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Recent development of paleo-nutrient proxies based on the phosphorus/calcium (P/Ca) ratio in tropical- and deep-water corals (also known as cold-water corals) require an understanding of the processes by which P is incorporated into the coral skeletal aragonite. Here, we apply single- and double-resonance solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy to determine the speciation of P in coral aragonite. The results show that the majority of P occurs as phosphate defects in the aragonite structure, but in many samples a significant fraction of the P occurs also in crystalline hydroxylapatite inclusions. Quantification of the amount of hydroxylapatite indicates that its presence is not related simply to external environmental factors and that it can occur at varying abundances in different parts of the same corallite. Since there is currently no model available to describe the relationship between dissolved inorganic phosphate and its incorporation as apatite inclusions into carbonates, careful screening of samples which contain only phosphate in the aragonite structure or selective microsampling could improve proxy development.  相似文献   
Next generation radio telescopes will require orders of magnitude more computing power to provide a view of the universe with greater sensitivity. In the initial stages of the signal processing flow of a radio telescope, signal correlation is one of the largest challenges in terms of handling huge data throughput and intensive computations. We implemented a GPU cluster based software correlator with various data distribution models and give a systematic comparison based on testing results obtained using the Fornax supercomputer. By analyzing the scalability and throughput of each model, optimal approaches are identified across a wide range of problem sizes, covering the scale of next generation telescopes.  相似文献   
A number of thermal springs with temperature up to 64°C are found in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. The average δ13C value of gas (CO2+CH4) released at three springs is −22, which is consistent with an entirely biogenic origin for the C and supports previous investigations which showed that the springs are not associated with recent or nascent volcanic activity. Most springs issue from rocks of the Table Mountain Group, where faulted and highly jointed quartzites and sandstones of the Cape Fold Belt act as the main deep aquifer. The δD and δ18O values of the springs range from −46 to −18 and from −7.3 to −3.9, respectively. Although the thermal springs have isotope compositions that plot close to the local meteoric water line, their δD and δ18O values are significantly lower than ambient meteoric water or groundwater. It is, therefore, suggested that the recharge of most of the thermal springs is at a significantly higher altitude than the spring itself. The isotope ratios decrease wuth increasing distance from the west coast of South Africa, which is in part related to the continental effect. However, a negative correlation between the spring water temperature and the δ18O value in the thermal springs closest to the west coast indicates a progressive in increase in the average altitude of recharge away from the coast.  相似文献   
Using the HyMap instrument, we have acquired visible and near infrared hyperspectral data over the Maqsad area of the Oman ophiolite (~ 15 × 60 km). This survey allowed us to identify and map the distribution of clinopyroxene-rich cumulates (inter-layered clinopyroxenites and wehrlites) whose occurrence was previously undocumented in this area. The cumulates reach several hundred meters in thickness and crop out at distances exceeding 15 km on both sides of the Maqsad former spreading centre. They occur either in mantle harzburgites, as km-sized layered intrusions surrounded by fields of pegmatitic dykes consisting of orthopyroxene-rich pyroxenite and gabbronorites, or at the base of the crustal section where they are conformably overlain by cumulate gabbros. These ultramafic cumulates crystallized from silica- and Mg-rich melts derived from a refractory mantle source (e.g. high Cr#, low [Al2O3], low [TiO2]). These melts are close to high-Ca boninites, although, strictly speaking, not perfect equivalents of present-day, supra-subduction zone, boninites. Chemical stratigraphy reveals cycles of replenishment, mixing and fractional crystallization from primitive (high Mg#) melts, typical of open magma chambers and migration of inter-cumulus melts. The TiO2 content of clinopyroxene is always low (≤ 0.2 wt.%) but quite variable compared to the associated pegmatites that are all derived from a source ultra-depleted in high field strength elements (HFSE). This variability is not caused by fractional crystallization alone, and is best explained by hybridization between the ultra-depleted melts (parent melts of the pegmatites) and the less depleted mid-ocean ridge basalts (MORB) parent of the dunitic–troctolitic–gabbroic cumulates making up the crustal section above the Maqsad diapir.We propose that, following a period of magma-starved spreading, the Maqsad mantle diapir, impregnated with tholeiitic melts of MORB affinity, reached shallow depths beneath the ocean ridge. This diapir induced melting of the formerly accreted and hydrothermally altered lithosphere. At this stage, these boninitic-like lithospheric melts crystallized as pegmatitic dykes. As the diapir continued to rise, the amount of MORB reaching shallow depths increased, together with the surrounding temperature, leading to the formation of magma chambers where the crystallization of layered cumulates became possible. These cumulates remained rich in pyroxene and devoid of plagioclase as long as the contribution of MORB-derived melts was moderate relative to the lithospheric-derived melts. As the contribution of MORB to the refilling of the magma chamber increased, gabbroic cumulates started to crystallize.  相似文献   
Mineral potential within the Greater Nahanni Ecosystem (GNE) was modelled in a Geographic Information System (GIS) for four different deposit types: (1) SEDEX (stratiform shale-hosted sedimentary exhalative Zn–Pb–Ag), (2) ‘Carbonate-Fault’ (carbonate-hosted zinc–lead–silver associated with major faults), (3) ‘Intrusion-Related’ (includes skarn, rare metals and gemstones) and (4) Carlin-Type gold as lode and/or derived placer deposits. This mineral potential modelling study integrates data collected during the Nahanni Mineral and Energy Resource Assessment (MERA) undertaken from 2003 to 2007. The results have contributed to the process of determining the geographic boundaries of the proposed expansion of the Nahanni National Park Reserve. Four mineral potential maps were produced (one for each deposit type) using a knowledge-driven approach. A weighting scheme based on integrated mineral deposit and regional geological knowledge was derived for the various evidence maps for each deposit model using expert opinion. The four potential maps were then combined into a final potential map using a maximum operator. Plots showing the efficiency of the models (mineral potential maps) for predicting the known occurrences of the four deposit types show that partial data sets provide reasonable predictions of the remaining known mineral prospects, occurrences and deposits. Hydrocarbon potential from Nahanni MERA 1 was added to the final potential map to ensure that both mineral and energy potential data were incorporated into the park configuration modelling.  相似文献   
The Karin cluster is one of the youngest known families of main-belt asteroids, dating back to a collisional event only 5.8±0.2 Myr ago. Using the Spitzer Space Telescope we have photometrically sampled the thermal continua (3.5-22 μm) of 17 Karin cluster asteroids of different sizes, down to the smallest members discovered so far, in order to make the first direct measurements of their sizes and albedos and study the physical properties of their surfaces. Our targets are also amongst the smallest main-belt asteroids observed to date in the mid-infrared. The derived diameters range from 17.3 km for 832 Karin to 1.5 km for 75176, with typical uncertainties of 10%. The mean albedo is pv=0.215±0.015, compared to 0.20±0.07 for 832 Karin itself (for H=11.2±0.3), consistent with the view that the Karin asteroids are closely related physically as well as dynamically. The albedo distribution (0.12?pv?0.32) is consistent with the range associated with S-type asteroids but the variation from one object to another appears to be significant. Contrary to the case for near-Earth asteroids, our data show no evidence of an albedo dependence on size. However, the mean albedo is lower than expected for young, fresh “S-type” surfaces, suggesting that space weathering can darken main-belt asteroid surfaces on very short timescales. Our data are also suggestive of a connection between surface roughness and albedo, which may reflect rejuvenation of weathered surfaces by impact gardening. While the available data allow only estimates of lower limits for thermal inertia, we find no evidence for the relatively high values of thermal inertia reported for some similarly sized near-Earth asteroids. Our results constitute the first observational confirmation of the legitimacy of assumptions made in recent modeling of the formation of the Karin cluster via a single catastrophic collision 5.8±0.2 Myr ago.  相似文献   
Abstract On the island of Mustique, fresh and propylitized olivine–plagioclase–clinopyroxene basalt, plagioclase–clinopyroxene–orthopyroxene and plagioclase–clinopyroxene–amphibole andesite lavas and minor intrusions are interbedded with Oligocene pyroclastic and epiclastic rocks. Chemical data show that two isotopically identical, but chemically different, suites of lava are present: (i) the OPXS (87Sr/86Sr 0.70403–0.70454; 143Nd/144Nd 0.512952–0.512986; δ18Ocpx 5.49 and 5.61), comprising basalts and orthopyroxene‐bearing andesites; and (ii) the AMPHS (87Sr/86Sr 0.70401–0.70457; 143Nd/144Nd 0.512981–0.513037; δ18Ocpx 5.54), made up of basalts and amphibole‐bearing andesites. The OPXS has higher contents of TiO2, P2O5, light rare earth elements, Sm, Pb, Th, U, Zr, Y and Nb, and higher La/Yb ratios than the AMPHS. The isotopic data suggest that both suites formed from melts derived from the same subduction‐modified depleted mantle source as the volcanic rocks of nearby St Vincent and Bequia, and the northern islands of the Lesser Antilles Arc. The immobile trace element contents, and La/Yb ratios, of the OPXS are indicative of ~10% partial melting of the source, whereas those of the AMPHS are indicative of ~25% partial melting. The within‐suite chemical variation of the OPXS is consistent with ~45% fractional crystallization of its intratelluric mineral assemblages, and that of the AMPHS is consistent with the removal of ~65% of its intratelluric assemblages. Experimental evidence suggests that both suites of basalt crystallized at pressures <8 kbar from melts containing 1–2 wt% water. After extensive fractional crystallization, the andesites crystallized at pressures between approximately 5 and 2 kbar. The OPXS magmas appear to have lost more of their water content than the AMPHS magmas. Thus, the OPXS andesites formed from melts with an estimated water content of 2–3 wt%, whereas the AMPHS andesites formed from melts containing at least 4.5 wt% water.  相似文献   
Monthly consumption forecasts for U.S. oil, natural gas, and coal are made using state space and multiple regression applied to the same data. These forecasts are compared with actual consumption for a test period. The forecasts made using state space are preferred to those made using multiple regression models for both expost and exante cases. The state space forecasts track data cycles better than do the regression forecasts. Average absolute forecast errors are less for the state space models than they are for the multiple regression models.  相似文献   
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