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石河子绿洲空气湿度和降水的长期变化趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了石河子绿洲3个地面站(炮台、石河子和莫索湾)41a(1964~2004年)的温度、相对湿度和降水,发现随着石河子垦区绿洲面积的扩大以及新疆增温增湿的气候变化趋势,石河子绿洲也有其比较独特的区域气候特征。主要表现在:(1)41a来温度、降水量呈增加趋势,但空气湿度比较稳定,没有明显的变化;(2)石河子绿洲的温度、降水量以及空气湿度具有明显的季节变化特征。秋季的温度变幅最大,冬季最小。这与新疆大部分地区冬季增温幅度最大有所不同。空气相对湿度变化的季节差异不明显。(3)以莫索湾站代表绿洲边缘,石河子站代表绿洲区,其降水、温度和空气湿度变化有明显差异,显示了比较明显的绿洲“冷岛”和“湿岛”效应。  相似文献   
土地利用信息动态监测是我国国土资源信息化建设的一个重要组成部分,也是广东省国土资源管理工作中一项基础性工作.广东省的土地利用动态遥感监测从2004年开始,每年开展一次,至2008年全面建立土地利用动态遥感监测体系.而每一年的土地利用动态监测工作的完成都有严格的时效性,使得生产单位对数据生产的效率、效益和质量必须作为一个重要的因素来进行考虑.数字高程模型DEM的更新应用在土地利用动态监测上,是各工序进行有效衔接和保证产品最终质量的必要前提.结合工作实践,以数字高程模型DEM如何利用其他3D数据(数字线划图DLG、数字正射影像图DOM、数字栅格地图DRG)或旧DEM数据的更新,为土地利用动态监测的工作提供重要的基础资料,从而保证产品的时效性和质量.  相似文献   
利用异物理模态法的数学计算方案,选择积分12h的500hPa水汽通量散度(湿位涡)预报离差构造初值扰动的归一化初值扰动模态,进而构造扰动初值,对一次川东北大暴雨个例进行集合预报试验,从扰动初值水平结构、集合预报平均、大于50mm降水量概率、降水离散度、区域预报离差、Talagrand分布、Brier评分、集合预报系统对控制预报的逐时方差演变等多个方面对两种物理量处理方法所得结果进行对比分析,认为两种处理方法所得结果总体上非常相似,不存在显著差异。两种处理方法产生的扰动初值差异并没有引起大尺度环流明显差异,但对中尺度动力场、热力场产生了一定影响。就Brier评分、雨带位置而言,水汽通量散度处理方法略优于湿位涡处理方法,而强降水区范围而言则是湿位涡处理方法略占优。另外,区域预报离差显示,湿位涡处理方法的集合预报系统发散度要大一些。  相似文献   
唐烽  陈建书  任留东  高林志  华洪 《地质论评》2021,67(4):67041972-67041972
正唐烽,陈建书,任留东,高林志,华洪, 等. 著. 2021. 动物世界的先驱——中国第一个候选"金钉子"梅树村剖面实证记录及对比. 昆明: 云南科技出版社:1~498页。20世纪70 年代,云南晋宁梅树村震旦系—寒武系界线层型剖面的发现,彻底改变了据此划分寒武系和寒武系以前地层的标志,它在当时即闻名于全球地学界。它也是中国改革开放以后,第一个参加的国际地层划分对比合作计划(IGCP 项目)、参与国际竞争"金钉子"  相似文献   
采用物理比表面积、扫描电镜、红外光谱、X射线衍射、差热等方法来表征酸改性后的红辉沸石矿石特征,获得通过酸改性后红辉沸石比表面积、孔容和原矿中的杂质都会发生变化,从而可提高红辉沸石的吸附和交换性能,达到改性红辉沸石处理污染物的能力。  相似文献   
Modelling blue and green water resources availability in Iran   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Knowledge of the internal renewable water resources of a country is strategic information which is needed for long‐term planning of a nation's water and food security, among many other needs. New modelling tools allow this quantification with high spatial and temporal resolution. In this study we used the program Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) in combination with the Sequential Uncertainty Fitting program (SUFI‐2) to calibrate and validate a hydrologic model of Iran based on river discharges and wheat yield, taking into consideration dam operations and irrigation practices. Uncertainty analyses were also performed to assess the model performance. The results were quite satisfactory for most of the rivers across the country. We quantified all components of the water balance including blue water flow (water yield plus deep aquifer recharge), green water flow (actual and potential evapotranspiration) and green water storage (soil moisture) at sub‐basin level with monthly time‐steps. The spatially aggregated water resources and simulated yield compared well with the existing data. The study period was 1990–2002 for calibration and 1980–1989 for validation. The results show that irrigation practices have a significant impact on the water balances of the provinces with irrigated agriculture. Concerning the staple food crop in the country, 55% of irrigated wheat and 57% of rain‐fed wheat are produced every year in water‐scarce regions. The vulnerable situation of water resources availability has serious implications for the country's food security, and the looming impact of climate change could only worsen the situation. This study provides a strong basis for further studies concerning the water and food security and the water resources management strategies in the country and a unified approach for the analysis of blue and green water in other arid and semi‐arid countries. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
提出了一种基于非线性盲辨识的自适应数字接收机技术。由于宽带雷电信号的时频特征未知或时变,在频域对宽带数字接收机输出信号中的谐波与互调分量进行识别和分选,并以其短时能量最小化作为其非线性行为模型参数的盲辨识准则,利用最速下降算法实现模型参数的自适应提取和更新,然后在线实时地对接收机输出信号进行非线性补偿。实验结果表明,该盲辨识数字接收技术可以将整机的无杂散失真动态范围(SFDR)提高近20dB,极有利于在强干扰存在时对微弱信号的接收与检测。  相似文献   
殷红 《江苏地质》2005,29(1):28-31
腰英台油田是东北地区新发现的油田,目前刚开始勘探开发,在勘探开发初期遇到不少问题。其中之一是开采时高含水:就油田的实际油水分布特征进行了分析,分析油水同出的可能原因,认为这是受油藏储层物性及构造幅度和实际油柱高度的影响,由于储层低孔、特低渗。实际构造幅度低,实际油柱高度大多低于油藏产纯油所需的油柱高度,致使油藏大都处于油水过渡带。故开采时多含水,油水同出。根据这一分析,认为进一步的油气勘探重点考虑西部水下冲积扇的有利部位。此处储层物性好,有利于接受更多油源。  相似文献   
在地球表面附近的组合导航中,一般以经、纬度表示水平位置,单位为弧度(rad),以高程表示竖直位置,单位为米(m)。1m的定位误差仅相当于约10-7rad,从而造成定位协方差矩阵的条件数达1013量级。Kalman滤波中要对协方差矩阵求逆,过高的条件数将引起严重的病态问题,从而造成很大的数值误差,影响滤波精度,甚至造成滤波发散。提出一种直接的解决方法,即构建一种避免病态问题的组合导航滤波模型。具体过程为:引入一种尺度因子(即平均地球半径)对组合导航系统的状态量、观测量、状态方程以及观测方程进行线性变换,从而对经、纬度误差进行适当的尺度化,明显降低协方差矩阵的条件数,有效避免了滤波过程中病态问题的出现。新方法在不明显增加计算量的前提下有效解决了病态问题,并保证了Kalman滤波的最优性质。数值仿真验证了该方法的有效性。  相似文献   
Boron resources are abundant in Da Qaidam salt lake of Qaidamu Basin. It has been given great attention for the polyborate species present in brine. In this study, the Raman spectroscopy was applied to investigate the existing-form of boron in brine during evaporation. The prepared solutions of MgO·2B2O3-H2O, MgO·2B2O3-MgCl2 -H2O, and MgO·2B2O3-MgSO4-H2O was also evaporated and recorded to study the influence of boron concentration, pH, and electrolytes on the borate speciation in brine. The mononborates of B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- were found to be the only forms present in the original salt lake brine. Brine evaporation promotes the formation of polyborate anions B3O3(OH)4-, B5O6(OH)4-, and B6O7(OH)62- and also disappearance of the B(OH)4- ion in brine with boron concentration of more than 11 g/L in B2O3. The pentaborate ion of B5O6(OH)4- was sensitive to the solution pH and found to be appeared under the pH value of 8.0. While the hexaborate ion of B6O7(OH)62- was observed more dependent on the electrolyte of magnesium chloride due to its special properties, such as promoting boron accumulation, lowering solution pH, and also the strong af?nity for water molecules, which is beneficial to the polymerization of borate ions in brine. The interaction mechanisms among polyborate anions during evaporation had also been proposed.  相似文献   
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