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Amino acids in the Murchison meteorite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Continued investigation of the Murchison meteorite by gas chromatography combined with mass spectrometry has led to the characterization of at least 17 amino acids in addition to the 18 identified in earlier work. The total population consists of a wide variety of linear and cyclic difunctional and polyfunctional amino acids, of which the linear difunctional amino acids show a general decrease in concentration as the number of carbon atoms in the amino acid molecule increases. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the amino acids are present as the result of an extraterrestrial, abiotic synthesis.  相似文献   
A geothermometric technique based on equilibria between coexisting plagioclase and alkali feldspar was applied to quartzo-feldspathic granulites from Salvador, BA, Brazil. The conditions of metamorphism were determined to be in the range 750 ° C–800 ° C, 4–8 Kb, by comparison with experimental data on the stabilities of sapphirine, phlogopite and other minerals occurring in the associated rocks. Selected feldspar data gives temperatures near, but slightly below, this range. Several variants of the Wood and Banno model, as well as an empirical two-pyroxene geothermometer, were also tested and found to give temperatures which were apparently 50 °–100 ° high. The solubility of Al2O3 in orthopyroxene indicates temperatures which are about 200 ° to high, suggesting that Fe in the natural assemblages significantly changes relationships observed experimentally in MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 systems.  相似文献   
The sterol analysis of six hydrocarbon seep mussels (mytilid II and mytilid Ib) from the Alaminos Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico is reported. The sterol composition of the mussel-symbiotic bacteria complex reflects a preponderant synthesis of 4α-methyl sterols (seep mytilid II), and a predominant biosynthesis of 4-desmethyl sterols with some amounts of 4α-methyl sterols (seep mytilid Ib). This suggests a methane-based symbiotic relationship between the mussels and methanotrophic bacteria. It also suggests that the biosynthesis of sterols in the mussel-bacteria complex is completed to the level of cholest-5-en-3ß-ol (mytilid II) or 5α-cholestan-3ß-ol (mytilid Ib).  相似文献   
Strontium-isotopic ratios of dated corals have been obtained from submerged reefs formed during Quaternary glacial periods off the Hawaiian islands. These data, combined with data from deep-sea sediments, tightly constrain the secular variation of marine 87Sr/86Sr for the past 800,000 yr. Although long-term trends are apparent, no significant (>0.02‰), rapid (<100,000 yr) excursions in 87Sr/86Sr were resolved nor did we observe any samples with 87Sr/86Sr greater than that of modern seawater. Strontium in mollusks from elevated marine terraces formed during interglacial periods on the southern California coast show resolvable and consistent variations in 87Sr/86Sr which, when compared to the trend of Quaternary marine 87Sr/86Sr, can be used to infer uplift rates and define approximate ages for the higher terraces. The Sr-isotope age estimates indicate that uplift rates vary among crustal blocks and were not necessarily constant with time. No contrast in Sr-isotopic ratios between similar-age Hawaiian and California fossils was observed, confirming that any change in marine 87Sr/86Sr from glacial to interglacial periods must be small. A realistic appraisal of the potential of Sr-isotope stratigraphy for chronometric applications in the Quaternary suggests that the technique will be limited to relatively coarse distinctions in age.  相似文献   
作为世界第三极的青藏高原,是对全球天气气候影响最为显著的自然地貌之一.其巨大陆表深入对流层中部,热力效应直接作用于大气,不但形成了亚洲气候格局,甚至会导致北半球乃至全球气候变异.在青藏高原北部分布着北半球中纬度面积最大的沙漠群,与包括青藏高原在内的其他下垫面相比,沙漠具有地表反照率大、土壤热容量小、含水量低等特点,是地球系统中重要的感热源,同样对全球和区域能量平衡及气候变化和变异具有重要作用.青藏高原及其北部广阔沙漠区域——两种重要的陆地系统组成了全球独有的共生地理单元,它们之间的陆—气耦合必定通过某种过程相互关联.干旱是全球常见且危害极为严重的自然灾害,中国是全球干旱发生最为频繁的国家之一,特别是在中国北方,在气候变化大背景下,干旱也呈多发、加重的趋势.干旱成因复杂,始终是国内外相关领域研究的难点和热点.那么,从高原—沙漠共生地理单元的陆—气耦合过程出发,通过何种机制作用于我国北方干旱的形成和演变?这是一个值得探究的前沿论题.梳理了近年来青藏高原大气科学研究和包括沙漠地区的干旱半干旱陆面过程研究的最新进展,从中凝练出青藏高原和北部沙漠之间的陆—气耦合过程对我国干旱影响研究的关键科学问题,以期对开展相关探索的科技工作者有所帮助.  相似文献   
Lake Kitagata, Uganda, is a hypersaline crater lake with Na–SO4–Cl–HCO3–CO3 chemistry, high pH and relatively small amounts of SiO2. EQL/EVP, a brine evaporation equilibrium model (Risacher and Clement 2001), was used to model the major ion chemistry of the evolving brine and the order and masses of chemically precipitated sediments. Chemical sediments in a 1.6-m-long sediment core from Lake Kitagata occur as primary chemical mud (calcite, magadiite [NaSi7O13(OH)3·3H2O], burkeite [Na6(CO3)(SO4)2]) and as diagenetic intrasediment growths (mirabilite (Na2SO4·10H2O)). Predicted mineral assemblages formed by evaporative concentration were compared with those observed in salt crusts along the shoreline and in the core from the lake center. Most simulations match closely with observed natural assemblages. The dominant inflow water, groundwater, plays a significant role in driving the chemical evolution of Lake Kitagata water and mineral precipitation sequences. Simulated evaporation of Lake Kitagata waters cannot, however, explain the large masses of magadiite found in cores and the formation of burkeite earlier in the evaporation sequence than predicted. The masses and timing of formation of magadiite and burkeite may be explained by past groundwater inflow with higher alkalinity and SiO2 concentrations than exist today.  相似文献   
A newly discovered, extensive sphalerite-bearing breccia (~7.5 wt.% Zn) is hosted in dolomitised Carboniferous limestones overlying Ordovician–Silurian metasedimentary rocks on the Isle of Man. Although base metal sulphide deposits have been mined historically on the island, they are nearly all quartz vein deposits in the metamorphic basement. This study investigates the origin of the unusual sphalerite breccia and its relationship to basement-hosted deposits, through a combination of petrographic, cathodoluminescence, fluid inclusion, stable isotope and hydrogeologic modelling techniques. Breccia mineralisation comprises four stages, marked by episodes of structural deformation and abrupt changes in fluid temperature and chemistry. In stage I, high-temperature (T h > 300°C), high-salinity (20–45 wt.% equiv. NaCl) fluid of likely basement origin deposited a discontinuous quartz vein. This vein was subsequently dismembered during a major brecciation event. Stages II–IV are dominated by open-space filling sphalerite, quartz and dolomite, respectively. Fluid inclusions in these minerals record temperatures of ~105–180°C and salinities of ~15–20 wt.% equiv. NaCl. The δ34S values of sphalerite (6.5–6.9‰ Vienna-Canyon Diablo troilite) are nearly identical to those of ore sulphides from mines in the Lower Palaeozoic metamorphic rocks. The δ18O values for quartz and dolomite indicate two main fluid sources in the breccia’s hydrothermal system, local Carboniferous-hosted brines (~0.5–6.0‰ Vienna standard mean ocean water) and basement-involved fluids (~5.5–11.5‰). Ore sulphide deposition in the breccia is compatible with the introduction and cooling of a hot, basement-derived fluid that interacted with local sedimentary brines.  相似文献   
Discharge of the Shatt Al-Arab is believed to be a dominating component of the northern Arabian Gulf’s ecology and largely responsible for productivity of Kuwait’s fisheries. With major construction of dams on the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers in Turkey, river discharge has been substantially reduced, and flooding essentially eliminated. We attempted to relate river flow and shrimp landings indirectly by correlating 19 years of salinity and temperature data from Kuwait’s waters with corresponding annual shrimp landings. For green tiger prawns (Penaeus semisulcatus), the combination of October salinities and January temperatures provided the best correlation (r = 0.67) with landings in the following shrimping season. For the combined landings of jinga and kiddi shrimps (Metapenaeus affinis and Parapenaeopsis stylifera, respectively), December salinity during season and May temperature prior to season resulted in the best correlation (r = 0.87). Landings of these two species also correlated well with spring and summer temperatures. Under normal conditions, late winter or early spring temperatures prior to fishing season influence recruitment of the green tiger prawn, whereas December salinities during harvest season influence the abundance of jinga–kiddi shrimps. With further reductions in the Shatt Al-Arab discharge and the elimination of flood events, Kuwait’s shrimp landings will most likely decrease over time.  相似文献   
Submarine mud volcanism is an important pathway for transfer of deep-sourced fluids enriched in hydrocarbons and other elements into the ocean. Numerous mud volcanoes (MVs) have been discovered along oceanic plate margins, and integrated elemental fluxes are potentially significant for oceanic chemical budgets. Here, we present the first detailed study of the spatial variation in fluid and chemical fluxes at the Carlos Ribeiro MV in the Gulf of Cadiz. To this end, we combine analyses of the chemical composition of pore fluids with a 1-D transport-reaction model to quantify fluid fluxes, and fluxes of boron, lithium and methane, across the sediment-seawater interface. The pore fluids are significantly depleted in chloride, but enriched in lithium, boron and hydrocarbons, relative to seawater. Pore water profiles of sulphate, hydrogen sulphide and total alkalinity indicate that anaerobic oxidation of methane occurs at 34-180 cm depth below seafloor. Clay mineral dehydration, and in particular the transformation of smectite to illite, produces pore fluids that are depleted in chloride and potassium. Profiles of boron, lithium and potassium are closely related, which suggests that lithium and boron are released from the sediments during this transformation. Pore fluids are expelled into the water column by advection; fluid flow velocities are 4 cm yr−1 at the apex of the MV but they rapidly decrease to 0.4 cm yr−1 at the periphery. The associated fluxes of boron, lithium and methane vary between 7-301, 0.5-6 and 0-806 mmol m−2 yr−1, respectively. We demonstrate that fluxes of Li and B due to mud volcanism may be important on a global scale, however, release of methane into the overlying water column is suppressed by microbial methanotrophy.  相似文献   
莫继军 《探矿工程》2005,32(10):14-16
通过2个工程实例分析了沉管灌注桩出现大面积断桩的原因是由于后期基坑开挖不当造成的,并提出了预防断桩出现的一些措施以及对断桩的处理补救措施。  相似文献   
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