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目的:将电阻率层析成像应用于探测潜伏断层的研究中,本文发现了断层和地下水的一些基本电阻率分布特征,这对于工程物探意义重大,一般情况下,断层两侧具有不同的电阻率特征,但是,根据电阻率层析图像中的电阻率分布,通常难以区分断层和地下水层,这是因为两者不仅都具有低电阻率值,而且还具有非常相似的电阻率异常特征。资料和方法:运用电阻率层析图像的数据,电阻率层析图像中的断层会呈现如下特征:1)由于孔隙度的加大和地下水的存在,使得断层表现出高角度的低阻线性结构。它们既可以出现在浅部盖层中,也可以存在于深部基岩中,特别是在深部区域,它们尤为明显;2)它们还呈现出高角度的线性梯度带,在该梯度带两边的电阻率结构出现整体性的差异,通常情况下,正断层的上盘表现出低阻或/和班驳状的高阻和低阻扰动区,而下盘则为完整的高阻区,这与逆冲断层正好相反;3)与断层有关的电阻率异常区常常具有良好的大尺度水平连续性,并且可以追瞎异常区附近的精细电性结构。而地下水的电阻率特征为:1)如果没有裂隙,地表水所引起的低阻区非常浅,即使存在丰富的水源以及高孔隙度的砾岩和中粗砂。一般情况下,其底端深度不超过强风化区;2)地下水的电阻率值非常低,特别在高矿化度的地区。地下水,包括岩溶水和砂岩水,的电阻率总显示出局部水平延伸或/和面团状特征;3)地下水层的深度朝某个固定方向逐渐增加,并且其电阻率图像会随季节而变;4)一般情况下,在水下渗的地区,会出现降水漏斗,其上部为高阻,而下部为低阻,从而便形成了“Y”或“V”字型的典型结构。结果:利用上述的基本特征一般可以区分断层和地下水。结论:仅依靠电阻率层析图像,可能极难准确地区分断层和裂隙水,这是因为裂隙水不但可能具有高角度的低阻线性结构,而且在一定尺度上具有很好的水平连续性,还有,由于电阻率层析成像较差的垂直分辨率,难以精确确定断层的上端点位置,所以结合其它的物探手段如钻探和浅层地震勘探是非常必要的。  相似文献   
Stable isotope values of Costa Rican surface waters   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Stable isotope data of surface waters from the humid tropics in general, and Costa Rica in particular, are scarce. To improve our understanding of the spatial distribution of stable isotopes in surface waters, we measured δ18O and δD in river and lake (n=63) and precipitation (n=3) samples from Costa Rica. We also present data from the IAEA/WMO isotopes in precipitation network as context for our study. Surface water isotope values do not strongly correlate with elevation, stream head elevation, stream length, distance from Caribbean Sea, or estimated mean annual precipitation for the country as a whole. However, the data show distinct regional trends. The δ18O and δD values downwind of mountain ranges are inversely related to the altitude of the ranges the air masses traverse. In the lee of the high Talamanca Range, δ18O values are 6–8‰ lower, while in the lee of the lower Tilarán Range δ18O values are 2–3‰ lower than upwind sites along the Caribbean Slope. An altitude effect of −1.4‰ δ18O/km is present on the Pacific slope of southern Costa Rica, equivalent to a temperature effect of −0.3‰/°C. The Nicoya and Osa Peninsulas have higher values than upwind sites, suggesting input of Pacific-sourced moisture, evaporative enrichment, or decreased condensation temperatures. Elevated and increasing d-excess values inland along the Nicaragua Trough suggest a recycled component may be an important contributor to the water budget. These data provide preliminary stable isotope information for Costa Rica, and will benefit paleoclimatic research in the region. More detailed studies would be beneficial to our understanding of the controls on stable isotope composition of tropical waters.  相似文献   
大型维歇特地震仪自德国引进南京地震台已近70年。本文简要叙述了该仪器的性能;并以南京地震台的大型维歇特地震仪的记录为例,介绍了该仪器在300-2000km范围内的记录特征,回顾了该仪器在地震速报中所起的历史作用。  相似文献   
探测大城市活断层的地球物理方法   总被引:31,自引:7,他引:31       下载免费PDF全文
简要地介绍了开展大城市地震活断层探测的意义及世界各国开展活断层探测的基本情况。城市及邻近地区地震活断层引起的直下型地震 ,将会给大城市造成巨大的地震灾害。准确地探测出大城市的活断层分布 ,采取有效措施 ,可大大降低地震时的损失。文中重点介绍了开展地震活断层探测的地球物理方法的类型和主要特点 ,在区域探查与初步鉴定阶段、详细探测与精确定位阶段、孕震构造探测阶段可能涉及到的各种地球物理探测方法、适用范围及所能解决的主要问题  相似文献   
在实际地震作用下,高层,特别是高宽比较大的高层结构中,由于倾覆力矩的作用、柱子、特别是外边柱所受轴力的变化将不可忽略。轴向变形与双轴弯曲的耦合作用,将是柱子塑性变形的显著特征。基于材料本构关系的“纤维模型”,能较精确地反映轴向变形,双轴弯曲三者之间的耦合作用。一组钢筋混凝土柱子双轴压弯的计算结果与试验结果的比较,证明了“纤维模型”的有效性和精确性。  相似文献   
2001年11月14日新疆-青海交界8.1级地震   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
简要介绍了2001年11月14日新疆-青海交界8.1级地震的预测情况,给出了中、美、日等对此次地震的震源参数测定和震源机制,以及余震的分布和加卸载响应比随时间的变化。进而对震区近期地震趋势进行预测。  相似文献   
科学的进步使地形变监测事业得到长足发展,市场经济的繁荣催生出形变监测行业独有的管理之道。形变监测行业是个介于科研、IT及服务行业三者之间的特殊行业,因此,它的发展必须具有一定的科学性、前瞻性和服务性。  相似文献   
论述了我国目前在长期、中期和短临预报中所面临的主要科学问题,提出了从哪些方面进行突破的建议。  相似文献   
By stacking high-precision tidal gravity observations obtained with superconducting gravimeters at six stations in China, Japan, Belgium, France, Germany and Finland, the local systematical discrepancies in the parameter fitting, caused by atmospheric, oceanic tidal loading and the other local environmental perturbations, are eliminated effectively. As a result, the resonance parameters of the Earth’s free core nutation are accurately determined. In this study, the eigenperiod of free core nutation is given as 429.0 sidereal days, which is in agreement with those published in the previous studies. It is about 30 sidereal days less than those calculated in theoretical models (about 460 sidereal days), which confirms the real ellipticity of the fluid core of the Earth to be about 5% larger than the one expected in assumption of hydrostatic equilibrium. The quality factor (Q value) of free core nutation is given as about 9543, which, compared with those determined before based on the body tide observations, is much larger, but more close to those obtained using the VLBI observations. The complex resonance strength is also determined as (−6.10×10−4, −0.01 ×10−4)°/h, which can principally describe the deformation characteristics of an anelastic mantle.  相似文献   
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