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Quantitative determination of the degree of chemical weathering of rocks is a fundamental task in environmental and engineering geology, and many weathering indices based on whole-rock chemistry have been proposed. However, most classical indices are of limited application to granitoids in a wide area, because these lithotypes generally exhibit wide chemical variation arising from their petrogenesis. The chemical evolution produced during rock weathering, therefore, overprints pre-existing magmatic chemical variation. This problem can cause many classical weathering indices to yield misleading results. This study proposes a method that compensates for the influence of petrogenesis on calculation of the weathering index. The method is based on a bivariate plot of the magmatic chemical variation (MCV) in granitoids, and the degree of chemical weathering (DCW). The MCV axis must be based on an element that reflects magmatic processes and is also relatively immobile during rock weathering. In this study TiO2 contents are utilized for the MCV. The DCW axis is fundamentally defined by the ratios of more-mobile to less-mobile elements during weathering, and hence many classical indices can be applied. The improved value of the degree of chemical weathering (DCWi) for a weathered rock is derived by:
where MCV1 is the measured composition (e.g. TiO2 content) of the weathered rock. DCW1 denotes the ratios of more-mobile to less-mobile elements of the weathered rock. The “s” parameter is the slope of the least square linear regression for fresh granitoids in the MCV–DCW relationship. MCVCV is a correction factor which is given by the average point on the MCV axis (e.g. average TiO2) of the fresh rocks. This method is useful for evaluating the degree of weathering of various granitoids, and enhances the practical application of many weathering indices.  相似文献   
Interferometer observation of a behind-the-limb flare on 7 September, 1977, at 35 GHz ( = 8.6 mm) shows that the microwave non-thermal radio source of the burst is located in the coronal region at the height higher than 7000 km above the photosphere and rises gradually with the velocity of about 30 km s-1.  相似文献   
Abstract. The Onsen site is an active submarine hydrothermal system hosted by the Desmos caldera in the Eastern Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea. The hydrothermal fluid is very acidic (pH=1.5) and abundant native sulfur is deposited around the vent. The δ34S values of native sulfur range from -6.5 to -9.3 %o. δ34S values of H2S and SO4 in the hydrothermal fluid are -4.3 to -9.9 %o and +18.6 to +20.0 %o, respectively. These δ34S values are significantly lower than those of the other hydrothermal systems so far reported. These low δ34S values and the acidic nature of the vent fluids suggest that volcanic SO2 gas plays an important role on the sulfur isotope systematic of the Onsen hydrothermal system. Relationship among the δ34S values of S-bearing species can be successively explained by the model based on the disproportionation reaction starting from the volcanic SO2 gas. The predicted δ34S values of SO2 agree with the measured whole rock δ34S values. δD and δ18O values of clay minerals separated from the altered rock samples also suggest the contribution of the magmatic fluid to the hydrothermal system. Present stable isotopic study strongly suggests that the Onsen hydrothermal site in the Desmos caldera is a magmatic submarine hydrothermal system.  相似文献   
Oxygen and carbon isotope compositions were determined for calcites from the Green Tuff formations of Miocene age in Japan. Values of 18O from 24 calcites in altered rocks from 5 districts range from –2 to +16SMOW, in most cases from 0 to +8SMOW. The low 18O values rule out the possibility of their low-temperature origin or any significant contribution of magmatic fluid in the calcite precipitation. These values, coupled with their mineral assemblages, suggest that the calcites formed from meteoric hydrothermal solutions which caused propylitic alteration after the submarine strata became emergent.Values of 13C from the calcites show a wide variation from –17 to 0PDB. Calcites from different districts have different ranges of 13C values, indicating that there was no homogeneous reservoir of carbon at the time the calcite formed, and that the carbon had local sources. Carbon isotopic compositions of calcite within ore deposits in the Green Tuff formations range from –19 to 0PDB, similar to those of calcite in the altered rocks in the same district, suggesting that the carbon in ore calcites was likely supplied from the surrounding rocks through activity of meteoric hydrothermal solutions.  相似文献   
This paper proposes a statistical decision-tree model to analyze landslide susceptibility in a wide area of the Akaishi Mountains, Japan. The objectives of this study were to validate the decision-tree model by comparing landslide susceptibility and actual landslide occurrence, and to reveal the relationships among landslide occurrence, topography, and geology. Landslide susceptibility was examined through ensemble learning with a decision tree. Decision trees are advantageous in that estimation processes and order of important explanatory variables are explicitly represented by the tree structures. Topographic characteristics (elevation, slope angle, profile curvature, plan curvature, and dissection and undissection height) and geological data were used as the explanatory variables. These topographic characteristics were calculated from digital elevation models (DEMs). The objective variables were landslide occurrence and reactivation data between 1992 and 2002 that were depicted by satellite image analysis. Landslide susceptibility was validated by comparing actual data on landslides that occurred and reactivated after the model was constructed (between 2002 and 2004).This study revealed that, from 2002 to 2004, landslides tended to occur and reactivate in catchments with high landslide susceptibility. The landslide susceptibility map thus depicts the actual landslide occurrence and reactivation in the Akaishi Mountains. This result indicates that the decision-tree model has appropriate accuracy for estimating the probabilities of future landslides. The tree structure indicates that landslides occurred and reactivated frequently in the catchments that had an average slope angle exceeding ca. 29° and a mode of slope angle exceeding 33°, which agree well with previous studies. A decision tree also quantitatively expresses important explanatory variables at the higher order of the tree structure.  相似文献   
We conducted a near-infrared imaging survey of 11 young dwarfs in the Pleiades cluster using the Subaru Telescope and the near-infrared coronagraph imager. We found ten faint point sources,with magnitudes as faint as 20 mag in the K-band,with around seven dwarfs.Comparison with the Spitzer archive images revealed that a pair of the faint sources around V 1171 Tau is very red in infrared wavelengths,which indicates very low-mass young stellar objects.However,the results of our follow-up proper motion measure...  相似文献   
The Nansei Islands in the southern Japanese Archipelago have 15 taxa of seagrasses from seven genera within three families. Seagrasses in this region grow on coral sands or coral debris in shallow reefs and on sandy or muddy substrata in the shallow areas of bays and inlets. Certain Halophila species grow in deep water off some islands. Enhalus acoroides only reaches to Ishigaki I. with winter sea water temperature (WST) at 23 °C, while Okinawa I. (WST at 21.6 °C) is the northern biogeographic limit for Halophila decipiens, H. okinawensis, H. major and H. gaudichaudii. Amami‐oshima I. (WST at 20.7 °C) is the northern border for Thalassia hemprichii, H. minor, H. ovalis, Cymodocea serrulata, Cymodocea rotundata, Syringodium isoetifolium, Halodule uninervis and Halodule pinifolia. Halophila mikii the sole seagrass collected from Yakushima I. (WST at 19.3 °C), is of volcanic origin. The distribution of tropical seagrasses in the Nansei Islands is clearly associated with the warm Kuroshio Current, WST and habitat availability. Zostera japonica is the only temperate species occurring in the region. Meadows of Z. japonica, H. ovalis and Halodule pinifolia have disappeared from certain localities in the Archipelago, due probably to human activities and natural siltation.  相似文献   
Velocity as well as attenuation factorQ –1 ofP-wave in a dry granitic rock sample under uniaxial compressions were measured in the range of frequency between 100 kHz and 710 kHz by using the pulse transmission technique. Above the stress of 0.5 f , where f is the fracture stress, theP-wave velocity decreases with increasing axial stress, whereasQ –1 increases. Particularly, the change ofQ –1 is greater for high frequency than for low frequency. At a given stress level, the higher the frequency, the higher theP-wave velocity and the largerQ –1. This result means that the velocity decrease with increasing stress is smaller for higher frequency. Because of this frequency-dependence of velocity decrease, theP-wave in the rock under dilatant state shows dispersion. The body wave dispersion is more remarkable at higher stress, and is not found in a homogeneous material with no cracks. Thus the disperison is attributed to the generation of cracks. When the frequency-dependence ofQ –1 is approximated asf n in the present frequency range, the exponentn takes a value from 0.63 to 0.77.  相似文献   
It has been established that East Asian summer monsoon intensity varies with Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles, suggesting a connection between the climates of East Asia and the North Atlantic on a millennial timescale. However, the dynamics of such a connection are still unsolved. Here we demonstrate that temporal changes in the provenance of aeolian dust in Japan Sea sediments, which we interpret to reflect changes in the westerly jet path over East Asia, exhibit variations in harmony with Dansgaard–Oeschger cycles. The dominance of dust with a Mongolian Gobi provenance during stadials suggests a westerly jet axis located to the south of the Himalaya–Tibetan Plateau throughout most of the year, whereas the co-dominance of dust from both the Taklimakan Desert and the Mongolian Gobi during interstadials suggests that the westerly jet axis jumped to the north of the Tibetan Plateau at latest in summer. As the shift of the westerly jet axis to the north of the Tibetan Plateau is closely related to the onset of the East Asian summer monsoon, changes of the westerly jet path apparently critically affect the teleconnection between the climates of Asia and North Atlantic on a millennial timescale.  相似文献   
We examine the structure of turbulent airflow over ocean waves. Based on an analysis of wind and wave observations derived from a moored and floating Air–Sea Interaction Spar buoy during the Shoaling Waves Experiment field campaign, we show that the cospectra of momentum flux for wind–sea conditions follow established universal scaling laws. Under swell-dominant conditions, the wave boundary layer is extended and the universal cospectral scaling breaks down, as demonstrated previously. On the other hand, the use of peak wave frequency to reproduce the universal cospectra successfully explains the structure of the turbulent flow field. We quantify the wave-coherent component of the airflow and this clarifies how ocean waves affect momentum transfer through the wave boundary layer. In fact, the estimated wave-induced stresses for swell-dominant conditions explain the anomalous cospectral shapes observed near the peak wave frequency.  相似文献   
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