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Summary The characteristics of a strong European summertime cold front are investigated using the wealth of synoptic observations, which were analysed by the dynamical initialization scheme of an operational meso-scale model. The study was also extended to forecasted fields.Cross-sections perpendicular to the front, covering a dormain of more than 2000 km in the horizontal and 10 km in the vertical direction, bring out the basic parameters (as potential temperature and the components of the geostrophic and ageostrophic wind vectors), the ageostrophic crossfrontal circulation and all cross-frontal frontogenesis terms.None of the many frontogenesis terms plays a dominant role, there is a concerted action of geostrophic and ageostrophic deformation and shear, of tilting and diabatic sources in producing a rather complex structure of total frontogenesis. The cross-sectional fields of all presented terms strongly underline the fact, that a front is not a line of discontinuity but a rather wide three-dimensional field phenomenon.With 12 Figures  相似文献   
The higher mid‐latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere are particularly sensitive to climate change as small differences in temperature determine frozen ground status, precipitation phase, and the magnitude and timing of snow accumulation and melt. An international inter‐catchment comparison program, North‐Watch, seeks to improve our understanding of the sensitivity of northern catchments to climate change by examining their hydrological and biogeochemical responses. The catchments are located in Sweden (Krycklan), Scotland (Mharcaidh, Girnock and Strontian), the United States (Sleepers River, Hubbard Brook and HJ Andrews) and Canada (Catamaran, Dorset and Wolf Creek). This briefing presents the initial stage of the North‐Watch program, which focuses on how these catchments collect, store and release water and identify ‘types’ of hydro‐climatic catchment response. At most sites, a 10‐year data of daily precipitation, discharge and temperature were compiled and evaporation and storage were calculated. Inter‐annual and seasonal patterns of hydrological processes were assessed via normalized fluxes and standard flow metrics. At the annual‐scale, relations between temperature, precipitation and discharge were compared, highlighting the role of seasonality, wetness and snow/frozen ground. The seasonal pattern and synchronicity of fluxes at the monthly scale provided insight into system memory and the role of storage. We identified types of catchments that rapidly translate precipitation into runoff and others that more readily store water for delayed release. Synchronicity and variance of rainfall–runoff patterns were characterized by the coefficient of variation (cv) of monthly fluxes and correlation coefficients. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed clustering among like catchments in terms of functioning, largely controlled by two components that (i) reflect temperature and precipitation gradients and the correlation of monthly precipitation and discharge and (ii) the seasonality of precipitation and storage. By advancing the ecological concepts of resistance and resilience for catchment functioning, results provided a conceptual framework for understanding susceptibility to hydrological change across northern catchments. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Accurate stream discharge measurements are important for many hydrological studies. In remote locations, however, it is often difficult to obtain stream flow information because of the difficulty in making the discharge measurements necessary to define stage‐discharge relationships (rating curves). This study investigates the feasibility of defining rating curves by using a fluid mechanics‐based model constrained with topographic data from an airborne LiDAR scanning. The study was carried out for an 8m‐wide channel in the boreal landscape of northern Sweden. LiDAR data were used to define channel geometry above a low flow water surface along the 90‐m surveyed reach. The channel topography below the water surface was estimated using the simple assumption of a flat streambed. The roughness for the modelled reach was back calculated from a single measurment of discharge. The topographic and roughness information was then used to model a rating curve. To isolate the potential influence of the flat bed assumption, a ‘hybrid model’ rating curve was developed on the basis of data combined from the LiDAR scan and a detailed ground survey. Whereas this hybrid model rating curve was in agreement with the direct measurements of discharge, the LiDAR model rating curve was equally in agreement with the medium and high flow measurements based on confidence intervals calculated from the direct measurements. The discrepancy between the LiDAR model rating curve and the low flow measurements was likely due to reduced roughness associated with unresolved submerged bed topography. Scanning during periods of low flow can help minimize this deficiency. These results suggest that combined ground surveys and LiDAR scans or multifrequency LiDAR scans that see ‘below’ the water surface (bathymetric LiDAR) could be useful in generating data needed to run such a fluid mechanics‐based model. This opens a realm of possibility to remotely sense and monitor stream flows in channels in remote locations. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
In the Middle Danube Basin, Quaternary deposits are widely distributed in the Vojvodina region where they cover about 95% of the area. Major research during the last two decades has been focused on loess deposits in the Vojvodina region. During this period, loess in the Vojvodina region has become one of the most important Pleistocene European continental climatic and environmental records. Here we present the dating results of 15 samples taken from the Nosak loess-palaeosol sequence in northeastern Serbia in order to establish a chronology over the last three glacial–interglacial cycles. We use the pIRIR290 signal of the 4–11 μm polymineral grains. The calculated ages are within the error limits partially consistent with the proposed multi-millennial chronostratigraphy for Serbian loess. The average mass accumulation rate for the last three glacial–interglacial cycles is 265 g m−2 a−1, which is in agreement with the values of most sites in the Carpathian Basin. Our results indicate a highly variable deposition rate of loess, especially during the MIS 3 and MIS 6 stages, which is contrary to most studies conducted in Serbia where linear sedimentation rates were assumed.  相似文献   
G. Thiel 《Ocean Dynamics》1953,6(3):107-123
Zusammenfassung Es werden die Beziehungen zwischen den Wetterlagen über dem Nord- und Ostseegebiet und den Wasserständen in der Ostsee behandelt und ein Verfahren entwickelt, daß es ermöglicht, die Luftdruckverteilung in einer Wetterlage über dem Ostseegebiet mathematisch zu erfassen, sowie die Abhängigkeit der Schwankungen der Wasserstände gegen Mittelwasser in der Ostsee von der jeweiligen Luftdruckverteilung über dem Nord- und Ostseegebiet nachzuweisen. Die Schwankungen des Wasserstandes gegen Mittelwasser in der Kieler Bucht werden als Funktion der Luftdruckverteilung über dem Nord- und Ostseegebiet dargestellt. Zuletzt wird die Verwendbarkeit des Verfahrens durch eingehende Anwendungen auf die große Ostseesturmflut vom 13. November 1872 und die Sturmflut im Finnischen Meerbusen vom 23. September 1924 gezeigt.
The effects of air-pressure and wind on the water level in the Baltic Sea
Summary The relations between the weather situations over the North-Sea and the Baltic on the one hand and the sea level in the Baltic on the other hand are studied. Moreover, a method is developed allowing to ascertain the pressure distribution in any weather situation over the Baltic by way of mathematical calculation and to verify that the variations in sea level as compared to mean sea level in the Baltic depend on the respective air pressure distribution over the North-Sea and the Baltic. The variations in sea level in the Bay of Kiel as referred to mean sea level are represented as a function of the air-pressure distribution over the North-Sea and the Baltic. In conclusion, the application of the method to the great storm surge of November 13, 1872, in the Baltic and to the storm surge of September 23, 1924, in the Gulf of Finland clearly demonstrates its usefulness.

Les effets de la pression d'air et de vent sur le niveau de la mer Baltique
Résumé L'auteur étudie les rapports qui existent entre les situations du temps sur la mer du Nord et sur la Baltique d'une part et les niveaux de la mer dans la Baltique d'autre part. Il dévelope une méthode qui permet de déterminer au moyen des mathématiques la distribution de la pression atmosphérique d'un état quelconque du temps dans la région de la mer Baltique et de vérifier que les variations des niveaux de la mer par rapport au niveau moyen de la mer (N. M.) dans la mer Baltique dépendent de la distribution particulière de la pression sur la mer du Nord et de celle sur la Baltique. Les variations des niveaux de la mer en comparaison du niveau moyen dans la baie de Kiel sont représentées en fonction de la distribution de la pression sur la mer du Nord et sur la Baltique. Enfin, l'auteur démontre l'utilité pratique de cette méthode en l'appliquant à la très forte tempête du 13 novembre 1872 sur les côtes de la Baltique et à la tempête du 23 septembre 1924 dans le golfe de Finlande.
Numerous studies suggest that floating macroalgae contribute to population connectivity of the algae themselves as well as of associated organisms. In order to evaluate the importance of floating macroalgae for population connectivity in southern Chile we analysed their spatial and temporal distributions. We estimated the abundance of floating kelp in the Interior Sea of Chiloé and the Los Chonos Archipelago via ship surveys conducted during austral spring (November) and winter (July) of the years 2002–2005. Highest densities of floating kelp (Macrocystis pyrifera and Durvillaea antarctica) were found during spring. Generally, the density of floating kelp was relatively low in areas with high supply of freshwater, and highest abundances were found in large channels opening to the open ocean. We suggest that this pattern is caused by the scarcity of natural kelp beds combined with rapid degradation of floating kelp in the interior fjords and by seaward surface outflow. The maximum densities of floating kelps were found in an area known to be an extensive convergence zone (i.e. estuarine front), which appears to act as a retention zone. In accordance with this distribution pattern, we propose that connectivity between local populations via floating kelp is higher in the outer channels with oceanic influence than in the inner fjords with high freshwater influx.  相似文献   
Although there is extensive information concerning the colonization sequences of benthic communities, little is known about the successional development of subtidal hard‐bottom habitats in highly productive coastal upwelling areas. In these systems, succession is predicted to be fast due to high growth rate of the later dominant colonizers. Using artificial hard substrata a field experiment was conducted in a rocky subtidal area off Northern Chile (Humboldt Current System) and monitored at 3‐month intervals to test the following hypotheses: (i) epibenthic succession may proceed through consecutive replacement of species, (ii) there is a fast convergence rate towards natural communities, and (iii) different seasonal starting points for the colonization will produce different community structure over a 1‐year period of exposure. Panels were installed on a vertical wall at 17 m water depth. Three replicate panels were sampled every 3 months over a period of 27 months. As a reference, six haphazardly selected plots from the surrounding natural community were surveyed at each sampling date. To evaluate how seasonally varying substratum availability affects community development, further panels were exposed for a 12‐month period, starting in four different seasons (n = 3 replicates per season). Community succession was slow and occurred through progressive changes, between early encrusting red corallines, middle Balanus flosculus and late Lagenicella variabilis. After 27 months, the community composition, but not its structure, was similar between experimental and reference communities on surrounding rocky bottoms. Seasonality had no effects and after 1 year of exposure the experimental communities converged towards a common structure. This study indicates that succession of subtidal epibenthic communities follows a slow and predictable pattern with a dominant late colonial species. In addition, aseasonal variability might be more relevant during colonization and succession in this upwelling ecosystem.  相似文献   
The sources of episodic pH decline in four streams from northern Sweden during the autumn of 1996 were quantified. The events, in which pH dropped by between 1·0 and 2·4 units, were preceded by an extensive summer drought. Total organic carbon, which increased 100% to 160% during peak flow, was the most important driving mechanism of the episodic pH decline. Sulphate, however, was relatively more important during these autumn events than during spring flood. In the sites where past and present anthropogenic deposition were believed to be the main source of sulphate in stream water, sulphate contributed less than 0·3 pH units to the pH decline. In catchments where natural sources of sulphate are known to be important, sulphate contributed up to 0·6 units of pH decline. The export of sulphate during the episodes was two to nine times higher than what was expected from deposition only. The drought preceding the study episodes resulted in some of the lowest ground water levels during the 1990s in that region. The large export of sulphate was probably due to oxidation of natural sulphate bearing minerals in the soil and/or previously deposited sulphate driven by the low ground water level preceding the episodes. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
Owing to the low surface gravity of the Rosetta target comet 46P/Wirtanen, a means of anchoring the Rosetta Lander to the cometary surface will be necessary. This task can be accomplished by firing an anchor into the cometary soil immediately after touchdown to prevent a rebound of the spacecraft from the surface or subsequent ejection by other forces, and to allow for mechanical activities (drilling, etc.) at the landing site.

The rationale for anchoring is examined, based on estimates of the main forces likely to act on the spacecraft after landing. We report on the development of an anchoring device using a pyrotechnic gas generator as a power source and an instrumented anchor.

In addition to the anchoring function, which is the primary purpose of this system, the integration of acceleration and temperature sensors into the tip offers the possibility to determine some important material properties of the cometary surface layer. The accelerometer is designed to measure the deceleration history of the projectile and is thus expected to give information on how the material properties (in particular strength) change within the penetrated layer(s), while the temperature sensor will measure temperature variations at the depth at which the anchor finally comes to rest. As the mechanical properties of the material are not known, it is difficult to predict the final depth of the anchor with any great certainty, but it may well be greater than that reached by any other of the lander's instruments.

The instrumented anchor will be part of the MUPUS experiment, selected to form part of the Rosetta Lander payload. We report on results of laboratory simulations of anchor penetration performed at the Institut für Weltraumforschung, Graz, and compare these with models of projectile penetration. The value of the results expected from the penetrometry experiment in the context of an improved understanding of cometary processes is discussed.  相似文献   

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