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Basing on calculations and experiments the equilibrium curves of 15 reactions occuring during metamorphism of siliceous dolomites are presented. In a T—XCO 2 diagram these curves intersect at four isobaric invariant points. This is consistent with the fact, that different reaction sequences are known from the nature.  相似文献   
Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 1 Karte im Text.  相似文献   
High concentrations of naturally occurring radium pose environmental and health concerns in natural and industrial systems. The adsorption of Ra2+ in saline water is limited compared to its adsorption in fresh water, but the process of co-precipitation may be effective in decreasing its concentration. However, despite its importance, Ra co-precipitation has rarely been studied in high ionic strength environments such as those in evaporitic systems.The fate of Ra in the reject brine of a desalination plant was studied via evaporation batch experiments at ionic strengths (I) ranging from 0.7 to 7.0 mol kg−1. Precipitation sequences revealed that Ra co-precipitated with barite, even though the latter was a trace mineral compared to the precipitated gypsum. The concentration-based effective partition coefficient, , for the co-precipitation reaction was 1.04 ± 0.01. This value of is significantly lower than the value for relatively diluted solutions (1.8 ± 0.1). This low value of is mainly the result of a kinetic effect but is also slightly affected by the ionic strength.Both effects are quantitatively examined in the present paper. It is suggested that a kinetic effect influences the nucleation of (Ra,Ba)SO4, reducing the value of the partition coefficient. This kinetic effect is caused by the favorable nucleation of a more soluble phase (i.e., a phase with a higher BaSO4 fraction). An additional decrease in the partition coefficient results from the ionic strength effect. Considering the activity of Ra2+ and Ba2+ in the solution (rather than their concentration) makes it possible to determine the activity-based partition coefficient (), which accounts for the ionic strength effect. was calculated empirically from the experiments and theoretically via a kinetic model. The two derived values are consistent with one another and indicate the combined effect of ionic strength and precipitation kinetics.Finally, the common assumption that γRa2+/γBa2+=1 was re-examined using a numerical model to predict the experimental results. As the ionic strength increases, this assumption becomes less appropriate for predicting the change in as calculated in the experiments. Understanding the co-precipitation of Ra in such systems is crucial for risk assessments in which both Ra concentration and ionic strength are relatively high.  相似文献   
The Asian green mussel Perna viridis is an invasive Indo-Pacific species recently reported from South African harbours. To verify the invasion, a phylogenetic (and morphological) analysis of green-shelled mussels (n = 39), found in six South African harbours, was conducted using the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI). Estimates of genetic distances using the neighbour-joining analysis identified P. viridis only from Durban Harbour. All other green mussels were more than 3.2% divergent from P. viridis and were identified as green-shelled variants of indigenous P. perna. The only reliable morphological differences distinguishing the two species were the poorly developed mantle papillae and the wavy pallial line in P. viridis. The confirmed occurrence of P. viridis in a South African harbour suggests that there is a possible threat of the species becoming established and then spreading onto the open coast and competing with indigenous P. perna.  相似文献   
新疆阿尔泰铁木尔特铅锌矿床流体包裹体研究及地质意义   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
铁木尔特中型铅锌矿是阿尔泰山南缘克兰盆地内的重要VMS型矿床。矿床赋存于上志留统-下泥盆统康布铁堡组上亚组第二岩性段,容矿岩石为大理岩、绿泥石英片岩、变钙质粉砂岩、夕卡岩。矿体呈似层状和透镜状。矿床的形成经历了喷流沉积期、叠加改造期和表生期。石英、长石、方解石和石榴子石中包裹体类型主要为液体包裹体,在石英中另出现了气体包裹体、纯气体包裹体、含子矿物多相包裹体、含液体CO2的三相包裹体和两相CO2包裹体。喷流沉积期成矿流体均一温度变化于150~330℃,其峰值是165℃和285℃,成矿流体盐度(NaCleq)为4%~16%,流体密度为0.77~0.97g/cm3,流体阳离子主要以Na+为主,次之为K+,阴离子以Cl-为主,其次是SO42-,气相成分主要是H2O和CO2。叠加改造期均一温度范围是150~480℃,峰值为285℃,盐度(NaCleq)为2.2%~17.08%和33.93%~47.2%,流体密度变化于0.61~1.03g/cm3之间,流体阳离子主要以Na+为主,次为K+、Mg2+、Ca2+,阴离子以Cl-为主,其次是SO42-,气相成分主要是H2O和CO2,其次为N2、CH4,含有少量C2H6。  相似文献   
Hypotheses related to variability in seasonal hypoxic conditions, coastal nutrient enhancement, and off-shelf transport of carbon on the Louisiana continental shelf were tested by characterization of biogenic, lithogenic, and authigenic components from two shelf and one Mississippi Canyon sediment cores. The authigenic-phase glauconite occurs above detection limits only in the core from the hypoxic area. A major increase in glauconite concentration was coincident with the onset (≈1940) of the increased use of commercial fertilizers in the United States. In the same hypoxic-area core, benthic foraminifera species diversity decreases upcore from approximately the turn of the century to the present in a manner concurrent with glauconite and fertilizer increases. A subset of opportunistic benthic foraminifera species, known to become more prominent in stressed environments (i.e., hypoxic), increased upcore from ~52% of the total population at core bottom to ≈90% at core top. These benthic foraminifera population and diversity changes were not apparent in a “control” core outside the area of documented hypoxia. Seaward of the shelf, in the Mississippi Canyon, coincident increases in sediment accumulation rate, percentages of coarse fraction and of organic carbon at core top indicate increased offshelf transport of carbon and other components. Quartz percentages indicate that episodic down-canyon transport has been active to core bottom (prior to the mid 1800s).  相似文献   
Basaltic lava flows and high-silica rhyolite domes form the Pleistocene part of the Coso volcanic field in southeastern California. The distribution of vents maps the areal zonation inferred for the upper parts of the Coso magmatic system. Subalkalic basalts (<50% SiO2) were erupted well away from the rhyolite field at any given time. Compositional variation among these basalts can be ascribed to crystal fractionation. Erupted volumes of these basalts decrease with increasing differentiation. Mafic lavas containing up to 58% SiO2, erupted adjacent to the rhyolite field, formed by mixing of basaltic and silicic magma. Basaltic magma interacted with crustal rocks to form other SiO2-rich mafic lavas erupted near the Sierra Nevada fault zone.Several rhyolite domes in the Coso volcanic field contain sparse andesitic inclusions (55–61% SiO2). Pillow-like forms, intricate commingling and local diffusive mixing of andesite and rhyolite at contacts, concentric vesicle distribution, and crystal morphologies indicative of undercooling show that inclusions were incorporated in their rhyolitic hosts as blobs of magma. Inclusions were probably dispersed throughout small volumes of rhyolitic magma by convective (mechanical) mixing. Inclusion magma was formed by mixing (hybridization) at the interface between basaltic and rhyolitic magmas that coexisted in vertically zoned igneous systems. Relict phenocrysts and the bulk compositions of inclusions suggest that silicic endmembers were less differentiated than erupted high-silica rhyolite. Changes in inferred endmembers of magma mixtures with time suggest that the steepness of chemical gradients near the silicic/mafic interface in the zoned reservoir may have decreased as the system matured, although a high-silica rhyolitic cap persisted.The Coso example is an extreme case of large thermal and compositional contrast between inclusion and host magmas; lesser differences between intermediate composition magmas and inclusions lead to undercooling phenomena that suggest smaller T. Vertical compositional zonation in magma chambers has been documented through study of products of voluminous pyroclastic eruptions. Magmatic inclusions in volcanic rocks provide evidence for compositional zonation and mixing processes in igneous systems when only lava is erupted.  相似文献   
Stoichiometric mixtures of tremolite and dolomite were heated to 50° C above equilibrium temperatures to form forsterite and calcite. The pressure of the CO2-H2O fluid was 5 Kb and \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) varied from 0.1 to 0.6. The extent of the conversion was determined by the amount of CO2 produced. The resulting mixtures of unreacted tremolite and dolomite and of newly-formed forsterite and calcite were examined with a scanning electron microscope. All tremolite and dolomite grains showed obvious signs of dissolution. At fluid compositions with \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) less than about 0.4, the forsterite and calcite crystals are randomly distributed throughout the charges, indicating that surfaces of the reactants are not a controlling factor with respect to the sites of nucleation of the products. A change is observed when \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) is greater than about 0.4; the forsterite and calcite crystals now nucleate and grow at the surface of the dolomite grains, thus indicating a change in mechanism at medium CO2 concentrations. As the reaction progresses, the dolomite grains become more and more surrounded by forsterite and calcite, finally forming armoured relics of dolomite. Under experimental conditions this characteristic texture can only be formed if the CO2-concentration is greater than about 40 mole %. These findings make it possible to estimate the CO2-concentration from the texture of the dolomite+tremolite+forsterite+calcite assemblage. The results suggest a dissolution-precipitation mechanism for the reaction investigated. In a simplified form it consists of the following 4 steps:
  1. Dissolution of the reactants tremolite and dolomite.
  2. Diffusion of the dissolved constituents in the fluid.
  3. Heterogeneous nucleation of the product minerals.
  4. Growth of forsterite and calcite from the fluid.
Two possible explanations are discussed for the development of the amoured texture at \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) above 0.4. The first is based upon the assumption that dolomite has a lower rate of dissolution than tremolite at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values resulting in preferential calcite and forsterite nucleation and growth on the dolomite surface. An alternative explanation is the formation of a raised CO2 concentration around the dolomite grains at high \(X_{{\text{CO}}_{\text{2}} }\) values, leading to product precipitation on the dolomite crystals.  相似文献   
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