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Long term macrobenthos data together with physical habitat parameters were analysed to investigate spatial and temporal changes at an estuary under different anthropogenic pressures, mainly increasing shellfish farming. The aim was to assess the possible impacts of these pressures on the macrobenthic communities by comparing a period before and after changes in these pressures. Benthic samples were seasonally collected in 1990 (before major anthropogenic changes), 2000 and 2005 at the same sampling stations located on three different habitats in the Eo estuary (Northern Spanish coast). Multivariate and univariate methods were used to assess spatial variability of benthic assemblages and to compare community changes over time. Data from 1990 was assumed as the reference situation to appraise the subsequent impacts. We observed a significant spatial variability of the benthic assemblages in the system as a function of habitat heterogeneity in relation to sediment composition, presence/absence and density of seagrasses, and hydrodynamic regime. Changes were detected in the community composition at all sites during this 15 year period. The extent of changes was related to initial community conditions, rather than the intensity of the pressure. The results suggest that the responses of the benthic communities to human induced perturbations occurring in the system are largely dependent on its intrinsic buffer capacity, and that these communities have been able to cope with an increasing environmental stress (organic enrichment). In conclusion, to keep shellfish farming at a sustainable level without undesirable impacts, the disturbance intensity must be kept below the system carrying capacity. This will allow natural communities to cope with pressures and thus avoid further deterioration in ecological quality.  相似文献   
Heavy metal contamination levels are generally higher in estuaries than in the open sea. Some estuaries, the Seine estuary for example, have particularly high pollution levels of metals, yet continue to support a very high benthic biomass and remain quite productive. Measurements of sediment contamination are highly variable due to diverse chemical analysis methods, sediments origin and sources of contaminants found in the estuaries. Salinity appears to be the principal factor controlling contaminant distribution in the sediment and the overlying and/or interstitial waters; it also affects the bioavailability of contaminants in estuarine sediments. Of course, the response to contaminants varies greatly among species and assemblages. Trace metals explain only a small part of the variation in benthic community structure. Some species, such as the shrimp Crangon crangon, appears vulnerable to metal pollution, while other species, such as Scrobicularia plana, are able to tolerate quite high levels of cadmium in their tissue. This paper demonstrates the wide variability of benthic responses to contamination, which is probably due to the high spatio-temporal heterogeneity of the estuary. To reduce the problems due the heterogeneity and variability observed to date in the available results, it will be necessary to encourage integrated estuarine studies, in which sedimentologists, chemists, and biologists work together on the same campaigns at the same sites.  相似文献   
Two-well tracer tests are often conducted to investigate subsurface solute transport in the field. Analyzing breakthrough curves in extraction and monitoring wells using numerical methods is nontrivial due to highly nonuniform flow conditions. We extended approximate analytical solutions for the advection-dispersion equation for an injection-extraction well doublet in a homogeneous confined aquifer under steady-state flow conditions for equal injection and extraction rates with no transverse dispersion and negligible ambient flow, and implemented the solutions in Microsoft Excel using Visual Basic for Application (VBA). Functions were implemented to calculate concentrations in extraction and monitoring wells at any location due to a step or pulse injection. Type curves for a step injection were compared with those calculated by numerically integrating the solution for a pulse injection. The results from the two approaches are similar when the dispersivity is small. As the dispersivity increases, the latter was found to be more accurate but requires more computing time. The code was verified by comparing the results with published-type curves and applied to analyze data from the literature. The method can be used as a first approximation for two-well tracer test design and data analysis, and to check accuracy of numerical solutions. The code and example files are publicly available.  相似文献   
The growth, tentacle development and feeding activity of the benthic polychaete Eupolymnia nebulosa were examined to determine whether UV might affect marine deposit-feeders indirectly through the modification of the nutritional quality of their resources. Since marine invertebrates have higher nutritional requirements during the period following settlement, we tested the effect of UV-altered phytodetritus on freshly settled juveniles of E. nebulosa. Phytodetritus was prepared from cultures of the diatom Skeletonema costatum either grown under or sheltered from UVB radiation. Sterol content of phytodetritus was unmodified by UV radiation. Conversely, phytodetritus was noticeably depleted in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Growth and tentacle development of juveniles fed on altered phytodetritus were reduced by 35% and 15% respectively, suggesting potential deficiencies in essential nutrients. In response to the lower quality of the phytodetritus, juveniles explored a wider area as they search for food, a strategy that could compensate for low food quality.  相似文献   
The suprabenthos comprises all bottom-dependent animals, mainly crustaceans (including decapods and peracarids), which perform--with varying amplitude, intensity and regularity--seasonal or daily vertical migrations above the sea floor. The presence of organisms in the Benthic Boundary Layer is determined by two general factors: (1) organism behaviour, which depends on the light penetration in the water column and (2) boundary-layer hydrodynamics. In the coastal zone of the eastern English Channel, during the spring Phaeocystis bloom, the presence of gelatinous colonies modifies the penetration of light in the water column, which may seriously affect the abundance and/or the behaviour of the suprabenthos community. To clarify this point, 19 suprabenthic hauls were taken with a modified Macer-GIROQ sledge both during the day and during the night, from March to June 2002 (i.e., before, during and after the bloom). Two sites, located in the coastal and offshore areas of the Ophelia medium sand macrobenthic community were investigated. The bloom had no effect on species richness and abundance in either site. However, the diel migrations of some dominant species--such as the cumaceans Pseudocuma longicornis and Pseudocuma similis, the mysid Gastrosaccus spinifer and the amphipod Stenothoe marina--were modified. During the bloom, diurnal and nocturnal suprabenthic abundances were similar, and in the absence of bloom, species remained benthic during the day. The permanent presence of suprabenthic species in the Benthic Boundary Layer could have a consequence on their predation by fish (mainly juveniles which preferentially consume small crustaceans in their diet), unless fish behaviour and predation efficiency--especially for visual predators--are also disturbed by changes in light intensity.  相似文献   
The marine ecosystem of the Pearl River Delta, located on the southern coast of China, has been heavily exploited following the rapid economic growth that has occurred since the 1980s. This investigation aimed to elucidate trace organic contamination in marine biota inhabiting the Pearl River Delta area. Biota samples, including green-lipped mussels (Perna viridis), oysters (Crassostrea rivularis) and shrimp (Penaeus orientalis) were sampled from 16 stations fringing the Estuary. Elevated concentrations (on a dry weight basis) of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (27.8–1041.0 ng/g), petroleum hydrocarbons (1.7–2345.4 μg/g), polychlorinated biphenyls (2.1–108.8 ng/g), DDTs (1.9–79.0 ng/g), and hexachlorocyclohexanes (n.d.–38.4 ng/g) were recorded. A human health risk assessment was conducted to estimate the risk to local residents associated with the consumption of biota collected from the Pearl River Estuary. The results indicated that PCBs were at levels that may cause deleterious health effects in populations that consume large amounts of seafood. However, it would be instructive to establish health criteria for trace organic contaminants that are specific to the local populations, in order to derive a more accurate and relevant health risk assessment.  相似文献   
The complexity of the relationships between Alexandrium minutum (A.m.) concentration in the water ([A.m.]w), Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning contamination in the digestive gland ([PSP]dg) and valve behavior was explored in oysters Crassostrea gigas. Two experiments were conducted, during which oysters’ valve behaviour were analyzed. Oysters, first acclimated for 10-days with the non harmful microalgae Heterocapsa triquetra (H.t.), were exposed to four microalgae mixtures at constant total concentrations of 10 × 103 cells ml−1 (experiment-1) and 5 × 103 cells ml−1 (experiment-2): 100% A.m.; 50% A.m.-50% H.t.; 25% A.m.-75% H.t.; 100% H.t. At the end of experiment-2, [PSP]dg were measured.At 10 × 103 cells ml−1, the microalgal ingestion decreased (p < 0.05) with increasing [A.m.]w but not at 5 × 103 cells ml−1 (p > 0.05). The frequency of microclosures specifically increased with [A.m.]w (p < 0.05) and the opening duration with [PSP]dg (p < 0.0001). Oysters exhibiting the maximum increase in opening duration also exhibited the highest [PSP]dg. The results are discussed in terms of oyster physiology and origin of the behavioral response.  相似文献   
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