range of 4.7 to 9.0‰ (pyroxenite and feldspathic gneiss) and 10.7 to 15.6‰ (skarn in marble from Andranondambo). The δ18O values for gem corundum from secondary deposits have a wide spread between −0.3 and 16.5‰. The ruby and sapphire found in placers linked to alkali basalt environments in the northern and central regions of Madagascar have consistent δ18O values between 3.5 and 6.9‰. Ruby from the placers of Vatomandry and Andilamena has δ18O values of 5.9‰, and between 0.5 and 4.0‰, respectively. The placers of the Ilakaka area are characterized by a huge variety of colored sapphires and rubies, with δ18O values between −0.3 and 16.5‰, and their origin is debated. A comparison with oxygen isotope data obtained on gem corundum from Eastern Africa, India, and Sri Lanka is presented. Giant placer deposits from Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania have a large variety of colored sapphires and rubies with a large variation in δ18O due to mingling of corundum of different origin: mafic and ultramafic rocks for ruby, desilicated pegmatites for blue sapphire, syenite for yellow, green, and blue sapphire, and skarn in marbles for blue sapphire.  相似文献   
It is well known that oxidation of sulphide-containing coal mine waste has considerable environmental impacts due to generation of acid mine drainage (AMD) containing high dissolved metal concentrations. This study is the first to evaluate seasonal trends in the release of AMD from high arctic coal mine waste rock. Runoff from an abandoned coal mine waste pile in Svalbard (78°N) was studied during the entire 3–4 month period with running water in 2005. Temporal variation in concentrations and fluxes of dissolved elements were quantified based on daily water sampling and used to evaluate weathering processes and estimate element budgets on a daily, seasonal and annual basis. Apart from alkali- and alkaline earth metals; Fe, Al, Mn, Zn and Ni were found to be the most abundant metals in the runoff. Element concentrations were highly correlated and suggest that the processes of sulphide oxidation, ion exchange and silicate weathering occurring within the waste pile were linked throughout the measuring period. Observed pH values varied from 2.8 to 5.2 and SO4 concentrations from 21 to 1463 mg L−1. Manganese and Al concentrations were observed above phytotoxic levels (up to 4 and 23 mg L−1, respectively) and were considered the most critical elements in terms of environmental impact. Throughout the summer a total dissolved quantity of 58 kg Mn, 238 kg Al and 13,700 kg SO4 was released from the pile containing approximately 200,000 m3 of pyritic waste material (<1% FeS2). The highest concentrations of metals, lowest pH values and a very high daily release of H2SO4 (up to twice as high as the following month) were observed during the first week of thaw. This is considered a result of an accumulation of weathering products, generated within the waste pile during winter and released as a pollution-flush during early spring. Similar accumulation/flush sequences were observed later in the summer where rain events following relatively long dry periods caused high daily metal fluxes and on some occasions also elevated dissolved metal concentrations. Despite highly variable weather/climate conditions during the rest of the summer the investigated waste rock pile acted like a relative constant pollution-source during this period. Future investigations regarding the environmental impact of mine waste in the region should include measurements of bioavailable metals in order to provide further details on the seasonal trends in environmental impact.  相似文献   
Three-dimensional modelling tools are used with structural and palaeomagnetic analysis to constrain the tectonic history of part of the Dauphiné zone (external Western Alps). Four compressive events are identified, three of them being older than the latest Oligocene. Deformation D1 consists of W–SW directed folds in the Mesozoic cover of the study area. This event, better recorded in the central and southern Pelvoux massif, could be of Eocene age or older. Deformation D2 induced N-NW-oriented basement thrusting and affected the whole southern Dauphiné basement massifs south of the study area. The main compressional event in the study area (D3) was WNW oriented and occurred before 24 Ma under a thick tectonic load probably of Penninic nappes. The D2-D3 shift corresponds to a rapid transition from northward propagation of the Alpine collision directly driven by Africa-Europe convergence, to the onset of westward escape into the Western Alpine arc. This Oligocene change in the collisional regime is recorded in the whole Alpine realm, and led to the activation of the Insubric line. The last event (D4) is late Miocene in age and coeval with the final uplift of the Grandes Rousses and Belledonne external massifs. It produced strike-slip faulting and local rotations that significantly deformed earlier Alpine folds and thrusts, Tethyan fault blocks and Hercynian structures. 3D modelling of an initially horizontal surface, the interface between basement and Mesozoic cover, highlights large-scale basement involved asymmetric folding that is also detected using structural analysis. Both, Jurassic block faulting and basement fold-and-thrust shortening were strongly dependent on the orientation of Tethyan extension and Alpine shortening relative to the late Hercynian fabric. The latter’s reactivation in response to oblique Jurassic extension produced an en-échelon syn-rift fault pattern, best developed in the western, strongly foliated basement units. Its Alpine reactivation occurred with maximum efficiency during the early stages of lateral escape, with tectonic transport in the overlying units being sub-perpendicular to it.  相似文献   
The objective of this study is to understand and predict the alteration of porous rock by crystallization of salts. Samples of different rocks have been tested according to the EN 12370 standard test. Two parameters are proposed to evaluate the alteration of a rock during these tests. The alteration index AI represents the cycle in which the first damages occur. The alteration velocity AV represents the alteration rate at the end of the experiment, when the decay has become regular. These parameters can be estimated with the help of a microstructural study of the rocks. The most relevant intrinsic parameters of the stones for this estimation are capillary coefficient, evaporation coefficient, tensile strength and P-waves velocity. An evaluation of the alteration pattern is also proposed depending on the eventual heterogeneities and anisotropies of the rocks. The influence of the dimension and shape of the samples is also discussed.  相似文献   
The concept of flood risk management, promoted by the EU Floods Directive, tries to mitigate flood risks not only by structural, hydraulic engineering measures, but also by non-structural measures, like, e.g., land-use planning, warning and evacuation systems. However, few methods currently exist for the economic evaluation of such non-structural measures and, hence, their comparison with structural measures. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the potential benefits of employing a wider range of economic appraisal methods for flood projects, in particular, it provides examples and applications of methodologies which may be employed to evaluate non-structural measures and their transaction costs. In two case studies at the Mulde River, Germany, two non-structural measures, a resettlement option and a warning system, are evaluated and compared with structural alternatives with regard to their effectiveness, cost-effectiveness and efficiency. Furthermore, a simple approach is tested in order to show the transaction costs of these measures. Case study results show that the choice of evaluation criteria can have a major impact on the assessment results. In this regard, efficiency as an evaluation criterion can be considered as superior to cost-effectiveness and effectiveness as it is also able to consider sufficiently the impacts of non-structural measures. Furthermore, case study results indicate that transaction costs could play an important role, especially with non-structural measures associated with land-use changes. This could explain why currently these kinds of measures are rarely selected by decision makers.  相似文献   
A regional scale, showcase saline aquifer CO2 storage model from the North German Basin is presented, predicting the regional pressure impact of a small industrial scale CO2 storage operation on its surroundings. The intention of the model is to bridge the gap between generic and site-specific, studying the role of fluid flow boundary conditions and petrophysical parameters typically found in the North German Basin. The numerical simulation has been carried out using two different numerical simulators, whose results matched well. The most important system parameters proved to be the model’s hydrological boundary conditions, rock compressibility, and permeability. In open boundary aquifers, injection-induced overpressures dissipate back to hydrostatic level within a few years. If a geological flow barrier is present on at least one side of the aquifer, pressure dissipation is seriously retarded. In fully closed compartments, overpressures can never fully dissipate, but equilibrate to a compartment-wide remnant overpressure. At greater distances to the injection well, maximum fluid pressures are in the range of a few bar only, and reached several years to decades after the end of the actual injection period. This is important in terms of long-term safety and monitoring considerations. Regional pressure increase impacts the storage capacities of neighbouring sites within hydraulically connected units. It can be concluded that storage capacities may be seriously over- or underestimated when the focus is on a single individual storage site. It is thus necessary to assess the joint storage capacities and pressure limitations of potential sites within the same hydraulic unit.  相似文献   
For water management purposes, information about an entire aquifer system is generally more important than information about a specific spring. Since a karstic aquifer system might drain to several outlets, conclusions derived from a single spring can be misleading for characterization and modeling. In this study we apply a conceptual model to an Alpine dolomite karst system in Austria. The particular challenge was that several small springs with strongly varying hydrological behavior and diffuse flow into surrounding streams drain this system. Instead of applying the model to a single spring, it was calibrated simultaneously to several observations within the system aiming to identify the karst system’s intrinsic hydrodynamic parameters. Parameter identification is supported by modeling the transport of water isotopes (δ18O). The parameters were transferred to the whole system with a simple upscaling procedure and a sensitivity analysis was performed to unfold influence of isotopic information on parameter sensitivity and simulation uncertainty. The results show that it is possible to identify system intrinsic parameters. But the sensitivity analysis revealed that some are hardly identifiable. Only by considering uncertainty reasonable predictions can be provided for the whole system. Including isotopic information increases the sensitivity of some intrinsic parameters, but it goes along with a sensitivity decrease for others. However, a possible reduction of prediction uncertainty by isotopic information is compensated by deficiencies in the transport modeling routines.  相似文献   
To understand the behavior of trace metals in the salt marsh at Skallingen, Danish Wadden Sea, we investigated a profile from surface to 25?cm depth of the salt marsh sediment, focusing primarily on clay mineralogy and grain size distribution of the sediments and their relationship with trace metals. The clay assembly of the sediment consists of illite, kaolinite and much less chlorite and smectite. The major clay minerals of illite, kaolinite as well as chlorite correlate very poorly with all the trace metals investigated, due probably to the weak competing strength of these clays compared with the other adsorbents and to low availability of the mobile trace metals in the system. Correlation between trace metals and clay minerals may therefore be used as an indicator in environmental assessment. Fine grain fractions of the sediment increased markedly after salt marsh invasion in about 1931 but decreased after 1964. This increase was contributed mainly by the grains finer than 20???m while the fraction of 40?C63???m actually decreased soon after the invasion. The relation between most of the trace metals and grain size distributions is close in general but far from linear. The drastic turning point is observed at about 30???m, around where the correlation coefficient r drops from 0.8 to 0.1. Adsorption is the controlling mechanism for the behavior of trace metals in the salt marsh. Fe/Mn (hydr)oxides and organic matter play the key role.  相似文献   
Carbon isotope measurements carried out on 67 dolomite samples from the Middle Precambrian Lomagundi Group (Rhodesia) have yielded a δ13C mean of +8.2 ± 2.6%. vs PDB. With the outcrop of these dolomites extending over a distance of almost 300 km, the Lomagundi dolomite faces is likely to represent the largest isotopically anomalous sedimentary carbonate province ever recorded. It is concluded that the anomalous carbonates formed in a closed basin whose δ13C level had been substantially increased as a result of a preferential removal (within sedimentary organics) of the light carbon isotope.  相似文献   
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