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The 2006 eruption of Augustine Volcano, Alaska, began with an explosive phase comprising 13 discrete Vulcanian blasts. These events generated ash plumes reaching heights of 3–14 km. The eruption was recorded by a dense geophysical network including a pressure sensor located 3.2 km from the vent. Infrasonic signals recorded in association with the eruptions have maximum pressures ranging from 13–111 Pa. Eruption durations are estimated to range from 55–350 s. Neither of these parameters, however, correlates with eruption plume height. The pressure record, however, can be used to estimate the velocity and flux of material erupting from the vent, assuming that the sound is generated as a dipole source. Eruptive flux, in turn, is used to estimate plume height, assuming that the plume rises as a buoyant thermal. Plume heights estimated in this way correlate well with observations. Events that exhibit strongly impulsive waveforms are underestimated by the model, suggesting that flow may have been supersonic.  相似文献   
The Delaware Estuary has a history of high anthropogenic nutrient loadings but has been classified as a high-nutrient, low-growth system due to persistent light limitation caused by turbidity. While the biogeochemical implications of light limitation in turbid estuaries have been well-studied, there has been minimal effort focused on the connectivity between hydrodynamics, sediment dynamics, and light limitation. Our understanding of sediment dynamics in the Delaware Estuary has advanced significantly in the last decade, and this study describes the impact of spatiotemporal variability of the estuarine turbidity maximum (ETM) on light-limited productivity. This analysis uses data from eight along-estuary cruises from March, June, September, and December 2010 and 2011 to evaluate the impact of the turbidity maximum on production. Whereas the movement of the ETM is controlled primarily by river discharge, the structure of the ETM is modulated by stratification, which varies with both river discharge and spring-neap conditions. We observe that the ETM’s location and structure control spatial patterns of light availability. To evaluate the relative contributions of river discharge and spring-neap variability to the location of phytoplankton blooms, we develop an idealized two-dimensional Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) numerical model. We conclude that high river flows and neap tides can drive stratification that is strong enough to prevent sediment from being resuspended into the surface layer, thus providing light conditions favorable for primary production. This study sheds light on the role of stratification in controlling sediment resuspension and promoting production, highlighting the potential limitations of biogeochemical models that neglect sediment processes.  相似文献   
Measurements of OH reactivity were made at the Weybourne Atmospheric Observatory on the North Norfolk coast, UK in May 2004. A wide range of supporting species was also measured concurrently as part of the TORCH-2 field campaign, allowing a detailed study of the OH oxidation chemistry to be carried out. Measurements were made in a variety of air masses, with the 3 most prevalent being air from the Atlantic that arrived at the site from over mainland UK in a South Westerly direction, and much cleaner Northerly air that originated over the far North Sea or Arctic, passed over the North Sea and arrived at the site from a North/North Easterly direction. Direct OH reactivity measurements were made on 6 days during the campaign and with influence of 2 of the 3 air masses prevalent during the study period. The average, minimum and maximum measured OH reactivity are: 4.9, 1.3 and 9.7 respectively. The measured OH reactivity was compared to key OH sinks such as NO2 and CO and a general positive correlation was observed. OH reactivity (k′) was then calculated using the full range of OH sinks species that were measured (including >30 NMHCs) and their pseudo first order rate constants for reaction with OH. For much of the measurement period there is a significant difference between the measured and calculated k′, with an average value of kmeas- kcalc?=?1.9 s-1, indicative of unmeasured OH sinks. A zero-dimensional box model containing a subset of the Master Chemical Mechanism was used to calculate the OH reactivity more accurately. The simultaneously measured trace species were used as inputs to the model and their oxidative degradation was described by a chemical mechanism containing ~5,000 species. The extra OH sinks species produced by the model, resulted in an improvement in the agreement between kmeas and kcalc, however the averaged missing OH reactivity across the entire measurement period remained at 1.4 s-1. Speculation is made as to the source of this missing reactivity, including reference to studies showing that a potentially large number of high molecular weight aromatic species could be unmeasured by standard instrumentation.  相似文献   
Data collected by a pressure sensor provide new insights into the 1999 eruption of Shishaldin volcano, Unimak Island, Alaska. On 19 April 1999, after 3 months of unrest and an extended period of low-level Strombolian activity, Shishaldin experienced a Subplinian eruption (ash plume to >16 km), followed by several episodes of strong Strombolian explosions. Acoustic data from the pressure sensor allow us to investigate the details of an eruption which was instrumentally well recorded, but with few visual observations. In the 12 h prior to the Subplinian phase, the pressure sensor detected a series of small, repeated pulses with a constant spectral peak at 2–3 Hz. The amplitude and occurrence rate of the pulses both grew such that the signal became a nearly continuous hum just before the Subplinian eruption. This humming signal may represent gas release from rising magma. The main Subplinian phase was heralded by (1) the abrupt end of the humming signal, (2) several pulses of low-frequency sound interpreted as ash bursts, and (3) a dramatic increase in seismic tremor amplitude. The change in acoustic signature at this time allows us to precisely time the start of the Subplinian eruption, previously approximated as the time of strongest tremor increase. The 50-min Subplinian phase actually contained several bursts of signal, each of which may represent a discrete volume of magma passing through the system. Following the Subplinian event, the pressure sensor recorded four discrete episodes of Strombolian gas explosions on 19–20 April and another on 22–23 April. Four of the five episodes were accompanied by strong seismic tremor; the fifth has not been previously recognized and was not associated with anomalous tremor amplitudes. In time series these events are similar to explosions recorded at other volcanoes but in general they are much larger, with maximum amplitudes of >65 Pa at 6.5 km from the vent, and they have low (0.7–1.5 Hz) peak frequencies. These large explosions occurred at rates of 3–20 per minute for 1–5 h in each episode. The explosions were accompanied by a small (<5 km above sea level) ash plume and only minor amounts of ejecta were produced. Thus, the explosion activity was dominated by gas release.  相似文献   
A modified ceilometer has been used during the second Intensive Observation Period (IOP) of the “Expérience sur Site pour COntraindre les Modèles de Pollution atmosphériques et de Transport d'Émission” (ESCOMPTE) to perform continuous remote observations of aerosol accumulations in the first 3 km of the atmosphere. These observations encompassed an episode of intense particulate and photochemical pollution. The submicronic particles density, measured at an altitude of 600 m, went from a very low point of a few tens of particles per cubic centimeter (at the end of a Mistral episode in the free atmosphere) to a high point of more than 4500 particles per cubic centimeter (when pollutants were trapped by thermal inversions).The main result is that this instrument enables a fine documentation of the mixing layer height and of aerosol particles stratifications and circulation. Airborne aerosol measurements have been made above the mountainous region of Mérindol in order to validate in situ the remote sensing measurements. Ozone measurements near the summit of the mountains as well as in the valley were performed in order to correlate aerosol accumulation and ozone concentration. As a notable example, the two-layer aerosol stratification seen in the first 2 days of IOP 2b in that part of the ESCOMPTE domain confirms the results of another team which used backtrajectories. The low-altitude pollution for this timeframe had a local origin (the Fos industrial area), whereas above 500 m, the air masses had undergone regional-scale transport (from north-eastern Spain).The second major result is the highlighting of a pattern, in sea breeze conditions and in this part of the ESCOMPTE experiment zone, of nocturnal aerosol accumulation at an altitude of between 500 and 2000 m, followed by high ozone concentration the next day.  相似文献   
Studies have shown that many chemically-reactive contaminants become associated with fine particles in coastal waters and that the rate, patterns, and extent of contaminant accumulation within estuarine systems are extremely variable. In this paper, we briefly review our findings concerning the accumulation patterns of contaminants in several estuarine systems along the eastern coastline of the United States, and have applied a well-established concept in geology, that is “an equilibrium profile,” to explain the observed large variations in these patterns. We show that fine-particle deposition is the most important factor affecting contaminant accumulation in estuarine areas, and that accumulation patterns are governed by physical processes acting to establish or maintain a sediment surface in dynamic equilibrium with respect to sea level, river discharge, tidal currents, and wave activity. Net long-term particle and particle-associated contaminant accumulations are negliglible in areas where the sediment surface has attained “dynamic equilibrium” with the hydraulic regime. Contaminant, accumulation in these areas primarily occurs by the exchange of contaminant-poor sedimentary particles with contaminant-rich suspended particles during physical or biological mixing of the surface sediment. Virtually the entire estuarine particulate and contaminant load bypasses these “equilibrium” areas to accumulate at extremely rapid in relatively small areas that are temporally out of equilibriums as a result of natural processes or human activities. These relatively small areas serve as major sinks for particles from riverine and marine sources, and for biogenic carbon formed in situ within estuaries or on the inner shelf.  相似文献   
Manual cutting of marsh vegetation contaminated by oil spills is often debated as a clean-up technique. Cutting oiled marsh vegetation may be proposed to prevent the oiling of sensitive wildlife associated with marshes. Less frequently, oiled marshes may be cut to aid vegetation recovery. This paper reviews several studies of oiled marsh cutting, and presents a case history of the Grand Eagle oil spill, where marsh cutting was used as a clean-up technique. The paper focuses on the effects of cutting on oiled vegetation survival and structural recovery. We conclude that cutting is often detrimental. Marshes should not be cut when impacted by light oils, where high flushing rates are present, or where re-oiling would be likely. Cutting should only be considered for areas where oil may persist, significant impacts to wildlife are likely, and less destructive clean-up techniques have proven insufficient. Seasonality should be considered prior to cutting, since vegetation impacts may be less likely during fall and winter. Concurrent stresses, such as unusual or extreme salinity or hydrological conditions, should also be considered prior to cutting, to avoid stressing oiled vegetation beyond recovery. Finally, if vegetation cutting is used in marsh environments, substrate disturbance should be avoided.  相似文献   
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