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Frostquakes are generated by tensional fracturing of the ground due to relatively rapid freezing. They are often accompanied by explosive noise and may reach Intensity V effects, yet they are only felt in neighborhoods and are not recorded on seismic networks. Frostquakes may crack macadam, concrete slabs, shallow soil pipe and some foundation materials along the line of the fracture. They occur in the early hours of the morning in mid-winter during major cold snaps. The ones investigated occurred in glacial sand and silt and none were found on till or bedrock. The recognition of frostquakes is important in correcting the records for fault-caused earthquakes. Frostquakes in the historic record complicate the difficulty of predicting large earthquakes from small ones.  相似文献   
The NASA Office of Space Science has established a series of archivalcenters where science data acquired through its space science missionsis deposited. The availability of high quality data to the generalpublic through these open archives enables the maximization of sciencereturn of the flight missions. The Astrophysics Data Centers CoordinatingCouncil, an informal collaboration of archival centers, coordinates datafrom five archival centers distiguished primarily by the wavelength rangeof the data deposited there. Data are available in FITS format. Anoverview of NASA's data centers and services is presented in this paper.A standard front-end modifyer called Astrowbrowse is described. Othercatalog browsers and tools include WISARD and AMASE supported by theNational Space Scince Data Center, as well as ISAIA, a follow on toAstrobrowse.  相似文献   
Extensive simulations have been carried out with CORSIKA version 5.62 to investigate the general properties of giant cosmic air shower in the energy range 1–100 EeV. The comparison between protons, heavy nuclei and γ initiated showers exhibits unexpected and interesting features. The apparent muon electron ratio at great distances (1.5 km from axis) tends to be comparable at ultra-high energy in both photon-induced cascades and hadronic cascades (compensation between the enhancement versus energy of photo-production cross-section and of the decrease of both pair production cross-section and the bremsstrahlung cross-section, with Landau–Pomeranchuk–Migdal effect); for proton and nuclei primaries, a correlation with lateral electron profile suggests a new energy estimator, in complement to electrons size or density at 600 m, suitable for the determination of the total primary energy spectrum. Another tendency is the local contrast in the abundance of positive and negative muons (with a possible ellipticity in the lateral muon distribution) induced by the geomagnetic field, especially visible for some azimuthal and zenith angles. These distortions are more intense for heavy primaries; they can be exploited on the most favorable horizontal axis or areas, for the discrimination between nuclei and protons.  相似文献   
Variations of seismic mode in the region of the Avachinsky Gulf (Kamchatka, Russia) are considered. Observed anomalies (seismic quiescence, the ring seismicity, reduction of the slope of the earthquake recurrence diagram) provide a basis to consider this region as a place of strong earthquake preparation. The Kamchatka regional catalogues of earthquakes between 1962–1995 were used in the analysis. A reduced seismicity rate is observed during 10 years in an area of 150 km × 60 km in size. During the last five years, in the vicinity of the area considered, earthquakes with M > 5 occurred three times more often than the average over thirty years. It is interpreted as ring seismicity. The block of 220 km × 220~km in size, including the quiescence zone, is characterized by a continuous decrease of the recurrence diagram slope, which has reached a minimum value for the last 33 years in this region.  相似文献   
Zusammenfassung Die Neubearbeitung derstratiformen Sulfidlagerstätte Walchen bei Öblarn, Steiermark, offen-bart eine eisenbetonte submarin-exhalative Metallkonzentration in einem vulkano-sedimentären Rahmen. Dieser liegt heute in Form metamorpher Gesteine der untersten Grünschieferfazies vor. Mineralchemische Untersuchungen zeigen, daß die ehemalige intensivste metamorphe Überprägung der Lagerstätte im Bereich von 450°–500°C oberhalb 4 kb stattgefunden hat. Metavulkanite, vertreten durch Grünschiefer, lassen alkalibasaltische Affinität erkennen. Die vulkano-tektonische Position der Lagerstätte ist in einem intrakontinentalen Riftsystem zu sehen.
The stratiform sulphide deposit at walchen, styria, austria: Geochemistry and genesis
Summary The Walchen deposit consists of a 1–2 m thick layer of massive to disseminated pyrite-pyrrhotite-chalcopyrite ore with an average grade of 1% Cu. It has been mined intermittently in the past. The ore horizon occurs within sericitic and quartzitic phyllites which carry intercalations with significant carbonate, garnet and graphite contents. The succession is of lower Paleozoic age and forms part of the Grauwackenzone, a volcano-sedimentary unit which separates the Central Alps from the Northern Calcareous Alps.The precursor rocks of the ore environment have been pelites and sandstones; greenschists occur in the hanging wall of the mineralization. Major and trace element analyses of greenschists reveal them as low-grade metamorphic equivalents of continental alkali basalts. Hydrothermal systems generated by volcanic activity were responsible for deposition of stratiform sulphides. The predominance of clastic sediments and the absence of stringer zones point towards a shallow depositional basin.Microprobe analyses of garnets from the ore environment reveal an increase in spessartine contents from 7 mol% in phyllites to 20 mol% in the vicinity of the ore horizon. Similar data have been reported from other stratabound base metal deposits (Broken Hill, N.S.W.; Kreuzeck Mountains, Austria; Gamsberg, South Africa); the manganese concentrations represent fossil manganese haloes.Pyrite carries minor Ni and Co (up to 0.03, respectively 0.3%), pyrrhotite averages 0.8% Ni and 0.1% Co, Fe-contents of sphalerite vary from 6.41–9.33%; Cd, In and Mn have not been recorded.Garnet-biotite pairs suggest maximum metamorphic temperatures of 450°–500°C: pressures of 4 to 5 kb have been estimated. The Walchen deposit is interpreted as the product of submarine exhalative processes in an incipient rift. It was affected by prograde metamorphism during the Variscan orogeny, and by retrograde affects during a later event. Isochemical metamorphism resulted in the preservation of a primary manganese halo.

Mit 6 Abbildungen  相似文献   
Organochlorine pesticides were widely used in the Australian sugarcane industry from the early 1950s until the late 1980s. Erosion of sugarcane soils and subsequent transport of sediment bound contaminants in river run-off to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon is a growing concern as the cane industry continues to expand. Organochlorine pesticide residues can be used as tracers to examine the worst-case scenario of the spatial extent to which currently used, though less persistent, organic agricultural pesticides might extend. The coastal alluvial flood-plains of the Herbert and Burdekin Rivers in North Queensland have sugarcane growing as the major coastal land-use. Sediment cores and surface sediment samples were collected from near-shore coastal regions of the Herbert and Burdekin Rivers. In addition, soil samples from cane-fields in the two catchments were collected. Analyses of the marine surface sediment samples and three sediment cores revealed the absence of detectable concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (<5 pg/g). However, easily detectable concentrations were found in the sugarcane soil samples (0.01–45 ng/g).  相似文献   
Soil moisture and soil temperature at 15, 61, and 91 cm depths were measured through use of a neutron probe and thermocouple/psychrometers, respectively, at 12 sample sites distributed along a 200 km east-west transect in west-central Oklahoma. The data were collected weekly from May 7 to August 13, 1985. Multiple regression analysis was used to explain soil moisture and soil temperature variability at the three sample depths through a combination of selected biophysical variables representing temporal and spatial site characteristics, meteorologic inputs, energy variables, and soil conditions. The multiple regression analysis showed that 83, 91, and 82% of the variation in soil moisture, and 79, 91, and 92% of the variation in soil temperature for the three depths sampled could be explained by a combination of the selected biophysical variables.  相似文献   
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