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The distribution of dissolved (D) and acid-dissolvable (AD) Fe, Ni, Cu and Pb in the upper water column (0–300 m depth) was determined in the Australian sector of the Southern Ocean (140°E meridian) during three cruises conducted between November 2001 and March 2002. For Ni and Cu, there was no significant difference in concentration between dissolved and acid-dissolvable species. DNi and DCu showed significant (P = 0.01) positive correlations with silicate, phosphate and nitrate, reflecting their strong nutrient-type behaviour. For Fe and Pb, the acid-dissolvable concentration mostly exceeded the dissolved concentration, reflecting the importance of labile particulate species for these elements. DPb decreased between January and February in the Polar Frontal Zone and in Antarctic continental shelf water. ADPb maxima occurred in the Antarctic Zone, resulting in a maximum AD/D ratio of 7. The mean DFe concentration in the surface mixed layer was 0.3 nM in the sub-Antarctic zone, 0.4 nM in the Polar Frontal Zone, 0.5 nM in the Antarctic Zone and increased southward beyond the Antarctic Divergence and towards the continent. DFe did not show a clear temporal change in its horizontal distribution, which was in contrast to the other nutrients and trace metals. ADFe substantially increased in Antarctic continental shelf water where the AD/D ratio reached 11. The following conclusions can be drawn from these data. (1) Ni and Cu exist exclusively as dissolved species and their distributions are mainly controlled by their biogeochemical cycling, similar to those of the major nutrients. (2) Pb is dominated by particulate species. The distribution of DPb is temporally and spatially variable due to a sporadic source and strong scavenging. (3) DFe is rather a minor fraction of total Fe in Antarctic continental shelf water where shelf sediments and Antarctic sea-ice appear to be strong sources for Fe. There is substantial temporal variation in the supply of Fe to the upper water column. DFe in the mixed layer of the open Southern Ocean is maintained at low concentrations throughout summer due to uptake by phytoplankton and scavenging.  相似文献   
Hydrate-bearing sediment cores were retrieved from recently discovered seepage sites located offshore Sakhalin Island in the Sea of Okhotsk. We obtained samples of natural gas hydrates and dissolved gas in pore water using a headspace gas method for determining their molecular and isotopic compositions. Molecular composition ratios C1/C2+ from all the seepage sites were in the range of 1,500–50,000, while δ13C and δD values of methane ranged from ?66.0 to ?63.2‰ VPDB and ?204.6 to ?196.7‰ VSMOW, respectively. These results indicate that the methane was produced by microbial reduction of CO2. δ13C values of ethane and propane (i.e., ?40.8 to ?27.4‰ VPDB and ?41.3 to ?30.6‰ VPDB, respectively) showed that small amounts of thermogenic gas were mixed with microbial methane. We also analyzed the isotopic difference between hydrate-bound and dissolved gases, and discovered that the magnitude by which the δD hydrate gas was smaller than that of dissolved gas was in the range 4.3–16.6‰, while there were no differences in δ13C values. Based on isotopic fractionation of guest gas during the formation of gas hydrate, we conclude that the current gas in the pore water is the source of the gas hydrate at the VNIIOkeangeologia and Giselle Flare sites, but not the source of the gas hydrate at the Hieroglyph and KOPRI sites.  相似文献   
Highly forsteritic olivine (Fo: 99.2–99.7) in the Kaba meteorite emits bright cathodoluminescence (CL). CL spectra of red luminescent forsterite grains have two broad emission bands at approximately 630 nm (impurity center of divalent Mn ions) in the red region and above 700 nm (trivalent Cr ions) in the red–IR region. The cores of the grains show CL blue luminescence giving a characteristic broad band emission at 400 nm, also associated with minor red emissions related to Mn and Cr ions. CL color variation of Kaba forsterite is attributed to structural defects. Electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA) analysis shows concentrations of Ca, Al, and Ti in the center of the forsterite grain. The migration of diffusible ions of Mn, Cr, and Fe to the rim of the Kaba meteoritic forsterite was controlled by the hydrothermal alteration at relatively low temperature (estimated at about 250 °C), while Ca and Al ions might still lie in the core. A very unusual phase of FeO (wüstite) was also observed, which may be a terrestrial alteration product of FeNi‐metal.  相似文献   
孙萍 《海洋地质前沿》2008,24(11):41-43
贝尔加湖首次发现气体水合物是1997年贝加尔钻探计划(BDP)在盆地南部海底深度121m和161m处,气体成分主要是甲烷,8δC值范围为-68.2‰~-57.6‰,表明这些气体水合物是微生物成因的。最近,在盆地南部的Malenky泥火山和盆地中部的Kukuy K-2地区海底发现气体水合物,这些站点位于抬升地形带上,并且具有流体溢出口特征。  相似文献   
The isotopic and ionic composition of pure gas hydrate (GH) water was examined for GHs recovered in three gravity cores (165–193 cm length) from the Kukuy K-9 mud volcano (MV) in Lake Baikal. A massive GH sample from core St6GC4 (143–165 cm core depth interval) was dissociated progressively over 6 h in a closed glass chamber, and 11 sequentially collected fractions of dissociated GH water analyzed. Their hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions, and the concentrations of Cl and HCO3 remained essentially constant over time, except that the fraction collected during the first 50 minutes deviated partly from this pattern. Fraction #1 had a substantially higher Cl concentration, similar to that of pore water sampled immediately above (135–142 cm core depth) the main GH-bearing interval in that core. Like the subsequent fractions, however, the HCO3 concentration was markedly lower than that of pore water. For the GH water fractions #2 to #11, an essentially constant HCO3 /Cl ratio of 305 differed markedly from downcore pore water HCO3 /Cl ratios of 63–99. Evidently, contamination of the extracted GH water by ambient pore water probably adhered to the massive GH sample was satisfactorily restricted to the initial phase of GH dissociation. The hydrogen and oxygen isotopic composition of hydrate-forming water was estimated using the measured isotopic composition of extracted GH water combined with known isotopic fractionation factors between GH and GH-forming water. Estimated δD of ?126 to ?133‰ and δ18O of ?15.7 to ?16.7‰ differed partly from the corresponding signatures of ambient pore water (δD of ?123‰, δ18O of ?15.6‰) and of lake bottom water (δD of ?121‰, δ18O of ?15.8‰) at the St6GC4 coring site, suggesting that the GH was not formed from those waters. Observations of breccias in that core point to a possible deep-rooted water source, consistent with published thermal measurements for the neighboring Kukuy K-2 MV. By contrast, the pore waters of core St6GC4 and also of the neighboring cores GC2 and GC3 from the Kukuy K-9 MV show neither isotopic nor ionic evidence of such a source (e.g., elevated sulfate concentration). These findings constrain GH formation to earlier times, but a deep-rooted source of hydrate-forming water remains ambiguous. A possible long-term dampening of key deep-water source signatures deserves further attention, notably in terms of diffusion and/or advection, as well as anaerobic oxidation of methane.  相似文献   
Lithology and Mineral Resources - The paper presents the results of multidisciplinary studies in the carbonate–barite mineralization area revealed on the western slope of the Kuril deep-water...  相似文献   
Cathodoluminescence (CL) spectra of unirradiated, He+ ion-implanted and electron-irradiated plagioclase minerals contain the following emission bands: (1) below 300 nm due to Pb2+, (2) at ~320 and ~350 nm to Ce3+, (3) at 380–420 nm to Eu2+, Ti4+ and/or Al–O?–Al/Ti defects, (4) at 560–580 nm to Mn2+ and (5) at 720–760 nm to Fe3+. During the implantation of He+ ion, much of their energy may be dissipated by partial destruction and strain of the feldspar framework, resulting in quenching of CL. Deconvolution of CL spectra acquired from albite and oligoclase reveals an emission component at 1.86 eV (666 nm) assigned to a radiation-induced defect center associated with Na+ atoms. As its intensity increases with radiation dose, this emission component has potential for geodosimetry and geochronometry. Electron irradiation causes Na+ migration in plagioclase, and then a considerable reduction in intensity of emissions assigned to impurity centers, which is responsible for an alteration in the energy state or a decrease in luminescence efficiency following the change of activation energy. Emission intensity at 1.86 eV positively correlates with electron irradiation time for unimplanted and He+ ion-implanted albite and oligoclase, but negatively for the implanted albite above 1.07 × 10?4 C/cm2. It implies that radiation halo produced by α-particles should not be measured using CL spectroscopy to estimate β radiation dose on albite in the high radiation level.  相似文献   
To improve the scaling parameter controlling the impact crater formation in the strength regime, we conducted impact experiments on sintered snow targets with the dynamic strength continuously changed from 20 to 200 kPa, and the largest crater size formed on small icy satellites was considered by using the revised scaling parameter. Ice and snow projectiles were impacted on a snow surface with 36% porosity at an impact velocity from 31 m s−1 to 150 m s−1. The snow target was sintered at the temperature from −5 °C to −18 °C, and the snow dynamic strength was changed with the sintering duration at each temperature. We found that the mass ejected from the crater normalized by the projectile mass, πV, was related to the ratio of the dynamic strength to the impact pressure, , as follows: , where the impact pressure was indicated by P = ρtC0tvi/2 with the target density of ρt, when the impact velocity, vi, was much smaller than the bulk sound velocity C0t (typically 1.8 km s−1 in our targets). The ratio of the largest crater diameter to the diameter of the target body, dmax/D, was estimated by calculating the crater diameter at the impact condition for catastrophic disruption and then compared to the observed dmax/D of jovian and saturnian small satellites, in order to discuss the formation condition of these large dmax/D in the strength regime.  相似文献   
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