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Ground Surface Temperature (GST) history in Poland was derived from the inversion of temperature-depth profiles in over 20 wells. Temperature histories for the period 1500 A.D. through 1977 A.D. agree well with the instrumental record of the surface-air temperature available for the last two centuries. A statistical correlation of the reconstructed histories (from the well temperature data) with the instrumental record (air temperature) from the homogeneous Warsaw series is high (>0.8). Functional space inversion (FSI) of the temperature data with depth shows that beginning in the early 19th century, temperatures warmed by 0.9 ± 0.1°C following a long period of colder climate before. The last number could be a minimal as higher warming was calculated using a simple model based on surface temperature for the observational period (homogenized Warsaw surface temperature series, Lorenc, 2000) and POM (pre-observational mean; Harris and Chapman, 1998) of –1.53oC below the 1951–1980 mean temperature level.  相似文献   
An example of groundwater resources evaluation methodology by numerical modeling in the complex, unconsolidated, multi-aquifer system of the Swidnica area (~627 km2) is presented. In this study Groundwater Modeling System (GMS) was used to develop a conceptual model on the basis of data from several hundred boreholes and to calibrate a numerical, multi-aquifer model. A steady state calibration was performed using historical natural groundwater table (quasi-natural simulation) data and abundant pumping test transmissivity data. The calibrated recharge was first spatially distributed based on surface lithology and then adjusted until a good match between calculated and measured heads was obtained. The quasi-natural simulation budget input of ~165,000 m3/day consisted of 40.5% of lateral inflow from the SW fault model boundary, 34.5% of average net recharge from precipitation, 13% of infiltration from the Mietkowskie Lake and 12% of river infiltration. The budget output (the same as input) consisted of ~ 88% of river drainage and ~ 12% of lateral outflow. The final, abstraction-influenced simulation representing the current stationary condition was used to verify the model by cross referencing present well drawdowns with well abstractions and by comparison of the groundwater discharge to the rivers with the field baseflow measurements. In this simulation, the total well abstraction of ~53,000 m3/d resulted in 9% increase in overall water balance up to ~180,000 m3/day, 38% increased river infiltration, 24% reduced river drainage, 17% reduced lateral outflow and ~3 times increased downward leakage to the deepest, productive aquifer. The Swidnica study case shows an example, which analyzes an impact of well abstractions on the decline of groundwater table and river discharges, concluding that reserves of renewable water resources are still available. It shows also, that by setting up a conceptual model within the numerical model environment and by applying a quasi-3D solution, complex multi-aquifer systems can be well and efficiently modeled.
Resumen Se presenta un ejemplo de metodología de evaluación de recursos de aguas aubterráneas por medio de modelación numérica en el sistema multi-acuífero, complejo, no consolidado del área de Swidnica (~627 km2). Em este estudio se utilizó un sistema de modelamiento de aguas subterráneas (GMS) para desarrollar un modelo conceptual sobre la base de datos de varios cientos de pozos y para calibrar un modelo multi-acuífero numérico. Se llevó a cabo calibración de un estado constante mediante el uso de datos históricos del manto de aguas subterráneas (simulación casi natural) y de abundantes datos de transmisividad de las pruebas de bombeo. En primer lugar se distribuyó la recarga calibrada en base a la litología de superficie y luego se ajustó hasta obtener una buena correlación entre las cimas calculadas y las medidas. El casi natural presupuesto en la simulación de ~165,000 m3/día consistió de 40.5 % de influjo lateral del límite del modelo de la falla SO, 34.5% de recarga neta promedio de precipitación, 13 % de infiltración del lago Mietkowskie y 12% de infiltración de los ríos. El presupuesto de los productos (output) (igual que el input)consistió de ~ 88 % de drenaje de los ríos y ~ 12 % de flujo lateral. La simulación final, influida por la abstracción, que representa la condición estacionaria actual se utilizó para verificar el modelo mediante la verificación cruzada de los conos de abstracción actuales con abstracciones de los pozos y mediante la comparación de la descarga de aguas subterráneas a los ríos con las medidas de flujo de base de terreno. En esta simulación, la abstracción total de los pozos de ~53,000 m3/d dio como resultado un incremento de 9 % en el balance de gua total de hasta ~180,000 m3/día, un incremento de 38 % infiltración de los ríos, una reducción de 24 % del drenaje a los ríos, una reducción de 17 % del eflujo lateral y un incremento de ~3 veces de filtración hacia abajo al acuífero má profundo productivo. El caso de estudio Swidnica muestra un ejemplo que analiza el impacto de las instalaciones de abstraccion de pozos sobre el decrecimiento del mato de aguas subterráneas y descargas de ríos. Sin embargo, la conclusión es que las reservas de recursos aguas renovables están disponibles todavía. También muestra que los sistemas multi-acuíferos complejos se puede modelar eficientemente y satisfactoriamente al establecer un modelo conceptual dentro del ambiente de un modelo numérico y mediante la aplicación de soluciones casi 3D.

Resumé Un exemple méthodologique dévaluation des ressources en eau souterraine par modélisation numérique dun système aquifère multiple complexe et non-consolidé de la région de Swidnica (~627 km2) est présenté. Le système de modélisation de leau souterraine GMS (Groundwater Modeling System) est utilisé afin de développer un modèle conceptuel basé sur les données provenant de plusieurs centaines de puits, ainsi que pour caler le modèle numérique daquifère multiple. Une calibration en régime permanent a été effectuée en utilisant les données historiques du niveau naturel de la nappe phréatique (simulation quasi-naturelle) et les données de transmissivité provenant de nombreux essais de pompage. La recharge calibrée a été obtenue en utilisant dabord des valeurs spatiallement distribuées en fonction de la lithologie de surface qui ont par la suite été ajustées jusquà ce quune bonne correspondance entre les charges mesurées et simulées soit obtenue. Le bilan des intrants deau pour la simulation quasi-naturelle de ~165,000 m3/j est réparti comme suit: 40.5% provenant dentrée deau latérale le long de la limite sud-ouest du modèle qui représente une faille, 34.5% de recharge moyenne nette provenant des précipitations, 13% dinfiltration provenant du lac Mietkowskie et 12% dinfiltration provenant de rivières. Le bilan des extrants deau qui forme le même volume que les intrants est réparti entre ~88% de drainage par les rivières et ~12% découlement latéral. La simulation finale influencée par le captage qui représente les conditions actuelles a été utilisée afin de vérifier le modèle en comparant le rabattement actuel avec le captage des puits et en comparant lécoulement deau vers les rivières avec les valeurs découlement de base des rivières mesurées sur le terrain. Dans cette simulation, le total deau pompé (~53,000 m3/j) produit une augmentation de 9% dans le bilan deau total qui devient ~180,000 m3/j, une augmentation de 38% dinfiltration par les rivières, une réduction de 24% du drainage par les rivières, une réduction de 17% de lécoulement de sortie latéral et une augmentation denviron 3 fois du drainage vers le bas vers laquifère le plus productif. Létude de cas de Swidnica montre un exemple qui analyse limpact dinstallation de puits de captage sur le déclin de la nappe phréatique et sur la décharge dans les rivières, en concluant par contre, que les réserves en eau renouvelable sont toujours disponibles. Cet exemple montre également quen construisant un modèle conceptuel avec un environnement de modèle numérique et quen appliquant une solution quasi 3D, les systèmes multiaquifères complexes peuvent être bien et efficacement modélisés.
Recent studies of the Baltic clam Macoma balthica (L.) from the southern Baltic (the Gulf of Gdansk) have revealed striking morphological, histological and cytogenetic features. Strong deformation of the shell, including elongation of the posterior end and the appearance of an easily visible flexure in this part, has been recorded. The population contribution of the deformed blunt shelled ("irregular") clams ranged from 0% to 65% and tended to increase with depth. The morphologically "irregular" clams had higher accumulated tissue concentrations of trace metals (As, Ag, Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn), indicating a different metal handling ability. Adverse conditions in deeper water regions of the Gulf (e.g. hypoxia, hydrogen sulphide, elevated bioavailability of contaminants) have been suggested as inducers of the phenotypical changes (morphological deformation) in part of the population and, in parallel, of the specific physiological adaptations that result in higher metal accumulation in the "irregular" clams. Cytogenetic and histological analyses showed the presence of tumours in gill cells and digestive system of the affected clams, the prevalence of disseminated neoplasia ranging from 0% to 94% depending on the site. The disease was manifested by a modified karyotype (i.e. an abnormal number and morphology of chromosomes), a higher activity of nucleolar organizer regions (AgNORs), and tissue lesions (enlarged cells, actively proliferative with pleomorphic nuclei). Bottom sediments showed acute toxicity and have been proposed as a source of an initialising carcinogenic factor. However, none of the ecotoxicological studies provided was successful in the clear demonstration of a single (or multifactorial) agent that can account for the disseminated neoplasia.  相似文献   
Our GIS based project aims at producing a classification scheme to develop a typology of the bottom of the Bay of Gdansk in the southern Baltic. The typology was based on the abiotic factors which are used to define water body types by the European Water Framework Directive (WFD). Significance analysis of particular factors has shown that within the discussed area wave exposure seems to play the most important role. All other factors are to a greater or lesser degree correlated with these two. Taking into consideration the shallows and the varied coastline of the investigated area it was decided to make use of the SWAN numerical wave model to determine the influence of wave impact upon the bottom. The model was used to produce raster maps of orbital velocity near the bottom for each wind scenario. With the help of the GIS analysis the maps were turned into layers: the mean velocity and the maximum velocity at the bottom. To produce the layer of yearly amount of solar radiation a GIS model was built which main parameters were the layer of depth and three layers of turbidity for three seasons. The layers of the maximum orbital velocity and of the solar radiation at the bottom were then used in a classificatory procedure consisted in an iterative sequence of the three following steps: cluster formation, dendrogram analysis and classification using the maximum likelihood method. Ecological importance of the classification has been obtained by means of the aggregation of a part of classes based upon the statistics calculated for them within the GIS system with the help of the zonal function out of the following parameters: salinity, depth, mean and maximum orbital velocity at the bottom, temperature differences between warm and cold seasons, solar radiation, and type of sediments. The method proposed here makes it possible to produce high resolution thematic maps of the bottom even with incomplete data cover of the investigated area.  相似文献   
The present study deals with the application of the hierarchical cluster analysis and non‐parametric tests in order to interpret the Gdańsk Beltway impact range. The data set represents concentration values for major inorganic ions (Na+, NH, K+, Mg2+, Ca2+, F, Cl, NO, and SO) as well as electrolytic conductivity and pH measured in various water samples [precipitation, throughfall water, road runoff, and surface water (drainage ditches, surface water reservoirs, and spring water)] collected in the vicinity of the beltway. Several similarity groups were discovered both in the objects and in the variables modes according to the water sample. In the majority of cases clear anthropogenic (fertilizers usage and transport, road salting in winter) and semi‐natural (sea salt aerosols, erosion of construction materials) impacts were discovered. Spatial variation was discovered for road runoff samples and samples collected from surface water reservoirs and springs. Surprisingly no clear seasonal variability was discovered for precipitation chemistry, while some evidences for existing of summer and winter specific chemical profile was discovered for road runoff samples. In general, limited range of the Gdańsk Beltway impact was proven.  相似文献   
Flotation tests for sphalerite, smithsonite and dolomite were carried out in a Hallimond tube at various pH values and two concentrations of collector.Adsorption of 5-alkylsalicylaldoximes on the surface of minerals was examined and isotherms for 5-butylsalicylaldoxime plotted.It was shown that sorption intensity of 5-alkylsalicylaldoximes on the surface of minerals decreased in the order: smithsonite, sphalerite and dolomite.Relationship between length of aliphatic chain and collecting activity of 5-alkylsalicylaldoximes was investigated in microflotation tests in a Hallimond tube.5-Propylsalicylaldoxime proved to have the best selectivity in flotation for the range of parameters studied, taking the difference in flotation rates of smithsonite and dolomite as a criterion.It was found that modifications of pH value resulted in changes in both adsorption and flotation.  相似文献   
Numerical simulations and tests with the recently redesigned land–air parameterization scheme (LAPS) are presented. In all experiments, supported either by one-point micrometeorological, 1D or 3D simulations, the attention has been directed to: (1) comparison of simulation outputs, expressing the energy transfer over and through heterogeneous and non-heterogeneous surfaces, versus observations and (2) analysis of uncertainties occurring in the solution of the energy balance equation at the land–air interface. To check the proposed method for aggregation of albedo, “propagating hole” sensitivity tests with LAPS over a sandstone rock grid cell have been performed with the forcing meteorological data for July 17, 1999 in Baxter site, Philadelphia (USA). Micrometeorological and biophysical measurements from the surface experiments conducted over crops and apple orchard in Serbia, Poland, Austria and France were used to test the operation of LAPS in calculating surface fluxes and canopy environment temperatures within and above plant covers of different densities. In addition, sensitivity tests with single canopy covers over the Central Europe region and comparison against the observations taken from SYNOP data using 3D simulations were made. Validation of LAPS performances over a solid surface has been done by comparison of 2 m air temperature observations against 5-day simulations over the Sahara Desert rocky ground using 3D model. To examine how realistically the LAPS simulates surface processes over a heterogeneous surface, we compared the air temperature measured at 2 m and that predicted by the 1D model with the LAPS as the surface scheme. Finally, the scheme behaviour over urban surface was tested by runs over different parts of a hypothetical urban area. The corresponding 1D simulations were carried out with an imposed meteorological dataset collected during HAPEX-MOBILHY experiment at Caumont (France). The quantities predicted by the LAPS compare well with the observations and the various subcomponents of the scheme appear to operate realistically.  相似文献   
The chemical composition of metamorphosed siliciclastic rocks in the Orlica-?nie?nik Dome (Bohemian Massif) identifies the main sources for the Neoproterozoic [the M?ynowiec Formation (MF)], Early Cambrian [the Stronie Formation (SF)] and Late Cambrian/Early Ordovician [the Goszów quartzites (GQ)] sediments. The MF developed from erosion of a Cadomian magmatic arc along the northern Gondwana margin. The variegated SF, with supra-subduction affinities, shows chemical characteristics pointing to erosion of the freshly exhumed Cadomian orogen and detritus deposition in the back-arc basin. The very different chemical features of the GQ indicate deposition in a basin sited on a passive continental margin. The explanation proposed for the observed changes in chemical composition involves three main stages: (1) The pre ~540 Ma evolution of an active continental margin and related back-arc basin ceased with the collision and accretion of the magmatic arc to the Gondwana margin; (2) Early Cambrian rift to drift transition (540–500 Ma) and development of a depositional basin filled with detritus derived from remnants of the magmatic arc; (3) Peri-Gondwana break-up leading to the formation of shallow-water passive margin depositional basins filled with quartz-rich detritus resembling Early Ordovician Armorican quartzites known from other parts of the Variscan Belt.  相似文献   
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