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Emplacement of post-glacial turbidites is commonly controlled by rapid changes in sea level or by seismicity. On the continental rise of the Gulf of Lions (Western Mediterranean), an aseismic area, we identified turbiditic beds deposited during the rising stage and highstand of sea level. Swath bathymetry, sediment cores, in situ Cone Penetrating Tests (CPTU), heavy mineral associations and radiocarbon dating determined the source, composition, distribution and age of the turbiditic beds. Turbidites are composed of homogeneous to positively graded silts to medium sand with quartz (up to 90%), shell debris and shelfal benthic faunas. Their distribution on the sea floor is very patchy and controlled by abundant inherited erosional bedforms. Their source is found in relict regressive sands at the outershelf. Their deposition occurred just after the onset of the post-glacial sea level rise and the concomitant sediment starvation of the Rhône deep sea turbiditic system until recently. Whilst canyons are fed with sand by strong seasonal hydro-sedimentary dynamics on the outershelf, the emplacement of post-glacial turbidites is not controlled by sea level changes but probably by the periodic flushing of the canyons. Our study revealed that this low energy aseismic margin undergoes significant transport of sand, down to the base of slope, during the sea-level rise and the Holocene highstand.  相似文献   
The hydrogeological study of some karst systems in Lebanon shows important storage capacity, up to 27 billions m3 for Zarka system, the spring of Orontes River. Their geological and morphological settings, as well as their hydrodynamic function, show structures developed below the level of present springs, probably up to several hundreds meters at depth. Since Miocene, those carbonate formations were subject to a remarkable instability of their base levels. Variations of sea level, of which the Messinian salinity crisis is the major phase, and effects of the alpine orogenesis, combined with climate variations to develop complex, multiphased karst systems. Karstification occurs frequently in the whole formation, often deeply below sea level or underneath sediment filling of continental basins. The surface karst landscape is often intensely eroded. Those multiple, superimposed karst phases give the carbonate aquifers their large extension and storage capacity. These karst aquifers show the typical easy restoration of storage. They have the ability to bear large interannual recharge variations and support exploitation under high pumping rates. However, these aquifers have some disadvantages for sustainable management. In some regions, successful boreholes, which allow high pumping rates also induce uncontrolled exploitation. Another consequence is natural seawater intrusion, as well as the submarine discharge of fresh groundwater, in coastal aquifers. Those carbonate aquifers are subject to important economical stress which jeopardizes their durability. The systematic study and understanding of carbonate aquifers in Eastern Mediterranean is a preliminary condition to any integrated and sustainable management of water resources. Studies in progress in Lebanon may serve as examples to the whole region.  相似文献   
A model of population synthesis for our Galaxy is used to estimate the constraints imposed by photometric and astrometric star counts. We construct a statistical method to compute the degree of compatibility of the model with the data in the form of a multidimensional functionf(V, B-V, U-B, ). We apply the method to the determination of the star formation history in the Galaxy from Schmidt plates towards the anticentre. Although the presently available data do not allow us to draw firm conclusions, we show that the same kind of data with a slightly better photometric accuracy and with proper motions would give new constraints on the past star formation rate of the Galaxy.  相似文献   
The climate change phenomena have been influencing terrestrial and glacial ecosystems around the planet. Maritime Antarctica is especially sensitive to these climate variations and over the last 50 years increasing global air temperatures have caused extensive glacial retreat. The objective of this study is to evaluate the potential use of the SAR technology in monitoring the surface dynamics of the Potter Peninsula, King George Island, maritime Antarctica. An image generated by the SAR satellite COSMO-SkyMed, obtained on 2 February 2011, was used to extract the backscattering values of targets on the surface for further processing and classification, using a supervised statistic classifier of maximum likelihood for the determination of the surface classes. The average backscattering of water bodies presented high similarity, which made its separation unattainable. On the other hand, the surface classes’ bare ice and wet snow over the glacier presented distinct average backscattering values, which allowed an efficient and precise classification using only this parameter. The classification process showed satisfactory results for periglacial environments, presenting high fidelity to the field data.  相似文献   
This document proposes some ideas on the global energy context in an anthropogenic view: what are the needs in energy for the world population? How could they be satisfied in the middle term? What links exist with the near future of a necessarily limited system, the ‘Earth Surface, oceans and atmosphere’ system? Over past 30 years, the world individual energy consumption has been a constant. This is the basis of a robust method for predicting, in the short and middle term, the relative part of the main energy vectors and their interactions with the carbon cycle. Finally, some essential aspects of any energy planning are pointed out. To cite this article: M. Combarnous, A. Prieur, C. R. Geoscience 335 (2003).  相似文献   
A survey has been done of recently active faults in Morocco. In addition to field observations, morphometric methods were applied and an analysis was made of the drainage pattern. In the morphometric analysis, a map of vertical deformation was established from the elevations of summit level surfaces. This enables the recognition of neotectonic discontinuities and lithological contrasts; the actual discrimination of different rock-types can only be achieved by comparison with field observations. The analysis of drainage patterns — including their perturbations and anomalies — can also reveal the presence of features due to neotectonics, structural control or lithological variation. Certain faults can be detected which correspond to structures known from field geology or remote sensing (NE-SW and NW-SE oriented sets). Some new faults are observed which belong to these sets, as well as others which define a new N-S trending set. The present analysis leads to a distinction between ancient faults and currently active faults. The results of this study are shown on a map of recently active faults where the respective vertical displacements are also indicated.
Zusammenfassung Bei einer Untersuchung der heute aktiven Störungen in Marokko wurden zusätzlich zu Feldbeobachtungen morphometrische Untersuchungen sowie eine Analyse des Entwässerungsnetzes durchgeführt. Bei der morphometrischen Analyse wurde eine Karte der vertikalen Deformationen von Aufragungen aus den Gipfelfluren abgeleitet. Dadurch können neotektonische Diskontinuitäten sowie lithologische Kontraste erkannt werden; die wirkliche Unterscheidung verschiedener Gesteinstypen kann aber nur im Vergleich mit Feldbeobachtungen erreicht werden. Die Analyse des Gewässernetzes — auch seiner Komplikationen und Anomalien — kann gleichfalls Elemente aufdecken, welche neotektonischen Ursprungs bzw. strukturell bedingt oder aber auf lithologische Unterschiede zurückzuführen sind. Bestimmte Störungen korrespondieren mit Strukturen, die aus der Feldgeologie oder der Fernerkundung bekannt sind (NE/ SW- und NW/SE-gerichtete Scharen). Einige neu entdeckte Störungen gehören zu diesen Scharen, während andere ein neues, N/S-streichendes System deutlich machen. Die vorgelegte Analyse erlaubt, zwischen älteren und noch heute aktiven Störungen zu unterscheiden. Unsere Ergebnisse sind in einer Karte der aktiven Störungen zusammengefaßt, in die die vertikalen Versätze gleichfalls eingetragen wurden.

Résumé Un recensement des failles à jeu récent (néotectonique) a été fait sur l'ensemble du Maroc. Outre les observations de terrain, les méthodes de la morphométrie et celles de l'analyse du réseau hydrographique sont appliquées. En morphométrie, l'établissement d'une carte de la déformation verticale d'après la situation altimétrique de la surface sommitale permet la reconnaisance de structures (discontinuités) néotectoniques et d'alternances lithologiques (la discrimination ne peut être faite que sur le terrain). De même l'analyse du réseau hydrographique, de ses perturbations et de ses anomalies (cf. infra) met en évidence des discontinuités dues à la néotectonique, à la structure des terrains et à la lithologie. Les ensembles morphostructuraux marocains (Meseta, Rif, Atlas), ressortent nettement de la carte de synthèse. On y retrouve les failles connues par la géologie de terrain et par l'analyse des images satellitaires (ensembles de direction NE-SW et NW-SE), de nouvelles failles appartenant à ces deux familles, ainsi qu'un nouvel ensemble de failles de direction N-S. Cette analyse permet de distinguer failles actives et failles anciennes. Les résultats sont portés sur la carte des principales failles à jeu récent avec leurs rejets verticaux respectifs.

, , , , . . .. , , . , , , , , . , , , NE-SW NW-ES . , , . . , , , .
Several properties of the excitable epithelium of the hydroid coelenterate, Tubularia crocea, are affected by a water-soluble fraction (WSF) of Platform Holly, Monterey Formation, crude oil (100% WSF= 20 ppm total hydrocarbons). In a flowing seawater system, 0·5 ml pulses of 1 WSF cause a significant increase in the epithelial pulse activity, while a 10·min exposure to 0·1% WSF produces a significant increase in the epithelial pulse frequency. Electrophysiological responses to the volatile and non-volatile subfractions are equal, but significantly lower than those to the whole WSF. Behaviorally, the 100% WSF elicits a more vigorous proximal tentacle closure than either its volatile or non-volatile subfraction. However, the closure response to the volatile subfraction exceeds that for the non-volatile component.Of the two epithelial neuroid pulse systems, the hydranth pulse (HP) system is affected to a greater extent than the neck pulse (NP) system. During 10 minutes' treatment with 100% WSF the amplitude of the neck pulses and hydranth pulses declined by 50% and 80%, respectively. The maximum 3H-toluene uptake from 100% WSF also occurs within this period, and sodium and calcium concentrations fluctuate rapidly. These results suggest that a rapid bioaccumulation of hydrocarbons by T. crocea alters membrane permeability, upsetting critical ion gradients which, in turn, alter the firing frequency of the epithelial conducting systems. This study demonstrates that concentrations of WSF approaching environmentally realistic levels (in areas of chronic pollution) alter the epithelial conducting systems that co-ordinate important elements of behavior in Tubularia. This system provides a sensitive neuroid-behavioral assay for aquatic contaminants.  相似文献   
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