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A calendar time interpolation method for 2D seismic amplitude maps, done in two steps, is presented. The contour interpolation part is formulated as a quadratic programming problem, whereas the amplitude value interpolation is based on a conditional probability formulation. The method is applied on field data from the Sleipner CO2 storage project. The output is a continuous image (movie) of the CO2 plume. Besides visualization, the output can be used to better couple 4D seismic to other types of data acquired. The interpolation uncertainty increases with the time gap between consecutive seismic surveys and is estimated by leaving a survey out (blind test). Errors from such tests can be used to identify problems in understanding the flow and possibly improve the interpolation scheme for a given case. Field‐life cost of various acquisition systems and repeat frequencies are linked to the time‐lapse interpolation errors. The error in interpolated amplitudes increased by 3%‐4% per year of interpolation gap for the Sleipner case. Interpolation can never fully replace measurements.  相似文献   
The distribution of small fractures and water content of the Fourcade glacier on King George Island, Antarctica, was investigated in November 2006 and December 2007 by two ground-based (470-and 490-m-long profiles) and one helicopter-borne (470-m-long profile) ground-penetrating radar (GPR) surveys using 50-, 100-, and 500-MHz antennas. Radar images in the pre-migrated GPR sections are characterized by a smooth ice surface and irregular bed topography, numerous diffraction hyperbolas in the ice and at the g...  相似文献   
A plug of parataxitically welded tuff, with an elliptical (700 × 400 m) cross section, crops out in Weolseong district, Republic of Korea. It intrudes late Cretaceous granodiorite and extrusive tuffs of the Chisulryoung Volcanic Formation and displays a steeply inclined welding foliation, concordant with the intrusive contacts, and a subvertical stretching lineation. These fabrics are interpreted as resulting from laminar shearing in a boundary layer during deposition of the tuff by agglutination along the walls of a vent which served as a feeder for extrusive ignimbrites.  相似文献   
The East China Sea (ECS) around Jeju Island lies in a transitional region between the temperate and subtropical zones and is influenced by the Kuroshio Current. Hence, this area has been considered an important monitoring site for oceanic ecosystem changes. Herein, we assessed the community structure and diversity of the phytoplankton in the ECS around Jeju Island using small subunit ribosomal RNA pyrosequencing. We analyzed eight samples collected from the surface and at 30 m- and/or 50-m depths from two neritic and oceanic stations each from 24–30 April 2011. Comparisons of 15,498 pyrosequences identified 172 phylotypes of phytoplankton, excluding cyanobacteria, from the four surface stations. These pyrosequences were represented by dinoflagellates (29 %), stramenopiles (31 %), and chlorophytes (>39 %), with minor contributions from cryptophytes, haptophytes, and Telonemia. Phylotypes retrieved at 30- and 50-m depths were very similar to the surface samples. However, phylotype diversity and community structure varied considerably with the stations. Dominant phylotypes included Karlodinium veneficum, Ostreococcus tauri, Skeletonema marinoi, and Thalassiosira curviseriata, and many of the detected phylotypes include new records for the present study area. This study provides a valuable phylotype reference for future phytoplankton community structure and diversity studies with regard to marine environmental changes.  相似文献   
We analyzed the short period Rayleigh waves from the first crustal-scale seismic refraction experiment in the Korean peninsula, KCRUST2002, to determine the shear wave velocity and attenuation structure of the uppermost 1 km of the crust in different tectonic zones of the Korean peninsula and to examine if this can be related to the surface geology of the study area. The experiment was conducted with two large explosive sources along a 300-km long profile in 2002. The seismic traces, recorded on 170 vertical-component, 2-Hz portable seismometers, show distinct Rayleigh waves in the period range between 0.2 s and 1.2 s, which are easily recognizable up to 30–60 km from the sources. The seismic profiles, which traverse three tectonic regions (Gyeonggi massif, Okcheon fold belt and Yeongnam massif), were divided into five subsections based on tectonic boundaries as well as lithology. Group and phase velocities for the five subsections obtained by a continuous wavelet transform method and a slant stack method, respectively, were inverted for the shear wave models. We obtained shear wave velocity models up to a depth of 1.0 km. Overall, the shear wave velocity of the Okcheon fold belt is lower than that of the Gyeonggi and Yeongnam massifs by  0.4 km/s in the shallowmost 0.2 km and by 0.2 km/s at depths below 0.2 km. Attenuation coefficients, determined from the decay of the fundamental mode Rayleigh waves, were used to obtain the shear wave attenuation structures for three subsections (one for each of the three different tectonic regions). We obtained an average value of Qβ− 1 in the upper 0.5 km for each subsection. Qβ− 1 for the Okcheon fold belt ( 0.026) is approximately three times larger than Qβ− 1 for the massif areas ( 0.008). The low shear wave velocity in the Okcheon fold belt is consistent with the high attenuation in this region.  相似文献   
In recent years, there has been a decline in the wild populations of river pufferfish, Takifugu obscurus. Besides overexploitation for commercial purposes, environmental pollution is believed to have contributed to its decline. However, almost no information exists about genes involved in metabolism of xenobiotics by this species. Nevertheless, there is interest in fugu fishes, since they possess the smallest genome among vertebrates. We cloned and characterized the full-length cDNA sequence of a cytochrome P450 1A (CYP1A) gene from T. obscurus. Phylogenic relationship of T. obscurus CYP1A was also compared to other fish species. The tissue distribution and time-dependant induction of CYP1A mRNA were studied by real-time PCR in T. obscurus exposed to an aryl hydrocarbon receptor (Ahr) agonist, beta-naphthoflavone (BNF). The greatest basal expression in livers of control as well as BNF-treated individuals. However, brain, gill, gonad, intestine, and kidney also expressed CYP1A. Muscles expressed the least CYP1A. The results of the time-course study revealed induction in brain and gills after 6h and at 12h in most tissues. Except for gills, all other organs retained induced expression of CYP1A mRNA up to 96h.  相似文献   
In this study, the maximum likelihood ensemble filter (MLEF) is applied to a tropical cyclone case to identify the uncertainty areas in the context of targeting observations, using the WRF model. Typhoon Sinlaku (2008), from which dropwindsonde data are collected through THORPEX Pacific Asian Regional Campaign (TPARC), is selected for the case study. For the uncertainty analysis, a measurement called the deep layer mean (DLM) wind variance is employed. With assimilation of conventional rawinsonde data, the MLEF-WRF system demonstrated stable data assimilation performance over multiple data assimilation cycles and produced high uncertainties mostly in data-void areas, for the given tropical cyclone case. Dropwindsonde deployment through T-PARC turned out to occur inside or near the weak uncertainty areas that are identified through the MLEF-WRF system. The uncertainty analysis using the MLEF method can provide a guide for identifying more effective targeting observation areas.  相似文献   
We assessed the potential of marine ciliate community as an indicator to coastal water quality using water samples collected from four stations in the Yellow Sea in the summer 2000. The four stations were characterized by different levels of pollution. The ciliate communities consisted primarily of tintinnids and aloricate ciliates that were <30 μm. A total of 78 species were classified: 55 species at Station 2, 51 species each at Stations 1 and 4, and 47 species at Station 3. The mean number of species at each site was 29.2±2.0 (Station 1), 28.5±2.9 (Station 2), 27.8±1.7 (Station 3), and 24.5±2.3 (Station 4). The abundance was highly variable: 19 331±11 187 ind./L at Station 1, 7 960±5 639 ind./L at Station 2, 29 015±12 999 ind./L at Station 3, and 8 190±4 658 ind./L at Station 4. Our results suggest that neither the simple chemical analysis (e.g. chemical oxygen demand, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, and phosphate) nor the eutrophication/pollution index adequately described the water quality at the four stations. The same was true of the number of species and their abundance, both of which had no correlation with the chemical indices. In contrast, Margalef’s diversity index values (3.12 at Station 2, 2.89 at Station 1, and 2.64 at Stations 3 and 4) generally discriminated the water quality status of the four stations. The difference in water quality among the stations was strongly supported by the pattern of species richness (i.e. the total number of species) of ciliates at each station. Our evaluation was consistent with the results of long-term water quality monitoring at the four stations. With increasing eutrophication, we observed also a compositional and functional shift in the ciliate assemblages from algivorous oligotrich/choreotrich to nonselective-omnivorous gymnostomatids to bacterivorous-detrivorous scuticociliatids. Thus, ciliates may be used to indicate the coastal water quality status of a given site.  相似文献   
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