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根据区内传统秦岭群包含不同原岩建造、不同变质岩石组合以及变形变质、副矿物和微量元素特征的差异,将其解作为丹凤岩群、深成侵入体、浅成一超浅成侵入体、片麻岩套等5个部分,首次区分出两类不同性质的混合岩,确认了秦岭群在该区的存在。  相似文献   
Minerals might act as important sorbents of sedimentary organic matter and reduce biodegradation, which favors the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks in the earth's history. Since most organic matter is degraded during the sinking process, at ambient temperature, it is important to investigate the adsorption capacity of different minerals during this process, to assess the organic loss from primary productivity to sedimentary organic matter. In this study, montmorillonite and calcite have been selected to study the impact of different minerals on the release, adsorption, and deposition of cyanobacterial (Synechococcus elonpata) fatty acids (FAs) at ambient temperature. Gas chromatography (GC), gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) have been utilized to detect the variation in fatty acids. Primary results suggest that minerals have a different impact on dissolved organic matter. Montmorillonite can specifically enhance the release of fatty acids from cyanobacterial cells by lowering the pH values of the solution. The adsorption of the dissolved organic matter by montmorillonite will also be enhanced under a lower pH value. Conjunction of fatty acids with montmorillonite to form a complex will favor the sinking and preservation of these organics. Selective adsorption is observed among fatty acids with different carbon numbers. In contrast, calcite does not show any impact on the release and adsorption of organic matter even though it is reportedly capable of acting as a catalyst during the transformation of organic matter at high temperature. The primary data bridge a link between primary productivity and sedimentary organic matter, suggesting the relative importance of claystones in the formation of hydrocarbon source rocks in the earth's history.  相似文献   
This paper considers the optimal trajectory tracking control problem for near-surface autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) in the presence of wave disturbances. An approximate optimal tracking control (AOTC) approach is proposed. Firstly, a six-degrees-of-freedom (six-DOF) AUV model with its body-fixed coordinate system is decoupled and simplified and then a nonlinear control model of AUVs in the vertical plane is given. Also, an exosystem model of wave disturbances is constructed based on Hirom approximation formula. Secondly, the time-parameterized desired trajectory which is tracked by the AUV’s system is represented by the exosystem. Then, the coupled two-point boundary value (TPBV) problem of optimal tracking control for AUVs is derived from the theory of quadratic optimal control. By using a recently developed successive approximation approach to construct sequences, the coupled TPBV problem is transformed into a problem of solving two decoupled linear differential sequences of state vectors and adjoint vectors. By iteratively solving the two equation sequences, the AOTC law is obtained, which consists of a nonlinear optimal feedback item, an expected output tracking item, a feedforward disturbances rejection item, and a nonlinear compensatory term. Furthermore, a wave disturbances observer model is designed in order to solve the physically realizable problem. Simulation is carried out by using the Remote Environmental Unit (REMUS) AUV model to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   
2010年1月24日,山西省运城市河津-万荣交界地区发生Ms4.8地震.由于本次地震强度较低,并未形成地表破裂带,分析其发震构造具有一定的困难.地震现场工作队只能根据浅层人工地震剖面、附近钻孔资料、烈度等震线长轴和震中区附近活动断裂等来推定,认为西辛封隐伏断裂为可能的发震断裂.为此,下面我们将在分析本次地震的震源机制解、序列三维空间分布特征的基础上,结合本次地震的宏观考察结果,确定其发震构造并探讨发震机理.  相似文献   
国家测绘地理信息局在2007年开展了信息化测绘体系研究,测绘地理信息领域的信息化获得长足进步。信息化测绘时代的到来,对测绘生产管理提出了更高的要求。本文设计了以测绘生产管理为核心内容的信息系统,经过近三年时间的应用,其管理功能模块能够满足测绘生产信息化管理需要。  相似文献   
前人对四川盆地盆缘冲断带及川中高-磨地区断裂系统进行了系统性研究,但对于盆地其他区块断裂发育特征、形成演化及应力背景的认识尚不充分.发现了梓潼-成都-威远-华蓥山-广安地区震旦系-下三叠统地层中发育的一套区域性张扭性断裂,主要自震旦系及以下地层向上延伸切穿二叠系地层,多为高陡、小断距正断层,部分形成负花状构造.根据该断裂系统的剖面产状、纵向穿层特征及盆地范围内体现出的分异性,推断该断裂系统形成于喜马拉雅期.物理模拟实验研究发现该断裂体系应发育于扭张性应力环境中,该断裂体系的发育指示了四川盆地内部新生代存在南西-北东向张应力,可能与四川盆地新生代发生的逆时针旋转有关.   相似文献   
东海大陆架沉积物中的放射虫   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用海洋沉积物中放射虫的研究资料来判別海底地层和解决与海洋学有关的问題, 系探索海洋资源的手段之一。近年来,一些国家对世界大洋的调查研究工作进展很快,目前,除北冰洋外;几乎对各大洋的大部分海域都进行了钻探取样。其中,用放射虫沉积岩样结合地层学进行分析划带的工作已有很大进展。东海大陆架范围辽阔,资源丰富,亟待开发利用,但对其海底情况过去了解较少。为配合当前渔场调查和海底矿产资源的探测,对海底沉积物及有关方面进行调查研究是急需的。本文就东海大陆架部分地区(东经121°30′-127°,北纬26°30′-32°30′;图1)海底沉积物中的放射虫进行研究整理、以供作海洋开发的基础资料。  相似文献   
南沙群岛海区晚第四纪碳酸盐沉积   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苏广庆  王有强 《台湾海峡》1994,13(3):263-274
本文研究了五个柱状沉积物的碳酸盐沉积。根据沉积物的陆源碎屑和生物骨屑CaCO3沉积作用的特点,把本区沉积物分为五种沉积类;碳酸盐生物组成的门类较多,以有孔虫为主,其次为珊瑚,腹足类等;碳酸盐矿物以低镁方解石为主,还有高镁方解石和文石;与沉积物中CaCO3有关的化学元素10多种。这些元素和稀土元素的含量,比值等,是区分礁相,礁体过渡带和非礁相的标志。所有这些碳酸盐沉积作用的特点表明,区内存在着五种沉  相似文献   
通过对南海东北部128个表层沉积样品的定量研究,揭示隆源和矿物碎屑各组分的分布,也显示了组分分析作为一种简单、快速的研究方法在海洋古环境研究中的潜力,研究区生源碎屑的分布明显受与水深相关的深海溶解作用所控制,水深3500-4000m的现代南海CCD以下,钙质生物的含量急剧减少,而硅质生物的含量急剧增加,研究区表层沉积中的碎屑矿物主要来源于亚洲大陆,吕宋镐的风化产物只起次要作用,且其分布主要受与离岸距离远近和海流相关的搬运作用所控制。  相似文献   
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