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Isotopic records of aquatic cellulose are becoming increasingly important for palaeohydrological reconstructions, but widespread application of this climate proxy is hampered by minerogenic contamination that affects oxygen isotope measures in cellulose. Few records of isotopes in aquatic cellulose are available from palaeoclimate archives in the Southern Hemisphere. In this study, we used a new bulk cellulose extraction method and determined the oxygen (δ18O) and carbon (δ13C) isotope values in cellulose from a Holocene lake sediment core segment (7.2–1.1 cal ka BP) from Lake Pupuke, Auckland, New Zealand. Isotope values from modern, potential sources of sedimentary cellulose revealed the aquatic origin of the cellulose extracted from the core, and hence enabled inference of past lake water δ18O values from the δ18O of measured cellulose in the core. A shift to a more positive water balance in the lake was identified around 2.8 cal ka BP by a decrease in inferred lake water δ18O values. At that time, greater epilimnetic primary productivity is indicated by the higher δ13C values of sedimentary cellulose. Greater divergence between the δ13C values of cellulose and bulk organic matter suggests stronger stratification of the lake, likely caused by greater freshwater input. We discuss a possible link to a solar minimum that occurred at that time.  相似文献   
Caliches: Large areas of the northern Sahara and the Algerian High Planes are covered by mostly 1–5 m thick caliches. Their age (Pliocene in the Sahara) decreases to the north and their precipitation is generally independent of groundwater. Their profile is composed (from top to base) as follows:
  • Upper soil, loose and mostly of eolian origin.
  • Upper part of caliche, with very characteristic, dense, partly layered-knobby texture, formed slowly by solutional and reprecipitational processes of ± freely outcropping caliches under addition of eolian material.
  • Under part of caliche, highly porous, somewhat chalky and greyish-white; precipitated mainly by capillar rise of solutions in permeable and calcareous rocks.
  • Substratum, preferentially calcareous sandstones, alluvial deposits and marls.
  • The mineralogy of the caliches (whose main components are represented in fig. 4 A-C) is rather monotonous: in addition to relicts of the substratum (partly dissolved or pushed aside by precipitation of calcite), there are only newly formed low-Mg-calcite and some quarzine (length-slow quartz). Sr-contents of calcite rise clearly from substratum to upper part of caliche. Gypsiferous Crusts (or Cementations): They are found mainly in the surroundings of Chotts (flat, ± saline lakes) and in oases of the NE-Algerian Sahara. Their formation began — mostly caused climatically — after the period of caliche formation and is still continuing in some places. Most of these gypsum-crusts are formed by evaporation of near-surface groundwaters in sandy soils. Water saturated in gypsum precipitates large crystals of gypsum (relatively low in Sr), partly filled by sand, at groundwater-surface. Fine crystalline crusts (relatively high in Sr) are formed by ascendent waters with lower gypsum content ± directly under the landsurface.  相似文献   
    In the deep subsurface of the northeast German basin products of extensive volcanism are present that formed during the waning phase of the Variscan orogeny (Permian–Carboniferous boundary). Large volumes (≥48,000 km3) of dominantly felsic magma were emplaced in the northern foreland of the Variscan mountains in a terrestrial semi-arid environment. Most of these units were inferred by previous authors to represent the products of explosive volcanic eruptions such as ignimbrites. However, a detailed analysis of the volcanic texture and lithofacies association shows that most units are best interpreted as coherent lavas emplaced either as extrusive units or as shallow intrusions, with important implications for the reconstruction of the paleo-environment. This study shows that detailed textural examination of drill cores provide important observations, which can be applied as criteria for the interpretation of the mode of volcanic eruptions. Furthermore, phenocryst logging and geochemical fingerprinting based on immobile element ratios can be employed for the classification and discrimination of individual emplacement units.  相似文献   
    For the fourth assessment report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), the recent version of the coupled atmosphere/ocean general circulation model (GCM) of the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology has been used to conduct an ensemble of transient climate simulations These simulations comprise three control simulations for the past century covering the period 1860–2000, and nine simulations for the future climate (2001–2100) using greenhouse gas (GHG) and aerosol concentrations according to the three IPCC scenarios B1, A1B and A2. For each scenario three simulations were performed. The global simulations were dynamically downscaled over Europe using the regional climate model (RCM) REMO at 0.44° horizontal resolution (about 50 km), whereas the physics packages of the GCM and RCM largely agree. The regional simulations comprise the three control simulations (1950–2000), the three A1B simulations and one simulation for B1 as well as for A2 (2001–2100). In our study we concentrate on the climate change signals in the hydrological cycle and the 2 m temperature by comparing the mean projected climate at the end of the twenty-first century (2071–2100) to a control period representing current climate (1961–1990). The robustness of the climate change signal projected by the GCM and RCM is analysed focussing on the large European catchments of Baltic Sea (land only), Danube and Rhine. In this respect, a robust climate change signal designates a projected change that sticks out of the noise of natural climate variability. Catchments and seasons are identified where the climate change signal in the components of the hydrological cycle is robust, and where this signal has a larger uncertainty. Notable differences in the robustness of the climate change signals between the GCM and RCM simulations are related to a stronger warming projected by the GCM in the winter over the Baltic Sea catchment and in the summer over the Danube and Rhine catchments. Our results indicate that the main explanation for these differences is that the finer resolution of the RCM leads to a better representation of local scale processes at the surface that feed back to the atmosphere, i.e. an improved representation of the land sea contrast and related moisture transport processes over the Baltic Sea catchment, and an improved representation of soil moisture feedbacks to the atmosphere over the Danube and Rhine catchments.  相似文献   
    Climate variability and change affects individuals and societies. Within agricultural systems, seasonal climate forecasting can increase preparedness and lead to better social, economic and environmental outcomes. However, climate forecasting is not the panacea to all our problems in agriculture. Instead, it is one of many risk management tools that sometimes play an important role in decision-making. Understanding when, where and how to use this tool is a complex and multi-dimensional problem. To do this effectively, we suggest a participatory, cross-disciplinary research approach that brings together institutions (partnerships), disciplines (e.g., climate science, agricultural systems science, rural sociology and many other disciplines) and people (scientist, policy makers and direct beneficiaries) as equal partners to reap the benefits from climate knowledge. Climate science can provide insights into climatic processes, agricultural systems science can translate these insights into management options and rural sociology can help determine the options that are most feasible or desirable from a socio-economic perspective. Any scientific breakthroughs in climate forecasting capabilities are much more likely to have an immediate and positive impact if they are conducted and delivered within such a framework. While knowledge and understanding of the socio-economic circumstances is important and must be taken into account, the general approach of integrated systems science is generic and applicable in developed as well as in developing countries. Examples of decisions aided by simulation output ranges from tactical crop management options, commodity marketing to policy decisions about future land use. We also highlight the need to better understand temporal- and spatial-scale variability and argue that only a probabilistic approach to outcome dissemination should be considered. We demonstrated how knowledge of climatic variability (CV), can lead to better decisions in agriculture, regardless of geographical location and socio-economic conditions.  相似文献   
    This study describes typical error ranges of high resolution regional climate models operated over complex orography and investigates the scale-dependence of these error ranges. The results are valid primarily for the European Alpine region, but to some extent they can also be transferred to other orographically complex regions of the world. We investigate the model errors by evaluating a set of 62 one-year hindcast experiments for the year 1999 with four different regional climate models. The analysis is conducted for the parameters mean sea level pressure, air temperature (mean, minimum and maximum) and precipitation (mean, frequency and intensity), both as an area average over the whole modeled domain (the “Greater Alpine Region”, GAR) and in six subregions. The subregional seasonal error ranges, defined as the interval between the 2.5th percentile and the 97.5th percentile, lie between ?3.2 and +2.0 K for temperature and between ?2.0 and +3.1 mm/day (?45.7 and +94.7%) for precipitation, respectively. While the temperature error ranges are hardly broadened at smaller scales, the precipitation error ranges increase by 28%. These results demonstrate that high resolution RCMs are applicable in relatively small scale climate impact studies with a comparable quality as on well investigated larger scales as far as temperature is concerned. For precipitation, which is a much more demanding parameter, the quality is moderately degraded on smaller scales.  相似文献   
    Glacial lakes are most often located in remote places making it difficult to carry out detailed bathymetric surveys. Consequently, lake depths and volumes for unmeasured lakes are often estimated using empirical relationships developed mainly from small bathymetric datasets. In this study, we use the bathymetry dataset of the Cordillera Blanca, Peru comprising 121 detailed lake bathymetries, the most extensive dataset in the world. We assess the performance of the most commonly applied empirical relationships for lake mean depth and volume estimation, but also investigate relationships between different geometric lake variables. We find that lake volume estimation performs better when derived from lake mean depth, which in turn is estimated from lake width. The findings also reveal the extreme variability of lake geometry, which depends on glacio-geomorphological processes that empirical–statistical relationships cannot adequately represent. Such relationships involve characteristic uncertainty ranges of roughly ±50%. We also estimate potential peak discharges of outburst floods from these lakes by applying empirical relationships from the literature, which results in discharges varying by up to one-order of magnitude. Finally, the results are applied to the 860 lakes without bathymetric measurements from the inventory dataset of the Cordillera Blanca to estimate lake mean depth, volume and possible peak discharge for all unmeasured lakes. Estimations show that ca. 70% (610) of the lakes have a mean depth lower than 10 m and very few longer than 40 m. Lake volume of unmeasured lakes represent ca. 32% (5.18 × 108 m3) of the total lake volume (1.15 × 109 m3) in the Cordillera Blanca. Approximately, 50% of the lakes have potential peak discharges > 1000 m3/s in case of lake outburst floods, implying a need for additional studies for risk assessment. © 2020 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
    Airborne measurements of stratospheric ozone and N2O from the SCIAMACHY (Scanning Imaging Absorption Spectrometer) Validation and Utilization Experiment (SCIA-VALUE) are presented. The campaign was conducted in September 2002 and February–March 2003. The Airborne Submillimeter Radiometer (ASUR) observed stratospheric constituents like O3 and N2O, among others, spanning a latitude from 5°S to 80°N during the survey. The tropical ozone source regions show high ozone volume mixing ratios (VMRs) of around 11 ppmv at 33 km altitude, and the altitude of the maximum VMR increases from the tropics to the Arctic. The N2O VMRs show the largest value of 325 ppbv in the lower stratosphere, indicating their tropospheric origin, and they decrease with increasing altitude and latitude due to photolysis. The sub-tropical and polar mixing barriers are well represented in the N2O measurements. The most striking seasonal difference found in the measurements is the large polar descent in February–March. The observed features are interpreted with the help of SLIMCAT and Bremen Chemical Transport Model (CTMB) simulations. The SLIMCAT simulations are in good agreement with the measured O3 and N2O values, where the differences are within 1 ppmv for O3 and 15 ppbv for N2O. However, the CTMB simulations underestimate the tropical middle stratospheric O3 (1–1.5 ppmv) and the tropical lower stratospheric N2O (15–30 ppbv) measurements. A detailed analysis with various measurements and model simulations suggests that the biases in the CTMB simulations are related to its parameterised chemistry schemes.  相似文献   
    Metal detectors have commonly been used for landmine detection, and ground-penetrating radar (GPR) is about to be deployed for this purpose. These devices are influenced by the magnetic and electric properties of soil, since both employ electromagnetic techniques. Various soil properties and their spatial distributions were measured and determined with geophysical methods in four soil types where a test of metal detectors and GPR systems took place. By analysing the soil properties, these four soils were classified based on the expected influence of each detection technique and predicted soil difficulty. This classification was compared to the detection performance of the detectors and a clear correlation between the predicted soil difficulty and performance was observed. The detection performance of the metal detector and target identification performance of the GPR systems degraded in soils that were expected to be problematic. Therefore, this study demonstrated that the metal detector and GPR performance for landmine detection can be assessed qualitatively by geophysical analyses.  相似文献   
    The “Stubensandstein” (Middle Keuper) of the Memmingen region (Southern Germany) — the detrital deposit of a nearby granitic red-soil area — was investigated sedimentologically, on the basis of three cores from 2,230, 1,930 and 1,420 metres depth. Shale- and marl-layers are intercalated in beds of coarse grained, immature sandstone. The rare carbonate is predominantly early diagenetic dolomite. The most exceptional result of the diagenesis is the formation of a variously composed claymineral association in the porous sandstones: Kaolinite, sudoite, sudoite/montmorillonitemixed-layers and tosudite (a regular 1∶1 sudoite/montm.-mixed-layer). The detrital component of the clay-minerals (illite and illite/montm.-mixed-layers) is preserved more or less unchanged in the shales, marls and argillaceous sandstones. Two main diagenetic phases can be distinguished:
    1. The early diagenetic formation of kaolinite out of the solution-products of feldspars in acid environment. Quartz is precipitated in microcrystalline form in the pore space, garnet is partly dissolved.
    2. In the course of the Neogen deep burial stage kaolinite becomes unstable and sudoite and sudoite/montm. are newformed; the intensity of this phenomenon depends on depth of burial and rock-permeability. Calcite sporadically crystallizes out of an environment that has become alkaline; adjacent feldspar becomes more or less dissolved and is pseudomorphically replaced by calcite. Al(OH)3 is thereby released and is fixed in montmorillonite, thus forming the sudoite of the carbonatic horizons, which never contain kaolinite.
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