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The Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment, SORCE, is a satellite carrying four scientific instruments that measure the total solar irradiance and the spectral irradiance from the ultraviolet to the infrared. The instruments were all developed by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) at the University of Colorado, Boulder. The spacecraft carrying and accommodating the instruments was developed by Orbital Sciences Corporation in Dulles, Virginia. It is three-axis stabilized with a control system to point the instruments at the Sun, as well as the stars for calibration. SORCE was successfully launched from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on 25 January 2003 aboard a Pegasus XL rocket. The anticipated lifetime is 5 years, with a goal of 6 years. SORCE is operated from the Mission Operations Center at LASP where all data are collected, processed, and distributed. This paper describes the SORCE spacecraft, integration and test, mission operations, and ground data system.  相似文献   
The flux of sediments over a line perpendicular to the main flow direction was measured during experiments of weak one-dimensional bed load. The standard definition of solid discharge through a boundary is a straightforward issue, yet the dependence of resulting values on the spatial and temporal scales used as a support for measurement is not. In this work, first- and second-order statistics of sediment transport rates were analyzed as scale-dependent quantities. The spatial scales used were significantly larger than the particle size, while the temporal scales covered a two-orders-of-magnitude range enabling the physical time scales of the single particles to be appreciated. In addition, the relationship between sediment fluxes, process intermittency and particle interarrival times was investigated. Proper knowledge of the scale-dependence of statistical properties of sediment transport fluxes may allow for adequate design of measuring campaigns (both in the laboratory and field) and for sound interpretation of data from multiple sources.  相似文献   
Sumatra has been a ‘volcanic arc’, above an NE-dipping subduction zone, since at least the Late Permian. The principal volcanic episodes in Sumatra N of the Equator have been in the Late Permian, Late Mesozoic, Palaeogene, Miocene and Quaternary.Late Permian volcanic rocks, of limited extent, are altered porphyritic basic lavas interstratified with limestones and phyllites.Late Mesozoic volcanic rocks, widely distributed along and W of the major transcurrent.Sumatra Fault System (SFS), which axially bisects Sumatra, include ophiolite-related spilites, andesites and basalts. PossiblePalaeogene volcanic rocks include an altered basalt pile with associated dyke-swarm in the extreme NW, intruded by an Early Miocene (19 my) dioritic stock; and variable pyroxene rich basic lavas and agglomerates ranging from alkali basaltic to absarokitic in the extreme SW.Miocene volcanic rocks, widely distributed (especially W of the SFS), and cropping out extensively along the W coast, include calc-alkaline to high-K calc-alkaline basalts, andesites and dacites.Quaternary volcanoes (3 active, 14 dormant or extinct) are irregularly distributed both along and across the arc; thus they lie fore-arc of the SFS near the Equator but well back-arc farther north. The largest concentration of centres, around Lake Toba, includes the >2000 km3 Pleistocene rhyolitic Toba Tuffs. Quaternary volcanics are mainly calc-alkaline andesites, dacites and rhyolites with few basalts; they seem less variable, but on the whole more acid, than the Tertiary. The Quaternary volcanism is anomalous in relation to both southern Sumatra and adjacent Java/Bali: in southern Sumatra, volcanoes are regularly spaced along and successively less active away from the SFS, but neither rule holds in northern Sumatra. Depths to the subduction zone below major calc-alkaline volcanoes in Java/Bali are 160–210 km, but little over 100 km in northern Sumatra, which also lacks the regular K2O-depth correlations seen in Java. These anomalies may arise because Sumatra — being underlain by continental crust — is more akin to destructive continental margins than typical island-arcs such as E Java or Bali, and because the Sumatran subduction zone has a peculiar structure due to the oblique approach of the subducting plate. A further anomaly — an E-W belt of small centres along the back-arc coast — may relate to an incipient S-dipping subduction zone N of Sumatra and not the main NE-dipping zone to its W. Correlation of the Tertiary volcanism with the present tectonic regime is hazardous, but the extensive W coastal volcanism (which includes rather alkaline lavas) is particularly anomalous in relation to the shallow depth (<100 km) of the present subduction zone. The various outcrops may owe their present locations to extensive fault movements (especially along the SFS), to the peculiar structure of the fore-arc (suggested by equally anomalous Sn- and W-bearing granitic batholiths also along the W coast), or they may not be subduction-related at all.  相似文献   
This study evaluates alternative groundwater models with different recharge and geologic components at the northern Yucca Flat area of the Death Valley Regional Flow System (DVRFS), USA. Recharge over the DVRFS has been estimated using five methods, and five geological interpretations are available at the northern Yucca Flat area. Combining the recharge and geological components together with additional modeling components that represent other hydrogeological conditions yields a total of 25 groundwater flow models. As all the models are plausible given available data and information, evaluating model uncertainty becomes inevitable. On the other hand, hydraulic parameters (e.g., hydraulic conductivity) are uncertain in each model, giving rise to parametric uncertainty. Propagation of the uncertainty in the models and model parameters through groundwater modeling causes predictive uncertainty in model predictions (e.g., hydraulic head and flow). Parametric uncertainty within each model is assessed using Monte Carlo simulation, and model uncertainty is evaluated using the model averaging method. Two model-averaging techniques (on the basis of information criteria and GLUE) are discussed. This study shows that contribution of model uncertainty to predictive uncertainty is significantly larger than that of parametric uncertainty. For the recharge and geological components, uncertainty in the geological interpretations has more significant effect on model predictions than uncertainty in the recharge estimates. In addition, weighted residuals vary more for the different geological models than for different recharge models. Most of the calibrated observations are not important for discriminating between the alternative models, because their weighted residuals vary only slightly from one model to another.  相似文献   
Vertical distributions of dimethylsulfide (DMS), sulfur dioxide (SO2), aerosol methane-sulfonate (MSA), non-sea-salt sulfate (nss-SO4 2-), and other aerosol ions were measured in maritime air west of Tasmania (Australia) during December 1986. A few cloudwater and rainwater samples were also collected and analyzed for major anions and cations. DMS concentrations in the mixed layer (ML) were typically between 15–60 ppt (parts per trillion, 10–12; 24 ppt=1 nmol m–3 (20°C, 1013 hPa)) and decreased in the free troposphere (FT) to about <1–2.4 ppt at 3 km. One profile study showed elevated DMS concentrations at cloud level consistent with turbulent transport (cloud pumping) of air below convective cloud cells. In another case, a diel variation of DMS was observed in the ML. Our data suggest that meteorological rather than photochemical processes were responsible for this behavior. Based on model calculations we estimate a DMS lifetime in the ML of 0.9 days and a DMS sea-to-air flux of 2–3 mol m–2 d–1. These estimates pertain to early austral summer conditions and southern mid-ocean latitudes. Typical MSA concentrations were 11 ppt in the ML and 4.7–6.8 ppt in the FT. Sulfur-dioxide values were almost constant in the ML and the lower FT within a range of 4–22 ppt between individual flight days. A strong increase of the SO2 concentration in the middle FT (5.3 km) was observed. We estimate the residence time of SO2 in the ML to be about 1 day. Aqueous-phase oxidation in clouds is probably the major removal process for SO2. The corresponding removal rate is estimated to be a factor of 3 larger than the rate of homogeneous oxidation of SO2 by OH. Model calculations suggest that roughly two-thirds of DMS in the ML are converted to SO2 and one-third to MSA. On the other hand, MSA/nss-SO4 2- mole ratios were significantly higher compared to values previously reported for other ocean areas suggesting a relatively higher production of MSA from DMS oxidation over the Southern Ocean. Nss-SO4 2- profiles were mostly parallel to those of MSA, except when air was advected partially from continental areas (Africa, Australia). In contrast to SO2, nss-SO4 2- values decreased significantly in the middle FT. NH4 +/nss-SO4 2- mole ratios indicate that most non-sea-salt sulfate particles in the ML were neutralized by ammonium.  相似文献   
Summary. Synthetic seismograms based upon first-order perturbation theory are analysed to test the validity of assumptions which form the basis of current velocity inversion procedures. It is found that the lowest order geometrical optics approximation, namely that measured normal mode eigen-frequencies reflect the average structure underlying the source–receiver great circle path, becomes less valid near nodes in the source radiation pattern and near the surface wave foci at the source and its antipode. These failures are a consequence of singlet interference within an isolated normal mode multiplet. The technique of determing frequency by fitting a single resonance peak to a multiplet yields results which agree well with the first-order theory for slow and fast paths where excitation is dominated by one pair of singlets but on intermediate paths where singlet interference is more of a problem, agreement is not as good. Inversion of small data sets is particularly sensitive to frequency fluctuations near radiation nodes, while larger sets are influenced more by antipodal deviations from geometrical optics. The latter leads to inversions which fail to recover the short wavelength structure of the starting model. Basing inversions directly upon first-order theory shows promise of improving recovery of short wavelengths.  相似文献   
By virtue of a novel experimental method, Phillips’ blockage theory was verified, while some of the experimental phenomena could not be well explained by Phillips’ theory. Deriving from the dynamic equations, the results obtained expound the experimental phenomena satisfactorily. The relevant wnclusions have significant and great pushing effects on ocean remote sensing techniques and potential value to ocean remote sensing techniques. Project supported by the Defense Science and Technology Agency (  相似文献   
Evaluation of petroleum-fluid properties, hydrocarbon shows, and source-rock characteristics requires new tools to properly recognize and correct for drilling and test-induced contamination, which is increasingly common in modern deepwater field operations. Oil exploration, development, and now production, are more frequently conducted in deeper-water environments where the challenges faced by drilling and operations can severely impact the evaluation of oil and rock geochemistry and fluid properties. Poorly consolidated sediments, swelling clay minerals, and responses to evolving environmental regulations regarding offshore disposal of drill cuttings have resulted in the widespread use of enhanced mineral oil or synthetic-based muds. Also, water-based drilling fluids used in some deepwater operations contain additives that may impact fluid and rock geochemistry. For example, asphalt-based shale stabilizers are added to aid well-bore competency and prevent sticking drill pipe, and polyalkylated glycols are added to depress freezing temperatures and prevent the formation of gas hydrates in the drilling mud. Because these and other additives are often a significant component of water-based muds, they may affect the geochemical signature of fluids and rocks and alter fluid properties. Highly saline brines are another important source of contamination as they are used in completion fluids, water-wet muds, and are emulsified in oil-wet muds. Brine components impact metal contents of petroleum-fluid tests and complicate the determination of formation-water compositions. Despite potential problems introduced by these additives, successful strategies can be devised to accurately access key geochemical and engineering parameters.  相似文献   
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