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An effective method for the seismic retrofitting of the sidewalls of cut‐and‐cover tunnels has not yet been established. Thus, a new method of seismic retrofitting for cut‐and‐cover tunnels, called the ‘polymer isolation method’, is developed here. In this method, thin walls made of polymer materials, called ‘isolation walls’, are inserted between the ground and the sidewalls of a tunnel. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method in reducing the seismic response of tunnels by using some numerical simulations. It is found that the proposed method depends on the thickness of the soil cover over the tunnel and the ratio of the stiffness between the soil and the structure. Furthermore, a simple chart is proposed for convenience to represent the applicability of the polymer isolation method to the design of seismic retrofits for cut‐and‐cover tunnels. Although this particular chart has been obtained through a limited case, some other typical cases in which the chart can also be implemented for special conditions are addressed, and the applicability and the limitations of this chart are suggested for possible conditions of the ground and of tunnel structures. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
A large number of studies have been done dealing with sinusoidal wave boundary layers in the past. However, ocean waves often have a strong asymmetric shape especially in shallow water, and net of sediment movement occurs. It is envisaged that bottom shear stress and sediment transport behaviors influenced by the effect of asymmetry are different from those in sinusoidal waves. Characteristics of the turbulent boundary layer under breaking waves (saw-tooth) are investigated and described through both laboratory and numerical experiments. A new calculation method for bottom shear stress based on velocity and acceleration terms, theoretical phase difference, φ and the acceleration coefficient, ac expressing the wave skew-ness effect for saw-tooth waves is proposed. The acceleration coefficient was determined empirically from both experimental and baseline kω model results. The new calculation has shown better agreement with the experimental data along a wave cycle for all saw-tooth wave cases compared by other existing methods. It was further applied into sediment transport rate calculation induced by skew waves. Sediment transport rate was formulated by using the existing sheet flow sediment transport rate data under skew waves by Watanabe and Sato [Watanabe, A. and Sato, S., 2004. A sheet-flow transport rate formula for asymmetric, forward-leaning waves and currents. Proc. of 29th ICCE, ASCE, pp. 1703–1714.]. Moreover, the characteristics of the net sediment transport were also examined and a good agreement between the proposed method and experimental data has been found.  相似文献   
By means of nanoscale surface observation, we have proposed a new approach for investigating fine crystals of cosmic materials to reveal their origin and growth conditions. Several different morphologies of polyhedral fine olivines with faceted faces have been found in Allende carbonaceous chondrite (4.5 byr in geochronological age). In the present work, molecular level topography of the faceted matrix olivine by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) has successfully been performed. The matrix olivine found to have preserved growth step pattern on its surface even though quite long time has passed since they formed in the early Solar System. The surface pattern suggests that the faceted matrix olivine could have been condensed from the gas phase, and possibly that these olivine crystals had continued to grow under a rapid cooling condition (0.1-1 K s−1). The estimated cooling rate agrees well with predictions based on hypothetical rapid heating and cooling events such as shock wave heating.  相似文献   
Algae growing in an enclosed sea may inhibit eutrophication because they absorb nutrients in the water. However, dead algae often cause anaerobic conditions in the water just above and on sediment after they are deposited on the bottom. We found that Stichopus japonicus inhibited the anaerobic processes coupling water sulfite production in sediment. The present study investigates whether S. japonicus inhibits algal flourish and influences sediment properties such as organic matter contents. Aquarium experiments were carried out at Komatsushima port in Tokushima Prefecture, western Japan. The aquaria used in the experiments were supplied with water directly from the adjacent sea (6 L/min), laid with sand of 10 cm depths, and lighted at 12 h intervals. Six aquaria each containing a sea cucumber from Komatsushima port and six aquaria without any were used in the experiments. Water temperature ranged between 9 and 15 degrees C during December 2000 and April 2001. Salinity ranged between 32 per thousand and 34 per thousand. Algae began to cover the bottom of the aquaria without S. japonicus after 2 weeks, whereas no growth was evident in the aquaria containing sea cucumbers. Chlorophyll a concentration in the surface sediment of the aquaria with S. japonicus (6.1+/-3.6 microg/g, mean S.D.+/-standard deviation) was significantly lower than that without it (60+/-17 microg/g, U-test, p<0.05). Phaeophytin concentration in the surface sediment of the aquaria with S. japonicus (0.9+/-0.09 microg/g) was also significantly lower than that without it (4.5+/-1.0 microg/g, U-test, p<0.05). TOC concentration in the surface sediment of the aquaria with S. japonicus (2.6+/-1.3 microg/g) was slightly lower than that without it (4.0+/-1.2 microg/g). These results showed that algal biomass and organic matter concentration of the bottom were decreased in the presence of S. japonicus. Therefore, S. japonicus inhibits algal bloom and decrease the contents of organic matter deposited on the bottom of enclosed sea areas.  相似文献   
Abstract— In order to study abundances of alkali metals in chondrules, 25 petrographically characterized chondrules, including 18 barred olivine (BO) chondrules from the Allende (CV3) meteorite, were analyzed for alkalis (K and Rb) and alkaline earths (Sr, Ba, Ca and Mg) by mass spectrometric isotope dilution. Most BO chondrules with higher alkalis (>CI level) have nearly CI-chondritic Rb/K ratios, while those with lower alkalis clearly show higher Rb/K ratios than the CI-chondritic. In general, BO chondrules with higher Rb/K exhibit more depletion of alkalis relative to Ca. The mean olivine Fa for individual chondrules positively correlates with bulk alkali concentrations in BO type but not in porphyritic type chondrules. These observations suggest that some BO chondrules formed from more reducing assemblages of precursor minerals, which experienced more intensive vaporization losses of alkalis, accompanied by Rb/K fractionation, during the chondrule-formation melting.  相似文献   
The Yonaguni Knoll IV hydrothermal vent field (24°51′N, 122°42′E) is located at water depths of 1370–1385 m near the western edge of the southern Okinawa Trough. During the YK03–05 and YK04–05 expeditions using the submersible Shinkai 6500, both hydrothermal precipitates (sulfide/sulfate/carbonate) and high temperature fluids (Tmax = 328°C) presently venting from chimney‐mound structures were extensively sampled. The collected venting fluids had a wide range of chemistry (Cl concentration 376–635 mmol kg?1), which is considered as evidence for sub‐seafloor phase separation. While the Cl‐enriched smoky black fluids were venting from two adjacent chimney‐mound structures in the hydrothermal center, the clear transparent fluids sometimes containing CO2 droplet were found in the peripheral area of the field. This distribution pattern could be explained by migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid within a porous sediment layer after the sub‐seafloor phase separation. The collected hydrothermal precipitates demonstrated a diverse range of mineralization, which can be classified into five groups: (i) anhydrite‐rich chimneys, immature precipitates including sulfide disseminations in anhydrite; (ii) massive Zn‐Pb‐Cu sulfides, consisting of sphalerite, wurtzite, galena, chalcopyrite, pyrite, and marcasite; (iii) Ba‐As chimneys, composed of barite with sulfide disseminations, sometimes associated with realgar and orpiment overgrowth; (iv) Mn‐rich chimneys, consisting of carbonates (calcite and magnesite) and sulfides (sphalerite, galena, chalcopyrite, alabandite, and minor amount of tennantite and enargite); and (v) pavement, silicified sediment including abundant native sulfur or barite. Sulfide/sulfate mineralization (groups i–iii) was found in the chimney–mound structure associated with vapor‐loss (Cl‐enriched) fluid venting. In contrast, the sulfide/carbonate mineralization (group iv) was specifically found in the chimneys where vapor‐rich (Cl‐depleted) fluid venting is expected, and the pavement (group v) was associated with diffusive venting from the seafloor sediment. This correspondence strongly suggests that the subseafloor phase separation plays an important role in the diverse range of mineralization in the Yonaguni IV field. The observed sulfide mineral assemblage was consistent with the sulfur fugacity calculated from the FeS content in sphalerite/wurtzite and the fluid temperature for each site, which suggests that the shift of the sulfur fugacity due to participation of volatile species during phase separation is an important factor to induce diverse mineralization. In contrast, carbonate mineralization is attributed to the significant mixing of vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid and seawater. A submarine hydrothermal system within a back‐arc basin in the continental margin may be considered as developed in a geologic setting favorable to a diverse range of mineralization, where relatively shallow water depth induces sub‐seafloor phase separation of hydrothermal fluid, and sediment accumulation could enhance migration of the vapor‐rich hydrothermal fluid.  相似文献   
The degree of gas hydrate saturation at Integrated Ocean Drilling Program (IODP) Site C0002 in the Kumano Basin, Nankai Trough, was estimated from logging‐while‐drilling logs and core samples obtained during IODP Expeditions 314 and 315. Sediment porosity data necessary for the calculation of saturation were obtained from both core samples and density logs. Two forms of the Archie equation (‘quick‐look’ and ‘standard’) were used to calculate gas hydrate saturation from two types of electrical resistivity log data (ring resistivity and bit resistivity), and a three‐phase Biot‐type equation was used to calculate gas hydrate saturation from P‐wave velocity log data. The gas hydrate saturation baseline calculated from both resistivity logs ranges from 0% to 35%, and that calculated from the P‐wave velocity log ranges from 0% to 30%. High levels of gas hydrate saturation (>60%) are present as spikes in the ring resistivity log and correspond to the presence of gas hydrate concentrations within sandy layers. At several depths, saturation values obtained from P‐wave velocity data are lower than those obtained from bit resistivity data; this discrepancy is related to the presence of free gas at these depths. Previous research has suggested that gas from deep levels in the Kumano Basin has migrated up‐dip towards the southern and seaward edge of the basin near Site C0002. The high saturation values and presence of free gas at site C0002 suggest that a large gas flux is flowing to the southern and seaward edge of the basin from a deeper and/or more landward part of the Kumano Basin, with the southern edge of the Kumano Basin (the location of site C0002) being the main area of fluid accumulation.  相似文献   
Eolian sand dune deposits of the Upper Cretaceous Djadokhta Formation at Tugrikiin Shiree, southern Mongolia, yield not only dinosaur skeletal remains but also numerous trace fossils produced by invertebrates. This paper describes the trace fossil Entradichnus meniscus, a long unlined and unbranched trail that is filled with meniscate laminae and occurs characteristically in positive epirelief. The trail is straight to gently meandering, parallel to the foreset laminae of the eolian dunes, and exhibits a significant preferred orientation parallel to the depositional dip of the cross‐stratification laminae. In addition, almost all the crescentic internal laminae of the trail show concave down‐dips. These features indicate that the trails were produced beneath the slipface of eolian dunes by the downward burrowing of the trace‐makers. This occurrence mode of E. meniscus of the Mongolian Cretaceous is very similar to that described from the Jurassic eolian dune deposits in North America. Hence, the downward burrowing of the E. meniscus animal might be a common feature in arid eolian dune deposits at least during the Jurassic and Cretaceous, and possibly reflecting a behavioral response to the morphology of large sand dunes under an arid climate.  相似文献   
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