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The shallow marine hydrothermal vents near Ambitle Island in eastern Papua New Guinea discharge hot, slightly acidic, As-rich, chemically reduced fluid into cool, slightly alkaline, oxygenated seawater. Gradients in temperature, pH, and total As (AsT), among others, are established as the two aqueous phases mix. The hydrothermal fluid contained 900 μg/L AsT, almost exclusively present as the reduced AsIII, while local seawater measured between 1.2 and 2.4 μg/L As, with approximately equal levels of AsIII and AsV. Of particular interest in this study was As speciation and abundance in pore waters as a function of sediment depth and as a function of distance from the area of focused venting. With increasing distance, AsT concentration in the pore water decreased rapidly, but remained elevated up to 300 m from the area of focused venting when compared to a non-hydrothermal control site. As a function of depth (to 100 cm) AsT concentration in the pore water profiles was elevated and generally increased with depth. Surprisingly, aqueous AsV far exceeded aqueous AsIII at almost all distances and depths investigated, while at the control site the AsIII concentration exceeded that of AsV. In the Tutum Bay hydrothermal system, chemical disequilibria among As species provide potential metabolic energy for arsenite oxidizing microorganisms where hydrothermal fluid mixes with seawater near the vent orifice, and for arsenate reducing microorganisms with increasing distance and depth from the hydrothermal point source.  相似文献   
The fossil H chondrite Brunflo, found in a slab of Ordovician limestone from central Sweden, is pervasively altered to an assemblage dominated by calcite and barite. The meteorite is surrounded by a 15–20 cm wide zone of lighter colors than the unaffected limestone due to dissolution of hematite. Here we present detailed geochemical analyses of two meteorite samples, 14 limestone samples at distances from 0 to 29 cm along two profiles from the meteorite, and a reference sample of Brunflo limestone. Element concentrations in Brunflo and surrounding bleached limestone have been strongly disturbed during two stages of alteration (early oxygenated and deep burial). In the meteorite, the Ni/Co ratio has changed from an initial value of 20 to 0.8 and redox sensitive elements like V, As, Mo, Re and U are strongly enriched. The sulfur isotope composition of barite from Brunflo (δ34S=+35‰) indicates initial loss of meteoritic sulfide, followed by later accumulation of sea water sulfate as barite. During deep burial under more reducing conditions, reduction processes supported by an externally derived reductant possibly derived from alum shale underlying the limestone, were largely responsible for the observed redox phenomena. In spite of massive redistribution of many elements, concentrations of Pt, Ir and Au remain at chondritic levels. The geochemistry and mineralogy of alteration determined for Brunflo are similar to those in “reduction spots” in red beds, where accumulation of a similar suite of elements (except Mo, Re) occurred as a result of isolated reduction activity.  相似文献   
Quantitative climate reconstructions are fundamental to understand long-term trends in natural climate variability and to test climate models used to predict future climate change. Recent advances in molecular geochemistry have led to calibrations using glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs), a group of temperature-sensitive membrane lipids found in Archaea and bacteria. GDGTs have been used to construct temperature indices for oceans (TEX86 index) and soils (MBT/CBT index). The aim of this study is to examine GDGT-temperature relationships and assess the potential of constructing a GDGT-based palaeo-thermometer for lakes. We examine GDGT-temperature relationships using core top sediments from 90 lakes across a north-south transect from the Scandinavian Arctic to Antarctica including sites from Finland, Sweden, Siberia, the UK, Austria, Turkey, Ethiopia, Uganda, Chile, South Georgia and the Antarctic Peninsula. We examine a suite of 15 GDGTs, including compounds used in the TEX86 and MBT/CBT indices and reflecting the broad range of GDGT inputs to small lake systems.GDGTs are present in varying proportions in all lakes examined. The TEX86 index is not applicable to our sites because of the large relative proportions of soil derived and methanogenic components. Similarly, the MBT/CBT index is also not applicable and predicts temperatures considerably lower than those measured. We examine relationships between individual GDGT compounds and temperature, pH, conductivity and water depth. Temperature accounts for a large and statistically independent fraction of variation in branched GDGT composition. We propose a GDGT-temperature regression model with high accuracy and precision (R2 = 0.88; RMSE = 2.0 °C; RMSEP = 2.1 °C) for use in lakes based on a subset of branched GDGT compounds and highlight the potential of this new method for reconstructing past temperatures using lake sediments.  相似文献   
Deposits of coral-bearing, marine shell conglomerate exposed at elevations higher than 20 m above present-day mean sea level (MSL) in Bermuda and the Bahamas have previously been interpreted as relict intertidal deposits formed during marine isotope stage (MIS) 11, ca. 360–420 ka before present. On the strength of this evidence, a sea level highstand more than 20 m higher than present-day MSL was inferred for the MIS 11 interglacial, despite a lack of clear supporting evidence in the oxygen-isotope records of deep-sea sediment cores. We have critically re-examined the elevated marine deposits in Bermuda, and find their geological setting, sedimentary relations, and microfaunal assemblages to be inconsistent with intertidal deposition over an extended period. Rather, these deposits, which comprise a poorly sorted mixture of reef, lagoon and shoreline sediments, appear to have been carried tens of meters inside karst caves, presumably by large waves, at some time earlier than ca. 310–360 ka before present (MIS 9–11). We hypothesize that these deposits are the result of a large tsunami during the mid-Pleistocene, in which Bermuda was impacted by a wave set that carried sediments from the surrounding reef platform and nearshore waters over the eolianite atoll. Likely causes for such a megatsunami are the flank collapse of an Atlantic island volcano, such as the roughly synchronous Julan or Orotava submarine landslides in the Canary Islands, or a giant submarine landslide on the Atlantic continental margin.  相似文献   
The boundary zone between two Penninic nappes, the eclogite-facies to ultrahigh-pressure Zermatt-Saas zone in the footwall and the blueschist-facies Combin zone in the hanging wall, has been interpreted previously as a major normal fault reflecting synorogenic crustal extension. Quartz textures of mylonites from this fault were measured using neutron diffraction. Together with structural field observations, the data allow a refined reconstruction of the kinematic evolution of the Pennine nappes. The main results are: (1) the contact is not a normal fault but a major thrust towards northwest which was only later overprinted by southeast-directed normal faulting; (2) exhumation of the footwall rocks did not occur during crustal extension but during crustal shortening; (3) the Sesia-Dent Blanche nappe system originated from a continental fragment (Cervinia) in the Alpine Tethys ocean, and the Combin zone ophiolites from the ocean basin southeast of Cervinia; (4) out-of-sequence thrusting played a major role in the tectonic evolution of the Penninic nappes. An erratum to this article can be found at  相似文献   
The leaching of coal and coal/asphaltite/wood-ashes in sulfuric acid (pH 1.0, 25 °C, S/L, 1:10) was studied as a function of time; acid consumption and extracted metal concentrations are presented. Whole coals consumed acid rapidly during the first few minutes, followed by slow acid consumption. Wood-, lignite-, and asphaltite-ashes consumed acid in two stages, the rapid phase extending < 30 min and the slow phase extended up to 10 days. The rapid phase was dominated by the dissolution of Ca, K and Mg ions for wood-ash, by Ca, Al and Mg ions for lignite-ash and Ca and Mg ions for asphaltite-ash. The sulfur concentration in solution and the concentrations of Ca, Fe, K, Mg, Na, P, Al and Mn in the aqueous phase verified the neutralizing capacity of the untreated ashes as well as the formation of insoluble sulfates in the residues. The slow phase kinetics differed for different fuels and exhibited leaching of several abundant elements—Fe, Al, K, Na and Mn. Trace elements (Ba, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Th, U, V, Zn) sometimes required up to 32 h for maximal extraction from ashes. Suggestions are presented regarding the chemical nature of trace elements in the untreated coals and ashes and suitable residence times for economical industrial processes. We think it possible to combine bacteriological oxidation of sulfidic concentrates of acid leaching from ash of various qualities or even whole coals.  相似文献   
Granitoids and associated volcanics, postorogenic in relation to the Svecokarelian orogeny, constitute a belt in central Sweden. Evidence presented in this paper suggest that the belt originated in an Andinotype orogenic environment. The inferred development of the belt was characterized by fracture-controlled high-level emplacement of batholiths in an ensialic setting. Voluminous venting of ignimbrites and formation of grabens through cauldron subsidence accompanied the recurrent intrusive activity. Block movements and episodes of burial metamorphism appear to have been prominent features throughout the history of the post-Svecokarelian belt.
Zusammenfassung Granitoide Plutonite und verwandte Vulkanite, post-orogen im Verhältnis zur Svekokarelischen Orogenese, bilden einen Gürtel in Mittelschweden. Es wird gezeigt, daß der Gürtel in einer andinotypen Orogenese gebildet wurde. Die vorgeschlagene Entwicklung des Gürtels ist geprägt durch spaltentektonisch kontrollierte Platznahme von Batholithen in einem seichten Niveau der Kruste in ensialischem Mileau. Umfangreiche Eruptionen von Ignimbriten sowie die Bildung von Grabenbrüchen durch Kalderen-Einstürzungen begleiten die erneute intrusive Tätigkeit. Blockbewegungen und episodische Versenkungsmetamorphosen sind charakteristisch während der gesamten Entwicklungsgeschichte des post-svekokarelischen Gürtels.

Résumé Des granitoïdes et des volcanites associées, postorogéniques par rapport à l'orogénese svécokarélienne, forment une ceinture en Suède centrale. La présente étude suggère que la mise en place de ces roches s'est effectuée dans un environment orogénique Andinotype. L'évolution de la ceinture c'est caractérisée par la mise en place; contrée par des fractures, de batholites peu profonds, en milieu ensialique. Des volumineuses éruptions d'ignimbrites et la formation de grabens par «cauldron subsidence» ont accompagné la mise en place des batholites. Des mouvements verticaux de blocs, ainsi que des épisodes de métamorphisme d'enfouissement («burial metamorphism») semblent être des faits dominants du développement historique de la ceinture post-svécokarélienne.

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Our knowledge about the glaciation history in the Russian Arctic has to a large extent been based on geomorphological mapping supplemented by studies of short stratigraphical sequences found in exposed sections. Here we present new geochronological data from the Polar Ural Mountains along with a high‐resolution sediment record from Bolshoye Shchuchye, the largest and deepest lake in the mountain range. Seismic profiles show that the lake contains a 160‐m‐thick sequence of unconsolidated lacustrine sediments. A well‐dated 24‐m‐long core from the southern end of the lake spans the last 24 cal. ka. From downward extrapolation of sedimentation rates we estimate that sedimentation started about 50–60 ka ago, most likely just after a large glacier had eroded older sediments from the basin. Terrestrial cosmogenic nuclide (TCN) exposure dating (10Be) of boulders and Optically Stimulated Luminescence (OSL) dating of sediments indicate that this part of the Ural Mountains was last covered by a coherent ice‐field complex during Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 4. A regrowth of the glaciers took place during a late stage of MIS 3, but the central valleys remained ice free until the present. The presence of small‐ and medium‐sized glaciers during MIS 2 is reflected by a sequence of glacial varves and a high sedimentation rate in the lake basin and likewise from 10Be dating of glacial boulders. The maximum extent of the mountain glaciers during MIS 2 was attained prior to 24 cal. ka BP. Some small present‐day glaciers, which are now disappearing completely due to climate warming, were only slightly larger during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) as compared to AD 1953. A marked decrease in sedimentation rate around 18–17 cal. ka BP indicates that the glaciers then became smaller and probably disappeared altogether around 15–14 cal. ka BP.  相似文献   
The Ransko gabbro-peridotite massif in Eastern Bohemia is a strongly differentiated intrusive complex of Lower Cambrian age. The complex hosts low grade Ni-Cu ores mainly developed close to the contact of olivine-rich rocks with gabbros, in troctolites and, to a much lesser extent, in both pyroxene and olivine gabbros and plagioclase-rich peridotites. The ore zone is characterized by strong serpentinization and uralitization. The total Ni + Cu locally reaches up to 4 wt%. Anomalous concentrations of platinum-group elements (PGE's) (maximum 532 ppb Pd, 182 ppb Pt, 53 ppb Rh, 15 ppb Ru, 41 ppb Ir) were detected in samples of Cu-Ni and Ni-Cu ores (maximum 2.63 wt% Ni and 2.31 wt% Cu) from the Jezírka orebody. The main ore paragenesis includes pyrrhotite, pentlandite, chalcopyrite, cubanite, pyrite, magnetite, mackinawite, valleriite, ilmenite and sphalerite. During this work, michenerite, froodite, sperrylite, gold, native bismuth, altaite, tsumoite, hessite, an unnamed Bi-Ni telluride, cobaltite-gersdorffite and galena were newly identified. The host rocks originated through partial melting of a slightly depleted mantle source with noble metals scavenged from this primitive magma prior to the development of these rocks.  相似文献   
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